
transmission loss minimisation in distribution network

This study was carried out to address the problem of power loss in distribution system. The solutions proffered would enable improved response, first to efficiently manage the available energy and also to grow the industry for the good of the nation.

The scope of this study covers studying power loss in a power system and to design a SIMULINK model for improving loss minimization in 33kV power distribution network using Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA). Finally, validating and justifying the percentage of loss reduction in improving loss minimization in 33kv power distribution network without and with optimized genetic algorithm.

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The epileptic power supply from the national grid due to instability is a concern to energy consumer. This instability in power supply experienced in power distribution network could be minimized by introducing Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA). It is achieved by characterizing 33KV distribution network, running the load flow of the characterized 33KV distribution network, determining the distribution losses from the load flow. Minimizing the determined losses in 33kv distribution network using (OGA), and designing SIMULINK model for improving loss minimization in 33kv power distribution network using OGA. Finally, validating and justifying the percentage of loss reduction in improving loss minimization in 33kv power distribution network without and with OGA. The results obtained are conventional percentage power loss in 33KV distribution network, 75%, while that when OGA is incorporated in the system is 72.9%. With these results obtained, the percentage improvement in loss reduction in 33KV distribution network when OGA is used is 2.1%. The conventional percentage of power loss in 33KV distribution network is 80%. The percentage power loss in the distribution network now is 72.9%; hence, power loss reduction in distribution network. Unmitigated power loss was 76.7% when OGA is introduced we had 74.63%. The percentage power loss in distribution network in bus 8 is 81.7% while that when OGA is applied is 79.49%. The percentage power loss in bus 9 of 33KV distribution network is 86.7%. Finally, when optimized genetic algorithm is incorporated in the system the percentage power loss in the network was reduced to 84.36%.


1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

1.1                                           BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

The primary objective of Power Systems design is to operate the systems economically at maximum efficiency and supply power on demand to various load centers with high reliability. The rising electric power demand in the 21st- century, has called for re-structuring of the electric power system. The restructuring is in two aspects – one is the technical aspect and the other the Management aspect.

Electricity consumers are increasing their demand for quality power supply more than what we had three years ago. It requires a modern technique to contain the situation. The growth of electricity demand is increasing rapidly which will require techniques or methods to enhance loss reduction in the distribution network. Many authors have proposed many types of ways to achieve a considerable reduction in power losses causing power outages. A closer review of known methods will be considered in the subheading below to see which of the techniques could reduce system energy loss and alleviates distribution congestion, as well as improving voltage profile a good method should be able to enhance reliability and provides lower operating cost. Distribution means the electric power from transmission being distributed to the final consumers in a safe and reliable manner.

Power loss rate is an essential comprehensive index to measure the technical management and operation management levels of power supply enterprises. Since the power loss of the distribution network occupies a considerable proportion in the whole power system, the loss reduction modification of the distribution network has always been the critical work for power supply enterprises to improve their economic operation. Thus, loss reduction optimization for the distribution network is a vital problem for power supply enterprises (Leite et al., 2018).

Loss reduction strategies of a distribution network can be mainly divided into management and technical strategies. Since the management strategies are primarily related to human factors, the primary task of power supply enterprises is to optimize the power loss management system and standardize the power loss management process (Anthony et al., 2009). Thus, the technical strategies of loss reduction are mainly taken into consideration in this paper.

The focus of this report is on the application of a suitable solution of the power flow problem for the determination of technical losses and the feeder reconfiguration – an optimisation technique for distribution systems which aims at minimising technical losses already determined in the system. Typically, every distribution system originates at a substation where the electric power is converted from the high voltage transmission system to a lower voltage for delivery to the customers.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

In recent year, electric power demand has increased drastically due to superiority of electric energy to all other forms of energy and the expansion of power generation and transmission has been severely limited sequel to limited resources, environmental restrictions and lack of privatization as can be found in the developing countries such Nigeria. No matter how the power system is designed, losses are unavoidable and must be minimized before accurate representation can be calculated. This work studied a means of transmission loss minimization in distribution network.


This paper is aimed at using Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA) to improve loss minimization in 33kV Power Distribution Network in southern Nigeria.


Frequent tripping of feeders and protective devices resulting in power failure as well power losses from copper conductors had become an endemic problem, therefore, the objectives of the study are:

  1. To carry out a mathematical analysis of losses that occurs in electric power system.
  2. To derive loss formula, loss factor, use of system parameters for evaluating the system losses, the differential power loss.
  • To Improve Loss Minimization in 33kv Power Distribution Network Using Optimized Genetic
  1. To use the line parameters to run the load flow of the characterized 33kV distribution Network in order determine the distribution
  2. To minimize the determined losses in 33kV short transmission line (50kM).
  3. Design a SIMULINK model for improving loss minimization in 33kV power distribution network using Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA).
  • To justify the percentage of loss reduction in improving loss minimization 33kV power distribution network without and with Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA)

1.5                                                  RESEARCH QUESTIONS

  1. What do you mean by losses on power system?
  2. What is the cause of power loss in power transmission?
  • What are the effects of losses in transmission lines?

1.6                                                   SCOPE OF THE STUDY

This study was carried out to address the problem of power loss in distribution system. The solutions proffered would enable improved response, first to efficiently manage the available energy and also to grow the industry for the good of the nation.

The scope of this study covers studying power loss in a power system and to design a SIMULINK model for improving loss minimization in 33kV power distribution network using Optimized Genetic Algorithm (OGA). Finally, validating and justifying the percentage of loss reduction in improving loss minimization in 33kv power distribution network without and with optimized genetic algorithm.

1.7                                           SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

The distribution system is the most visible part of the supply chain, and as such the most exposed to the critical observation of its users. It is, in many cases, the largest investment, maintenance and operation expense, and the object of interest to government, financial agencies, and associations of concerned citizens. This study throws light in how electrical distribution system’s loss can be minimized In order to increase the efficiency of the distribution electrical networks. In this study, we are able to learn how to minimized electrical lose in the system.

1.8                                             PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

The purpose of loss minimization in power distribution system is to improve their reliability, efficiency and service quality.