
The Effectiveness Of Planning In The Public Sector (A Case Study Of Kwara State Ministry Of Agricultural Ilorin)

In every countries of the world, all organization set up has a reason or more for its establishment.

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Title page




Table of contents


1.1   Introduction

1.2   Aims and Objectives

1.3   Scope and Limitations of Study

1.4   Research Methodology

1.5   Definition of terms

1.6   Organization of the study



2.1   Introduction

2.2   Theoretical framework

2.3   Current trends in thinking

2.4   Summary of the chapter



3.1   Introduction

3.2   Sample and population of the study

3.3   Data collection instruments

3.4   Method of data analysis

3.5   Research problems


4.1   Introduction

4.2   Brief history of the case study

4.3   Presentation of data

4.4   Analysis of data

4.5   Summary of the chapter



5.1   Summary

5.2   Conclusion

5.3   Recommendations




It is believed that planning is a master function in the management of an organization before any organization can attain its set objectives proper planning will have to be put in to consideration

Planning which involves selection of goals. Establishment of objectives and programmed for achievement of objectives in a systematic way or complex and many sided phenomenon which is variously defined bases on different scholars point of view

A plan is a comprehensive programmed scheme of method determined in advance order to accomplish a set objectives or a predator mined objective of an organization.

Planning according to the late prime minister of India Nehra, defined planning as the exercise of intelligent to deal with fact and situation as they are, and find a way of solving them.

It was also defined according to a writer to be an organized intelligent attempt to select the best available alternative to achieve a specific goal or conceived as a process of determining the exact things that the organization will do to accomplish its objectives.

Planning encompass change plus growth and development and also agreed that, it is concerned with development of plan which involves mental activities which specify what should be done, when as action is to take place, who is responsible and why they action is necessary or important in an organizational set up.

It can as well be regarded as the process involved in decision making. Conscious effort made to choose future course of action from variety of alternatives.


In every countries of the world, all organization set up has a reason or more for its establishment.

Both the public or the private organization or establishment apply some planning procedure for its effectiveness.

The most important reason for these organization, most especially the public sector is to meet their predetermined goals and objectives which might be either profit maximization or provision of welfare services to the public.

Other aims and objectives are listed below:

  1. Appraisal of government accounting system in general,
  2. Comprehensive assumption of data and evaluation
  3. Determination of best means of accomplishing set objectives
  4. Enhancement of decision making to best decision.


These write up cover wide area in planning for an organization, most especially in the organization of Kwara State Agricultural Development project i.e the historical background of Kwara Agricultural Project, organization structure and even the importance of this organization to individual and to the state at large.

However, this was done by making some sort of reason by collection of both primary and secondary data through interviewing the employee and the management and also by direct observation.

There were lot of problems encountered sourcing information which as a result of this restrict getting more information as needed. These problems are as follows;

FINANCE: There were no adequate finance i.e money to do the necessary thing like transportation to the place, to get the mind or the attention of the person to be consulted.

ACCESS TO BOOK – I was not allowed or given access to book needed in the organization for the smooth of running of my project.

TIME: There were no sufficient time for the proper carrying out of my research even during the interview, the official in the organization were too busy to spare much of their time to be questioned.


The content of this write up were based on personal interview in company’s record, interview method was adopted as the foundation for collecting vital information for the purpose of the study.

Some of the officials in charge of the planning of the predetermined or set goals for the organization of Kwara State Agricultural Development Project were been questioned as well as senior staffs in some other department in the organization.


PLANNING: Planning can be defined as a deliberate organized, systematic and objective process involved in the mobilization of information. Planning can as well be defined to be an organized intelligent attempt to select the best available alternative to achieve specific goals or conceived as process of determining the exact thing that the organization will do to accomplish its goal.

ORGANIZATION: can be said to be the organizing of groups of people with a shared purpose i.e business programme can be defined as a planned series of future event or action.

PREDETERMINED GOAL: This can be said to be an outline goal or objectives to be achieved at a specific period or time.

DEVELOPMENT: can be said to be the gradual making of head way on a specific project or assignment

PROJECT: can be defined as a plan undertaken or piece of work that involve making research.

PROGRAMME: can be defined as a planned series of event or future event or action

SCOPE: can be defined as the range of subject activities.



This write up is based on the general introduction, the aims and objectives, scope and limitation of the study, research methodology, definition of terms and the organization of the study.

Chapter two entails the literature review i.e the nature and scope of planning for development, problems of planning, uses of planning, what is planning, the types of planning.

Chapter three of this write up encompasses the historical background of Kwara State Agricultural Development Project to the individual and the state as a whole.

Chapter four of this write up is limited to the data presentation and analysis.

Chapter five which is the last of this write up entails the summary, conclusion, recommendation, and the bibliography of the study.


Willsky Aron:   The Politics of Budgetary Process, Little Brown and

Company (INC) 1964.

Wright M.G:     Financial Management M.G. Grawhill Berkshire England 1970.

C.F. Khan M.Y: New Issue Market and Finance in India, New Delhi

Allies 1978

Price Gittinger J.:     Economic Analysis of Agricultural Project 1972




Planning has a master function in the management of an organization and also essential in the economy of a nation. Without planning, it would be very difficult for a nation or country to develop. For the proper development of a country, proper planning must be taken into considerations, so that main objectives would be achieved…


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