

This study is strictly restricted to educational institutions within Osun State, Nigeria, including primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The focus of this research is to examine the experiences of victims of sexual harassment within these institutions, with a particular emphasis on universities.

The research sample will be drawn primarily from universities. Victims of sexual harassment will be invited to share their experiences. Counseling centers and student organizations may also be utilized as resources for connecting with students who have experienced sexual harassment in Osun State.

Original price was: ₦ 5,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 4,999.00.



This project is dedicated to the Almighty Allah (S.W.T), who has been my guiding light and source of strength throughout this journey. I extend my deepest gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and encouragement. May Allah’s blessings and mercy be upon them always.”






All praise is due to Allah, the Almighty, whose grace and mercies have sustained me throughout my academic journey. In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful, I express my gratitude to the Almighty for His guidance and protection during my time at the university. I extend heartfelt appreciation to my Big mummy Mrs Akinrinde Sidikat Adeyinka  for her  unwavering love, parental care, and support in facilitating my education. May Almighty Allah continue to guide and bless her abundantly. Shout out to my incredible mom! Your love, guidance, and endless support mean the world to me. Thank you for always being my rock and my source of strength. I’m so grateful to have you in my life

I am deeply grateful to my supervisor,   DR. Olusegun F. Liadi   for his invaluable guidance, support, and understanding throughout the course of this project. His mentorship has been instrumental in its completion. May Almighty Allah continue to bless him abundantly.

I also extend my gratitude to all my lecturers, especially those in the Department of SOCIOLOGYand Anthropology for their dedication and knowledge imparted to me. May Allah continue to bless them and their families.

Special thanks to my uncle MR ADEYEMI and also my brothers for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout my academic journey. I am also grateful to all my friends for their camaraderie and support. Grateful for the insightful conversations I’ve had with the participants of my interviews. Your willingness to share your experiences and perspectives has been invaluable. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. 



This is to verify that the project submitted by Oladosu Fatima Oluwakemi with Matric No fuo/20/0023 has been carefully reviewed and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Degree with Honors in Sociology from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Fountain University, Osogbo, Nigeria, under the College of Management and Social Sciences.


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Liadi, Olusegun Fariudeen, phd                  DATE






Sexual harassment in higher education institutions profoundly affects students’ academic and personal lives. This study investigates the lived experiences of sexually harassed students at a higher education institution in Osun State, Nigeria, aiming to understand the nature of harassment, its impacts, and the adequacy of existing support systems.

Adopting a phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 students who experienced sexual harassment. This method was chosen to capture detailed personal accounts, providing a deep understanding of the harassment’s impact on academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being.

Findings indicate that sexual harassment is prevalent, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assault, with perpetrators including both peers and faculty members. Victims faced severe emotional impacts, such as fear, shame, and isolation, exacerbated by inadequate institutional support and ineffective reporting mechanisms.

Despite these challenges, some students demonstrated resilience, finding support through peer networks and advocacy groups. The study underscores the importance of these informal support systems and advocates for formalized structures within educational institutions.

Recommendations include developing comprehensive policies addressing sexual harassment, establishing robust support systems such as counseling services and advocacy groups, and implementing training programs for students and staff. Future research should evaluate intervention strategies’ effectiveness and consider cultural contexts influencing victims’ perceptions and responses to harassment.

This study highlights the complexity of sexual harassment in higher education and the critical need for effective policies and support systems to create a safer, more supportive environment for students.

Keywords: Lived experiences, Sexual harassment, Students, Osun State, Nigeria by







Title Page……………………………………………………………………………1





Table of contents…………………………………………………………………….6



1.1 Background of the Study………………………………………………………

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem……………………………………………………….

1.3 Research Objectives……………………………………………………………

1.4 Research Questions…………………………………………………………….

1.5 Significance of Study……………………………………………………………

1.6 Scope of the Study………………………………………………………………

1.7 Limitation of the study…………………………………………………………..

1.8 Definitions of Terms/sexual harassment/Lived Experience/Academic performance/osun state/Mental Health ………………………………………………………………….



2.0 Literature review…………………………………………………………………….

2.1 Theoretical framework………………………………………………………………




3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………

3.2 Research Approach………………………………………………………………….

3.3 Research Design…………………………………………………………………

3.4 Sampling Techniques…………………………………………………………….

3.5 Area of the study………………………………………………………………….

3.6 Sample size……………………………………………………………………….

3.7 Data Collection Instrument……………………………………………………….

3.8 Data Analysis procedure………………………………………………………….





4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….

4.2 Analysis of Findings………………………………………………………………….

4.3 Discussion of Findings……………………………………………………………….




Data presentation and analysis…………………………………………………………….

Revisions of interview protocol……………………………………………………………

Discussion of the findings………………………………………………………………….




5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….

5.2 Summary of Chapters…………………………………………………………………

5.3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………

5.4 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………….

5.5 Contribution to Knowledge……………………………………………………………

5.6 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………..





1.1 Background of the Study 


Worldwide. there is a prevalent culture of silence around sexual harassment. especially in secondary schools or higher institutions settings, despite it being widespread and a recurring problem ( National Academies of sciences and medicine 2018).

Sexual harassment is often the result of the power imbalance in these settings (National Academies of Sciences and Medicine 2018).Ogunbamero 2006; Imonikhe et al. 2012; Gaba 2010), partly because it is not easy to define (Joseph 2015; Bello 2020) Sexual harassment in educational institutions is an unfortunate

part of the educational experience and is not a new phenomenon in tertiary education worldwide sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves sexual propositions or requests for sexual favoritism and other verbal and physical contacts of a sexual nature, sexual harassment is also a component of gender-based discrimination that indicates unequal power relations between men and women,sexual harassment affects students psychological and physical well-begging and academic achievement and includes sexual violence, which consists of sexual acts perpetrated.. Konlan and Dangah Heliyon (2023) against a person’s will or without a person’s consent.

The phenomenon causes the victims irritation, frustration, anxiety, stress, and trauma. The

negative academic consequences are that students avoid school, experience low academic performance, have diminished interest in education or co-curricular activities, and have insufficient dedicated to academic life. Yet, sexual harassment policies in schools are not comprehensive. Inadequate sexual policies have resulted from the limited focus of education authorities on this subject area, and the overall level of influence has not been assessed adequately in osun state colleges of education.

In educational settings, sexual harassment involves unwelcome sexual advances or propositions that intend to interfere with academic performance or create an intimidating and hostile academic environment against the victims. Sexual harassment lacks universality in description and quantification in educational institutions. It was also described as an unwelcome sexual advance. requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. The concept is said to occur when any of the following is accurate; such conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a person’s employment or academic advancement: there is the rejection of

sexual advances or conduct by an individual as the basis for employment decisions or academic decisions affecting the person; such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, learning or social environment.

Sexual harassment can occur everywhere on campus, including the classrooms. libraries, and

academic and administrative staff offices. A victim by the Association of American Universities

identified that 11.7% of students across 27 universities reported experiencing some form of non-

consensual sexual contact by physical force and threats of physical force. In Sweden, 77% of female students experienced sexual harassment in their academic life. A study by six African

countries showed that between 16% and 47% of women in primary and secondary schools reported sexual harassment by male teachers and students. A victim of female adolescents in

sun state showed that 7-48% of their first sexual experiences were forced. In most of these sexual harassment cases, the offender was someone known to the woman and maybe a family

member, friend, schoolmate, or teacher. In some states both the traditional and contra-powerof sexual harassment are prevalent in public universities and professional institutions.

Sexual harassment in these institutions was tolerated because most victims engage in transactional sex with male professors for academic grades or financial assistance to pay school fees. This challenge is gender-dependent on how the harassment occurs. as women are 61% more likely than men (39%) to be sexually harassed in schools.

Policymakers and law enforcement officers have ignored mainly sexual harassment in education.

Where it has been addressed. the focus has been on peer-on-peer sexual harassment. even though more than one-third of female college students do not tell anyone about their experiences with sexual harassment. Female students offer a range of reasons they do not report incidents. including fear of embarrassment, guilt about their behavior, skepticism that anyone can or will help, and not knowing whom to contact at the school and/or the experience was not severe or”not a big deal “.The case of female students sexual harassment is further worsened by the increasing burden brought about by the patriarchal nature of osun state societies where female girl child education is still underdeveloped.Studies on this subject area are also limited and have not focused on female students in institutions, especially in Osun State. Regardless of this seeming neglect or fear of discussing this subject matter. It is a canker that most students suffer from issues of sexual harassment have been assessed in conventional universities in osun state,but to the best of our knowledge,this is not reported in teacher training institutions. This study aimed 10 assess students experiences of sexual harassment in the Offense institutions

Sexual harassment in secondary schools and higher institutions is grossly under reported (loseph

2015). This is often because of unequal power relations, a fear of the loss of one’s status. marks. or job as retaliation, and the attendant stigma that it brings. Victims cope with sexual harassment in many ways including ignoring or appeasing the harasser or seeking social support (National Academies of Sciences and Medicine 2018). Higher rates of sexual harassment are reported in environments that tolerate sexual harassment, as is reflected by the absence of institutional

responses to complaints, failure to sanction perpetrators. and protecting complainants from retaliation (National Academies of Sciences and Medicine 2018). The silence around sexual

harassment is widespread in higher-education institutions in Nigeria. Several studies have investigated its prevalence and associated factors in Nigeria (Owoaje and Olusola-Taiwo 2010:

Okeke et al. 2021) but few have explored the reasons why sexual harassment is underreported.

what can be done to improve reporting. and the lived experience of victims.

The present study recognizes that sexual harassment is a multidimensional problem. This study

was therefore framed using multiple theoretical frameworks to identify the factors associated with the reporting of sexual harassment by students in higher-education institutions in Nigeria

The hierarchical structure of the higher institutions entrenches power and authority relations

which implicitly encourage harassment based on embedded power relations between men and

women, as highlighted by the organizational theory (Gruber 1992). Hence. they are more likely

to be the perpetrators and females the most likely victims (Kitzinger and Thomas 1997). This present study, however, conceptualized survivors and perpetrators based on the unequal power relations between male and female students and between students and lecturers

There is, however, a lack of a conceptual framework for the study of sexual harassment

responses and coping mechanisms, which constitute a multidimensional construct that cannot be

represented by a single continuum. We recognize that responses vary from self-focused responses (coping strategies that do not involve the perpetrator) to initiator- focused response

(addressing the perpetrator and the event directly, such as by reporting the case) (Knapp et al.1997). The present study explored both forms of response and assessed the impact of the forms of response on the social and mental health of sexual harassment among victims.


Statement of the Problem:

Sexual harassment within educational institutions is a pervasive issue that significantly undermines the academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being of students. In Osun State, Nigeria, the prevalence and impact of sexual harassment among students remain under-researched, particularly within individual institutions. This gap in knowledge limits the development and implementation of effective policies and support mechanisms necessary to protect students and foster a safe educational environment.

Despite global awareness of the detrimental effects of sexual harassment, there is a lack of localized data on the specific experiences and challenges faced by students in Osun State. Existing studies often overlook the nuanced and culturally specific factors that influence the prevalence and perception of harassment in this region. As a result, institutions may fail to address the unique needs of their students, perpetuating a cycle of fear, shame, and isolation among victims.

Understanding the lived experiences of sexually harassed students in a single higher education institution in Osun State is crucial for several reasons. First, it highlights the immediate and long-term impacts of harassment on students’ academic and personal lives. Second, it provides insights into the effectiveness of current reporting mechanisms and support systems, identifying areas for improvement. Lastly, it underscores the importance of culturally sensitive interventions tailored to the specific context of the institution.

This research aims to fill the existing knowledge gap by providing a detailed account of the experiences of sexually harassed students in Osun State. It seeks to inform policy makers, educators, and support services about the pressing need for comprehensive, context-specific strategies to combat sexual harassment and support victims effectively. By doing so, it contributes to creating safer and more supportive educational environments where all students can thrive.



1.How do students who are victims of sexual harassment go about their day- to -day live routine?

2.what challenges do this group of students in trying to live normal life?

3.How do victims of sexual harassment resolve challenges they encounter everyday?

4.what suggestions do they have for those that may be facing similar challenges?




The main objective of the study is to investigate the lived experience of sexually harassed students in osun state.

1.To examine the daily routines of students who have been sexually harassed.

2. To analyze the challenges faced by these students in their efforts to live a normal life.

3.Explore how victims of sexual harassment resolve challenges they encounter everyday.

4.Explore the suggestions they have for those who may be facing similar challenges.




This research is of immense benefit to students, parents, and society at large. It sheds light on the influence of sexual harassment in academic settings and explores the lived experiences of victims, including how they cope with their daily lives. The findings will provide valuable insights that can be used to educate and raise awareness about sexual harassment.

This study is crucial for everyone in society, including children, as it aims to deepen understanding of sexual harassment and its impact. Additionally, it will provide practical information on how individuals can protect themselves and support others in their communities. By highlighting these issues, the research aims to foster a safer and more informed society.




This study is strictly restricted to educational institutions within Osun State, Nigeria, including primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The focus of this research is to examine the experiences of victims of sexual harassment within these institutions, with a particular emphasis on universities.

The research sample will be drawn primarily from universities. Victims of sexual harassment will be invited to share their experiences. Counseling centers and student organizations may also be utilized as resources for connecting with students who have experienced sexual harassment in Osun State.




This research like every other study before it has its own limitations. The shortenings of this

study are:

“The study’s findings are constrained by the relatively small sample size. which may limit the generalize ability of results to the broader student population in Osun State. The participants . although representative of the sampled group, may not fully capture the diversity of experiences

among all students within the region. As such, caution should be exercised when extrapolating these findings  to the entire student body in Osun State.”

The study is susceptible to response bias, given the sensitive nature of the topic – sexual harassment. Participants may be inclined to under report or withhold certain experiences due to concerns about privacy, stigma, or fear of reprisal. Consequently. the data collected may not fully reflect the true prevalence and intensity of sexual harassment experiences among students in osun state.

The study acknowledges a limitation related to cultural sensitivity. as the exploration of sexual harassment experiences is influenced by cultural norms and taboos. Participants may be hesitant to openly discuss such sensitive topics due to societal and cultural factors prevalent in Osun State. This constraint may lead to under representation or a partial understanding of the natural nuances surrounding sexual harassment. Researchers should be mindful of these cultural dynamics when interpreting the findings and recognize that some aspects of the phenomenon may be concealed or downplayed due to cultural background.

The study is subject to temporal limitations as it provides a snapshot of sexual harassment experiences during a specific period. The nature and prevalence of such incidents may evolve over time, and this study may not capture potential changes or long-term trends. Consequently the findings should be interpreted with the understanding that they reflect a particular moment in time and may not fully represent the dynamic mature of sexual harassment experiences among students in Osun State over an extended period.”

In acknowledging temporal factors as a limitation, it is important to recognize that the study

provides a snapshot of sexual harassment experiences among students in Osun State within a

specific time frame. The dynamic nature of societal attitudes. policies. and interpersonal

behaviors means that the prevalence and manifestations of sexual harassment may change over

time. Consequently, the findings may not fully capture the nuances of this evolving issue, and caution should be exercised when generalizing the results beyond the study period. Future

research spanning multiple time points could offer a more comprehensive understanding of the

temporal dynamics surrounding sexual harassment in the context of sun State.

The study acknowledges limitations related to access to information. which may impact the comprehensiveness of the data. Constraints such as limited access to certain groups or

institutions within Osun State might result in an incomplete portrayal of sexual harassment

experiences. The study’s findings are contingent on the available information. and researchers should be mindful that restricted access may influence the depth and breadth of insights into the prevalence and nature of sexual harassment among students in the region. Future studies with broader access could contribute to a more inclusive understanding of this complex issue” in recognizing the self-reporting method as a potential limitation. it’s essential to acknowledge the inherent subjectivity and potential for recall bias in the study on sexually harassed students in sun State. Participants’ responses are reliant on their willingness and ability to accurately recall and disclose their experiences. The sensitivity of the topic may also influence the extent to which individuals are willing to share certain details. While self-reporting provides valuable firsthand perspectives, the study acknowledges the possibility of variances in individual interpretations, memory recall, and reporting accuracy.





  1. Academic Performance: Academic performance refers to a student’s achievements.progress, and success in their educational pursuits. such as grades. test scores. participation, and overall learning outcomes
  2. Lived Experience: This term refers to the personal, subjective, and unique experiences that individuals go thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and interactions with the world around them
  3. Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how people think, feel and behave.
  4. Osun State is a state located in southwestern Nigeria. It was established on August 27, 1991, and is known for its cultural significance and historical landmarks.
  5. Sexual Harassment: Refers  to any unwelcome sexual behavior, advances, comments, or actions that create a hostile or intimidating environment for an can include verbal, non verbal, or physical conduct of sexual nature.
  6. Students: is an individual who is actively engaged in learning, typically within an educational institution such as school, college, or university. Students pursue education to acquire knowledge, skills, and qualifications in various subjects or fields of study.The term “student “is commonly used to refer to someone who is enrolled in an academic program, actively attending classes, and working towards the completion of their education.



The elementary purpose of any social research is to gather empirical data which will provide more insight into a social phenomenon thereby contributing to the existing body of knowledge. In this chapter, we investigate into the lived experiences of individuals who face sexual harassment outside educational institutions, prior to entering university.

Sexual harassment, as a pervasive and deeply concerning issue, extends beyond the confines of educational institutions, impacting individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Before even stepping foot on campus, many individuals encounter the insidious threat of sexual harassment in their everyday lives, shaping their perceptions of safety, autonomy, and dignity.

The prevalence of sexual harassment in society is staggering, with studies indicating that a significant proportion of individuals experience some form of unwanted sexual behavior before they even enroll in university. These incidents, ranging from verbal harassment to physical assault, cast a shadow over the lives of young people, undermining their sense of security and eroding their trust in their communities and institutions.

In light of the profound and far-reaching consequences of sexual harassment, it is imperative to amplify the voices of those directly affected by this issue and provide a platform for their lived experiences to be heard. By centering the narratives of survivors, we gain invaluable insights into the complex dynamics of harassment in society, uncovering the systemic failures and institutional shortcomings that perpetuate this pervasive problem.

Through qualitative interviews and in-depth analysis, this research seeks to shed light on the prevalence, impact, and coping strategies related to sexual harassment outside educational institutions. By exploring the lived experiences of individuals who have faced sexual harassment prior to entering university, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and inform efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment in society at large.

This expanded introduction provides additional context and rationale for the exploration of the lived experiences of individuals facing sexual harassment outside educational institutions. It emphasizes the importance of amplifying the voices of survivors and the potential implications of the research findings for addressing sexual harassment in society.







This research focuses on exploring the lived experiences of sexually harassed students in Osun State, Nigeria. The introduction sets the stage by outlining the research objectives, questions, and the statement of the problem, providing rationale for the study’s significance.

With a specific focus on the experiences of sexually harassed students within Osun State, the research aims to shed light on a critical yet often overlooked issue. Relevant literature is reviewed to contextualize the study and identify key factors influencing the experiences of the students. Additionally, related literature that is considered to have positive implications on the outcome of the study is also reviewed.

Methodologically, the research adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing in-depth interviews to capture the nuanced experiences of the students. Conducted at Fountain University, Osogbo, the interviews provide valuable insights into the lived realities of sexually harassed students within the state. Content analysis is employed to analyze and interpret the collected data, focusing on narrative accounts shared by the participants. The findings of the study offer valuable insights into the impact of sexual harassment on the lives of the students and contribute to a deeper understanding of the issue.

Importantly, the findings of this study align with the conclusions drawn by many other researchers in Nigeria and other parts of the world. This underscores the universality of the experiences of sexually harassed students and highlights the urgent need for targeted interventions and support mechanisms. By amplifying the voices of these students, the research seeks to advocate for change and foster a culture of empathy and support within educational institutions.




In conclusion, this research conducted at Fountain University, Osogbo, has provided valuable insights into the lived experiences of sexually harassed students in Osun State, Nigeria. Through in-depth interviews with 10 participants, the voices of these students have been amplified, shedding light on the pervasive impact of sexual harassment within educational institutions.


The findings of this study underscore the urgent need for action to address sexual harassment and its detrimental effects on students’ well-being and academic performance. It is evident that sexual harassment is not just a theoretical concept, but a harsh reality faced by many students on a day-to-day basis.


Furthermore, this research highlights the inadequacies of existing policies and interventions in addressing sexual harassment effectively. There is a clear need for comprehensive and proactive measures to create safer and more supportive environments within educational institutions.


Importantly, the voices and experiences of sexually harassed students must be centered in the development of these interventions. Empathy, understanding, and empowerment are essential in creating meaningful change and fostering a culture of respect and equality.


Moving forward, it is imperative that stakeholders at all levels—educators, policymakers, administrators, and students themselves—work together to challenge the culture of silence surrounding sexual harassment and to implement strategies that prioritize the safety and well-being of all students.


In closing, this research conducted at Fountain University, Osogbo, serves as a call to action, urging us to confront the issue of sexual harassment head-on and to strive for a future where every student can pursue their education free from fear and discrimination.



Because of the following finding and conclusions reached in the study, the

following recommendations were made.

Recommendations According to the Lived Experience of Sexually Harassed students in Osun State

1.Comprehensive Sexual Harassment Policies: Develop and implement comprehensive sexual harassment policies within educational institutions in Osun State. These policies should clearly define sexual harassment, outline reporting procedures, and establish support mechanisms for victims.


2.Awareness and Prevention Programs: Launch awareness campaigns and prevention programs to educate students, faculty, and staff about sexual harassment. These programs should focus on promoting respect, consent, and gender equality, while also addressing the power dynamics that contribute to harassment.


3.Training for Educators: Provide training for educators on recognizing and addressing sexual harassment. Educators should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to support victims, intervene in harassment situations, and create safe learning environments.


4.Support Services: Enhance support services for victims of sexual harassment, including counseling, legal assistance, and medical care. Ensure that victims have access to confidential and non-judgmental support to help them cope with the trauma and navigate the reporting process.


5.Student Empowerment: Empower students to speak up against sexual harassment and advocate for their rights. Encourage student-led initiatives, such as peer support groups and awareness campaigns, to create a culture of solidarity and support.


6.Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Collaborate with law enforcement agencies to ensure that cases of sexual harassment are thoroughly investigated, and perpetrators are held accountable. Establish partnerships with local authorities to facilitate reporting and prosecution of harassment incidents.

7.Research and Data Collection: Conduct further research and data collection on the prevalence and impact of sexual harassment in Osun State. This information can inform policy development, intervention strategies, and resource allocation to address the issue effectively.


8.Engagement with Community Leaders: Engage with community leaders, religious institutions, and civil society organizations to mobilize support for anti-sexual harassment efforts. Foster partnerships with local stakeholders to promote community awareness and action.

9.Long-term Prevention Strategies: Implement long-term prevention strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of sexual harassment, such as gender inequality, social norms, and power imbalances. Invest in initiatives that promote gender equality and empower marginalized groups.

10.Evaluation and Monitoring: Regularly evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of sexual harassment prevention and response efforts. Collect feedback from students, educators, and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.



Through this research on the lived experiences of sexually harassed students in Osun State, I contribute to the body of knowledge by unveiling the nuanced challenges faced by victims in our local context. By illuminating these experiences, my study informs the development of targeted interventions and policies to combat sexual harassment within educational institutions, ultimately striving towards safer and more supportive environments for students.