
The evalution of the operation of nigeria immigration services in the control and prevention of exotic disease in nigeria (a case study of porthacourt river state)


The researcher investigated in to the operation of Nigeria Immigration service to determine its suitability in the control and prevention of exotic discussion with portharcurt Immigration Commission as a practical case study.

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The researcher investigated in to the operation of Nigeria Immigration service to determine its suitability in the control and prevention of exotic discussion with portharcurt Immigration Commission as a practical case study. Without hesitation the research presented the projection and focus of this research in an introduction chapter while all already existing information about the research topic was addressed under the literature review.

A simple field and analytical method was adopted by the research to execute the research in terms of research methodology subsequently, the researcher designed and plotted his practical research in a five by three experiment design (5×3). The source of data adopted were primary and secondary data. Research questionnaire response result form the primary data in a tabulated form while the information extracted from the literature review form the secondary data. The use of questionnaire was the researcher instrument and it was very valued because questionnaire beneficiaries were selected from three conspicuous categories of workers who have worked for at least ten years. A total number of one hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed and all were retrieved. Questionnaire response result were subsequently subjected to critical statistical analysis using simple percentage devices. The researcher was able to establish a research findings saying that the basic operation of the Nigeria Immigration service is suitable in the control and prevention of exotic disease in Nigeria but the practical function discharged by Nigeria Immigration Commission are with proliferation that reduces its suitability subsequently, the researcher presented recommendations.      


Cover page

Title page………………………………………………………………………………..i





Table of content ……………………………………………………………………


  • Introduction…………………………………………………………….…………….1-3
    • Background of the study……………………………………………………….3-4
    • Statement of the study…………………………………………………………4-5
    • Significance of the study……………………………………………………….5-6
    • Objectives of the study……………………………………………………………6
    • Research hypothesis……………………………………………………………….7
    • Research question…………………………………………………………………7-8
    • Limitation of study……………………………………………………………….8-9
    • Scope of the study…………………………………………………………………9
    • Research study area…………………………………………………………….9-10
    • Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………10-11


  • Literature review ……………………………………………………………………..12

2.1 Brief introduction………………………………………………………………………12

  • History of Nigeria Immigration…………………………………………….13-16
  • Function of Nigeria Immigration service………………………………16-17
  • Jurisdictional coverage of Nigeria Immigration service…………….18
  • Who is an immigration officer……………………………………………………19
  • Qualities of an Immigration officer………………………………………19-20
  • Organogram of Nigeria Immigration service’s………………………….21

2.8  Problem faced by Nigeria Immigration service………………………22-24

2.9  immigration operation ………………………………………………………………25


  • Research methodology…………………………………………………………….26
    • Brief Introduction………………………………………………………………………26
    • Research design…………………………………………………………………….26-27
    • Source of data………………………………………………………………………….27
    • Primary data………………………………………………………………………….27-28
    • Secondary data……………………………………………………………………28-29
    • Research Instrument…………………………………………………………………29
    • Validity of research instrument………………………………………………29-30
    • Data Tabulation………………………………………………………………………30-33
    • Method of data analysis……………………………………………………………..34


  • Data presentation and statistical analysis…………………………………..35
    • Data presentation …………………………………………………………………35-36
    • Test of hypothesis …………………………………………………………………36-40
    • Research result presentation and conclusion…………………………41-42


  • Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation………………………………43
    • Result summary ………………………………………………………………….43-44
    • Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………44
    • Recommendation………………………………………………………………………..45



Questionnaire ……………………………………………………………………….48-49  


       1.0                     INTRODUCTION

Right from the time immemorial, people often move from one country of origin to another for one reason or the other, in Africa more especially the recent continuous down word trend in the economy had increased the rate with which many people abandon their country of origin  and embark on long distance journey, an Europe in search  of greener pasture. Some other people choose to live in neighboring countries, an African who are light given, placed in economy than Nigeria had recorded a substantial number of Immigrants in recent time, greater percentage is from Africa region. It is also discovered that apart from handful of them who enter in to the country without proper screening large number of there illegal Immigrants who bring these disease into the country obviously don’t undergo an initial health screening and never present their yellow card, that contain every information about them including their health status is regarded of permanent resistant who are entering the country legally to ensure that they are not bearing contagious disease known as exotic disease.

This yellow card is issued and scrutinized by immigration service Apartment. Therefore Immigration service Nigeria is the part of the home office that regulate entry into the country the impact of Immigration on our country is often over locked. Although hundreds of visitor for tourism and business come every year, the foreign population in special concern is illegal residents who come most after from countries with enteric health problem and less developed health care. They are greatest consequence because they are responsible for a dispassionate share of serious public health problems.

On the other hand exotic diseases are these diseases which enter into a country from another country through some person, (American medical January 2005). Examples are HIV, Tuberculoses, Yellow fever, Psendorubus etc. exotic disease have caused a lot damage to the public e.g Cystieercosis which is a disease caused by the presence of tape worm.


Nigeria immigration service are made to protect the health status of Nigeria from foreign disease through quarantined and intensive screening service by specially trained Immigration field officers (jeo etl 2000).

The screening procedure cuts across physical screening and testing of sample in the laboratories. The components screened are human, animal and goods to reduce the rate of cross contamination by airborne disease and other contagious disease.

Immigration screening is necessitated by the high level of instability and dynamism found around man and animal health statues. Immigration workers in Imo State are corrupt and this has reduced drastically the efficiency of the service delivered by them.


Nigeria has many Immigration that come from different parts of the world that live in it. In Nigeria, it is the duty of Immigration department to issue out a yellow card to the travelers who wish to flight their trade in foreign country and also scrutinize foreigners who lower into the country for one reason or the other. This yellow card comprises every information about the patient including his/her health status. It is also recorded that in 1983 HIV virus was found only in U.S.A in a man in Chicago for the very first time across the globe but doesn’t exist in Nigeria as at then. But the recent increasing case and inscrosence rate of H.I.V and other exotic disease in Nigeria today is quite alarming despite the activity  of Immigration services in the country who have their representative of the borders, see ports and air ports to examine information from the travelers yellow cards therefore the researcher wonders why the basis and rule played by the Immigration service was to carry out this  research.


This study will help to unveil the weakness of the Nigeria Immigration Commission and will challenge the Immigration workers to work hard.  Subsequently the entire public will begin to have full awareness about exotic disease. Exotic disease spread in Nigeria will get reduce and the alarming death rate attached to exotic disease infestation will reduce individuals and government will no longer spend more financially to cure people from exotic disease.


The objectives of the research are outlined below.

  1. To determine the basic function of Nigeria Immigration services.
  2. To determine the suitability of Nigeria immigration Commission in the systematic control of exotic disease.
  • To determine and confirm the point of entrance of exotic disease in to Nigeria.
  1. To determine reasons why the Nigeria Immigration points are very lose.
  2. To evolve other measure of fortifying Nigeria Immigration service and discover other methods of preventing exotic disease in Nigeria,


The research hypothesis involve in this research is two namely:

  • Nuill hypothesis mathematical design as

HA  = HA

HA      HA  

This translate that Nigeria Immigration services are suitable in the control of exotic disease in Nigeria

  • Alternative hypothesis mathematically designed by

HO  =    HO

HO         HO

This translate that Immigration service is not suitable in the control of exotic disease.


The above research hypothesis attracts the following research question.

  1. Are the function of Nigeria immigration Commission related with exotic disease prevention and control?
  2. Is the Nigeria Immigration Commission suitable in the control of exotic disease?
  • Are you of the opinion that the points of entrance of exotic disease in the Nigeria falls within our environment?
  1. Are Nigeria Immigration points lose?
  2. Does the prevention of exotic disease in Nigeria require other safety measure to help the basic function of the Nigeria Immigration?


It is significant at this point to review certain problem encountered in the course of writing this project.

First in the cost is financial constant with did not give room for adequate research issue of time, was not enough for the researcher to carry out in depth work. Non availability of people who could have been source of information brought a slight set backing in the course of research. Finally, in spite difficulties a justifiable and acceptable work has been done to this research work.


The geographical scope of the study covers Partharcourt River State and term of academic discipline, it concerns an investigation into the role and suitability in the control of exotic diseases in River State.


The research work was carried out in Partharcourt Rivers State Ugwocha in the Bonny River and is located in the Niger Delta according to the 2006 Nigeria cause portharcourt has a population of 1,382, 592. The mayor of portharcourt city in Chimbiko Akorolo from Iguocha partharcourt was renamed by Federick Lugard after Levers Varnon Harcourt in 1913 who was the secretary of the state for the colonies. The area that become portharcourt in 1913 was originally the form land of the Dioba Village group of the Ikwerre, an Igbo sub-group. The colonial administration from the collieries of Enugu located IST mile (243km) north of portharcourt with it was linked to by a railway called the Eastern line, also built by the British.


Immigration:- Immigration is the movement of people into another country or region to which they are not native in order to settle there.

Exotic Disease:- Exotic disease are infectious diseases that normal do not occur in the region of your pig form either because they have never been present there or because they were eradicated and then kept out by government control measures.

Prevention:- This is the act of preventing or impeding.

Control:- The Act of putting in order or reducing the effect of a particular entity.


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