
Local Government As The Agent Of Community (A Case Study Of Ilorin East Local Government.)

One of the aim and objective of the research is to implore various writhing on motivation. To trace the historical background of P.H.C.N, Ilorin district.

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Title page                                                                 i

Certification                                                             ii

Dedication                                                               iii

Acknowledgment                                                     iv

Table of content


1.0 Background of the study                                    1

1.1 Introduction                                                       1

1.2 Statement of the problem                                  2

1.3 Objective of the study                                                2

1.4 Significance of the study                                    3

1.5 Research hypothesis 3-5

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study 5-6

1.7 Organization of the study 6-8

1.8 Definition of terms 8-10


Literature review

2.0 Introduction 11

2.1 Theoretical frame work ii -13

2.2 Current trend in thinking 13-19

2.3 Summary of the chapter 19-20

References 21


3.0 Research methodology 22

3.1 Sample and population of the study 23

3.2 Sources of data and data collection 23-24

3.3 Method of data analysis 24-25

3.4 Research problem 25-26


Data presentation analysis and interpretation of findings

4.0 Introduction 27

4.1 Brief history of Ilorin east local government 28-29

4.2 Organizational structure of Ilorin east local government 29-30

4.3 Analysis of hypothesis 31-38

4.4 Testing of hypothesis 3 8-40

4.5 Summary of the data 41

References 42


Summary, Recommendation and conclusion

5.1 Summary of findings 43

5.2 Recommendation 44-46

5.3 Conclusion 47

Bibliography 4 8-49




Motivation is the driving force by which we achieve our goal. A reword, tangible or intangible, is presented after the occurrence of an action (that is behavior) with the internet to cause the behavior to occur again that is done by association positive meaning to the behavior student show that if the person receive the reword immediately, the effect would grateful and disease as division lengthens. Repetitive action- reword combination can cause the action to become habit. Workers any organizations need something to keep them working. Most time or her salary of the employee is enough to keep him or her working for and organization. However just working for salary is not enough for employee to say in an organization. An employment be to motivate to work for company or organization. If no motivation is present in an employer them that employee  quality of work all work in general will deteriorate. Motivated employee always looks for better ways to do a job. Employee that well motivate worker are also more productive in an organization. Further, more motive is generally define as the drying force behind our action fielded by our desire for something. it is that internal strength that get is move  and take action to whatever goal or end we desire or plan to active consequently, the propose of work motivation is  to boost employees moral by encouraging and influencing the in a positive way. When employee moral is high, the perform their job or duties more effective efficient.


the primary aim of seething up on organization is to maximize profit at the berate minimum lost which could only be active through the efficiency and effectiveness of the employee (workers) and the efficiency and  effectiveness of the employee can be active  through then basic skill derived from training owing to lower productivity in organization led to emergency of the theory of the motivation training may not be really  necessitate efficiency in an organization.


One of the aim and objective of the research is to implore various writhing on motivation. To trace the historical background of P.H.C.N, Ilorin district. Another aim and objective of this study is to explain the immediate and remote cause of strict in an organization. Also  to explain the reason for low productivity level in the Nigeria organization. Further more the research work also aim to examine the reason fro low moral of worker in the Nigeria organization. Above all the research work seek of examine the nexus between. Motivation and employee productivity


One of the significant of this research work is to allow P.H.C.N to progress thorough the concept of motivation of the study also,  it will lead to then achievement of the organization goal, furthermore, the study contribute towards the improvement of employee productivity, mores, this research work help to enhance academic advancement also this research work help to contribute to societal advance.finanly, it service as a guideline for other research  in the field


The scope of this research has been limited to the study of motivation of employee productivity in organization due to this limit the scope of this research work to P.H.C.N Ilorin District Another Limitation  of this study is financial constraint. Thus additional pages could not be added owing to the economic situation in the country. Another limitation of this study  is the time constraint. Thus the time allocate fort this research work is too small  and there are other academic activities requiring my attention. Finally this research exercise is limited due to variability of relevance information from P.H.C.N Ilorin district/.


For analytical simplicity, this research work will be divided into five chapters. Chapter one deal with introduction, scope and limitation of the study, aim and objective of the study, definition term and reference. Chapter tow deal with literature review introduction, theoretical frame work, current trend in thinking summary of the chapter reference. Chapter three also deal with research method, introduction, sample and production of the study, sources of data method of data analysis, research problem chapter four deal with data presentation analysis and interpretation finding introduction , barite history of the case study, presentation of data analysis of data, testing of hypothesis, summary of the chapter, reference chapter five deal with summary of findings recommendation, conclusion and bibliography


Increase: place higher than usual, elevating or raising motivation: these are psychological stimulated to cause the arousal, directed and persistence of voluntary action toward achieving organization goals

Manger: this is person that that can control the direct a business or other worker in organization.

Organization: A social unit deliberately constructed and re-contracted for the purpose of achieving organization goals as well as the aspiration of its labour force. Measured in the industry by comparing the amount use to product it.

Training: the act of improving  the skill and potentials of a worker.




Motivation is physiological fealties that arouses an organization to cat to word the desire goals and according to blacksmith (1966) he elicits control, and sustained sectarian goals directed behaviors. It can considered a during force direct goals. For example manger is a  motivation that elicit a desire to act cognitive, and social areas motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimized well being minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originated from specific physical need such as eating sleeping or resting and sex according to M.C GREGOR (1950) Motivation Is An inner drive to behave or and act in a certain manner. It’s the different between working up before g=dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. These inner condition such as wishes, desire, activities to move in particular direction in behaviors motivation as defined by Pritchard and ash wood, (1980) as the process used to allocate energy to maximize the satisfaction…


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