This study examined the impact of truncated semester on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions with particular reference to Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri Imo State. The population of the study was the 635 academic staff in five schools in the college. A sample of 128 representing 20% of the population was taken. The study adopted a descriptive survey design while the instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire. The four point, scale rating was adopted whereas the data collected were analyzed using mean. The result of the data analyses showed that strike action highly caused the truncated semester which affect the academic performance of students in tertiary institution. Poor remuneration, negligence by government, non-conducive academic environment among others was identified as major causes of strike action.
A truncated semester is an academic section that is cut or rushed as result of unsettled issues in the institution or in the educational sectors. In education sector, this can be as a result of protest, occult attack, national strike action, and some many other factors that can contributed to the a truncated learning section.
However, according to this study the most common and frequent factor that initiate truncated semesters in higher institution is strike action which is the main factor we are going to focus fully on this work.
As a student one deserve to know what to do in the bid to enhance or explore effective performance in his/her educational aspect. It is probably pertinent to even reassure oneself about who a student is in to be doing such as individual under discussion find himself or herself in a college, polytechnics or university setting charges with the task of acquiring knowledge, skills and trying to modify his academic performance the role of living in the midst of other colleague and getting about the acquisition of the desired knowledge which are modified and influenced by both the materials and human features of the environments. The profile for this presentation consists of consideration of the responsibilities of a student.
The origin of labour unionism dates back to the Eighteenth Century and the industrial revolution in Europe. During this time there was a huge surge of new workers into the workplace that needed representation. Labour unionism is a global phenomenon. In Nigeria, Labour unionism has been part of the industry since 1912, when government employee formed a Civil Service Union. According to Wikipedia (2015) this organization became the Nigeria union of Civil Servants after the merger of the protectorate of Northern and Southern Nigeria. In 1931, two other major unions were founded the Nigeria Railway workers union and Nigeria Union of Teachers. As workers continued to increase and need for representation rises, the need for a mother union was inevitable hence, the merger into one big or mother union which will oversee all the activities of all workers under one umbrella body known as the Nigeria Labour Congress (N.L.C). As a mother body, the (N.L.C) was formally constituted as the only national federation of trade unions in Nigeria 1978. According to Silverman (2004) since its formation, the N.L.C has been a major voice for the Nigeria workers under it, and has given birth to many other Industrial Unions both in the field of health, agriculture, finance and education. Its major aim is to protect, defend and promote the right, wellbeing, interest of all workers, trade unions and pensioners in the Country and this, it has continued to achieve through its various aims and branches.
A union therefore According to oxford advanced dictionary is an organization established by and for workers to pursue collective workplace goal; wage, benefits, work rules, power etc. Hence, the formation of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) as a branch of industrial (Labour) union has brought about some pronounced changes in the academic system of tertiary institutions in the Country. Seen by many as a blessing, others see it as a clog in the wheel of the Nigerian academic system and medium to discourage students which makes their academic section truncated. As long as the Academic Staff Union and Employer (Government) represented by politicians are at variance in belief and philosophy there is bound to be industrial disputes between the two. The action and reaction of the academic staff union (ASUU, ASUP and COEASU ) in recent years to attitude of the government towards the past agreements, conditions of service, remuneration, emoluments and entitlements as prescribed by UNESCO such as; university autonomy and integration of polytechnic academic staff had led to frequent clashes and subsequent industrial actions by ASUU, ASUP and specifically COEASU. These unions have often resolved to strike actions as the last resort to balance the power between their staff and the government when bargaining and confrontations fail to yield desired result and this affect student studies and thereby prolonging their stay in school. When this issue is resolved it will caused all their studies, programs and exams to be truncated.
According to Wikipedia (2015) the Union has been active in struggle against the military regime during the 1980s, when it frequently embarked on national strike to obtain fair wages and University autonomy and after several struggles and opposition by the government and agreement was reached on 3rd September 1992 that met several of the unions demand including right of workers to collective bargaining. The union organized further strike 1994 and 1990 against the dismissal of staff by the Abacha Military regime.
Disruption in academic programme becomes a natural consequence of each industrial action or strike. Hence, normal teaching and learning are stalled and therefore, most students are prone to diverse activities such as sexual immorality, cyberscan, pool betting, watching of movies, and engaging in unnecessary gossip etc, rather than reading their books and soon, they forget about academic and lose interest and focus of educational demands which in long run affects their learning capability, which when the call-off the strike student will become truncated with activities as well as their learinig. Learning as adduced by Wikipedia (2015) is the act of acquiring new or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviour, skills, values, or preference and may involve synthesizing, different types of information and according to Tanner (1980) it is done under the auspices of the school.
Odubela (2012) concludes that effective learning or an enhanced performance is achieved by successful coverage of the course outline timely and before the examination. This is rarely achieved when there is a truncated semester caused by strike action. Based on this, the researchers are of the opinion that disruption in academic program as caused by strike action exposes students to depression, frustration and emotional and psychological trauma, lack of preparedness on the side of the learner or student and lost of motivation which leads to societal vices and unproductiveness and non conducive learning environment in the tertiary institution in Country. Just recently, staff of A.I.F.C.E under the umbrella of COEASU embarked on a seven months strike over non-payment of migration and other demands thereby crippling academic activities and forcing the students into compulsory holidays where most of these ills were inevitable. This study therefore intends to examine the influence of truncated semester on the academic performance of students.
The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of truncated semester on the academic performance of students.
At the end of this study students involved shall be able to:
- Examine the causes of truncated semester in higher institution.
- Define the meaning of a truncated semester
- To know how to handle truncated semester in other to improves in their academic performance.
- How government can help higher institution to reduces truncated semesters.
All over the world, the tertiary institution both Universities, Colleges of Education and Polytechnics also known as the Ivory towers is regarded as the bedrock of knowledge and intellectualism, and most appropriate ground for incubation of future leaders.
However, over the last thirty years in Nigeria, the University system has witnessed an unprecedented industrial unrest and so many official assaults than other social institution. Statistics from the National University Commission (2002) revealed that since 1992 the union (ASUU, and recently COEASU) has been experiencing truncated semester whenever they embarked on strike over 23 times to press home its demands. Just as in all Industrial Conflicts, truncated semester have significant wider, social consequence. Many have argued that those in authority see the tertiary institutions as burden and as an institution to be exploited and left desolate. To change the impression, the union has embarked on several strike actions ( which is the major cause of truncated semester ) with the recent one that involved the Colleges of education and lasted for eight months and now more than one year after there have been economic waste, delayed graduation, unbalanced academic calendar and non-challant attitude among staff and students which in essence has resulted in poor academic input and output and lack of productivity in the society and Country at large.
This study therefore, aims at examining the influence of truncated semester (which is majorly caused by strike action) on the academic performance of students in tertiary institution with specific references to A.I.F.C.E Owerri.
Generally, the purpose of the study is to find out how truncated semester influences the academic performance of student in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Specifically it seeks to:
- Ascertain the extent to which truncated semester influences the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
- Identify the causes of truncated semester by the various unions in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
- Suggest possible solution to the incessant truncated semester in our tertiary institutions.
This study will enable the stakeholders in education sector to know the extent to which frequent and prolonged actions that causes truncated semester such as strike that affects the academic programmes of the students in tertiary institution. It will also help people to know why the union embark on actions. This work will encourage the students to invest their time wisely during truncated semester to avoid poor academic output after the actions.
The Labour Unions will benefit from this work also as it will help them to seek alternative means of pressing home their demands. The government will also learn to avert the adverse effect posed by action on the educational sector and the economy as a whole.
- To what extent does truncated semester influence the academic performance of students?
- What are the causes of truncated semester in tertiary institutions in Nigeria?
- What are the possible solutions to truncated semester?
The study would examine the impact of truncated semester on the academic performance of students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria with particular reference to Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri Imo State. This study will be carried out among the six schools within the College which includes; School of Social Science, School of Art, School of Natural Science, School of General Studies School of Education, School of Agric and vocational studies respectively.
Truncate: is to shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end.
Semester: is a half-year term in a school or university, it is a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes.
Academic institution: An educational institution dedicated to higher education and research, which grants academic degrees.
Active learning: A process whereby learners are actively engaged in the learning process, rather than “passively” absorbing lectures. Active learning involves reading, writing, discussion, and engagement in solving problems, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Active learning often involves cooperative learning.
Strike Action: is when a large number of workers stop working in protest. Strikes are usually done by a labor union to get better pay, hours, or working conditions.
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