
iot based health monitoring system

The scope of this work covers building a remote monitoring device that monitors patients temperature, heartbeat and oxygen saturation using internet of thing (IoT).This paper presents a reconfigurable sensor network for structural health monitoring. Real-time and periodic structural health monitoring can reduce the probability of collapse and the consequences of potential life-threatening conditions. Computer communication systems and Internet plays an important role. Biosensors interfaced with the microcontroller will monitor patient’s vital health. If any of the sensor’s preset threshold value is exceeded beneath, an SMS will be sent to doctor and the patient’s caretaker.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



This work is on the design and implementation of a health monitoring system using the Internet of Things (IoT). In present days, with the expansion of innovations, specialists are always looking for innovative electronic devices for easier identification of irregularities within the body. IoT-enabled technologies enable the possibility of developing novel and noninvasive clinical support systems. This work presents a health care monitoring system. In particular, COVID-19 patients, high blood pressure patients, diabetic patients, etc., in a rural area in a developing country, such as Nigeria, do not have instant access to health or emergency clinics for testing. Buying individual instruments or continuous visitation to hospitals is also expensive for the regular population. The system we developed will measure a patient’s body temperature, heartbeat, and oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels in the blood and send the data to a mobile application using Bluetooth. The mobile application was created via the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) inventor app and will receive the data from the device over Bluetooth. The physical, logical, and application layers are the three layers that make up the system. The logical layer processes the data collected by the sensors in the physical layer. Media access management and intersensor communications are handled by the logical layer. Depending on the logical layer’s processed data, the application layer makes decisions. The main objective is to increase affordability for regular people. Besides sustainability in the context of finance, patients will have easy access to personal healthcare. This paper presents an IoT-based system that will simplify the utilization of an otherwise complicated medical device at a minimum cost while sitting at home. A 95 percent confidence interval with a 5 percent maximum relative error is applied to all measurements related to determining the patient’s health parameters. The use of these devices as support tools by the general public in a certain situation could have a big impact on their own lives.

Chapter one

1.0                                                    Introduction

1.1                                          Background of the study

These days, the expansion of innovations by wellbeing specialists is exploiting these electronic devices according MacGill (2021).  IoT devices are profoundly utilized in the clinical area. In this paper, the research is about an IoT-based health monitoring system. In particular, for COVID-19 patients, high blood pressure patients, hypertension patients, diabetic patients, etc., in a country territory, in rural areas, the number of doctors is not exactly the same as in urban areas. Medical equipment is not readily available in rural areas, except for government medical centers. The percentage of patients in these clinics is greater than that in government medical facilities. Similarly, the equipment has, for the most part, ended. As a result, if an emergency situation arises, this hardware component will send a report to the physicians or medical professionals as soon as possible. The remaining work will be done by doctors based on their reports. The IoT health-monitoring platform has provided us with a significant benefit in the advancement of contemporary medicine. IoT devices are widely used in the medical sector. And the technology we are talking about is a patient health monitoring system that uses the IoT. A sensor in this health monitoring system will collect information about the patient’s health condition. It is smaller in size, faster, and more affordable. This system can be used to measure the oxygen saturation level, heart rate, and temperature of the human body and display the results on a web- based platform. The physical, logical, and application layers are the three layers of the system. It is a multi- parameter monitoring system that will monitor oxygen saturation level, heart rate, and temperature simulta neously. The term “IoT” was first referenced by Kevin Ashtor in 1998.

To begin with, as an apparatus layer that enables con-

nections through the use of sensors and improvements, heart rate, oxygen saturation level, respiratory flow rate, temperature, and other parameters are all measured using sensors. The primary goal of this IoT is to enhance a cosmology-based response with the ability to track the state of health. One of the “important indicators,” or important measures of wellbeing in the human body, is heart rate. It counts how many times the heart contracts or beats per minute (MacGill, 2021). Because of continuous work, security threats, and passionate responses, the heartbeat speed changes. The resting pulse refers to a person’s pulse while he or she is relaxed. While relaxing, a person’s pulse rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute after the age of ten. During exercise, the heart beats faster. There is a recommended maximum heart rate that varies based on the person’s age. It is not just the rate at which your heart beats that matters. The heartbeat state is also important, and an irregular beating can indicate a serious medical problem. The heart is a powerful organ located in the center of the chest. When the heart thumps, it transports oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood around the body while also returning waste products. A healthy heart supplies the body with just the appropriate amount of blood at precisely the right time for whatever it is doing at the time. The pulse is frequently confused with the heartbeat, which refers to how often the supply pathways expand and contract as a result of the heart’s siphoning activity. Because the compressions of the heart create the expansion of pulse rate in the channels that lead to a noticeable pulse, the beat rate is probably the same as the pulse. Measuring the pulse is an instantaneous percentage of the heart in this method. The typical pulse rate for adults over the age of ten, especially elderly people, is somewhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). Competitors who have been thoroughly prepared may have a resting pulse of less than 60 beats per minute, with some reaching 40 beats per minute. It is noticed that the heartbeats of the patients change continuously. The heart rate is not stable for patients with chronic diseases like asthma, hypertension, heart disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), etc. In addition, for the COVID-19-affected people, the heart rate also varies very quickly. It is critical to keep track of these patients’ heartbeats in real time, which can be done with the help of an IoT-based real-time patient monitoring system.

While individuals with coronavirus illness feel ill, their oxygen levels are often insufficient (Minnesota Department of Health, 2020). Low oxygen levels could be a precursor to the need for medical intervention. Pulse oximetry is a technology for determining the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the blood. Most people consider it to be a vital indicator, analogous to blood pressure. With the help of a pulse oximeter, a light emission passes through the fingertip. By measuring how much light is taken in as it passes through the fingertip, the oxygen level, or saturation (SpO2), is managed. In any case, normal SpO2 levels for humans are often greater than 95%. A small number of patients with chronic lung disease or sleep apnea may have normal values of approximately 90%. A clinical expert should be counseled for SpO2 perusing underneath pattern or per once convention if the patient is a drawn-out consideration once occupant or has been recently assessed by a doctor for coronavirus-related concerns. Supplemental oxygen or different medicines may be required. Others in the network should contact a medical care supplier in the event that they experience wind or when the estimated SpO2 is less than 95%. The CDC identifies serious sickness from coronavirus in individuals who have a respiratory recurrence of more than 30 breaths every moment, SpO2, and a lower than 94% at room air adrift level (or, for patients with ongoing hypoxemia, an abatement from the pattern of more than3%). There are many patients with chronic diseases like asthma, COPD, and heart-related problems in the world. In COVID- 19-affected people, the SpO2 level changes very rapidly and, without continuous monitoring, can cause death as well. It is essential to keep continuous real-time monitoring of the SpO2 level of the above-mentioned patients. Body temperature is another vital physiological parameter of humans. People with illnesses find it very essential to monitor their body temperature. High fever is one of the main symptoms of COVID-19 patients. It is very important to monitor the body temperature of such patients continuously. An IoT- based real-time SpO2 level, heart rate, and temperature monitoring system is very helpful now in the modern age. This motivates the development of an IoT-based health monitoring system.


1.2                                   PROBLEM STATEMENT

The traditional method of monitoring the health condition of patients in hospital is by employing health personnel to monitor patients according to time schedule which was seen inefficient, tedious and time consuming. Remote health monitoring has gained momentum due to the COVID-19 pandemic which was designed to solve this problem. The monitoring system comprise of web server part: The sensor network in which the sensor nodes are equipped with different biometric sensors, sensor data will be regularly transferred to hospital database from which it is upload to hospital’s webserver continuously. With this device doctor can monitor the patient condition from any place.

1.3                                    AIM OF THE PROJECT

To develop a cheap prototype of a system that can monitor the health status of a patient at home and in the hospital.

1.4                             OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

Specific objectives

  1. To measure temperature, heartbeat and oxygen saturation of a patient remotely using IoT
  2. To reduce human labour
  • Compute the three signals then display to a LCD and send to mobile phone as a SMS.
  1. To alert through text when there is an abnormal parameter
  2. To provide a means of controlling contagious diseases such as COVID-19 among medical personnel and patients.

1.5                          SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

This technology enables doctor to monitor the patient’s conditions even sitting in his room. Doctor will get call when patient’s body temperature and heart beat rises so that he can take precautionary. This device measures even though he will be in remote place. Patient care takers can monitor the equipment easily

1.6                                  SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

The scope of this work covers building a remote monitoring device that monitors patients temperature, heartbeat and oxygen saturation using internet of thing (IoT).This paper presents a reconfigurable sensor network for structural health monitoring. Real-time and periodic structural health monitoring can reduce the probability of collapse and the consequences of potential life-threatening conditions. Computer communication systems and Internet plays an important role. Biosensors interfaced with the microcontroller will monitor patient’s vital health. If any of the sensor’s preset threshold value is exceeded beneath, an SMS will be sent to doctor and the patient’s caretaker.

1.7                                  BENEFIT OF THE STUDY

Benefits of this technology, including its ability to relieve health authorities of huge cost pressures.

1.8                            LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT

  1. The device is bit expensive.
  2. Telecommunication network unavailability can affect the signal of the device.
  • Interference of noise in GSM modem due to high Radio frequency signals.
  1. Accuracy will be less.
  2. The user and control unit will establish communication via GSM.
  3. The cell phone and service provider chosen will support text messaging service.
  • The user is familiar with the text messaging program on their cell phone.
  • All service charges from service provider apply.

1.9                           APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT

  1. This project can be used in home for patients or ill person or old person to monitor their health parameters.
  2. Same project can be used in hospitals.

1.10                                                       JUSTIFICATION

This project is made of cheap materials. A complete system that measures temperature, oxygen saturation and heart beat is so far expensive. This system is fully automated system and does not require any human attention.

Automatic alert system using enabled by micro-controller gives intimation to user. GSM interfacing provides a feature of remote monitoring of patient parameters. The system determines the heart beat rate per minute and then sends short message service (SMS) alert to the mobile phone on top of displaying it on a LCD. It is also cost effective and portable. It is easy to handle and efficient. It is not as complex as the current systems.

1.11                                           PROJECT ORGANIZATION

The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work,   chapter two presents the literature review of the study,  chapter three describes the methods applied,  chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.