
The impact of motivation on sales force Performance A case study of nigeria bottling company plc owerri

This topic” The impact of motivation on sales force performance”, was conducted to investigate the extent of Nigeria bottling company plc Owerri.

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Title page…………………………………………………………………………………………i




Table of content……………………………………………..………………………….…v/vi



  • Historical Background of the study……………………………………………2
  • Statement of the problem……………………………………………………….…3
  • Objective of the study………………………………………………………….……4
  • Research question……………………………………………………………………4
  • Research hypothesis………………………………………..……………………….5
  • Significant of the study……………………………………………………………..5
  • Scope of study…………………………………………………………………………6
  • Definition of terms………………………………………………………………..…6
  • Limitation of the study……………………………………………………………..7


2.0 Review of related literature………….……………………………………………….8

2.1 Definition of Motivation…………………….………………………………………..8

2.2 Motivation process and Theories……….…………………………………………9

2.3 How to motivate sale force………………….……………………………………..11

2.4 Moderation factors and motivation……………………………………………..15


3.0 Research methodology…………………………….……………………………..…17

3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..…17

3.2 Research Design……………………………………………………………………….17

3.3 Sampling techniques……………………………………………………………….…17

3.4 Sample/population……………………………………………………………………18

3.5 Source of Data………………………………………………………………………….19

3.6 Method of Data collection…………………………………………………………20

3.7 Method of Data Analysis……………………………………………………………20



4.0 Data presentation Analysis and interpretation………………………………22

4.1 presentation and interpretation of Data……………………………………….22

4.2 presentation and Analysis of Data…………………………………………….…22

4.3 Testing the Hypothesis………………………………………………………………37


5.0 Summary Conclusion and Recommendation……………………………….46

5.1 Summary of finding…………………………………………………………………..46

5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………….……………………………46

5.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………..…47

5.4 Suggestion for further study………………………………………………………..47

Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………………………49




This topic” The impact of motivation on sales force performance”, was conducted to investigate the extent of Nigeria bottling company plc Owerri. However, to achieve these goals of the study quasi experimental research design was used to study Nigeria bottling company plc as a known business enterprise where one hundred and fifty questionnaires after a critical analysis of the data collected, the hypothesis were tested using chi-square and following were the finding, motivation has significance relationship with sales force performance in business Organization. Training and development improves sales force performance. Incentives play an important role in sales force performance in business enterprise; good working environment enhances the performance of sales force in business organization. Also that works aids improve sales force in productivity. Moderating factor (government policies, technology, economic status and political stability interfere sales force performance. Base on finding, there is needed to motivate the sales force better performance which generally leads to achieving the corporate objectives of a business organization. Hence, incentives should be based on favoritism but merit. Salaries should be paid as at when due. They should be job enrichment and enlargement to provide opportunity for increasing physiological growth. Working environment should be improved. Working aids should also be providing to boost the morale of sales force. Finally obsolete equipment should be placed with standard one. Any person who want to research further on the impact of sales force motivation should consult this work as a secondary data.

Chapter One



The achievement of the organizational goal can only be made possible by co-ordinate efforts. In the early days of primitive commercial activities. Little attention was given to, motivation which affected the performance and productivity of the employees. This led the two factor propounded by Fedrick Herzberg. He pointed out the good feedings; otherwise job satisfaction has to do with factors related job content such as achievement, recognition for achievement, the nature of job itself, responsibility growth and advancement opportunities as satisfiers or motivator. It is not surprise up till now, many business organizations, private or public owned are yet to learn from the past the need for employer motivation  while some apply it a bit.

Uwaoma N.C it all (2000:85) defined motivated the comprehensive action taken to induce people to do something to the best of their ability”

Meanwhile, this study will therefore help to identify that working condition which does not enhance the performance of the sales force in a business organization using Nigeria Bottling company PLC owerri as a case study. They business environment is full of competition and other militating factors and the survival of those firms largely depend on the performance of the sales force. But also, held motivated they are contributes to the success of the firms.

The aim of this study is to confident on the impart of motivation of sales forces performance. Finally, the research will discuss on the motivation process, how to motivate sales force, working conduction and environment, etc.


Nigeria Bottling Company PLC Owerri , come to existence in Owerri in 1976 and stated it full operation in 1977. Its location is at Km55 Owerri/Onitsha road. The company since its operation has employed more than a thousand of workers and has been the best selling beverage company with annual sales running into billions of bottles. The Owerri plant was established to capture the market in Owerri and some parts of Anambara Sate.

The Nigeria Bottling Company PLC (NBC) was incorporated in 1951, a subsidiary of the A.G. invent is group with the sole franching to bottle and sell coa-cola product in Ngeria.

Production of coca-cola begins in 1953 at a bottling facility in Ebute Meta Lagos. Over the years, production capacity has over 80 distribution warehouse located across the country. Since production started, bottling company Nigeria has remained the largest bottling company of non-alcoholic beverages in the country in terms of saves volume, with billions sold per year, marketing it the second largest market. Nigeria bottling company head office is located on the Lagos mainland at Ebute Meta.

The company become a public company in 1972 and has it shares listed in the Nigeria stock exchange. The product was given to the world by Dr. John Smith Pemberton a know pharmacist in Attalnta Gerogia, on May 8, 1886. Hence produced the syrup for coca-cola and it was carried down the street to Jacob’s pharmacy and it was pronounce “Excellent” and placed on sale for five cent a glass.

In addition to core brand of the coca – cola company coca-cola and sprite sparking soft drinks (SSD) brands produced by the coca-cola include a range of Schwepps product. Bitter lemon. Tonic Water. Soda water Non CSDs include Eva Table Water. Five Alive Juice etc. returnable Glass Bottles (RGB) is available in 25cl sized available in 35cl for core brands coke, Fanta and sprit.



    As mentioned earlier, the business environment is fully of competition these competitions enter the market seeking for profit improved market share and as well as sustained growth.

However with respect to the non alcoholic beverage as it grows, so also business environment (Government policies competitors’ technology) increase in dynamism as such. Due to the growing complexity of its business climate firms must be productive to the challenges or else crumble.

Despite the fact that studies in the past revealed that motivation plays a significant role in the performance of employment area by emphases have been given to this important area by most organizations especially the small and medium business. Issue of motivation cut across some area which include available of availability of incentive (bonus, promotion, welfare packages etc) working aids (vehicle. Laptops and communication gadgets) training and development (seminar, workshops. On the job training etc) and good.

Work environment (well furnished office friendly atmosphere health center, security). But a great number of business organization in Nigeria private or public owned shows relative negligence on this motivation” it is reason why this study focuses on investigation, the extent of relationship between motivation and sales force performance. Poor performance of the sales force due to lack of motivation using NBC plc Owerri.



The study was embarked upon the investigate the extent of relationship between motivation and sales force performance in business organization.

All the following specific objectives will be determined in extend to which intensive (bonus, promotion etc) effects sales force performance. Whether work aids (laptop, vehicle etc) stimulate sales force productivity in business enterprise. Whether moderation factors like government police competition, technology etc interfere in the relationship between motivation and sales force performance.


1) Is there any relationship between motivation and sale force performance?

2) To what extent to incentives (bonus, promotion etc) affect business organization sale force.

3) Has training and development (seminar, workshop, the job training etc) any relevance to sales force performance?

4) Do working aid (laptop, vehicle etc) stimulate sale force productivity in business organization?

What is the degree of contribution of food work environment (well conditional office, health care etc) business enterprise sales force performance?

  1. HO; there is no significant relationship between motivation and sales force performance.
  2. HO; training and development have no significant relationship to sales force performance.
  3. HO; incentive do not contribute significant to sales force performance.
  4. HO; good working environment do not contribute significant to business organization sales force performance.

The study is important to both the management and the entire business organization. In the sense that it will help to solve problem of poor sales force performance due to lack of motivation. This work in view of the researcher will encourage and expose the relativity of lack of motivation of the sales force to profit organizations. To the researcher. The benefit of this work is numerous to mention.

It is seen by research as a way of exposing him to the real activities in the field of marketing. It exposes him to know more above motivation, the ways motivating the employees and benefits.

    Finally there workers serve as a secondary data to student researcher and even managers who will like to study more on this topic.

It will also be more significant to some managers who do not know the importance of application of motivation in their management schedule. Finding this work will make them have a cleave view of appreciating the good returns of motivation of the sales force


This is arising at discussing the influence of motivation one sales force performance in business enterprise there are many business that exist, but for the sales of this study it will be narrowed down to Nigeria Bottling company PLC Owerri. Which is taken to represent other business enterprises because of the organization nature of the firm? Among the motivational means are training and development good worker environment working aid etc.


Motivation: it is a concept if behavioral change or results of influence that alternate an individual performance.

PRODUCTIVITY: it is a capacity to produce or bring about quantifiable result from effect.

BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: a company that make profit through producing and selling of goods or services.

INCENTIVE: payment concession or action taken to stimulate greater output by workers.

SALES FORCE: Employees that represent and market the product of their companies to the outside World.

WORK ENVIRONMENT: All the actors and force that influence the ability to work satisfactory and in accordance with the assigned to an employee in this place of work.

WORK AID: Equipment and facility used to carry out the jobs assigned to an employee easily.

ON-THE TRAINING: As this implies it involve training an employee while he performs the job.


The limitation of this study lies in the under listed constraints. First inadequate cooperation by the respondent was a very big problem this include the frustration the researcher receive when he visited the company understudy. By not allowing him gain access to the manager or with such excuses that he call again or that manager is too busy.

  1. Time duration of the project work was too short with numerous academic programmes.
  2. The researcher lacked financial support which affected the conclusion of the work early enough.
  • Finally some staff was reluctant to accept the questionnaire for filing and if they did their delay in returning them to the researcher made the work uninteresting and different.



Here, the researcher critically examines the existing literature on the influence of motivation on the sales forces performance in business organization.

There are other researches works which can be reviewed in this chapter are directly related to this research topic done by different researchers.

Their objection hypothesis, findings and conclusion will also be looked at by the point of view of many different management scholars will be acknowledge .More also there may be different kinds of motivation tools applied by different business organizations or enterprises to induce their sales force for greater performance ,what motivates sales force in an organization ‘Y’ therefore, care should be taken to discuss the various forms of motivation generally applied by business organizations to achieve their corporate goals.

Then the work will be narrowed down the forms of motivation applied by Nigerian bottling company plc Owerri, to achieve their goal visa-a-visatheirconstraints


Many notable scholars of human behavior have given a lot of contribution on motivation. Some notable scholars like Abraham Mashlow, Fedrick Herzberg, MC George, etc have written books on motivation and its ramifications.

Motivation according to Dannol and Wellinch is a process of satisfying both the physical and psychological needs of workers in the environment.

It is an incentive given to somebody to enable him behaves in a desired manner. While I can simply define motivation as action which causes behavior to change, it is also seen as the reason or reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. To Agbaogu, motivation is neither positive nor negative. But in their perspective, Uwaoma, NC, et al,(2000.58) define motivation as the entire packages with management uses to encourage its work force to promote high level of productivity.


(Vancerish 92003) says, “an unsatisfied need is the point in the process of motivation” the deficiency of something within an individual is the first link in the chain of events leading to his behavior. This unsatisfied need leads to tension, which could be physical tension or psychological tension within the individual which so as to satisfy the need and thereby reduces the tension. Meanwhile all these activity of the inner most state of lack is directed towards achieving a goal. The goal is achieved when the need is satisfied and process of motivating is completed. For example, an achievement oriented sales person is driven by the desire to succeed and is motivated by a desire to succeed is motivated a desire for bonus or accomplishment in order to satisfy the need.

Oluchi (1999), Proposes that neither monetary incentives nor new technology technologies will remedy the local productive instead Oluchi believes, creating a motivational climate that encourage sales force to join together and try on each philosophy that motivation is menace having the philosophy that motivation is the key, he proposed three particular practices.

  1. Life time employment extending to 35 percent of the work force and a guarantee of job security.
  2. Identify salary increases and promotion appointment for those in the same age group.
  3. A career that provides each sales man new experience.

On the other hand, Fedrick Herzber advanced another explanation of motivation according to Agu C.N (2003.33) the theory was based on a study of need satisfaction on 200 engineers and accountants. The theory is known as a two factor theory of motivation” In the study Herberz and his associates asked the respondents to think of the times both their jobs. Each of these employees was then asked to describe the condition that led to the particular feelings about the job based on the study.

Herzberg reached two conclusions.

Some conditions of a job operate primarily to dissatisfy employees when they are not present.

However, the presence of these conditions does not build strong motivation. Herzberg called these “maintenance factors”.

Below are the maintenance factors named by Fedrick Herzberg.

  1. Company policy and administration
  2. Technical supervision
  3. Interpersonal relations with subordinates
  4. Interpersonal relations with the supervisors
  5. Salary
  6. Job Security
  7. Work Condition
  8. Status
  9. Inter personal relationship with peers.

So job conditions build high level of job motivation and job satisfaction. However, if these conditions are not present, employees do not highly dissatisfied.

Herzberg described six of these motivational factors or “satisfactions” thus÷

  1. Recognition
  2. Advancement
  3.  Achievement
  4. The work itself
  5. The Possibility of personal growth

Meanwhile, the maintenance factors when not present lead to job dissatisfaction but do not provide strong motivation when they are present. While the second factor leads to strong motivation when they are present do not cause much dissatisfaction when they are absent.



The key to the understanding of human behavior is an understanding of the human needs. For the sales force to be motivated to use their maximum effort for the attainment of corporate goal, it becomes very pertinent that these various needs must be satisfied as far as practicable. Some practical ways of motivating the sales force at work shall be discussed below.



On the satisfaction of higher human needs for the motivation of employees the basic needs have to be satisfied first.

This can be said to be a direct regular monetary reward paid for performing certain duties over a period of time. The amount paid is related to a unit of time rather than to the work accomplished.

The argument in Nigeria is that the payment of good salaries is fundamental to the productivity effort of those employees. There is a large number of sales persons, who by the nature of their jobs, cannot be promoted or have their job improved in any way. To this group of workers, the most important factor is the bonus. This money can motivate one that is it can influence and encourage extra creativity.



This has to do with one feeling relaxed about job one do without fear of been fired indiscriminately. Until recently, graduates preferred the security of job which the civil service provides. The fear of one losing one’s job is even more pronounced at the lower cadre where many employees are without any marketable skills. The fear of insecurity can weaker the efforts the sales force. And to allay fears, procedures must be designed and established for promotion, grievance handling, discipline and termination.

So that the sales can see that in every case to prevail justice.



Job enrichment involves the addition of varies of jobs and increase in the authority, responsibility autonomy of the holder the employee.

This makes the sales man to plan his work and use his own discretion in carrying out the job.



Incentives are encouragement to greater activity. It could be in tangible ways. Cumming (1990) sees incentives as anything which causes a person to work harder, urging him some time satisfying his subjective desires. Hacket (2001) believes that people work either for money, social relationships and feelings of self respect or self fulfillment. Incentive programmer could be;

  1. Individual Incentive Programmer which provides compensation based on productivity or lost saving attributable to a specific employee.
  2. Group Incentive programmed to allocate compensation to a group of employees for exceeding predetermined profitability, productivity or lost saving.



(I)  Bonus: This scheme designed to motivate all employees to contribute maximum effort to achieve company goals (Harket 2008).

Mines, et al (1997:236) opined that bonus operate most effectively as incentive when the pay is closely related to the level of individual performance.

(II)  Promotion: It has to do with the elevation of an employee to a job when the company which has greater importance and usually higher pay. Promotion brings along with it, not just money but a mark of recognition of the individuals performance. Promotion selection criteria must be fair based on appraisals and the pay must be matched with job performance.

(III)   Staff Welfare: Welfare provisions are made by an employee for his employees, not as part of the perennial wage –work bargain, but as one human being to another. A worker will do his job with case and absolute concentration, if he is provided with adequate welfare packages like;

(A)      Health care

(B)      Accident insurance and other safely facilities.



The kind of working condition offered must be considered in relation to the type work involved. This is because research shows that repetitive work which is not mentally demanding does not buffer when carried out in noisy conditions. But this is not same for work that demand accuracy, concentration, etc when working conditions are suitable, there will be no reasons why sales force will not work harder and it helps to reduce or eliminate stress and some of resultant adverse effects.


2.3.6  Working have proved that when there are tensions arising in a work place as a result of work dissatisfaction with the job concerned the working aids or the people working there, it leads to frustration, which automatically result to low performance and productivity. Such tension could lead to feeling of adequacy and insecurity poor communication, bad interpersonal relationship between the worker and colleagues etc.

Management should not relent in dealing with and solving the sales force, grievances and problems. Management should as well use the developing technology to improve sales force communication and eradicate frustration thereby enhancing sales force performance.


There is necessity of training in every focused organization and which should be taken when they arise ‘’training programs should be established and embarked upon only when it is fell that they can help in solving specific operational problems’’ (C. D. Ohandinma and Nkwam Ukaoma 2009.96) According to DC Ohandinma and Nkwam Ukwuoma (2000.96) Training can be seen as an organized procedure by which people gain knowledge and/or skill for doing a particular job. Effective sales force training can help to avoid on the job trail and error which can cost the organization many fortunes lost of sales and profit reduction. Training also helps to reduce the rate of high staff turnover by increasing stability and save force retention rate. A well trained sales man operates more confidently with less or without supervision than the untrained and this can also enhance motivation. There are different methods of training sales which are:

  1. I) viler tape recording for the sales people to practice the selling techniques
  2. II) Lectures for discussing of the history policies and practices of the company.

III)   Role playing for training sales people in proper selling techniques.

  1. IV) Sensitivity training for understands customer behavior.
  2. V) Seminars and workshops useful for the analysis of the problem usually encountered during the sales work.
  3. VI) Demonstration observes used for graining product knowledge and knowledge of selling techniques



The moderating factors play sensitive role in the motivation of sales force. These moderating factors can be referred to the uncontrollable variable of marketing environment. Therefore it is important, the sales force have to coup with the moderating factors while they operate. The moderating factors include social-cultural, natural and technological, economic and competitive factors in marketing environment.



Sales force of Nigeria bottling company get their customers more in the rural areas and busy towns and it sales in villages because of it non alcoholic content



The invention of E-payment, interacting marketing and advertising.




Ivancevich et al (1994) seen motivation as the set of force that initiate behavior determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. This chapter considers the methods that were used in this work in generating data. The researcher employed simple method.

3.2   RESEARCH DESIGN                                                                                                   

Research design does not only mean the specific methods for collecting data but rather the more fundamental questions of local study subject will be brought into the scope of the research setting to yield the required date. The research design therefore could seen as a complete frame work that gives guild in collecting and analyzine that data for a study, it is in fact the arrangement for collecting data in a manner that aims at combining relevant to the research purpose with business organizations.

The research will use quasi-experimental research design as the element in the study is not under control. Thus surely research method was used for this study.


The techniques which the researcher used in the sampling is A4 sample (Quota sampling) sampling techniques in distributing questions to 150 people out of the entire population of the staff Nigeria Bottling company plc  owerri population. In using A4 or Quota sample method, the researcher specified certain characteristic which the respondents must possess to qualify. Thus, the specific the characteristics, the more accurate the information obtained tend to be.

Example of this items specified in questionnaire includes age, gender, material status social class, etc. This information helps to make the work authentic.



In Ezirim, Aloy-Chinedu (2004;26), sample size is simply the number of unites to be include in the study. For the purpose of this study the sample size will be determined using YARYAMEN’S formula.

This          n          =             N

When      =    sample size

N             =     accessible population

E              =     error limit (50%)

I               =     this is constant


Therefore N       =       150


The sample size (n) is one hundred and fifty (150).




According to Ezirim AC, et al (2004),population is defined as the aggregate or the totality of the units in the universe of study. The entire populations of the staff Nigeria Bottling Company plc owerri constitute the populations of study, since every employees attitude makes an impact on the organization level of performance.

The population of study is taken to be 240, how  this population will be randomly distributed is shown in the table below.

Department Distribution Percentage (%)
Production 20 8
Marketing 150 63
Researcher & Development 15 6
Engineering 15 6
Finance 19 8
Administration 21 9
Total 240 100


Due to the nature of the topic, the researcher focused on the marketing staffs that are one hundred and fifty in number, and this become the units of analysis for the study.





According to Ezirim, Aloy-Chined, et al (2004:11) data means information in unprocessed state.

It is raw information, which should be collected analyzed interpreted for the research work. The research work under taken at this stage, involves the use of primary data, and data that are collected from secondary sources of information.

The secondary data used for this work was generated from some marketing and management scholars and social psychologists.

Marketing journals books was also used and other books written on this topic. For the purpose of a substantiated work, the data generated are through questionnaires distributed (Primary data).



In concluding this research work, two types data collection were used, namely primary and secondary data.

PRIMARY DATA: This is firsthand or raw information that have not been used, generated for carrying out a specific research.

Below are primary data generated for the work?

  1. The questionnaire method: the researcher prepared 150 questionnaires which were distributed to the firm.
  2. The personal interview methods: due to the nature of certain information reburied by the researcher, it becomes necessary to make face to contact with certain group of respondents.



These include books for marketing management and social psychology authors, journals etc. Extensive use of the library was made by the researcher to substantiate this work.



Since the sampling units are not too large, the entire elements of the sampling units were adopted as the respondents for the study based on the researcher personal judgment distributed to 150 respondents.



In this study, the researcher will use frequency distribution table for presentation, percentage for analysis of the data generated from the respondents.

The Chi-square (x2) statistics, this measure the reliability of the actual observation (the observed frequency) from the expected is significant, so that it may result to either rejection of null hypothesis or acceptance of null hypothesis Njoku V.O et al (2004:182) detained Chi-square as the some of the ratio of different between observed and expected values.

Chi-squire (x2)    =        E      (01 -∑) 2

Where O = observed value (frequency)

In this formula x2 is used to evaluate whether or not the frequencies which have been empirically obtained either signifying from those which would be expected under a certain set of theoretical assumption.

In order to apply the x2 test, certain level of confidence or margin of error has to be assumed and the table determined the choice of the level of significant is determined by the researcher.

The degree of freedom is found by talking that there are “R” rows and “K” columns in the tale of the expected values.

Thus, when we have fitted in the first R -/rows and K-I columns border tables.

These represent the possible responses, while the columns represent the classification of the population studies. Thus, these are (R-I) (K-I) degree of freedom (Nworuh 2001:54)

Degree of freedom

Degree of freedom refers to the components of x2 which any randomly and indepently once the border have been established.

The degree of freedom for contingency table “R” rows “K” columns was given by (R-I) (K-I) the table value z2 for the appropriate degree of freedom would be compared with the computed x2 and the decision would be made at 50/50 level of confidence (ie 950/0 confidence level), The level of significant would be given in the Chi square distribution.




Having stated the source and techniques of data collection in chapter three the purpose of this chapter is to present and interpret that data collected and then accept, validate or disapproved in the question chapter one.

The questionnaires will be widely used in this regard and in doing this; the researcher will employ only those questions which most appropriately related to each hypothesis and all calculation will be based in the information contained in the questionnaire.


At this stage of the study, the researcher wished to present and analysis the data collected. This is pertinent in order to find out the impact of motivation on sales force performance.

In the analysis of data the total of 150 questionnaires was distributed and 145 was returned sample percentage was used to test the hypothesis.

Thus:    x       x       100

N                 1

Where x = number of responses

N      =     Sample size

The staff and the responses are as follows table showing the number responses of the distribution questionnaires.


Sample responses Population Number  of Questionnaires Number of Total
Production 20 15 14
Marketing 150 90 88
Research development 15 8 8
Engineering 15 10 10
Finance 19 12 11
Administration 21 15 14
Total 140 150 4


Number of questionnaire distribution = 150

Number of responses   = 145

Percentage (%) of responses =145 x 100

Therefore 3% were not returned.



Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and in the questionnaire.

Statement 1

Table showing number of responses towards motivation of workers.

Does your company provide motivation for its sale force?

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 1450 100


Source; field survey 2012

From the table 4.2.1 above all the respondents of Nigeria Bottling Company provides motivation for its sales force in summary 145 respondents representing 100% agree the statement above your company provides motivation for its sales force.

State 2

Table 4.2.2

Table showing motivation enhances salesmen

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 124 90
Unfavourable (No) 21 10
Total 145 100


In summary of the above statement, 130 respondents representing 90% of the NBC agree which represent 0% of the motivation enhances salesmen performance.

Source field survey 2012

Table 4.2.3

Statement 3

Table showing the number of respondents to special budget for motivation.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 120 90
Unfavourable (No) 25 17
Total 145 100


Your firm has special Budget for motivation

Source: field survey 2012

In the table above 4.2.3, a good number of NBC 12 (83)responded favourably while 25 (17%) responded unfavourably on the statement above. Your firm has special budget for motivation.


Statement 4

Motivation stimulates sales to achieve their sales target.

Table 4.2.4 Table showing number of responses to the result of effects of motivation towards sales.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 115 79
Unfavourable (No) 30 21
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012.

From the above table 4.2.4, 115 respondent while 30 (21%) responded unfavourably to the statement that motivation stimulates salesmen to achieving their sales target.


Statement 5

Motivation induces sales personal effectiveness in their territories

Table 4.2.5

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145


Source: field survey 2012

In the above 4.2.5 all the respondents responded favourably in the above statement that motivation induce sales personal effectiveness in territories which is 145 respondents representing (100%).

Statement 6

Table showing motivation contributes to growth in market share.


Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 90 62
Unfavourable (No) 55 38
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

Ion the above table 4.2.6, 90 (62%) of NBC favourably while 55 (38%) responded unfaourably do the above statement.

Statement 7

Table showing motivation help improve your profit growth

Table 4.2.7

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 100 69
Unfavourable (No) 45 31
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

In the above table 4.2.7 100 respondents being 69% of the NBC responded favourable while 55 (31%) responded unfavourably on the statement number 7 above that motivation help improve profit growth. Research question 2 captures items and 12



Incentives inform of timely salary payment enhance sales force performance. Table 4.2.8

Source: field survey 2012

In the table 4.2.8 above 80 (155%) responded favourably while 65 (45%) responded unfavourable to the statement made above.


Statement 9

Table showing salary increasing in used to stimulate better performance of salesmen.

Table 4.2.9

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

Source: field survey 2012

In summary of the above statement in table 4.2.9, 122 (84%) of NBC responded favourably while 23 (16%) responded unfavourably to iy.


Statement 10

Table showing number of responses to how Bonus is utilized by your company to reduce sales force effectiveness.

Table 4.2.10

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favorable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavorable (No)
Total 145 100

Source field 2012

In summary of the above statement 145 (100%) responded favourably that bonus is utilized by your company to induce sales force effectiveness.


Statement 11

Table showing number of respondents to level period and off-time improves salesmen productivity.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 80 55
Unfavourable (No) 65 45
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012


Statement 12

Regular promotion encourages your sales force in achieving sales target.

Table 4.2.12

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 140 97
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

From the table above, 140 (97%) responded favourably.




Statement 13

Table showing number of responses to the fact seminar are organizaed to boost the moral of the sales force

Table 4.2.13

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

From the table above, 145 (100%) responded favourably to the statement 13 that seminar are organized to boost the moral of the sales force performance.


Statement 14

Table showing number of responses to the question workshop are frequency organized as at when due in your firm.

Table 4.2.14

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

From table 4.2.14 above, the total of 76 (52%) respondents of NBC sales force responded favourable while 69 (48%) responded unfavourable to the statement 14 above.


Statement 15

Service training and man power development programme are provided by your firm to increase sales force performance.

Table 4.2,15

Table showing number of responses to service training and manpower development.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 134 92
Unfavourable (No) 11 8
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

In the above table 4.2.15, 140 (97%) respondents of NBC responded in favoured of the statement 15 above while 5(3%) said not respond in favour to the statement.




Your firm takes good sanitary measure to stimulate better performance.

Table 4.2.16


Table showing response to question to in items 16, and 17 and 18 above.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 97 67
Unfavourable (No) 48 33
Total 145 100

Source: field survey 2012

In summary of the statement 16 above, responded favorably to it while 48 (33%) responded unfavorably to it.

Statement 17

Health facilities are adequate provided to sales force productivity.

Table 4.2.17. table showing response to statement 17.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100


Source: field survey 2012

In the above statement 17, of table 4.2.17 all the respondent (145%) respondent (145%) responded favorably to the statement.


Statement 18

Your organization has adequate security for staff.


Table showing number of response to statement 18.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 40 28
Unfavourable (No) 105 72
Total 145 100


Sourse: field  survey 2012


In the above statement 18, table 4.2.18, 40 (28%) respondents responded favorable to the statement while 105 (72%) response was not in favor of the statement.




Your organization provides enough safely gadget and equipment to improve its personal performance.


Table 4.2.19

Table showing response to research questions 19, 20, 21 and 22.


Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 104 72
Unfavourable (No) 41 28
Total 145 100

Source : field survey 2012

In the table above, total of 104 (72%0 respondent of NBC plc Owerri responded favorable to statement 19 while 41 (28%) responded unfavorably to it

Statement 20

Marketing responses to statement 20.


Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100


In the above table 4.2.20 of the statement 20 all the 145 responded agreed it to. Source field survey 2012 statement 21your firm provided lap to enhance sales force efficiency.

Table 4.2.21 table showing response to statement 21 above.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

Source : field survey 4.2.21, 57 (39%) of NBC responded favorable to the statement 21 while 88 (61%) responded not to the statement.


Statement 22

Communication facilities are given to salesmen for effective performance.


Table 4.2.22

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

Source: field 2012

In the table above, all the responded said yes to the statement 22 above.


Statement 23

Completion is responsible for the quality of service customers enjoy from firms.

Table 4.2.23 able showing response to statement 23.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 91 63
Unfavourable (No) 54 37
Total 145 100

Source survey 2012

In the table 4.2.23 above, 91 (63%) of the responded answered yes to statement 23 while 54 (37%) answered no.

Statement 24

Technology has enhanced efficiency in customer service delivery.

Table 4.2.24

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

Source : field survey 2012


In the table above all the respondents answered in favor of the statement 24 that technology has has enhanced efficiency in customer’s service delivery.

Statement 25

Government  policies regulate the operation of business enterprise


Table 4.2.25

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 145 100
Unfavourable (No)
Total 145 100

Source : field survey 2012

From the table 4.2.25 above, all the 145 (100%) responded agree that government police regulate the operations of business enterprises.



     Having analyzed the questionnaire, it was great imperative to test for the validity of the stated hypothesis. This test was done with the use of Chi-square.


CHI-SQUARE : statistic is given as x2=E (01-E1)2

Wher01 = Observation value (frequency)

E1 = Expected value (frequency)

The decision rule

Accept HO; if the calculate Chi-square is greater than tabulated.

Test Of Hypothesis 

The hypothesis stated chapter one was tested using table 4.2.2


Motivation enhance sales force performance


Source; field survey 2012

4.2.2 Table showing number of response to the test of hypothesis above.

Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Favourable (Yes) 124 86
Unfavourable (No) 21 14
Total 145 100

Testing of hypothesis one

Hi; there is no significant relationship between motivation and sales force performance.


Hi; there are significant relationships between motivation and sales force performance.The above null hypothesis will be tested using Chi-square statistic at 50% level of significant.

Table 4.3.1


 Nigeria  bottling company staff ResponseYes         No Percentage (%)
Lower staff 60 6 66
Middle staff 40 14 54
Senior staff 24 1 25
Total 124 21 145


Computation of expected frequency

Expected frequency (E) – Row total x column.


I.e E = ∑R X ê

Grand total


For lower staff = 66 x 24

145          =56


66  x 21

145           = 9.6


For middle staff =   54  x  124

145       =46.2

54   x   21

145          = 7.8


For senior staff  = 25   x  124

125      = 21.4

25  X  21

145   =  3.6


The degree of freedom (df) = (R-1) )C-1)

Where R  = number of row

C  = number of columns

Putting in the value of ‘R’ and ‘C’  = (3-1)(2-1)


Table 4.3.2



Where O = Observed frequency

E= Expected frequency

Oij Eij Oij-eji (Oij-eji)2 (Oij-eij)2
60 56 4 16 0.29
6 9.6 -3-6 12.96 1.35
40 46.2 -6.2 38.44 0.8
14 7.8 -6.2 38.44 4.9
24 21.4 2.6 16.76 0.32
1 3.6 -2.6 6.76 1.8
X2 9.49


At 00.5 level of significant and 2 degree of freedom, the calculated value is 19.4 while the tabulated value is 5.991.



Accept Ho; if calculated X2 value I < X2 tabulated.



Since the calculated value is greater than the tabulated value (i.e 9.49 > 5.991) the decision is rejects the null hypothesis and accept Hi (alternative) that there significant relationship between motivation and sales force.


This hypothesis was tested using table 4.2.15 data generated from respondent. In service training and man power development programmer are provided by you are to increase sales force performance.

Test of hypothesis  two

  1. Ho: Training and development has no significant relationship to sales performance.

Hi; Training and development has no significant relationship to force performance.

The above null hypothesis will be tested using Chi-square statistical 50/0 level of significant.

Table 4.3.3

Response Frequency Percentage(0/0)
Favorable (Yes) 124 86
Unfavorable (No) 21 14
Total: 145 100

Component of expected frequency

Expected frequency (E)= Row total x column total

Grand Total

i.e E  = R  x  C

Grand Total


For lower staff = 82  x  134



82  x  11   = 6


For middle staff = 29  x 134  = 29



29  x  1 = 2.2



For senior staff =   29 x 134 = 31



34 x 11  = 3


The degree of freedom (df) = (R-1) (E-1)

= (3-1) (2-1)

(2) (1) =2

E = expected frequency

Oij Eij Oij-eji (Oij-eji)2 (Oij-eij)2
76 76 0 0
6 60 0 0
24 27 -3 9 0.333
5 2.2 -2.8 7.8 3.545
34 31 3 9 0.290
0 3 -3 9 3


From the above table, x2 calculate is 7.168 while the tabulated value is 5.991

Accept HO; if x2 calculated > x2 tabulated which is 5.991 hence Ho: is rejected and Hi is accepted, that training and development has significant relationship to sales force performance.



Test of Hypothesis

  1. H: incentive do not contribute significantly to sales force performance.

The hypothesis will be tested using Chi – Square statistic at 5% level of significant.

Nigeria bottling Company staff ResponseYes          No Percentage (%)
Lower staff 60 20 80
Middle staff 30 3 33
Senior staff 10 22 32
Total 100 145


32  x  45

145  = 10

The degree of freedom = (R-1))(ê-1) = (3-1)(2-1)(2)

  • =2

Computation of observed and expected frequency with Chi-square.


Chi-square  = E(Oij-eji)2


Where O = Observed frequency

ê =  expected frequency

E = Summation

Oij Eij Oij-eji (Oij-eij) (Oij-eij)2
60 69 9 81 1.17
20 16.4 3.2 12.96 1.97
30 173 1 41 0.333
8 7.3 0.7 0.49 3.545
22 18 4 16 3.2
0 4.2 -42 13.44 3.2


At 0.05 level of significant and 2 degree freedom the calculation value is 29.7. while computation of expected frequency (e)

(e)  = Row total  x  column total

Grandd total

For lower staff  =  80  x  100

145   = 55.2

80  x  45

145    = 25

For middle staff  33  x  100

134  = 23

33  x  100

134   =10.2

For senior staff   32  x  45

145  = 22.1

The tabulate value is 5.991



Accept HO: if calculate < x2 tabulate reject Hi: if X2 calculate < X2 tabulate.





Since X2 calculate is 29.7 and greater than X2 tabulated which is 5.991, we reject HO and HI ( alternative) the incentives contributes significant to sales force  performance.




Based on the state of the problem in Chapter One. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of  motivation on sales force performance in the business enterprises with specific reference in the Nigeria bottling company Plc.

From the findings, motivation helps to ensure higher productivity studies show that sales force work harder and have better performance when motivated. Also, the sales force produce more because they want to make more money. They want to make more money. The want status and respect. They need security and they desire every opportunity for personal development.

So, base on the analysis of data collected in chapter four, the following were the finding.

  1. Motivation has relationship between sales force performance in business organization.
  2. Incentive are not given to sale force merit.
  • Training and development improve sales force performance.
  1. Incentives plays an important role in sales force performance to business enterprise.
  2. Good working environment enhances the performance of sale fprce in the business organization.


Form past studies and experts opinion, the researchers therefore conclude that by devising revenue towards enhancing the motivation of sales force, will give rise to achieve cooperate objective. Therefore different kinds of will though and organized plans will be helpful to enable sales men to achieve their personal a career objective. This will then get motivated or boost their moral to strive to achieve corporation objectives.


Based on the finding recommendation are made while given incentive to sales force, it should be given base on merit and not base on favoritism. Salaries and bonus should also be paid as at when due.

Working environment should be improved by proper lighting ventilating and cleanliness. There should be job enrichment and enlargement to provide opportunities does increasing psychological growth.

Work aid should provide and also absolute equipment should be replaced with standard and motion ones.



Due to time constraints impose for the submission of the research project and financial constraint, conducting research into other areas which  many effect the motivation of employees or sale force could not be possible. These areas are the influence of individual experience peer group and family on sale force performance.


Department of Business administration

& Management

Imo State


Umuagwo – Ohaji

OPB 1472


8th October, 2013

 Dear Respondent

We are the N.D. student of Business Administration & Management in the above named institution carrying out a research work titles ‘The Impact Motivation on Sales Force Performance’ (a case study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc Owerri.

We should be grateful if you would participate in this study responding to the attached questionnaires.


All information will be treated in strict confidence.

You co-operation will be highly appreciated.




Yours faithfully

Mbanue Charity Ifoma


Dr. A.B Akpan (2008) sales/ distribution management zaria Ahmadu bello university publisher.


Ezirim, AC etc ( 2004) “Marketing research”)


Honomichi, JJ, Honomichi Marketing Research.


Krugman, H, memory without recall, exposure without perception journal of advertising research, July/ August 1977


Lincolnwood, IL NTC business Book, 1986


Sam B. Tend (20080 sales/ distribution management Nassarawa State University keffi respectively internet WWW.Gb3 function of marketing.


The millennium version publish by Avan Owerri Global publication.


Thorson, Esther and Moore, Jeri Integrated communication synergy of persuasive voice new jersey. Lawrence Erlbaun Associated, inc 1996


Young Charles E, the advertising Research handbook, ideas in fight Seattle, WE, April 2005, ISBN 0.9765574-0-1.



Please indicate your answer by ticking in the corresponding box or commence on where necessary.

  1. What is your position in the organization?

(a) Manager (b) Assistant Manager (c) Supervisor (d) Head of Department (e) Senior Staff (f) Junior Staff

  1. Are you a male or female staff? (a) Male (b) Female.
  2. What in your opinion is the best way of motivating workers?
  • By ordinary praises (b) monetary inducement (c) Gift (d) promotion (e) All of the above (f) Non of them above
  1. Motivation has a negative effect on workers’ productivity do you agree?
  • Agreed (b) Strongly disagree (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed
  1. Motivation has a positive effect on workers’ productivity, do you agree?

(a) Agreed (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. low level of motivation lead to poor productivity do you agree?

(a) Agree (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. Do you agree that when workers are motivated, they are happy and satisfied?

(a) Agreed (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. Do you agree that when workers with high level of motivation and high ability are given maximum opportunity.

(a) Agreed (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. Do you agree that productivity is more positively affected by intelligent motivation efforts than by forcing or imposing rigid constraints on them?

(a) Agreed (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. The difference in behavior or worker towards productivity could be attributed to difference in ability, skill, and motivation do you agree?

(a) Agreed (b) Strongly Disagreed (c) Disagreed (d) Strongly Agreed

  1. How do you know which workers is fit for award reception?

(a) By personal observation (b) By reports from supervisions (c) Recommendation from co-workers (d) All of the above (e) Noon of the above

  1. Are you satisfied working with Nigerian Breweries?

(a) Annually (b) Monthly (c) Any time (d) Not particular time

  1. What are the workers reactions at any motivational programmes?


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