
The Impact Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria (Frcn) Enugu On Mobilizing Electorates During The March 27th Local Government Area

This study will investigate Radio Nigeria Enugu as a tool for political mobilization in the rural area using Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area as a case study.

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TITLE PAGE                                                                          i

APPROVAL PAGE                                                               ii

DEDICATION                                                                        iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT                                                         iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                       vi

ABSTRACT                                                                           viii


INTRODUCTION                                                                  1

1.1    BACK OF THE STUDY                                              1


1.3    OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY                                   8

1.4    SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                                       9

1.5    RESEARCH QUESTIONS                                         11

1.6    RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS                                       12

1.7    CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS                                  13

1.8    ASSUMPTIONS                                                                    15

1.9    LIMITATION OF STUDY                                            16


REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE                                        20



RESEARCH METHOD                                                         29

RESEARCH DESIGN                                                                    30

RESEARCH SAMPLE                                                                   32

MEASURING INSTRUMENT                                              33

DATA COLLECTION                                                            36

DATA ANALYSIS                                                                  36

EXPECTED RESULTS                                                        37


DATA ANALYSIS                                                                  38

RESULTS                                                                              46

DISCUSSIONS                                                                     50



SUMMARY                                                                            55


BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                   58

APPENDICES                                                                       61


When I decided to study “Federal Raido Corporation of Nigeria Enugu as a tool in Mobilising electorates in the rural areas using Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area as a case study, I had in mind to determined the effectiveness of Radio Nigeria Enugu (FRCN) to mobilize the rural dwellers political and thus influence them in an election time.  To do this, I reviewed the development of the early radio, the other sources of electoral mobilization and the major role FRCN plays during an election time by studying other researchers and prominent Communication and political experts perspective.

I also identified the strength of radio over all communication channels and the strength, weaknesses of using other medium of communication channels in reaching the rural dwellers.  In so doing, I found out that radio (FRCN) still stand out as the best tools for mobilizing electorates in the rural areas especially, during political campaign so as to wins their votes.  To prove this scientifically, the sample survey method guided me by the use questionnaire and interview methods to get these rural dwellers.

Having gone through these processes, the four tests (hypothesis) carried out confirmed that

  1. All Agba Umana Communication have radio.
  2. That they tune to FRCN Enugu during election period.
  3. That they were aware of the March 27th 2004 election
  4. FRCN Enugu influenced them to vote during election period.

Chapter four of this project show the details of the tests carried out and the answers to the research question raised.  Chapter five recommended what we thought should be done to improve on the quality and quantity of mobilization given to electorates in the rural areas especially those residing in a remote area like Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area.




Man since inception has been adventurous, inquisitive, innovative and incentive, searching for greater heights and development.  These extended to the sphere of communication.  He has attempted to transmit information over long distances so as to rise above his primitive methods which only covered short distances.  These efforts have today resulted in instant communication through radio.

It is commonly known that Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu played immeasurable roles in mobilizing electorates in Agba Umana during the 27th March 2004 Local Government election.  Agba Umana which is made up of six villages namely; Isiugwu Umuanum, Umuchi, Umuelijiani, Umungwoli and Umueze were influenced during the electron period.  This also fro long had been playing uncountable roles in matters of public interest, electorates mobilization and political education which started as far back as 1888 when Hertz Heinrich produced the first radio wave.  This was followed by other inventions including that of an Italian, Guliemo Marconi (1892:16).

Guliemo Marconi made a success of Heinrich Hertz’s theory of electro magnetic waves by making a compass needle turn at the time a spark jump between two waves on other side of the sent signals across the hill with his mother’s help he traveled to England and successfully demonstrated the device to and received support from the British post office Department.  He patented the new “wireless telegraph” on June 2nd 1896.  This was his contribution to the invention of radio which is now a tool of electoral mobilization in the rural area.

At the initial stage, the device radio was bulky with an enormous antenna.  However, Ambrose Fleming (1904:163) patented a special receiving tube called Fleming value.  The essence these fleming valve is to amplify the incoming radio signals.  It was improved again by another inventor, Lee Deforest, who added a third element Forest (1929:164).  His tube “The Audion” was the main component of radio.  The tube improved the reception capabilities and popularity of the medium.  This was how the item radio came into being.

Moreso, the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria metamorphosed from the (NBS) Nigerian Broadcasting service of BBC programmes which started in 1932.  The NBC was established in April 1957 at Tugwell House Marina Lagos.  The Corporation Headquarter located in Lagos at Ikoyi road Lagos with capital of the State of Nigeria and some other important towns in the country.  The corporation in addition, operated two departments to produce programmes for broadcast.  Home service department produce programmes for audience within Nigeria while the external programme service is for listeners outside the country in 1960.  The corporation was allowed to operate commercial services.   Situation lasted for 18 years before it was restored in 1987.  A Television service introduced to the Corporation in 1962 when first signal went on air in Lagos on first April 1967.

In April 1977, the NBC took a giant stereo operating the first FM stereo Broadcasting Channel in Lagos Nigeria.  In the same year the corporation become the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria which is now headed by the Director General Mr. Edie Iroh (FCAI).  The first Director of NBC now FRCN was Mr. Tom Charlmers (CBE).

Most of the mobilization the electorates in Agba Umana receive which subsequently affect their voting patterns are received through the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu.  Many Eminent scholars accepted this view among who is Edwin Emery was said, “Radio everywhere is an available channel through which political leaders express their views and seek totally public backing for their policies.” Emery (1973:61).

Politicians also recognize the role the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu plays in the formation of public opinion.  They are also aware of the dangers associated with misinforming the masses especially in the society where the publics believe whatever they hear from the station.

Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu is the most available and accessible tool for mobilization of Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area during the March 27 2004 Local Government election.  This is because it serves both the literate and illiterate unlike the Newspaper which is only for the elite.  Again it servce a linguistic barriers breakers because of it’s ability to communicate in many languages.  Moreover, the Federal spokesmen speaks through that station, so the people because of that reason tune their radio to that station during election to hear whatever is happenings or what the president has to tell the people about an election that is to come or the one that is on board.  That is to say that Radio Nigeria Enugu is the most exploit took for electoral mobilization during election in rural areas by politicians.

Since the revolutionary study of voting behaviour by Paul Lazarfeld and associates Lazarfeld etal (1948:151).  Political research has focused mostly on predicting voting outcome with little attention given to sources of political mobilization.  It is as a tool for electorates mobilization in the rural area.  In a recent review of mass media and political campaigns, Atkins Charles noted that, “Most mass communication researchers studying political campaigns recognized that media messages significantly influence voters Atkins (1981:201).  “A Nigerian scholar Duyile in 1979 while appreciating the constraints of the rural dwellers with appreciable political mobilization into which he depend to make political decision in an election time” Duyile (1979).


The modern political campaign or mobilization is a major media event deliberately planned not only to attract the attention of voters but also yet their votes.  Because of the ubuiqutous nature of modern mass media in urban area, it is not surprising that a successful political mobilization presupposes wide media coverage.

However, the situation is different in the rural areas where high rate of illiteracy and absence of electricity militate against extensive media usage.  Therefore, the radio Nigeria Enugu becomes the major tool for political mobilization in Agba Umana given it’s advantages over other means of media information.

It is evidently clear that modern political mobilization is a media deliberately planned not only to attract attention of voters but also to get their votes.  But then, the ubiquitous nature of modern mass media in urban area has wide coverage of successful political mobilization.

This study however aims at determining why Radio Nigeria Enugu is the most frequently used medium by rural communities in Ezeagu Local Government area and the village in Agba Umana Community.

Moreso, it is designed to delineate the effectiveness of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu as a tool for mobilization in election period in the rural area.


  1. This study will investigate Radio Nigeria Enugu as a tool for political mobilization in the rural area using Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area as a case study.
  2. It will also take a look on how believable the messages otten from this station are to the people and the attitudinal impact such believability hold on the respondents’ voting behaviour during the local government election held on March 27th, 2004.
  3. Finally it also aim at determining why Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu is the most medium used by rural communities.



  1. Specifically, this study will enable journalists, politicians, political parties and people from all walks of life be acquainted with the means of political mobilization in the rural areas.
  2. It will certainly be an invaluable asset to both politicians and the electorates in Nigeria especially those that reside in rural area. This does not mean that it is limited to the realities because the village remain the permanent homes of the urban dwellers.  Therefore, it is equally an invaluable asset to those politicians and electorates that reside in urban area.
  3. Moreover, politicians will in no small means find this research work helpful in choosing the right channel for disseminating their political ideologies to reach the grassroot voters.
  4. Conversely, rural dwellers will find it useful in assessing and selecting the right person or candidate for the right post. This mobilization will also enable the messes to come out in large and cast their voters.
  5. This research study possesses the credentials that could attract government attention towards improving the facilities for disseminating information particularly in the rural areas.
  6. In addition, this project would play an unqualified role in identifying the shortcomings of rural electorates mobility communication as well as enlightening the rural folks. It will enable them to analyse political information at their disposal. It will create voting habit in them.
  7. Consequently, this will enable/aid the rural dwellers to gather and organize themselves for the vote.
  8. It finally help them to cast their votes rightly and thus bring effective government to their door step for once. Cases abound where influential politicians employ the political techniques of distributing money in the village during campaign period through their agents.  It is done to convince people to vote for a particular party or person.


  1. Did all the Agba Umana Community have radio?
  2. Do they tune to FRCN during the election period?
  3. Did the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu influenced them to vote during the election?
  4. Were they aware of the eg election on 27 March?


Research of this nature is normally carried out with the aid of hypothesis.  Therefore, the researcher attempted to pose the following hypothesis.

H1:    All Agba Umana Community have radio

Ho:    All Agba Umana Community have no radio

H2:    They tuned to Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria during the election period.

Ho:    They do not tune to FRCN during the election period

H3:    They were aware of the March 27th 2004 election.

Ho:    They were not aware of the March 27 election

H4:    Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu influenced them to vote during the election period.

Ho:    Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria do not influence them to vote during the election period.


They key terms are Radio/FRCN, tool, mobilizing, electorates, rural areas, Election.


Conceptual Definition

Radio is a means of communication that relies on the use of electromagnetic waves propagated through space at the speed of light.

Operational Definition

Radio is that medium of communication that has maximum reach to heterogeneous audience especially rural dwellers simultaneously through the air waves.

(FRNC) simply means the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu National Station because it is located in Enugu State.


Conceptual Definition

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, tool is defined as anything that helps one to do his job.

Operational Definition

For the purpose of this project, tool can be defined as that instrument, person that helped to mobilize or in mobilizing electorates during the March 27th 2004 Local Government Election in Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area.

Mobilizing Electorates

Conceptual Definition

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defined mobilizing as, To make somebody ready for action or service.  It as well defined Electorates as all the electors considered as a group.

Operational Definition        Mobilising electorates in this study should be taking to means communication content or sense data, which the rural dwellers deemed necessary for making voting decision.

Rural Areas

Conceptual Definition

It is a non urbanized or village area, countryside.

Operational Definition

These areas are non urbanized with illiterate ignorant dwellers especially to electoral issues.


In carrying out this research project, the following assumptions were made.

  1. That all the villagers in Agbas Umana which inlucde Isiugwu, Umamanum, Umuelijiani, Umueze, Umuchi and Umungwoil have radio.
  2. That they tune to FRCN Enugu more especially during election period.
  3. That Agba Umana Community were aware of the 27th March Local Government Election.
  4. That Agba Umana Community were influenced through Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu to cast their vote.


Certain factors bring some limitations to this study.  Firstly, it encounters the in-built weakness of all research work that depend on questionnaire i.e, the failure to capture factors that lie outside the parameters of the text instrument.

Secondly, the study is limited by all the attendant problems associated with mass communication research in developing countries in African, like Nigeria, that is problem of logistics and the use of ideological materials.

Furthermore, the thesis is also limited to are coverage.  It would probably have been more interested and benefit if the sample were national.

Finally is time factor as a limitation there is no ample time to enable the researcher carry out a comprehensive and tike honoured project on this issue.


In line with the social responsibility theory of Mass Communication which was developed in the United States in the 20th century, this study will analyse it’s main point which is that the media should assume obligation of social responsibility and that the public should have enough information to decide on Ebo (1996:138).  With this, radio will play vital role in satisfying the political needs of the society especially the realities who are ignorant of political activities because of illiteracy and inadequate infrastructure.  This it does by educating and mobilizing them politically as a tool for political mobilization in the rural area will also identify the principles of the knowledge-Gap theory of Mass Communication.  This theory according to Stella Joan Ebo (1996:72).

“The more the uninformed remain more uninformed, the knowledge grip continues to expand but if exposed to the media, will be literate, informed, and likely becomes interested”.

This will go a long way to interpret this study that when the realities are educated politically through the radio, they tend to be gab in their knowledge on political issues.

Again Becher etal (1978) discovers that the best predicator of exposure to the 1976 presidential debates was habitual viewing and listening to media, ad the debates, which in turn stimulated conversation about the campaign and possibly served to legitimize the election process.  Individuals who belong to this category (ie those exposed) find it easy to make decisions, influence other as opinion leaders and also get influenced by other opinion leaders.

Hence, the use of radio as a mass medium to mobilize and carry out political activities especially to the rural dwellers who will in turn react to this political activities either positively or otherwise.



Published “Works on (FRCN) as a means of mobilizing electorates in Agba Umana in Ezeagu Local Government Area are rather scarce.  In fact, little or no work has really been done on this.  Probably, this is due to the fact that Nigeria attained self-rule in recent pas and has been most


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