
The Impact Of Production Management On Organizational Performance

The study investigates the link between production management and organizational performance in manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

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The study investigates the link between production management and organizational performance in manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Quality control technique is a technique for achieving quality production management. The study specifically aimed to examine the effect of inspection technique on relationship between quality control technique and product designing was used in this study. The total population used for this study is nine thousand two hundred and eighty-five (9,285) personnel, but utilized a total sample size of five hundred and sixty four (564) which constitute the actual number of staff that issued questionnaire. Data collected were presented in table and the statistical tools used for data analysis is the Pearson Correlation with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The result of the study revealed that inspection technique has a significant positive effect on production control and that quality control technique has a significant positive effect on product designing. The study recommends that inspection technique has to be maintained to facilitate the utilization of best practices, and total and also because of globalization quality control technique has to gain way for best practices  in global manufacturing.










1.1      background of the project

  • statement of problem
  • objective
  • research questions
  • researchhypotheses



  • ConceptualFramework
  • ProductionPlanningandControl
  • Importance Production Planning and Control System
  • The organization’s Quality standard
  • Quality Control as a Production Management Technique in Manufacturing
  • Types of Quality Control
  • Empirical studies



3.1      Population of the Study

3.2      Sample Size Determination

  • Method of Data Analysis

3.5      Data and Result Presentation

3.6          Decision Rule

3.7     Hypothesis Two

3.8      DecisionRule

  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusion
  • recommendation



1.0                                                                     Introduction

1.1                                                           Background of the study

Quality has been an important part of human activities since the emergence of human history. Before now, manufacturing was essentially conducted by the cottage industry and heavily relied on craftsmen. The manufacturers were merely in seller’s market; however, the trend has changed from seller’s market to the buyer’s market. The consumers have become more aware of the variety of products in the market. Thus, customers are the focus of manufacturing such that every organization has to study what customers needs are and satisfy them in order to remain in business by offering products of desired quality.

Although several reasons have been accountable for substandard products in manufacturing sector, Arora (2009) notes that quality of goods is determined by customers. Customers become a key factor that can create competition among organizations and this make firms to focus more on quality. This is due to effective quality which determines the rate of productivity and thus becomes an important factor in organization and also contributes to the growth of the economy. The usage of poor basic materials for production process has given way to the existence of sub- standard products in the Nigeria industry, making the product not to measure up to the standard of specification as expected. This has resulted in productivity of organizations dropping because of customers’ inability to buy such bad products. Where the company fails to measure up and the products identified, such products are usually confiscated or destroyed and such company may be closed-down by the regulatory agencies pending when issues are resolved. So, instead of the companies making profit, huge amount of loss is incurred as a result. Some producers produce sub-standard varieties of products, different from the ones they presented for certification to regulatory agencies.

Operations management will continue to progress based on contributions from several other disciplines. The analytical methodologies applied to total quality management (TQM) were initially established by Frederick Taylor to yield what he called scientific management. These have evolved into a field of industrial engineering and management science and these disciplines have contributed substantially to greater productivity. They bring together diverse disciplines such as mathematics, statistics, management and economics to make possible systematic analysis and improvement of operating systems as well as such tools as linear programming, queuing theory simulation, and statistical analysis.

Applications from the biological and physical sciences also have contributed to quality control in a variety of ways. Innovation from biology, anatomy, chemistry, physics and the engineering sciences have brought about a variety of new developments. These include new adhesives, chemical processes for printed circuit boards and gamma rays to sanitize food products. An important contribution to quality control has come from the information sciences which we define as the systematic processing of data to yield information. In a modern business organization, information management implies the use of computers.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

In this generation, the organization desires to find many ways to increase their performance. One of the ways to increase the organizational performance by the job characteristics need to good production management (Ngari, 2018). Therefore, the organization needs to focus on their human resource, knowledge management and information system resources for recognition in their fundamental process for the success towards competitor (Altamony, 2012).

1.3       Objectives

  1. To examine the effects of production management on organizational performance
  2. To examine the effects of inspection technique on production control
  • To ascertain if there is a relationship between quality control technique on product designing

1.4      Research Questions

The stated objectives of the study give rise to a number of questions; the questions are as follows:

  1. Does the application of inspection technique have effect on production management control?
  2. What is the extent of the effect of quality control technique on product designing?

1.5      Research Hypotheses

  1. Ho: Inspection technique has significant positive effect on production control
  2. Ho: There is a significant positive relationship between quality control technique and product


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