
the available of human and material resources in teaching senior secondary school in lagos state

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1.1 Background of the study

The development of human and material resources has been the focus of concern of recent, towards the development of a nation. This is due to the fact that the growth of tangible capital stock of a nation depends to a considerate degree on human capital development. Without adequate investment in developing the human and material resources of the education sector, the possibility of the growth of any nation might be hampered. Education is the vital instrument for social and economic mobility at the personal level and an instrument for transformation of society at the national level (Ann, 2019).

The major concern of the researcher is on the availability of human and material resources in secondary school as both of them are the major ingredients to determine the effectiveness and performance of the school. Resources, according to Alfred et al (2012) mean anything that can give help or support when needed in order to achieve a goal or objective by an individual, group of individuals or an organization. Thus, educational resources according to Alfred et al (2012) mean those things that are needed to help or support in achieving educational goals and objectives. Ayodele-Bamisaye (2013) maintains that educational resources are made up of human, financial and materials resources. He adds that human resources are made up of school administrators, the same people teachers, bursars typists, Clarks, messengers, cleaners, watchman, cooks, drivers, librarians, gardeners etc. Human resources in secondary school are made up of both skilled and unskilled workers.

NERDC (2014) opined that there is no organization that can function properly without adequate and qualified personnel. He maintains that the quality of the personnel determines the quality of the school products. Adequate provision of human resources in schools will help to produce quality students and will help to promote good schools administration. It is the responsibility of the school and the government to provide human resources to secondary school.

Flippo (2013) notes that it is the responsibility of the school administration and the state government to ensure that adequate materials resources are made available to the concerned school. This will enable the schools to equip their students effectively and produce good performance on the part of both teachers and students; there is need for the provision of adequate human and materials resources in our secondary schools. Adequately of the human resources according to Flippo (2013) means having the right quantity and quality of staff in an organization.

Hanna (2019) asserted that the success of any human endeavor, secondary school inclusive, is closely related to be quality of personnel who perform the tasks. He added that the extent to which public education succeeds will depend to a large extent, upon the quality of the personnel engaged in the educational process and upon the effectiveness with which they discharge individual and group responsibilities. He also pointed out that among all the ingredients needed in making secondary education succeed, is the competency of the personnel charged with the task of effecting desirable changes in children. In another view, Hornby (2006) found out that the adequacy in the number of teaching staff and availability of teaching materials influence the overall efficiency and effectiveness of an educational institution. This implies that for secondary schools to be effective and efficient, there is need to for the provision of adequate human and materials resources consequently, this study will assess the availability of human and materials resources in teaching senor secondary District I, Lagos State.


1.2 Statement of the Problem

            The conventional methods of teaching vocational subjects such as agricultural science have not yielded the desired educational effects. Students interest in the discipline must be aroused while in the secondary schools in order to stop the perennial apathy towards agriculture. This demands effective agricultural instruction. Effective teaching and learning of agricultural science depend largely on the availability and utilization of instructional resources.

In the educational system, teachers of agriculture and other vocational subjects are increasingly faced with instructional challenges. The teachers realize that various students have their respective learning capabilities. Some students are fast learners; some are slow learners, while others are average in their capacity to learn.

A major instructional problem confronting the teachers of agricultural science is inadequate, nay, unavailability of material resources needed for effective teaching according to Edabor (2007). Another problem is the lack of or shortage of qualified manpower that can effectively utilize available Material Resources to achieve set educational goals according to Osaghae et al (2012). Thus, the main thrust of this study shall be to access how effective is the availability of human and material resources in teaching senior secondary school in Lagos State.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of the study will be to determine the availability and utilization of material resources  for the teaching of agricultural science in secondary schools in Lagos state. The specific objectives will include to:

  1. determine the availability of human resources for effective teaching and learning of agriculture in secondary schools in Lagos State.
  2. determine the availability of Material Resources for effective agricultural instruction in secondary schools in Lagos State.
  3. determine the extent of utilization of Material Resources for effective agricultural education and training in secondary schools in Lagos State.

1.4  Research questions

The following question shall be considered in the study:

  1. Does any relationship exist between availability of number and material resources and student performance in secondary school?
  2. What are the various human and materials needed in secondary schools?

iii.    Does quality teachers and staff has any effect on student academic performance in secondary schools?

  1. Does good classrooms, library and laboratories influences student performance in science and art subjects?
  2. What are the problems that affect the availability of human and material resources in secondary schools?


1.5  Research hypotheses

The hypotheses formulated for the study shall include;

H01: Quality teachers and staff does not has any effect on student academic performance in secondary school

H02: Good classrooms, library and laboratories do not have any influence on student performance in science and art subjects.

1.6      Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be beneficial to the following categories of people: teachers of agricultural science, students, and education planners/providers. First, when adopted, the findings of this study will provide some kind of support and encouragement services to the teachers of agricultural science. It will serve as a reminder to them on the instructional challenges facing them, and various ways they can handle such, including the use of improvised tools. It will also serve as a rescue to the teachers by exposing the problems that handicap them to the appropriate authority.

Next to derive some benefits when findings of the study are adopted will be the students in the numerous secondary schools, especially, within Lagos State. These students who learn at varying capacities will all be carried along by respective teachers when provided with necessary resources for instruction. The students also tend to gain some practical knowledge of agriculture. This will be in addition to the achievement of various academic excellence that will manifest in certificate examinations.

Educational planners and providers will be the next beneficiary from the findings of this study when adopted and utilized properly. This is because the findings will table various problems and challenges that hinder effective actualization of certain noble agricultural educational goals and objectives. Having exposed these problems, the findings will then provide the educational planners with a suitable platform that will enable them work smoothly in the provision of various instructional resources.

1.7      Research Questions

            The following research questions will guide the study towards the accomplishment of its objectives:

  1. Which human resources are available for effective teaching and learning of agriculture in secondary schools?
  2. Which material resources are available for effective agricultural instruction in secondary schools?
  3. What is the extent of utilization of Material Resources for effective agricultural education and training in secondary schools?

1.8      Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses will be postulated for the study:

Ho1    There will be no significant difference between the mean ratings of agricultural science teachers and students on the availability of human resources for effective teaching and learning of agriculture in secondary schools.

Ho2    There will be no significant difference between the mean ratings of agricultural science teachers and students on the availability of material resources for effective agricultural instruction in secondary schools.

Ho3    There will be no significant difference between the mean ratings of agricultural science teachers and students on the extent of utilization of Material Resources for effective agricultural education and training in secondary schools.

1.9      Scope and Delimitation of the Study

            The work will be designed to investigate the availability of instructional resources, and the extent to which these resources can be utilized for effective agricultural instruction in secondary schools. The study will be conducted in the six educational zones of Lagos State. Finally the study will use students in the senior secondary schools and teachers of agricultural science as respondents. The choice of senior secondary students is formed by their years of stay and experience in the schools, which will be beneficial in answering questions on the research instrument.

1.10   Operational Definition of Terms

Human resources: This is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization. It involves the knowledge; the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization.

Materials resources: This involves facilities that are use to develop and add values to people. In this context, materials resources include the physical assets like laboratories, libraries, instructional tools, writing materials, classrooms etc, use to develop students academic performance.

Student academic performance: This refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.

Teachers: Those are those persons who help others to learn new things.



Alfred, S. B & Kayoma, F.O. (2012).Enhancing the quality of vocational agriculture in secondary schools for agricultural productivity in Nigeria. Faculty of education Delta State University, Abraka. Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference 13th – 17th November, 2012.

Ann, N.K (2019). Availability of instructional materials required for teaching entrepreneurship in Business studies in secondary schools in Delta State for employment skills development. Nigerian Journal of Business Education, 6(2); 173-181

Ayodele-Bamisaye, O. Nwuzuoke I. A. & Okediran A. (2013).Education this millennium innovation in theory and practice. Lagos: Macmillan Nigerian Publishers Limited Emeasoba Nneka Charity (2018).An evaluation of equipment for the teaching and learning of Business Studies in Public Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu State. International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education. 10(7), 54-60

Federal Ministry of Education (NERDC, 2014).Nigeria Educational Research and Development Council.

Flippo (2013).Teaching/Learning resources and academic performance in mathematics in secondary schools in Bondo District of Kenya. Asian Social Science, 6 (12), 126 – 132

Hanna, O. Y. (2019). Assessment of availability of the human and material resources for the implementation of the new basic education English language curriculum in Kaduna State. Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 4(3); 41-46.

Hornby, A.S. (2006). Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of current English. Oxford University Press.


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