
Suitability of the application of fire drill in the prevention of market fire . (a case study of markets in owerri)

The aim of this chapter is to briefly intimate the reader with various research designs used by the researchers. And Chi-square were used to analyse the techniques used.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



Fire safety in market is determined by a number of factors: the provisions of means of regulation against  fire out break, the ability for a building to resist the effects of fire and to minimize the spread of fire and smoke and the provision of means of access to enable fire-fighters to effect rescue and fight fire.

Building (Planning) Regulations which include the requirements for fire resisting construction, means of escape and means of access for fire fighting and rescue to market. In addition, it also provides guidelines on the testing standards for the fire properties of building elements and components, fire safety management of market and the alternative approach in fire safety design, i.e. fire engineering approach.

Research Methodology: The aim of this chapter is to briefly intimate the reader with various research designs used by the researchers. And Chi-square were used to analyse the techniques used.

presentation, analysis and interpretation of data: This chapter deals with the presentations, analysis and interpretation of the da8ta collected. The data collected will be used to answer the research questions and test the hypothesis.

In conclusion Fire drills in markets are usually conducted as a part of orientation program for traders latter the drills are supplemented with in service training for the traders personnel, including the emergency procedures.



According to Bryman and Bell (2003) in the research work of Omoniyi (2011), Fire safety and evacuation plans outline traders duties and responsibilities in time of emergency. Ongoing training is required to help ensure that traders is aware of those duties and responsibilities. Fire drills serve as an opportunity for traders members to demonstrate, under simulated fire conditions, that they can perform those duties and responsibilities safely and efficiently. It’s also a time for them to show that they are aware of defend-in-place strategies and can take advantage of your facility’s fire safety features and egress facilities to protect the people in their care. Fire drills are more than an exercise designed to evaluate traders response to a simulated emergency. They are also a test of your facility’s fire safety/evacuation plans and traders training programs. Not all fire drills run smoothly. That’s okay, so long as traders and management learn from them and correct mistakes made. It’s important, therefore, that there be a critique of each drill so that any problems encountered can be addressed. Perhaps the problems are due to incomplete or outdated fire safety/evacuation plans. Perhaps there’s a need for additional traders training.


The main objectives of this Fire Drill and Emergency Evacuation procedure are as below:

  • To provide an orderly emergency response plan for all occupants.
  • To ensure all exit routes, emergency staircases are not obstructed and can be used in an orderly fashion during emergencies.
  • To ensure fast, organised and smooth evacuation of market during emergencies.
  • To train fire drill and emergency evacuation officers to conduct their duties successfully.
  • To test the working conditions and effectiveness of all fire and emergency equipment for all markets in Imo State.


There have been a lot of fire outbreak in most of the market  in Imo State and the world at large. Owing to this fact, the findings of this research work will be of great significant to most markets in Imo State. Though the research work was carried out within Owerri Municipal, the findings will be of great help to all the Markets in Imo State at large.


The issue of fire out break and unsafe condition in most of our markets in Owerri has become a dilapidating issuse in the state. The quest to eradicate this treat within our market is the major and primary problem that is associated with this it. The secondary problem is on how to apply the ergonomic specification in the eradication of these problems.


The following questions will be treated in the course of this research work thus:

  1. What types of work are most likely to pose fire outbreak in the market?
  2. Can carelessness of the traders in the market result to fire outbreak
  3. If yes what are the factors?
  4. Can we control fire outbreak in our markets?
  5. Do you believe that Ergonomic specification help in the control fire outbreak in the market?


A hypothesis is a proposition that is stated in testable form and prediction of particular relationship between two or more variables.

Ho:  There is no significant relationship between Ergonomic specification and the control of industrial accident rate in agro allied industry

Hi:   There is great significant relationship between Ergonomic specification and the control of industrial accident rate in agro allied industry


For the sake of coherency and clarity, the scope of this work does not involve in totality all the means to eradicate fire out break in our market but limits itself to the application of ergonomic specification in the eradication of accidents within the market premises. For the sake of precision, the research work will be carried out within markets in Imo State, though references of some authors will be convoked.



This can be seen as the right type or quality for a particular purpose or occasion


those factors or qualities in the design of something, especially a workplace or equipment used by people at work, that contribute to comfort, efficiency, safety, and ease of use  Ergonomics, also known as human engineering or human factors engineering, the science of designing machines, products, and systems to maximize the safety, comfort, and efficiency of the people who use them.


The act of putting in order or reducing the effect of a particular entity.


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