
free energy generator using dc motor

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Nowadays energy play a large part of our daily life. We depend on the electricity to work on. Without energy we can’t use technology or any things that necessary of electricity. In everyday activities in our lives we encounter different of objects using electricity in home, work, or even public places. Energy in physics is the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. Moreover, heat and work. Energy is in the process of transfer from one body to another. After it has been transferred, energy is always designated according to its nature. Hence, heat transferred may become thermal energy, while work done may manifest itself in the form of mechanical energy. According to a website generator is a machine that converts one form of energy into another, especially mechanical energy into electrical energy, as a dynamo, or electrical energy into sound, as an acoustic generator. DC Motor is a device which transforms the electrical energy into mechanical energy.

The working principle of the motor is the interaction between the magnetic field and the current to produce a force within the motor which helps the motor to do work. The motor principle is basically based on Faraday’s Law, which states that, it is the conservation of electrical and mechanical energy. DC motor is one type of motor that uses the DC current to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. When the electric current passes through a coil in a magnetic field, a magnetic force will be generated, which produces a torque in the DC motor. A same DC machine can be used as a motor or generator. Construction of a DC motor is same as

that of a DC generator. But because of population growth the energy or the electricity has increase. Some of people use generator machine to produce power. However DIY FREE ENERGY GENERATOR USING DC MOTOR is a helpful way to produce a free energy. The things that motivate us to choose this product is to help indicate the future researcher’s, improve the studies, promote the product that can produce energy, and beneficence product in the future.


This small, easy to use power sources that are essential to our lives went through many stages to evolve into the portable generators that we know today. We introduce a brief history of generators. The story of generators that we know today, dates back to mid-1700s. When a Scottish instrument maker, James Watt, became interested in the technology of steam engines. He noticed that the engine design of the Newcomen 1712 steam engine, wasted a huge amount of energy, due to its contemporary repeated cooling and reheating of cylinders during operation. James Watt became a mechanical engineer, a chemist, and the inventor of the Watt steam engine in 1781. He updated the contemporary design of generators to avoid the waste of energy, and effectively improving the power and efficiency of the generator. In fact, his work went far beyond pumping water. He also updated his engine to produce rotary motions. Furthermore, he contributed in the development of the unit Watt, named after him. In addition to the development of the concept of Horsepower (HP). After facing great financial difficulties while attempting to commercialize his inventions. James Watt eventually became highly successful and a great wealthy man. His work on improving the steam engine converted it into the mechanical workhorse of the Industrial Revolution. EARLY 1800S. By early 1800s, an English scientist, Michael Faraday, established the basics of electromagnetic field physics. It shaped the technology of electric motors. He introduced the Faraday disk in 1831, which was the first electromagnetic generator. Michael Faraday was one of the most influential scientists in history. Due to his efforts, electricity became available for use in different technologies of today. As a chemist, he also discovered Benzene and the system of

Oxidation and some popular terminologies such as Ion. Scientists would eventually pick up from where Faraday left off. Just a year later, an instrument maker in France, Hippolyte Pixii, applied the principles of Faraday and introduced the first Magneto electric generator. MID 1800S, By mid-1800s, small engines evolved to run on gasoline and kerosene in Western Europe. They were much smaller and more efficient. And they were made commercially available with the help of Zenobe Gramme. Who increased the power of the Dynamo generator to the point that it produced enough power for commercial applications. Edisson generators at the Pearl Street Station. By 1870s, AC and DC generators were both used. Such as, in the use of AC generators to power outdoor arc lighting system known as the Jablochkoff Candle. However, it was not until the late 1870s when Thomas Edison successfully introduced a new electric lighting system, by using DC generators. Edison’s intention was to power both the lighting systems, as well as to power the electric motors. At the time, DC power was the only option as there was no effective AC motor available. With his new concept, Edison was successful in installing DC generators at the Pearl Street station in New York City, in 1882. Which is one of the earliest commercial power generating installations. However, there was still a lack of a suitable AC motor. In 1887, a Serbian immigrant to the United States, Nikola Tesla, could eventually improve the AC generator, as well as the practical AC motor. The Tesla motor was designed to peak the power supply of the motor. Tesla’s system made it easy for companies to create massive power plants, such as the Niagara Falls hydroelectric plant, built in the 1890s. 1900S History of generators timeline. By early 1900s, Siemens, Westinghouse, Kohler, General Electric, and other popular companies were designing and manufacturing generators.

Generators and motors have many things in common due to the relation between electrical energy and mechanical energy. Which is done either way by an electric motor. Motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity. Generating electricity happens through the generator by converting motive power into electrical power for external use. Sources of mechanical energy include water turbines, steam turbines, and gas turbines.

A generator is the combination of an electrical generator and an engine to form a single unit of power supply. The generator unit includes a fuel supply, a speed governor, a voltage regulator, lubrication system, and cooling and exhaust systems. They come in a variety of styles and models. They may run on gas, natural gas, propane, they even come as a hybrid dual-fuel power. Their sizes range from very small that can supply few hundreds of watts and are portable, to large turbine plants. Many generators produce enough power to keep many vital life and business aspects running. Such as, powering for hospitals, power for homes, farms, and business areas, as well as provide power for rural places. In addition to providing a complete whole house power solution for different emergency situations. Energy revolution movement going on around the world over the past 20 years and strongest in the past year, that has not been covered or reported by mainstream press, established scientific journals or university research publications. Most of the discoveries have been made by curious, ingenious minds, who on many occasions have observed experimental results in cold fusion, superconductivity, and magnetic motors which appear to violate present laws of physics, chemistry and electrodynamics. A term has been used to describe such phenomena, is called over-unity energy or free energy, which in many cases means getting more energy out of a system or reaction (magnetic motor or cold fusion reaction) than appears to be put into it. A better explanation is that excess energy is being accessed from as yet not completely explained source. (Note: An atom bomb is an over-unity device which gets a tremendous amount of dirty energy out in the form of harmful radiation than is needed to trigger the reaction.) This information will hopefully give you some reasons why this over-unity technology has not reached worldwide attention or use. Perhaps of this much needed new energy technology suppression will consider reversing their policy and incorporate this technology into their business structure for a future profitable enterprise. Such technology can restore Mother Earth, which seems to be in great agony right now, with hot fusion, (nuclear power plants), blowing up, and/or radiation by products seeping into water. There has been a revived energy revolution movement going on around the world over the past 20years and strongest in the past year, that has not been covered or reported by mainstream press, established scientific journals or university research publications. Better explanation is that excess energy is being accessed from as yet not completely explained source. Many energy sources can be useful if we people have enough knowledge to use it in better ways that can help us in everyday basis.

The basic principles of electromagnetic induction were discovered in the early 1800’s by Oersted, Gauss, and Faraday. By 1820, Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Marie Ampere had discovered that an electric current produces a magnetic field. The next 15 years saw a flurry of cross-Atlantic experimentation and innovation, leading finally to a simple DC rotary motor. A number of men were involved in the work, so proper credit for the first DC motor is really a function of just how broadly you choose to define the word “motor.” Fabled experimenter

Michael Faraday decided to confirm or refute a number of speculations surrounding Oersted’s and Ampere’s results. Faraday set to work devising an experiment to demonstrate whether or not a current-carrying wire produced a circular magnetic field around it, and in October of 1821 succeeded in demonstrating this. It took ten years, but by the summer of 1831 Joseph Henry had improved on Faraday’s experimental motor. Henry built a simple device whose moving part was a straight electromagnet rocking on a horizontal axis. Its polarity was reversed automatically by its motion as pairs of wires projecting from its ends made connections alternately with two electrochemical cells. Two vertical permanent magnets alternately attracted and repelled the ends of the electromagnet, making it rock back and forth at 75 cycles per minute.

Just a year after Henry’s motor was demonstrated, William Sturgeon invented the commutator, and with it the first rotary electric motor — in many ways a rotary analogue of Henry’s oscillating motor. Sturgeon’s motor, while still simple, was the first to provide continuous rotary motion and contained essentially all the elements of a modern DC motor. Note that Sturgeon used horseshoe electromagnets to produce both the moving and stationary magnetic fields (to be specific, he built a shunt wound DC motor).


This study aimed to determine if the DC motor can generate energy, one of the major problem issues that being faced in the society, indicating the high demand energy in the market. Specifically, following question will be answered: Problem 1: We researchers want to know if the DIY FREE ENERGY GENERATOR will able to generate power using DC motor? Problem 2: We researchers want to know if the DC motor can help us to save energy? Problem 3: We researchers want to know if the DC motor can be use an alternative source of power?


This study focuses about free energy generator using DC motor. The research aimed to develop a free energy generator using the DC motor to test the possibility of producing energy through the theories of generator and DC motor. The energy produce would be used in any electric purposes. The experiment was used to establish the functionality of the DC motor to become an alternative source of energy. The researcher’s believe that DIY free energy generator can generate power and can help us to save energy. Findings of the study indicate that it was reliable, functional, purposeful, recyclable, it is possible to get a free energy from DC motor, and produce energy from the device and could be conventional resource of energy.

Generators timeline MID 1700S Watt Steam Engine, The story of generators that we know today, dates back to mid-1700s. When a Scottish instrument maker, James Watt, became interested in the technology of steam engines. He noticed that the engine design of the Newcomen 1712 steam engine, wasted a huge amount of energy, due to its contemporary repeated cooling and reheating of cylinders during operation. James Watt became a mechanical engineer, a chemist, and the inventor of the Watt steam engine in 1781. He updated the contemporary design of generators to avoid the waste of energy, and effectively improving the power and efficiency of the generator. In fact, his work went far

beyond pumping water. He also updated his engine to produce rotary motions. Furthermore, he contributed in the development of the unit Watt, named after him. In addition to the development of the concept of Horsepower (HP). After facing great financial difficulties while attempting to commercialize his inventions. James Watt eventually became highly successful and a great wealthy man. His work on improving the steam engine converted it into the mechanical workhorse of the Industrial Revolution. EARLY 1800S Faraday Disk By early 1800s, an English scientist, Michael Faraday, established the basics of electromagnetic field physics. It shaped the technology of electric motors. He introduced the Faraday disk in 1831, which was the first electromagnetic generator. Michael Faraday was one of the most influential scientists in history. Due to his efforts, electricity became available for use in different technologies of today. As a chemist, he also discovered Benzene and the system of Oxidation and some popular terminologies such as Ion. Scientists would eventually pick up from where Faraday left off. Just a year later, an instrument maker in France, Hippolyte Pixii, applied the principles of Faraday and introduced the first Magneto electric generator.

MID 1800S By mid-1800s, small engines evolved to run on gasoline and kerosene in Western Europe. They were much smaller and more efficient. And they were made commercially available with the help of Zenobe Gramme. Who increased the power of the Dynamo generator to the point that it produced enough power for commercial applications.

Edisson generators at the Pearl Street Station By 1870s, AC and DC generators were both used. Such as, in the use of AC generators to power outdoor arc lighting system known as the Jablochkoff Candle. However, it was not until the late 1870s when Thomas Edison successfully introduced a new electric lighting system, by using DC generators. Edison’s intention was to power both the lighting systems, as well as to power the electric motors. At the time, DC power was the only option as there was no effective AC motor available. With his new concept, Edison was successful in installing DC generators at the Pearl Street station in New York City, in 1882. Which is one of the earliest commercial power generating installations. However, there was still a lack of a suitable AC motor. In 1887, a Serbian immigrant to the United States, Nikola Tesla, could eventually improve the AC generator, as well as the practical AC motor. The Tesla motor was designed to peak the power supply of the motor. Tesla’s system made it easy for companies to create massive power plants, such as the Niagara Falls hydroelectric plant, built in the 1890s. 1900S By early 1900s, Siemens, Westinghouse, Kohler, General Electric, and other popular companies were designing and manufacturing generators.

Generators and motors have many things in common due to the relation between electrical energy and mechanical energy. Which is done either way by an electric motor. Motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity. Generating electricity happens through the generator by converting motive power into electrical power for external use. Sources of mechanical energy include water turbines, steam turbines, and gas turbines.

A generator is the combination of an electrical generator and an engine to form a single unit of power supply. The generator unit includes a fuel supply, a speed governor, a voltage regulator, lubrication system, and cooling and exhaust systems. They come in a variety of styles and models. They may run on gas, natural gas, propane, they even come as a hybrid dual-fuel power. Their sizes range from very small that can supply few hundreds of watts and are portable, to large turbine plants.

Many generators produce enough power to keep many vital life and business aspects running. Such as, powering for hospitals, power for homes, farms, and business areas, as well as provide power for rural places. In addition to providing a complete whole house power solution for different emergency situations. DC motor background The basic principles of electromagnetic induction were discovered in the early 1800’s by Oersted, Gauss, and Faraday. By 1820, Hans Christian Oersted and Andre Marie Ampere had discovered that an electric current produces a magnetic field. The next 15 years saw a flurry of cross-Atlantic experimentation and innovation, leading finally to a simple DC rotary motor. A number of men were involved in the work, so proper credit for the first DC motor is really a function of just how broadly you choose to define the word “motor.”

Michael Faraday (U.K.) Fabled experimenter Michael Faraday decided to confirm or refute a number of speculations surrounding Oersted’s and Ampere’s results. Faraday set to work devising an experiment to demonstrate whether or not a current-carrying wire produced a circular magnetic field around it, and in October of 1821 succeeded in demonstrating this. Faraday took a dish of mercury and placed a fixed magnet in the middle; above this, he dangled a freely moving wire (the free end of the wire was long enough to dip into the mercury). When he connected a battery to form a circuit, the current-carrying wire circled around the magnet. Faraday then reversed the setup, this time with a fixed wire and a dangling magnet — again the free part circled around the fixed part. This was the first demonstration of the conversion of electrical energy into motion, and as a result, Faraday is often credited with the invention of the electric motor. Bear in mind, though, that Faraday’s electric motor is really just a lab demonstration, as you can’t harness it for useful work.

Joseph Henry (U.S.) It took ten years, but by the summer of 1831 Joseph Henry had improved on Faraday’s experimental motor. Henry built a simple device whose moving part was a straight electromagnet

rocking on a horizontal axis. Its polarity was reversed automatically by its motion as pairs of wires projecting from its ends made connections alternately with two electrochemical cells. Two vertical permanent magnets alternately attracted and repelled the ends of the electromagnet, making it rock back and forth at 75 cycles per minute. Henry considered his little machine to be merely a “philosophical toy,” but nevertheless believed it was important as the first demonstration of continuous motion produced by magnetic attraction and repulsion. While being more mechanically useful than Faraday’s motor, and being the first real use of electromagnets in a motor, it was still by and large a lab experiment.

William Sturgeon (U.K.) Just a year after Henry’s motor was demonstrated, William Sturgeon invented the commutator, and with it the first rotary electric motor — in many ways a rotary analogue of Henry’s oscillating motor. Sturgeon’s motor, while still simple, was the first to provide continuous rotary motion and contained essentially all the elements of a modern DC motor. Note that Sturgeon used horseshoe electromagnets to produce both the moving and stationary magnetic fields (to be specific, he built a shunt wound DC motor).




PROCESS üGATHERED DATA üDESIGNING PHASES üINITIAL CONSULTATIONstage for the budget and other alternative recommendation. üENERGY SYSTEM CONSULTATINGinstalling the equipment needed. üTESTING PHASE üAnd safely, the operation work, the DIY free energy generator system is ready to go and officially introduce through operation.



Currently, free energy sound’s impossible, because we depend on electricity. Energy in physics is in process to transfer from one to transfer from one object to another. Hence, the conventional source of energy if from fuels, engines, engines, power system, power generator, solar energy and etc. the mention above are one of the sources of energy that we used. The researcher’s believe that using Dc motor can produce free energy. Moreover, Researcher’s believe that the DIY free energy generator can help to save energy. In addition if we keep using this kind of product like charging your cellphone maybe we can save an energy to your monthly electricity bill. Doing this kind of manner can help us to save a power as alternative source of energy. Oil may be the world’s favorite fuel, but not for much longer. Modern homes are powered mostly by electricity. The DIY Free Energy Generator can generate a power because it has a ability to produces alternating current (an electric current that periodically reverses). That helps to save energy. DC motor uses direct current (DC) electricity to produce continual, rotary motion, so a simple DC generator produces a steady supply of direct current electricity when it spins around. Like a DC motor, a DC generator uses a commutator. It sounds technical, but it’s just a metal ring with splits in it that periodically reverses the electrical contacts from the generator coil, reversing the current at the same time.


The researchers choose to conduct their study in St. Bernadette College of Valenzuela. The respondents that will be included to the study are the Grade 12 General Academic Strand students that were able to answer the questionnaires that the researchers provided. The researchers choose 100 respondents in Grade 12 General Academic Strand students in St. Bernadette College of Valenzuela.


ALTERNATIVE- it is offering or expressing a choice. CHEMICAL- It is relating to chemistry

ELECTRICITY- a form of energy that is carried through wires and is used to operate machines, lights, and others. ENCOUNTER- It is having a experience such as problems, difficulties and others.

GENERATE- its producing something.

KINETIC- It is relating to a movement of physical objects. MACHINES- It is a piece of equipment with moving parts that work when it is given a power from an electricity.

NECESSARY- It is so much important that you must do it or have it.

NUCLEAR- It is using energy that is created when the nuclei of a atoms are split apart. TECHNOLOGY- It is type of machine, a piece of equipment and it is invent useful things to solve easily the problem. THERMAL- It designed to keep you warm by preventing heat from a leaving your body.