
Role of government in primary health care services in Nigeria (A CASE OF BENDE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ABIA STATE)

The appraisal scope of this study is the role of local government in the provision of health care services in Bende local government area of Abia state.

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This research point out the role of local government in health care service delivery to Bende local government area. It also examines how far these health care activities have been able to reach the grass roots. The impact it has made on the rural dwellers has actually shown the roles of local government authority to which they belong. Health care delivery has been defined as the desirable health services provided to people to achieve the desired medical goals. Some people in Bende local government area have not yet felt the presence of local government administration in the area. Therefore, this project has projected and made clear the role of Bende local government council in the health wise development of all the communities in the council. In view of the fact that local government plays a leading role in the development of community, this study is aimed at highlighting the various health care programmes or health care projects embarked upon by Bende local government area of Abia state.

The study is also expected to make recommendations where necessary in order to bring about desired health care delivery services in the rural area with particular reference to Bende local government area. The study shall also determine the extent to which local government affect the health care services of rural communities with reference to Bende local government area of Abia state.











Title Page                                                       i

Approval Page                                                 ii

Dedication                                                      iii

Acknowledgement                                            iv

Abstract                                                         v

Table of Content                                              vii-x

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction                                              1

1.1 Background of the Study                             2-4

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                  4-5

1.3 Objective of the Study                                5-6

1.4 Research Question                                      7

1.5 Significance of the Study                             7-9

1.6 Scope of the Study                                     9

1.7 Limitation of the Study                               9-10

1.8 Definition of Terms                                     10

Chapter Two

2.0 Literature Review                                       11

2.1 Introduction                                              11-30

2.2 Reference                                                  31

Chapter Three

3.0 Research Design and Methodology                32

3.1 Introduction                                              32

3.2 Research Design                                         32

3.3 Sources/ Method of Data Collection                     33

3.4 Population and Sample Size                         33-34

3.5 Sampling Technique                                    35

3.6 Validity and Reliability of Measuring

Instrument                                               36

3.7 Method of Data Analysis                              36-37

Chapter Four

4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data                 38

4.1 Introduction                                              38

4.2 Presentation of Data                                   38

4.3 Analysis of Data                                         38-45

4.4 Interpretation of Results                             45

Chapter Five

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and

Recommendation                                       46

5.1 Introduction                                              46

5.2 Summary of Findings                                         46-47

5.3 Conclusions                                               47

5.4 Recommendation                                       47-48

Reference                                                        49

Appendix                                                  50

Questionnaire                                            52-55






The local government as a tier of government performs so many functions in the community, among its function is the provision of health care services.

This research work seeks to examine the role of the local government in the provision of health care services. Considering the importance of health care services in the lives of the members of the community. It is proper for the government at the grassroots to take part in this activity that has positive effect in the lives of the people.

Bende local government carryout various forms of health care services in the community in order to improve the living standard of the members of the community. These various health care services provided by the local government is what this research work seek to examine.



Local government all over the world has been seen as government at the grass root. In view of its role in the provision of health care services to rural communities.

According to Ogunna (1996) Local government is a political authority which is created by law or constitution for local communities by which they manage their local public affairs within the limits of the law/ constitution.

In view of V.V Rao, local government is that “part of the government which deals mainly with local affairs administered by authorities subordinate to the state government but elected independently of the state authority by qualified residents.

To William Robson in Mahal (2006), local government involves the conception of territorial, non-sovereign community possessing organization to regulate its own affairs.

Further more, VenKatarangaiya and Pottabhiram see local government as the administration of a locality, a village, a town, a city or any other area smaller than the state by a body representing local inhabitant, possessing a fairly large amount of authority, raising at least a part of its revenue through local taxation and spending its income on services which are regarded as local and therefore, distinct from state and central services.

Finally, local government which is the third tier of government is primarily established to provide basic social facilities and services to facilitate the process of development and the rural well being.

In view of this, Bende local government area of Abia state which is among the seven hundred and seventy four (774) local governments in Nigeria recognizing its functions such as provision of good roads, hospitals etc. has not failed to make provision for health care services in Bende local government area. Knowing the assertion that health is wealth has taken the bull by the horn in making sure that provision of health care services is important to ensure the well being of communities in Bende local government area.

Bende local government communities no doubt are faced with a catalogue of development and health problems which includes lack of infrastructural facilities, poverty, poor health care services, disease epidemic etc. Indeed the above mentioned problems are the most pressing needs that is associated with the rural areas.

Bende local government area has been created to specially address the above mentioned needs in recent times. It has been stated that Bende local government has played leading roles in alleviating the suffering of the rural communities within its territory by providing good health care services to people of Bende local government area.


Bende local government area is confronted with a lot of developmental and health care problems since its creation.

These problems have very serious implications for the realization of development goals and good health care services.

Therefore, this study was carried out in order to find out solutions to the problems of good health care delivery in Bende local government in Abia state. Hence, the researcher asked these following questions.

  1. To what extent has Bende local government area met the health needs of its communities in Bende local government?
  2. What has hindered the speedy delivery of health services in Bende local government area of Abia state?
  3. What steps has been taken by Bende local government area to solve the problem of health care delivery services in its communities?
  4. What is the financial strength of Bende local government?
  5. Is Bende local government financially empowered to execute health care projects without external assistance?
  6. Does Bende local government have other sources of finance apart from statutory allocation?

The role of local government in provision of good health services to rural communities in Bende local government area is of paramount importance. Hence, this study was undertaken towards the following:

  1. To evaluate the level of health care delivery in Bende local government area.
  2. To ascertain the role played by Bende local government in improving the state of health of people in Bende local government.
  3. This study was also aimed at examining the challenges facing Bende local government area in a bid to provide good health care services to rural communities within its territory.
  4. Furthermore, the study was also geared to affirm the commitment of Bende local government area in providing affordable health care services for rural communities.
  5. Finally, the study was geared to prove the importance of the role of local government in provision of health care services to rural dwellers in Bende local government of Abia state. Based on the above mentioned, the researcher painstakingly undertake the study, using Bende local government as a case study.





Based on the role of local government on health care delivery, the researcher asked the following questions:

  1. Does local government play a significant role in the provision of health care services to communities in Bende local government area of Abia state?
  2. What is the importance of good health care delivery to the people of Bende local government area?
  3. What are the problems encountered by the local government in the provision of health care services to its people?
  4. To what extent does Bende local government council provide health care services to its people?
  5. Has the Bende local government area authority created any impact in the lives of rural dwellers especially in the area of health care delivery?


No doubt lots have been written on the role of local government in the provision of health care services in Bende local government area. This study serves as a stepping stone in realization of the place of local government in health care provision.

Development and provision of health care system of the communities is a brain child of both the federal and state government. In view of the above, this study aimed at contributing to knowledge as well as assisting government to take informed decisions. This study no doubt comes at the right time especially under the present democratic dispensation that every community is clamoring for government at all levels particularly local government will be better positioned to gain insight into the various ways they should help develop and provide health care services to the rural areas.

This study is to add to the very many researches that may have been carried out by various researchers on the title. This research will also be beneficial to some other research writers who may have need to make a review especially when they are to write on the same title. Indeed the study is a far reading gone in effect and those wishing to go into politics.

The issue of provision of health care services, one that requires urgent attention and it should be embraced by both young and old, government officials and the led. Governance is all about leading people and providing their needs as well as maintaining atmosphere of peace and unity. This suggests that local government role in the provision of health care services is a concern to every member of the community.


The appraisal scope of this study is the role of local government in the provision of health care services in Bende local government area of Abia state.


In the course of this study, a lot of problems were encountered by the researcher ranging from inadequate finance, lack of time, uncooperative attitude of the respondents etc

However, the research was successfully carried out. Also this study covered Bende local government area which is made up of seven autonomous communities with a population of about 250,000 in Abia state.



LOCAL GOVERNMENT: This involves the various aspect of administration or administering of service on local basis by local bodies for the betterment of the local people.

DEVELOPMENT: This can be defined as the desirable socio-economic and political progress which involves improvement in the general living conditions of the people.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Community development is a movement designed to promote better living for the whole community with active participation of people.

HEALTH: This is the physical condition or state of someone’s body.




This chapter focuses on the summary, conclusion and recommends solutions to the various problems found in the cause of this study that will help solve the problem of health care service delivery in Bende local government area of Abia state.


The summary aim of this research was not only to point out the role of local government in delivery of health care services to Bende local government area but also to examine how far these developmental activities have been able to reach the grass root and the impact it has made on the rural dwellers.

Development has been defined as the devisable socio-economic and political progress which involves improvement in the general living condition and health care services of the people. Considering the above definition, it could be said that it is one thing to embark on a programme to achieve the desired goal. Some people in Bende local government area have actually felt the impact of the roles of the local government to which they belong while some have not yet felt the presence of local government administration in the improvement of the health care condition in Bende local government area.


It will amount to understatement and mere ignorance if one should conclude that Bende local government area has not experienced good health care service evidence as shown by the study, the impact of the local government administration in the health care sector of rural communities is considered meaningful.


This work makes the following recommendations based on the following findings used to improve the administrative or operation of local government system in Nigeria especially towards the provision of health care services.

  1. Local government council should be funded adequately by both the federal and state government. It is a fact that will enable them to carry out their functions effectively through these internally generated funds.
  2. This work recommends that effort should be made towards developing every community with whatever mineral resources that is found there in a bid to reduce communal clash and agitation for resource control that is being experienced now in the local communities.
  3. Since community health care development is a brand child of both federal and state government, this work recommends that the task of developing the areas should be borne by all levels of government. Both federal and state government should monitor the rate of health care delivery services and also ensure that words are matched with actions.