
fabrication of electrical pop corn machine

The project will serve as a means of employment to mechanical engineering graduates when properly carried out. some government can longer guarantee her citizens already made employment. The present economic situation in this country calls for self-reliance. The young technological engineer can embark on the production of the electrical operated popcorn-producing machine on low scale and when buoyant enough can embark on large-scale production. This project serves as a medium of enriching our knowledge of designs and constructions techniques, since it embraces practical and research operation. Thirdly, it will provide employment for the fulltime unemployment house covers. Young men and women who have attended the age of gainful employment from the government. Thus included graduates, young school leavers etc . This will provide means of revenue and livelihood, thereby helping to correct societal ills that is prevail our society.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



An electric popcorn machine is a machine that is used to pop com for human consumption. It uses electricity as its source of energy, transfer heat energy, that is used to rotate due to the convention of electrical energy from the source to mechanical energy in the motor, the stirrer turns the corn so that it will not burns.

This project went as far as meeting most of the requirement of advancement in technology, which lead to make work easy and comfortable for the user.

To be candid, the burden of mankind because of the existence of technology for this reasons, the government is expected to encourage the young technologist and engineers who has graduated and those who are yet to be graduated from school. By providing them with financial assistance, installation of functional and adequate equipment and facility various installations, competent and qualified personnel and in addition making education free for those who are not financially buoyant. By so doing, we will be boasting of technological advancement if we are ready to adopt indigenous technical experience rather than that of western one, which rather more expansion and at-time in appropriate.   

This project is divided into five chapters, chapter one: introduction, literature review, specification of problem which include requirement of the design, condition for use, characteristic, appearance.

Chapter two: Description of components parts, Body frame work and various types of heating element and material needed for construction.

Chapter three: comprises assembly, principles of operation and control.

Chapter four: Precaution and theory of analysis.

Chapter five: recommendation and conclusion together with references.    




Title Page                                                                         i

Certification                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            vi

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of contents                                                             vii



  • The Background of the Project
  • Literature Review
  • Specification of Problems
  • Requirement of Design
  • Design Construction, and Fabrication, Problem
  • Objectives of the design (benefits of automatic against manual)
  • Scope and limitation
  • Importance of the project
  • Review of the study


2.1 Description of component part                                  5

2.2 Body frame work                                                                5

2.3 Material needed for construction                                       7

2.4 Various types of heating element                                       8

2.4.1 A pan with a lid on it                                              9

2.4.2 Microwave pop corn machine                                 9

2.4.3 An open fire pop corn machine                                       10

2.4.4 Hot air pop corn machine                                               11

2.4.5 Manually operated pop corn machine                     11

2.4.6 Electrically operated pop corn machine                  11

2.5 Best of the project                                                      12


3.1 Assembly and finishing                                             13

3.2 Principles of operation and control of pop corn machine 14

3.2.1 The aluminum pot                                                  14

3.2.2 Lifting mechanism                                                  14

3.2.3 The stirring mechanism                                          15

3.2.4 Principle of operation                                              15


4.1 Precaution                                                                         17

4.2 Theory of design and analysis                                    17


CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                         19

5.1 Conclusion                                                                        19

5.2 Recommendation                                                       19

REFERENCES                                                         21





1.1  The Background of The Project

The basic aim of this project is to improve the quality and standard of production of a pop-corn machine and how its producing the popcorn.

Therefore, it act or promote and improve production rate and limit the frying time, as much as it could performed and lastly production it in a sanitary condition.

The design and construction of pop corn machine is brought from the perspective of its availability in market.

Also this project is also a means of promoting the diversity in utilization to suit different taste.

1.2   This is the past related work that has been carried out before this project and which are relevant to this project.

Therefore, for the past few years, several processes have been proposed for producing pop-corn machine in commercial use other than local ones i.e (Electrically popcorn machine and natural fire of heat pop corn machine).

1.2  Specification of Problem

Requirement of the Design

The design is expected to achieve the following objective:-

  • Production of pop corn in long scale
  • Increase the efficiency of producing pop corn
  • Moderate the rotation of the stirrer by using right motor
  • To reduce the heat that will be lost by logging the out put
  • To regulate the voltage used to produce popcorn
  • The presence of bulb to enhance production at night

    1.3  Condition For Use

  • The machine might be used under elevated temperature
  • The machine should be store after used in a clean and dry place
  • Routines clean would be necessary to avoid rusting of the pot
  • The motor should be service from time to time to maintain its efficiency

1.3.3 Characteristic

The machine should not be heavy, the machine should not be big to enhance effecting stirring. The distance between the pots should not be too large to reduce heat loss. Aluminum should be used for both the frame profile and the construction of the stirrer. Glass should be used due to the case because of the transparency.

1.3.4 Appearance

The product should have a glistening appearance which can attract the prospective consumer of the pop corn.

Reliability and life

The expected useful life in normal circumstances should be less than 10 years.


  • There was no conveyor that should remove the popcorn from the hot pot
  • There was no time to indicate when the corn is fully popped
  • There was no thermostat to regulate the temperature of the system
  • There was nothing like lagging to trap some of the heat


The problems associated with the design of the machine are discussed below.

  1. Selection of Electric Motor: In the market, there are various types of motor with varying speed of rotation per minute. The automated popcorn machine has a striver which turns the corn inside the cast opts as heating on. The striver, which rotates due to the rod connected to it from the motor, should rotate with a low speed to produce the desired effect. In our research, we were able to discover that only a low speed motor could give the desired turning effect.
  2. Heating Element: Another problem in the choice of heating element. There are various kinds of heating elements available in the market ranging from 850- 1500watts. The elements come in different shapes, sizes, and makes e.g. spring type, ring type and plate type.
  3. Third Design Problem is Control and Safety: In the system we discovered that there is the need for the finance circuit to control the operation of the electrical popcorn machine.
  4. Construction and Fabrication of the Housing for the Machine: This is fourth problem, which involves the use of per pex holler rectangular aluminum bars in profile glasses and metal handle. With respect to safety. The machine was made to be safer for the users by incorporating the user of insulator in the design.


  1. To eliminate the use of manual popcorn machine.
  2. To save time and manpower as most of the work in now done by using electricity.
  3. To achieve mass production.
  4. To use electrical energy in the production of popcorn.
  5. To produce popcorn at a reduced cost.


This project covers design, construction fabrication and operation of the electrical operated popcorn producing machine.


The project will serve as a means of employment to mechanical engineering graduates when properly carried out. some government can longer guarantee her citizens already made employment. The present economic situation in this country calls for self-reliance. The young technological engineer can embark on the production of the electrical operated popcorn-producing machine on low scale and when buoyant enough can embark on large-scale production. This project serves as a medium of enriching our knowledge of designs and constructions techniques, since it embraces practical and research operation. Thirdly, it will provide employment for the fulltime unemployment house covers. Young men and women who have attended the age of gainful employment from the government. Thus included graduates, young school leavers etc . This will provide means of revenue and livelihood, thereby helping to correct societal ills that is prevail our society.

Finally, this project is also relevant to the technology advancement of the nation. It could be exported to the neighbouring countries thereby serving as a source of foreign exchange earning for the nation.


  1. Hot Plate: It is a device that connects electrical energy to leaf energy.
  2. Stirrer: This is the rod attached to the gear of the motor that is rotating and turning the corn in the pot.
  3. Electric Motor: An electrical motor in a device where converted electrical energy to mechanical energy.
  4. Thermostat: A device consisting of two metal of different linear expandability which when electrical current is applied on it can be used to regulate the temperature of heat producing devices.
  5. Connector: It is an electrical accessory used in linking two cables together.
  6. Fuse Plug: IT is an electrical component consisting of fuse element, which can be used to provide an electrical circuit.

Design Drawing: It is a drawing or outline from which something can be made.


Popcorn vendors often complain of the cost of gas, the drudgeryin using manually operated popcorn machines and the resulting mechanical heat losses. However, this machine is designed and produced with the sole aim of solving the above problems thereby improving efficiency during operation. Popcorn is from a special type of maize unlike other types of corn which pops when heated. The popcorn preparation has long been in practice in Nigeria. It usually required a heating source (stove, fire wood), a frying pan with spoon as the stirrer. It was first discovered and used by the early Americans. Popcorn was introduced to the Western world by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century. The kind of popcorn most people pop in their microwave is the Zea mays. Zea mays everta has a certain amount of moisture content, a strong pericarp that does not allow moisture to escape very fast as other corn when heated. Consequently, a popcorn machine, which is generically used for the purpose of making popcorn for human consumption is essential. Most popcorn machines use gas, some use electricity, while some use the solar as sources of energy. The merits and demerits of these sources are observable in the production rate of the various machines, which in turn depends on the intensity of heat as well as the power source. The objective of the project, therefore, is to design and produce an electric popcorn machine with a separator that will enhance popcorn production, using local raw materials.




5.1   Conclusion

  • After testing the machine, we discovered that we are able to pop higher amount of popped coin due to the fact that pot is bigger than the previous ones constructed.
  • Stirrer touches all the botton part of the pot
  • A detachable container is constructed so as to reduce the wastage of pop-corn when transferring from pot to the containers.

Also my conclusions give me the room for production of high demand of pop-corn

5.2   Recommendation

From the experience and the operation carried out during the process of this project is here by Recommended that, process of the pop‑ corn machine is made to be electrically operated for popping of corn.

  • Also, in order to improve effective and high standard reputable project, continue improvement should be constantly made
  • It is recommended that project for every out going student should make it in a way such that it will meet the standard of improved ones.
  • The container should be well lagged so that heat transfer by conductive from the heating element will be reduce.
  • The polytechnic and departmental authority should make more buildings available necessary machine and the maintenance of this machine for engineering student should be provided. Most especially the Mechanical Engineering student.
  • In view of the problems, recommendation and suggestions can be made, that the institution authority should build more workshop and provide necessary and enough equipment and machines because it is my hope that this project would meet the needs of students, industries and other research centre in their quest for basic training on production, fabrication and operations of pop‑ corn machine.


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