
production of electricity by the method of road power generation

This study covers using a permanent magnet D.C. generator which generated 12Volt D.C. This D.C. voltage is stored on a lead 12-volt battery. Electricity stored in battery is used to activate the light, fan etc. rating capacity is increased by using higher capacity battery.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



Man in his lifetime, uses energy in one form or the other. In fact whatever happens in nature, results, out of the conversion of energy in one form or the other? The blowing of the wind, the formation of the clouds and the flow of water are a few examples that stand testimony to this fact. The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis, and there is a need to develop methods of optimal utilization, which will not only ease the crisis but also preserve the environment.

Energy conservation is the cheapest new source of energy. This paper attempts to show how energy can be tapped and used at a commonly used system, the road power generation. Road Power Generation (RPG) is one of the most recent power generation concepts. This device converts the kinetic energy of the vehicles into electric energy by installing moving plate on the road, it takes the stroke motion of the vehicles and converts it to the rotary motion by crank mechanism and it generates the electricity.

This work highlights on the knowledge that the kinetic energy receiving wasted while vehicles move can be used to produce power by using a special planning of Gear, chain, sprocket, shaft and bearings. This engendered power can be used for general purpose uses like street lights, traffic signals etc. For obtaining the electricity through the speed breaker mechanism a prototype model is developed and studied. Findings from this research work is discussed in this paper, the generator used here is permanent magnet D.C. generator. The generator voltage is 12 Volt D.C. This D.C. voltage is stored to the lead 12-volt battery. The battery is connected to the inverter which is use to light a bulb and run fan.


Cover page

Title page

Approval page





1.0          Introduction

1.1          Background of the project

  • Statement of the problem
  • Aim and objectives of the project
  • Significance of the project
  • Scope of the project



  • Electricity generation
  • Electricity Generation Techniques
  • Review of related studies
  • Need For The Model
  • Statistics On Load And Power Generation
  • Statistics On Load And Power Generation



3.1          Introduction

3.2          System Block Diagram

3.3            Materials Used

3.4            System Workings


4.1 Design Analysis

4.2  Expected results and discussion

4.3  Output Power Estimation


  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation


1.0                                                       INTRODUCTION

1.1    Background of the study

Today world use energy in many form whatever its nature, but consumption of energy is a big crises now a days there are many form of energy and its conversion of energy in one form or the other the development of the clouds, the motion of the air and the kinetic energy of water are a few instances that stand testimony to this fact? The extensive tradition of energy has motivated in an energy crisis, and there is a need to advance approaches of optimal consumption, which will not only ease the crisis but also reserve the environment. Energy conservation is the inexpensive new source of energy.

Road Power Generation (RGP) is one of the most recent power generation concepts. This device is engineered as a practical and useful alternative energy technology for generating clean electricity from the millions of vehicles on our roadways [2]. Once fully optimized and installed, engineers anticipate that devices may be used to augment or replace conventional electrical supplies for powering roadway signs, street and building lights, storage systems for back-up and emergency power, and other electronics appliances, and even devices used in homes and businesses.

This Project is executed by using simple drive machinery such as Roller, some interfaced Electrical apparatuses and chain drive Mechanism. The basic principle is simple energy conversion form mechanical to electrical energy by means of the vehicles weight (potential energy) & motion (kinetic energy).Here the procedure of Electric Power Generation comes under the Mechanism of Electro-Kinetic power Generator. The electro-kinetic power generator is a technique of producing electricity by harnessing the kinetic energy of automobiles that energies over the track. The track operates by virtue of a number of specifically designed rollers placed on it. When the vehicles pass on the rollers, pressure is exerted on them, which advances the mechanical energy and by means of a specially designed mechanism, a generator is driven, which is accomplished of producing AC/DC current.

This device converts the kinetic energy of the vehicles into electric energy. This is done by moving plate installed on the road, this plate take the stroke motion of the vehicles and convert it to the rotary motion by crank mechanism and it generates the electricity [3].

1.2      Problem Statement

Supply of power in most part of the country is poor. Hence more research and development and commercialization of technologies are needed in this field. Developing countries like Nigeria has very poor roads. Talking about a particular road itself includes a number of speed breakers. By just placing a unit like the “Power Generation Unit from Speed Breakers”, so much of energy can be tapped. This energy can be used for the lights on the either sides of the roads and thus much power that is consumed by these lights can be utilized to send power to these villages [5-6].

1.Aim and objectives of the study

The aim of “road power generation” is provide production of electricity by the method of road power generation

The objectives of the study are:

  1. To produce an electrical energy at a reduced cost
  2. To reduce the noise of power generation.
  • To convert kinetic energy of vibrating road into electrical energy

1.4      Scope of the study

This study covers using a permanent magnet D.C. generator which generated 12Volt D.C. This D.C. voltage is stored on a lead 12-volt battery. Electricity stored in battery is used to activate the light, fan etc. rating capacity is increased by using higher capacity battery.

1.5      Significance of the study

This study exposes me to the knowledge that the kinetic energy receiving wasted while vehicles move can be used to produce power by using a special planning of Gear, chain, sprocket, shaft and bearings. This engendered power can be used for general purpose uses like street lights, traffic signals etc.

1.6                                              Advantages of the Project

  • Free Energy Source
  • No Dependency on Sun Or Wind
  • Environment Friendly
  • Easy To Deploy
  • Power generation simply walking on steps.
  • Power also generated by running.
  • No need fuel input.
  • This is a conventional system.
  • Battery is used to store the generated electricity.

1.7                                              Applications of the project

  1. This can be implemented on railway station to generate electric power
  2. In bus stand
  • In car parking system
  1. In Airports
  2. In Lift systemu  In street lights
  3. Electric escalators
  • Speed Breakers


5.1                                                           CONCLUSION

In this world of new technology and innovation point of view RPG is new kind of alternative source of energy. This is a type of vibration gathering. This used waste energy of vehicles and converts kinetic energy to electric energy. RPG probable answer for battery charging station and it may be possible the electric vehicle can be refreshing with green power and power coming from electric vehicles earned wasted kinetic energy. The higher occurrence of passing vehicles delivers higher capacity of electricity generated by road power generation. In coming days, this will demonstrate a great boon to the world, since it will save a portion of electricity of power plants that gets wasted in enlightening the street lights. We got to save the power gained from the conventional sources for well-organized use. So this idea not only provides alternative but also adds to the economy of the country. Now, vehicular traffic in big cities is more, causing a delinquent to human being. But this vehicular traffic can be utilized for power production by means of new technique called “power hump”.

5.2      Recommendation

Road Power Generation is new type of unconventional source of energy. This is a type of vibration harvesting. This used waste energy of vehicles and converts kinetic energy to electric energy. RPG possible answer for battery charging station and it may be possible the electric vehicle can be recharge with green power and power coming from electric vehicles earned wasted kinetic energy. The higher frequency of passing vehicles provides higher capacity of electricity generated by road power generation.