

The research study is limited to Nigeria Bag Manufacturing Company. This study covers the entire organization but will be represented by only 20% of the whole population.

This research work is an attempt to bring to light some in effectible factor that would lead to marketing promotional strategy with particular attention of Nigeria Bag Manufacturing Company.

The availability, reliability and sufficiency of data, textbook and other materials determine in a great way the success of this research work. Also, the cooperation of interviewed officials and other informed individuals tells much on the success of the study.

However, time and financial constraints as well as the non-disclosure of some of the organization’s strategy reduced considerably the effort of the researcher. It is notable however that the above mentioned constraint do not in any way invalidate this research work as the researcher was able to get relevant and needed information.

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Sale promotion as an effective marketing strategy for selling consumer manufacturing industry. (A case study of Nigeria Bags Manufacturing Company Ikeja Lagos).

Sale promotion is an effective strategy in an organization and is an important ingredient in most promotional program through which consumers are persuade and convinced to buy a product or services and commonly supported by sale promotion.

The research work will be divided into five chapters, each chapter contains the following:

Chapter one will have the background of the study, statement of research problem, aims & objectives, significant, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and concept and organisaiton of the study.

Chapter two will treat literature review, introduction, important of promotion, the need for promotion, promotion and communication process, the communication process, effective of marketing strategy, factor encouraging the use of sale promotion, objective of sales promotion and product adoption groups.

Chapter three will discuss data analysis techniques, sampling size and research design and research methodology.

While chapter four will contain data presentation and data analysis.

Finally, chapter five will discuss the summary, conclusion and recommendation.

This chapters are all going to be discuss and breakdown in the research work.



Title page





Table of Contents


1.1     Background of the study

1.2     Statement of the research problem

1.3     Objectives of the study

1.4     Significance of the study

1.5     Scope and limitation of the study

1.6     Historical background of case study

1.7     Definition of terms


2.0     Literature review

2.1     Introduction

2.2     Important of promotion as a marketing mix

2.3     The need for promotion

2.3.1  Distance between producer and consumer

2.3.2  Competition

2.3.3  During period of shortage

2.4     Promotion and communication process

2.5     The communication process

2.6     Determination of cost implication in promotion

2.7     Effective of marketing strategy

2.8     Factor encouraging the use of sales promotion

2.9     Selection of sales promotion method

2.10   Planning sales promotion programme

2.11   The promotion strategy

2.12   Objective of sales promotion

2.13   Promotion objective

2.14   Product adoption groups

2.14.1         Innovators

2.14.2         Early adopters

2.14.3         Early majority

2.14.3         Late majority


3.0     Research methodology

3.1     Sample and sampling method

3.2     Method of data analysis


4.0     Introduction

4.1     Data presentation

4.2     Data analysis


5.0     Summary

5.1     Conclusion

5.2     Recommendation





The survival of any business organization depend on a very large scale of the patronage that it enjoy from those who consumer the product those, promotion mean to push forward, to advance in idea in such a way to gain acceptance and approval for it.

And also one of the crucial components in the setting of the consumer product is promotion which is used in pervasion and communication which could either be inform of advertisement. Personal selling, sales promotion, as a competitor in the market hope to influence as many consumers as a possible to choose their product over alternative product. Sales promotion is an effective strategy in an organization and is an important ingredient in most promotional program through which consumers are persuade and convinced to buy a product or services and commonly supported by sale promotion, this belief is strengthened by Porter (1996). Whose works have attempted to spell out experimental analysis of the theory of sales promotion in relation to consumption.

Also according to Ray Wild (year) promotion is concerned primarily with the persuasion gained largely at securing increasing the sales of the actual market prior to this study, the researcher was able to observe restriction in the use of sales promotion in consumer product effective in consumer production. This how ever shows that the effective promotion strategies will diminish market effort. While the presence of effective promotion strategies will improve customers satisfaction. Importance of sales promotion at profit and close monitoring of the action of the competitors . it is strongly believe that this research work will be readable and useful to all manufacturing company as a whole.



Many business organizations are facing serious problem in how to reach their predetermined goals and objectives, due to the competition merged with our distressed and inflationary conditions. The study is therefore to assist Nigerian manufacturing, particularly consumer manufacturing companies and manager or various organization to be acquainted with the secret to success in an uncertain and competitive environment. This can be achieved by aiming at bringing to the limelight the effectiveness of sale promotion as opposed to ancient belief. Business organizations use sales promotion to stimulate and create awareness on the existence of its products and services through advertising, this is because it is viewed as a key decision variable in influencing consumption pattern of the consumer.



Specifically, this study will evaluate the effectiveness of sale promotion on consumption behavior of consumers using the Nigeria Bags Manufacturing Company in Ikeja as a reference point. It shall also dwell on the relationship between sales promotion and consumption pattern of consumer.



Based on the series of beliefs that sales promotion does not correlate with increased relative consumption and that changes in consumer attitude towards a product or service is due to some factors like trial-usage idea rather than sales promotion. While others believe that sales promotion would lead consumer from the stage of awareness to the interest stage, hence the desire stage and finally to purchase which is the action.

The significance of the study is to identify and explain extent to which various sales promotions on consumer product can influence the consumption pattern and purchase in the part of the consumer.



The research study is limited to Nigeria Bag Manufacturing Company. This study covers the entire organization but will be represented by only 20% of the whole population.

This research work is an attempt to bring to light some in effectible factor that would lead to marketing promotional strategy with particular attention of Nigeria Bag Manufacturing Company.

The availability, reliability and sufficiency of data, textbook and other materials determine in a great way the success of this research work. Also, the cooperation of interviewed officials and other informed individuals tells much on the success of the study.

However, time and financial constraints as well as the non-disclosure of some of the organization’s strategy reduced considerably the effort of the researcher. It is notable however that the above mentioned constraint do not in any way invalidate this research work as the researcher was able to get relevant and needed information.



PROMOTION: it is define as an exercise aimed at information persuasion and communication about goals or services to potential consumer in a manner designed to illicit positive action.

Sale promotion can be defined as a marketing activities outside personal selling, advertising and publicity. It is also used as a complement way to other promotional strategies and action.

CONSUMER: Can be defined as someone who buys and used products and services.

STRATEGY can be defined as the means and skill of planning series of actions for achieving an aim, especially success against an opponent.

MANUFACTURING: Can be define as a means and process or business of producing goods in factories.

INDUSTRY: The production of goods especially in a factories


Sale promotion is a non personal one way mass communication directed at specified market.

According to PHILIP KOTLER, in his book principles of marketing 3rd edition. Sales promotion is a non personal form of communication conducted  through paid sponsorship it involved in presentation and promotion of product, services or ideas by identifiable individual or organization.

Biatery and Welson defined sales promotion as any paid form of impersonal presentation of product or ideas of commercial signification to prospective buyers. It involves al activities in presenting to a group, an impersonal oral or usually open sponsored message, regarding product of goods, idea of the message called sales promotion.

The American Association recommends this definition of sales promotion as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of goods ideal and services.

KOTLER (1996) in his book, marketing management defines sales promotion as an indirect one of impersonal form of communication via mass medium and paid for by an identified sponsor.

Sales promotion offers the advantage of reaching large audience for a relatively low exposure, using a wider channel to reach difference targets market.

Water Dill Soots (1996) said that sales promotion message should be presented in such a way that is important with this behaviour is reflected in the budgetary allocation by a company towards sales promotion.


5.2     SUMMARY

Based on the data analysis carried out in the proceeding chapter some important discoveries where made in table six, the frequency was 37 while the total percentage was 92.5. the Nigerian Bag manufacturing company is giving attention to the sales promotion. Table eleven also shows the relationship between the sales promotion and profit level whether there is impact of sales promotion on level of profit. The response of respondent dearly should be in the table where the frequency 35 of those courses very and their percentage (%) of 87% this means that majority of the people support the belief that promotion has significant impact on sales and profit level.

It is also possible to increase sales volume profit levels, achieve a better market share and improve the organization market performance as well as influence consumer behaviour positively towards a product through effective product promotion strategy.

It has been shown that constant promotional, methods creates and lead to permanent consumer acceptance towards a product finally, any organization that intends to achieves, these above stated objectives must regard promotion as strategies and therefore attach special strategy has enhance the performance of the company. It is also recommend that as a strategy the four element of promotional mix should be sued as various times to complement each other.

Competitors action should be closely monitored to enable the company (BAGCO) plan it own promotion. A marketing promotion expert should be employed to repackage the operation finally, and also important to co-operation with manufactures should assist them to efficiently performe their functions by supplying them with enough stock, materials and relevant information needed and they should keep monitoring their activities so that they do not miss used the opportunities.



Based on the analysis in chapter 3 and the summary, it is important for the company’s continual growth survival and profitability, there should be implementation mix element.

A large percentage of the person are of the opinion that the company’s improved performance and favorable public, image are due to the marketing promotional strategies employ by the company.



It could be gathered or seen from the beginning of this research work that the benefit of advertising or sales promotion to the company, the economy and consumer are so strong and important that few cone can exist and succeed without it. The NBM company is no exception, it is in the light of this that the following recommendations were made.

The company should continue with intensive promotion efforts and utilize all forms of aggressive marketing strategies in the present growth to make it’s product and services know to other potential customers all over the state and even across the nation.

Considering the fact hat sales promotion is an effective means of bringing the product nearer to the people, Nigeria Bag manufacturing company should continue to intensity its efforts in this direction so that it will influence the consumption patterns of the consumer towards its own product.

It is also recommend that more of its adverts be placed on every available medium so as to bring their product more nearer to the public.

The company should direct funds to it market research programme continuously to find out changes in consumption pattern of the consumer.

Sponsorship of drama and sports program should be incorporated as a means of promoting the corporate image of the company before and after advertisement.

In determining its total annual advertising budget, the company should from time to time set a reasonable budget in term of market shares, sales volume and the cost. If the aforementioned recommendation can be adequately looked into, a lot of product awareness and position influence will be reflected on the consumption pattern of the consumers.