
The impact of information technology in enhancing bank performance in nigeria economy (a case study of union bank plc enugu)

The objective of this research study is to find out effectiveness of information technology in banking system delivery, in carrying out this project observation, personal interviews and questionnaire were employed in order to make the research simple and more practice in nature.

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The objective of this research study is to find out effectiveness of information technology in banking system delivery, in carrying out this project observation, personal interviews and questionnaire were employed in order to make the research simple and more practice in nature. The researcher reviewed related in literature in chapter two of the topic, they tried to review to extend which information technology is effective in banking industry.

The researchers also sourced their data through both primary and secondary sources in chapter four. In the analysis the researchers used the chi-square to present their findings both specific and general findings from the study, made recommendation and conclusion.


Cover page                                                                                         i

Title page                                                                                           ii

Approval page                                                                                    iii

Acknowledgement                                                                              iv

Abstract                                                                                             v

Table of content                                                                                 vi-ix

Proposal                                                                                             x-xi CHAPTER ONE

1.0     Introduction                                                                             1

1.1     Background of the study                                                           2-3

1.2     Statement of problem                                                               3-4

1.3     Objective of the study                                                               4-5

1.4     Research questions                                                                  5

1.5     Formation of hypothesis                                                            5-7

1.6     Significance of the study                                                           7-8

1.7     Scope and limitation of the study                                              8-9

1.8     Definition of Terms                                                                   9-10

Reference                                                                                 11


2.1     Information Technology                                                            12-13

2.2     The effect of information technology on the growth

of the banking Industry in Nigeria.                                            13-14

2.3     Information Technology and Banking in Nigeria                         15-21

2.4     The Internet                                                                             21-22

2.5     The Concept of Information Technology and competition 23-25

2.6     Profitability of the Nigeria Banking Industry                               25-26

2.7     The Information Superhighway                                                 27-28

Reference                                                                                 29


3.0     Research Design and Methodology                                            30

3.1     Research Design                                                                       30

3.2     Area of study                                                                            30-31

3.3     Population of the study                                                             31

3.4     Sample and sampling techniques                                              31-33

3.5     Instruments of data collection                                                   33

3.6     Methods of data presentation                                                    34

3.7     Methods of data analysis                                                           34

Reference                                                                                 35


4.1     Data presentation and Analysis                                                 36-45

4.2     Hypothesis Testing                                                                   45-52


5.0     Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendations           53

5.1     Summary of findings                                                                 53-54

5.2     Conclusion                                                                                54

5.3     Recommendations                                                                    55-56

Bibliography                                                                              57-58

Information technology is the collection and gathering recording storage processing and communication or micro-electronic-based, combination of computer and telecommunication technology. It is however, based on the convergence of data processing and communication techniques, the former providing the information while the latter provide the vehicle for dissemination or communicating it.

Also information technology can be said to a relatively new field that combines the technology of the computer with that of field communication, concerned with the gathering, recording, storage, processing and dissemination of information and represents the largest form of man-machine interface such as internet services. In so doing the work will be subdivided into five part that will follow logical procedure in executing the task

In the first chapter, the authors introductory aspect of the work presented example statement of problem, objective of the study, purpose of the study, research question, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the work and definition of terms.

The author went ahead to survey if a galaxy of existing literature on the subject of the research works.

Data were collected from primary and secondary sources for analysis of the data so collected were presented, interpreted and the raised hypothesis were tested.

The author also presented the findings and made recommendations and conclusion of the work.



Actually the banking industry has gone too far into Information Technology, Information Management and others in the delivery of their customer’s services.

Through information technology is sustained in the concept of information management. Hence, information technology is narrower than information management but also depends heavily on network of systems technology just like information management therefore; it is a tool for information management. However, when we come to the issue of the effectiveness of information -Technology in banking system “delivery”. It is at great effect, in the sense that information technology has powered the banking industry. Service / system delivery are made easy, no more time wasting for just a simple banking transaction, information technology is and will continue to be of positive effectiveness to both bankers and customers. Well, it have some short comings in both area of the bankers and customers and the Nigeria economy at large.


When we talk about the background we are to dance down to the information meaning of information technology and what is all about, since it is the central of thought.

However according to Akuwudike and Ugwu (2002), information technology is the collection and gathering of recording, storage, processing and communication on macro-electronic based, combination of computer and telecommunication technology.

It is however, based on the convergence of data processing and communication techniques, the former providing information while the latter provided the vehicle for disseminating or communicating it, is hence a relatively new filled that combines the technology of the computer with that of telecommunications and therefore represent the latest form of man-machine interface.

Moreover, it has played a vital role in the newer field of experts systems and artificial intelligence. Experts are able to achieve these fits because of the abundant knowledge on, and the relevance of information theory which itself is the study of information and the way it is communicated (Armstrong 1993).

Also information Technology can be said to a relatively new field that combines the technology of the computer with that of communication concerned with the gathering, recording, storage, processing and dissemination of information and represents the largest form of man-machine interface such as internet services; All experts system just but few Jan 1987


In recent time, most banks have been in the bandage of how to manage their information, and how to satisfy their customers.

Also, the rate of competition in the banking industry today is also a big problem on the banking industry and happens to be Union Bank plc.

However, the Union Bank plc. Also have the problem it’s ability to meet with it’s raising population of customers for instance, if you visit the Union Bank Okpara Avenue branch or some other branches is not well disposed in information technology, such as the issue if online, not adequately effective. Hence contribute to the valuable time customers spend in the bank to meet of their needed transaction.

The problem of network is another problem which is currently experienced in the banking industry (union bank plc) most times you go to the bank you have system failure which hinders operations of banks services to their and that will lead to the customer not achieving their aim in such period.


The purpose of the study is to find out, how banks have been pressing to make information technology effectiveness in delivery of its service to satisfy her customer. However, this study is out to identify and examine the following:

  • To examine how effective information technology is to the banking industries service delivery.

(b)     To examine customer response to the introduction of some

Information technology items like (ATM) Automated teller Machine.

(c)     To examine what good internet has done to banking industry.

(d)     To identify the problems associated with information technology it’s


  • To suggest and recommend possible solution to problems so identified


The research question includes the following:

(1)     Is information technology has any effect to the banking service


  • Does customers response positively to the information technology

Items like ATM

  • Is internet needed in service delivery of the banking industry?

(4)     Does banking industries experience any problem in adopting the

Information technology as a mode if operative in customer service



To analyzed the effectiveness of information technology in banking services delivery the following hypothesis are formulated.


  • Ho: customer does not respond positively to the information

Technology items like ATM.

Hi: customer respond positively to the information technology

Items like ATM.


  • Ho: information technology is not of any importance to the effective

banking service delivery

Hi: information technology is of great importance to the effective

banking service delivery


(C)     Ho: internet is not really needed for effective service delivery in the

banking industry.

Hi: internet is really needed for effective service delivery in the banking industry.


(D)    Ho: The banking industry does not experience any problems in adopting information technology as a mode of operation in customer service delivery.

Hi: The banking experience problems in adopting information as a mode of operation in customer service delivery.


Considering the great competition in Banking Industry presently, the use of information technology is of great importance to bank that may deem it fit to adopt it.

Information technology has represented a turn around change in banking cultures and the ways of doing things into new ways.

It has also enable the banks to benefits from its array of produce is especially in the provision of service like on line banking, internet banking e.t.c. through the acquisition of programmes and websites. These features enhanced communication and transaction across the world into a global village. Through these arrays of service and delivers information technology has been able to enthrow the world into the recent and widely orchestrated information super high way.

Information technology as has been highlighted earlier on, is an essential basis for planning, organization, managing administering and controlling the key operations and activities within the banking industry and other organization.

Finally, information technology provided to capacity to generate process and manipulate masses of continuous information quickly and economically and ensure that it can be accessed rapidly.


As the topic implies, the study will be restricted to the banking industry with particular reference to the Union Bank Plc Okpara Avenue branch and will be further split into four areas viz:

  • Information Technology operation in the bank via customer services, each and clearing and other sectioned.
  • Internet uses in the bank.
  • Customer’s response to service delivery of union bank.
  • The effectiveness of service delivery in the banking industry.

Time limit is necessary in that the researcher has to consider together with the other course that will help in the successful completion of the programme.

Another limiting factor is money. The Lord Economic climate in the country and the nation’s total commitment to want the structured.

As a result of the above limitation, the scope of this work has reduced to a management level.

Furthermore, some vital motivated of information which would have helped the quality of the research work are not to our reach due to lack of finance, unfaithfulness of some respondent to reveal certain information to the researcher.

Course load: The researcher had many other academic problems to solve other than project. The apportionment of time to all these activities made it had to be carried out under the desired time interval.

In spite of the above limitations, the researcher worked relentlessly within the limit to achieve the stated objectives of this work.


  • ARITIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: The use of computer to stimulate the reasoning process of an expert human being in solving complex problems in a special area of expertise (domain)
  • COMPUTER: A machine used in modern time in organization and home to manipulate data.
  • DATA PROCESSING: The transformation of data inputs into information output.
  • DEVICE: Thing made or used for a purpose scheme.
  • GLOBAL VILLAGE: The word refer to as a small and simple communication place.
  • DISSEMINATE/ DISSEMIN ATION: A way of spread information widely.
  • INTERNET: It global computer network, that is linked together through telecommunication (i.e. telephone network).
  • MANIPULATE: To handle or manage in skillful or cunning way.
  • SUPER HIGH WAY: This a number of changes in the way Americans can communicate with earth and people around the world.
  • TECHNOLOGY: The study of mechanical arts and applied sciences.


AKUNUDIKE H. C AND UGWU O. I (2002) Management information system

Enugu, Gostak Printing and publishing                                                          co ltd. P. 150-154

ANEKE I. C (2005)                         The realities of computing. Enugu,                                                     immaculate publishing ltd. P. 127.

UGWU OLIVER (2005)                  Management Information system. Enugu

I.M.T p. 62


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