
user’s satisfaction with functionality of space in selected sport complex



Comfort is one of the main components of a qualified place. In order to promote comfort inside the designedenvironments, they must be able to meet the basic needs of humans. With considering two very important factors inspace,namelythehumanbeingandthehierarchyofhisneedsandthequalitiesofdesigningasportscomplexasapublicspace, the current research intended to address the various dimensions of comfort, which is one of the maincomponentsofthequalityforthegeneralenvironment;Also,thestrengthsandweaknessesofcomfort’spresenceinspacewere regarded. The research tried to present a model through linking different views and theories by finding the mostimportanthumanandenvironmentalvariablesofthecomfortandretrievingcommonconceptsinordertoidentifyamorecomprehensive model and present the most effective spatial solutions, the possibility of using it in designing the Sports Complex with an approach for promoting user’s satisfaction. Such solutions as the following need to be regarded:applying natural and joyful colors to sporting activities, and creating contrast in lighting and color; making natural andartificial light enough to provide lighting and nightlife at night by installing appropriate lights; creating spaces fordialogue between sidewalks, like designing the sitting spaces with flexible furniture; Easily finding input routes todifferent parts by indexing them with color, light and materials; activating and turning on the lights of the complexeven when they are not in use (responding to some activities during different hours of the day); these solutions areprioritizedalongwithothersolutionspresentedinTable5.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



Thequalityofpublicspacehasbeenoneofthefocalpointsofrecentdesignresearch,withtheeffortstocreatesucha public space that could satisfy citizens in different terms has been proposed as one of the main strategies for the urbandesign projects. As one of the factors affecting the quality of public spaces and environments, liveliness plays animportant role in such settings. On the other hand, the environmental designers are always faced with different aspects ofdesigningpublicspacesandtheimportant factisthat,amongthevariousfactorsinfluencingthewellbeing, whichonehasthemostimportantrole.Inthisregard,thisstudyintendstofocusonthedesigningofsportscomplexinAdamawa State inorderto enhance the wellbeing of the users. In terms of research kind, the research is a descriptive-analytical one, in terms of methodology, ituses a survey method and it is functional based on objective. According to the data, it is a quantitative research and it is afield study in terms of implementation. In this regard, among the human-based and environmental variables related to thewellbeing that were extracted from the documentary and desk research, five cases were selectedas the basis of the researchaccording to the prioritization of environmental psychology developed by theexperts from the faculty of members. Additionally, the research tools were developed based on this prioritization. Thestatistical community of the present study involved two cases of the sports complexes.Therefore, with the determination of the community, sample size and research tools, the selected variables were tested toaccept orrejectthehypotheses.AfteranalyzingthedatabySPSSsoftware,visualbeauty,security, sociability,readabilityand user interaction and 24 hour activity were prioritized respectively. As a result, the analytical model of the research,which in fact includes the main factors affecting sports spaces, has been formulated as a public space inAdamawa State.Finally, the most effective spatial strategies have been presented to promote vitality and to achieve the researchgoals.

Keyword: Architecture, User’s Satisfaction


Table1.       Factors affecting vitality from the viewpoint of the experts        36

Table 2.          Factors affecting vitality with its classification including the human and environmental variables                                                                                             37

Table3. Results derived out of prioritizing the selected human and environmental factors influencing on vitality from the viewpoints of the experts and their roles in formulating the hypotheses                                                                                                                 38

Table4.The results of priority for each of the hypotheses based on their means and standard deviations                                                                                                                            47

Table5.          Designing solutions for enhancing the user’s satisfaction in Sports Complex                                                                                                                           57


Figure1.   Steps of the research                                                                                                                                             45

Figure2. Proposed model                                                                                                                                                       47


ISO – International standard Organization

NUGA -Nigerian University Games Association

FASU -Federation of African University Sport

FISU – Federation of International University Sports

ADSU -Adamawa State University




If we consider city as a living organism, it needs comfort and happiness for survival (Khasto, 2010). One of the most important psychological needs of the human being is having joy, satisfaction and happiness. Like all the other creatures on the earth, the human being has its own social life. Hence, his need for happiness is imperative and is demonstrated throughhis need for life and conducting activity in the lively environment (Ahmadi Marand, 2016); since the mission of art and architecture is to develop the human’s biological condition by improving the quality of space; and this is realized when it is not only responsible for the functional and aesthetic aspects, but also for the psychological needs and everyday dreams ofindividuals,thecomfortcanbeconsideredasanintegralpartofadesirablearchitecture,whichseekstoconveythesenseofglorytotheaudienceofspace(Hashempour, 2016).Therefore, comfortandlivelinessarethemaincomponentsofaqualifiedcityspace.Thespacehasbeen conceptualizedasoneofthefundamentalconceptsinarchitecture.Architectsandworldthinkersofarchitecturehavepresentedavarietyofconceptionsaboutit.Someofthesedefinitions refertotheroleofhumansinthe perception of surrounding space, while the other ones rely on the impact the quality of space designing has on thehumanbeings’perceptionsoftheirsurroundingenvironment.Whatismorepertinentamongscholarsisthedefinition providedabout thespace,whichincludesbothhumanelementsanditssurroundings.Oneofthedefinitionsisoriginatedfrom the interaction between man and his/her surroundings or the interaction between subjectivity and objectivity. According to this definition, the human’s perception of space is of great importance, which has led many prominent scholars to suggest patterns for improving the quality of architectural design in this contemporary period(Sohangir, 2015).

Publicspacesareoneofthemainurbanspheresinwhichcivillifeflowsandthetranscendentaldimensionofhumanrelationsismanifested. Thesespaces-withvaryingscalesacrossNigeria,duringtheSunnyperiod,pavedthewayforsocialsolidarity, but with the transformation of the city’s spatial organization in the modern era, these spaces were devastatedby their social burden and nowadays no collective life could be imagined in these cities. Also, the civil life is notconsidered as a part of the use of a typical city anymore (Heidari, 2013). According to the viewpoints of Western scholars, suchcomponents as social interference, flexibility of spaces, meaningfulness of place, well-being, comfort, peace, convenienceandrecreationarevitallyimportantinurbanspaces(Khak Zand, 2015).Accordingtothementioneddefinitionsofqualitiesofcollectivespaces, the comfort – as one of the characteristics of environmental quality- is one of those criteria influencing on thequalityofurbanandpublicspaces.


To create an architectural environment of sport and its relation with the society which promote sport among residents to lead a healthy lifestyle and it will also on landscape, use of spaces, users sanctification of space more recreational space and better traffic circulation and parking facilities in Adamawa state.


To access level of user’s satisfaction in existing sport complex in order to decipher their functionality.


To achieve the aim, the study will seek to:

  1. Identify the functional spaces in a sport complex.
  2. Evaluate functional spaces in selected sport complex.
  3. Evaluate user’s satisfactions with the selected spaces.
  4. Propose a functional and user friendly.


The following are questions aided to guide this research:

  1. What are the functional spaces?
  2. What is the functional requirement for the functional space?
  3. What are the size (measurement), materials?
  4. How satisfied are end users with the current conditions of terminals in the study area?




Comfort is one of the main components of a qualified place. In order to promote comfort inside the designedenvironments, they must be able to meet the basic needs of humans. With considering two very important factors inspace,namelythehumanbeingandthehierarchyofhisneedsandthequalitiesofdesigningasportscomplexasapublicspace, the current research intended to address the various dimensions of comfort, which is one of the maincomponentsofthequalityforthegeneralenvironment;Also,thestrengthsandweaknessesofcomfort’spresenceinspacewere regarded. The research tried to present a model through linking different views and theories by finding the mostimportanthumanandenvironmentalvariablesofthecomfortandretrievingcommonconceptsinordertoidentifyamorecomprehensive model and present the most effective spatial solutions, the possibility of using it in designing the Sports Complex with an approach for promoting user’s satisfaction. Such solutions as the following need to be regarded:applying natural and joyful colors to sporting activities, and creating contrast in lighting and color; making natural andartificial light enough to provide lighting and nightlife at night by installing appropriate lights; creating spaces fordialogue between sidewalks, like designing the sitting spaces with flexible furniture; Easily finding input routes todifferent parts by indexing them with color, light and materials; activating and turning on the lights of the complexeven when they are not in use (responding to some activities during different hours of the day); these solutions areprioritizedalongwithothersolutionspresentedinTable5.


Safety and quality in sport environments are very important things to consider when building a sports complex. This study provides an integrated approach to assess environment, space and quality of sport facilities and how it can impact on wellness and promote physical activity and healthy life styles in different recreational settings. This research work will throw more light on the need for having quality space in a sports complex which can go a long way in promoting the health and wellbeing of users.


This study is limited to the users’ satisfaction and wellbeing in the design of a sports complex for Adamawa state.


Public Space

Public spaces are shared by different social individuals and groups; these spaces are the places for exchanging ideas.  Indeed, they serve as a space for the formation of social networks. Such spaces are an experience rather than just a space. Urgent presence in the city’s public environment and what is considered in urban design as the liveliness of space, due to the mere physical presence of individuals (without emphasizing the purpose of their presence or familiarity with each other), is repeatedly referred to as value; In Islamic References, this goal is not acceptable. In general, creating a successful public space that can accommodate different individuals and groups requires attention to their operational and environmental characteristics. Functional specifications of the public spaces can influence on the quality and quantity of attracting people in order to reach an agreement and interaction in such spaces (Rezaei, N, 2017).

Sport Spaces

Leisure activities cover a wide range of activities such as artistic, cultural, sporting, pilgrimage, auditory, visual,recreational and entertainment, social relationships, relationships with nature, studying and computer activities, each ofwhichneedsitsownplatform.Recreationalactivitiesthattakeplaceoutsidethehomeareofamorecollaborativenature,requiring special space and facilities. In this regard, public spaces play a major role in providing a platform for theformationandcoherenceofsuchactivities(Alizadeh, 2013).Anysportinggroundcreatedforphysicalactivity,recreationorexerciseis a social and vital place that contributes to the health and well-being of the community. In order to maximize the useofthesefacilities,theiravailabilityisessentialfor allpartsof thesociety(Zohreh Vendian, 2013).Undoubtedly,thereareseveralfactorsinthe field of sport that individually challenge the behavior of an athlete or coach. One of the most important factors thatcan undoubtedly be considered as the most important factor of the athlete’s inner part is the motivation and themotivators. Several factors are effective in motivating athletes.One of the important motivators is the desirableenvironmental conditions (Abasgholipour, 2015). Due to the fact that the places and sports spaces are the basis for the implementation ofsports activities and programs, and their quantity and quality are influential on theimplementation of exercises,competitions and sports competitions and the development of sports among different classes of society, sports scienceexperts are concerned about the predictors, type of design, the construction of places and sports spaces required by theyoungpopulationofthecountry(Ramezani, 2014).

Quality of Environment

Environmental quality is the assessment of the environment in relation to the requirements of one or more aspects,orfortheneedsordemandsofeachhumanbeing.Theenvironmentalqualityofacomplexisasubjectinvolvesdifferentperceptions,attitudesandmentalvaluesasbetweengroupsandindividuals(Dadashpour, 2014).Thequalityoftheenvironmentisa subset of the quality of life. The quality of life affects the quantitative and qualitative aspects and does not make sensewithout the quality of the environment in which we live. Therefore, it can be said that the quality of the environment isapartofthequalityoflife,andincludesallfactorswhichpartlymakes thehumanbeingssatisfied(Taghvaiie, 2004).

Alan Jacobs and Donald Appleyard (1987) published an article in the Journal of the American Association of Urbanengineers entitled “Going Towards a Urban Designation Manifesto”. They sought to promote a set of qualities that canbe enlisted with the following order: 1- Vitality; 2) identity and control; 3) access to opportunities; imagination andhappiness; 4) authenticity and meaning; 5) social and universal life; 6) urban self-reliance; and 7) an environment forall (Golkar,K, 1995). Therefore, given the fact that the public spaces are for the presence of the individuals and their participation inthelifeoftheircommunity,thesociallifeneedstobeexistedinsuchspaces;inconsequence,asoneoftheenvironmentalqualitiesthatinfluencespublicspaces,includingsportscomplexes,thev italityhas a significant role in these spaces.


The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work,   chapter two presents the literature review of the study,  chapter three describes the methods applied, chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.



Comfort is one of the main components of a qualified place. In order to promote comfort inside the designed environments, they must be able to meet the basic needs of humans. With considering two very important factors in space, namely the human being  and the hierarchy of his needs and the qualities of designing a sports complex as a public space, the current research intended to address the various dimensions of comfort, which is one of the main components of the quality for  the general environment; Also, the strengths and weaknesses of comfort’s presence in space were regarded. The research tried to present a model through linking different views and theories by finding the most important human and environmental variables of the comfort and retrieving common concepts in order to identify a more comprehensive model and present the most effective spatial solutions, the possibility of using it in designing the Sports Complex with an approach for promoting user’s satisfaction. Such solutions as the following need to be regarded:applying natural and joyful colors to sporting activities, and creating contrast in lighting and color; making natural andartificial light enough to provide lighting and nightlife at night by installing appropriate lights; creating spaces fordialogue between sidewalks, like designing the sitting spaces with flexible furniture; Easily finding input routes todifferent parts by indexing them with color, light and materials; activating and turning on the lights of the complexeven when they are not in use (responding to some activities during different hours of the day); these solutions areprioritizedalongwithothersolutionspresentedinTable5.