
The Problems Of Effective Utilization Of Revenue Available To Local Governments In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ilorin East Local Government Area Of Kwara State)

The high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Ilorin East  Local Government in particular really inspired me to work on this project topic:

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The high rate of embezzlement, poor leadership, low rate of accountability, general laxity of the finance department and corruption in Nigeria Local Government, and Ilorin East  Local Government in particular really inspired me to work on this project topic: THE PROBLEMS OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF REVENUE AVAILABLE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT. In  doing this, secondary data were used. In organizing and presenting data collected, tables and percentages were used as well. The data analysis revealed that ineffective utilization of revenue in the local government had created a negative impact in Ilorin East Local Government Area of Kwara State. The researcher therefore recommended that the revenue available to local government should be handle by honest and accountable personnel, those who posses sound knowledge about revenue generation and utilization. The outcome would be an effective and efficient management and utilization of local government revenue in such a way that would deliver the needed development.


Title Page                                                                                           i

Approval Page                                                                                    ii

Dedication                                                                               iii

Acknowledgment                                                                     iv

Abstract                                                                                             v

Table of Content                                                                       vi



1.1     Background of the Study                                                         1

1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                        1

1.3     Significance of the Study                                                         3

1.4     Purpose of the Study                                                      5

1.5     Limitation of the Study                                                  5

1.6     Definition of Terms                                                                  6

1.7     Research Questions                                                               8



2.1     Theoretical Framework                                             10

2.2     Functions of Local Governments Councils              11

2.3   Sources of Revenue to Local Governments In Nigeria 17

2.4     The problem of effective utilization of Revenue of

Local Governments                                                   21

2.5     The impact of the problems of effective utilization

of revenue available to local governments               36

2.6     Solutions/way forward to the problems of effective

revenue utilizations                                                               38



3.1     Research Design and Methodology                                47

3.2     Sources of Data                                                              48

3.3     Area/location of Study                                                   50

3.4     Population of the Study                                                 51

3.5     Sample and Sampling Techniques                                 53

3.6     Method of data analysis                                                 55



4.2     Data Presentation and Analysis                                               56



5.1     Summary of Findings                                                    66

5.2     Conclusion                                                                69

5.3     Recommendations                                                                   70

References                                                                       73

Bibliography                                                                            76

Appendixes                                                                    79



Nigeria as a sovereign nation operates a federal system of government i.e. the federal government, state government and the local government councils.

Onwo (1992) Observed that each level of the three tiers of government derive its powers not from the magnanimity of the central government but from the constitution; each level of government has defined responsibilities assigned to it by the constitution. The implication of this is that the three segments of governments are mutually interrelated in a unified effort to make life worth – while for the masses.


The relevance of the local government councils as the government at the grassroots level is measured by the quality and quantity services rendered to the rural dwellers.

For the council to render meaningful services, in form of provision of basic amenities, construction and maintenance of roads, creation of employment opportunities for the citizens and pay staff salaries as and when due, money is undoubtedly required.

Without the availability of revenue, a local government council will not only be incapable of serving the people but will undoubtedly crumble. It therefore, follows that for the local government to discharge its statutory functions effectively, it should not only be adequately funded but such fund should be efficiently applied.

  1. One of the fundamental problems in local government financial administration is the issue of Effective Utilization of Revenue Available to the Local Government. Ilorin East local government council may have its unique problems that militate against its financial administration.
  2. The problem of delay in payment of federal/state government grants to the local authorities.
  3. The problems of accountability in the local government council.
  4. Another problem is that of ineffective financial control and management both internally and externally.
  5. Fifthly, the problem of financial mismanagement and embezzlement of available funds in local government council.

Finally, the problem of corruption as stated by Oluwale (2000) militate against the utilization of local government revenue.


The significance of any human Endeavour is measured by its relevance to solving human problems. Therefore, the significance of the study is measure by its relevance to solving the problems of effective utilization of revenue available to local governments in Nigeria.

The project will be of benefit, first and foremost to the Ilorin East Local Government administration, as it will expose to them potential sources of generating of revenue internally.

Secondarily, it will help the council to strengthen its financial bases as this study would highlight some identified problem hampering the utilization of revenue in the council.

Thirdly, it will also be useful to the indigenes of Ilorin East local government to co-operate with local council administrators to enable them build a viable local government by paying their taxes and rates promptly.

Fourthly, the project will be useful to various institutions especially Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Kwara State for gaining greater knowledge and understanding of the problems of effective utilization of revenue available to local government.

Finally, the project will be useful to the general public, organizations, companies etc that may have interest in the project.


The central focus of the study is to critically analyze the problems of effective utilization of revenue available to Ilorin East local government area as a case study.

  1. The study is meant to identity the major revenue sources available to local government.
  2. To ascertain the problems that confronts the council’s administration in utilizing revenue for their services.
  3. To find out whether or not the revenue is adequate for the council’s expenditure.
  4. To investigate the system of financial control in the local government council.


This is centered on the problems of effective utilization of revenue available to local government in Nigeria but due to the wide or vast nature of Nigeria, the researcher now chose Ilorin East local government as a case study to deal with these particular problems in other local government in Nigeria.

The study is also centered on the sources of revenue available to local government both the internal and external sources of revenue.

1.6              DEFINITION OF TERMS

Some concepts and terms required proper explanation or definition to enhance our understanding of the theme where necessary opinions of scholars will be cited to illustrate the terms.


The Ancient Greeks defined democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. This political arrangement allowed every adult male citizen to participate in government activities.

Dare (1981) Postulated that modern democracy is a system of government which gives to individual maximum freedom and periodical opportunities to choose their leader and programmes. Multiple party-systems are a vital characteristic of a democratic government.


The term pragmatism is derived from the Greek from which practical action arise. It could simply be referred to as philosophy or practical consequences or result oriented. In our context, it is used to describe political programmes aimed at better living standard of the masses

Rural Development

Rural development is a strategy designed to improve the socio-economic life of the rural dwellers. It involves extending the benefits of development to the less privileged in the society. When applied to local government councils as a third tier of government, in the county, it means conscious efforts by the government, to carry government programmes to the village level. In so doing, deliberate actions are initiated to improve the rural population.


Owing to the fact that local government provides local services like sanitation, education, transportation etc to the people of the area, it is logical that it is accountable to the local people within its area of jurisdiction.

This principle of accountability is better ensured by making local government or local government bodies elective institutions. If they function below expectation, they may be criticized by the people or voted out during the next elections. Absence of local accountability may make them indifferent and insensitive to the need, feelings and aspirations of the local people.


In the effort of carrying out this research, the following questions were formulated:

  1. Are you aware of the constitutional provision of revenue sources to the tiers of government in Nigeria?
  2. By what means has Ilorin East Local government planned the expenditure of available revenue?
  3. What systems of financial control measures are used by council administrators?
  4. Has the utilization of the Revenue Available to Ilorin East Local Government produced positive or negative effects?




Local government is a creation of British Colonial rule in Nigeria. It has overtime experienced change in Name; Structure and Compositions between 1930s and 1940s. For instance, local government was known as chief-and-council where traditional rulers were given pride of place in the scheme of things. In 1950s election was in introduced according to the British model in the Western and Eastern part of the Country with some measure of autonomy in personnel, financial and general administration. (Nwebueze 1982:20.21)…


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