

The overall aim of this study to determine the potential of trees to become energy resources and various mechanism of harnessing energy from trees.

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  1. Introduction

The uses of fossil fuel for electricity generation which are non-renewable are posing some environmental challenges.  In addition, the depleting nature of fossil fuel will gradually reduce the ability of countries to generate electricity. Hence, alternative sources which are sustainable in nature is required [Muladi et al, 2021]. Electricity is one of the greatest technological innovations of mankind which has become a part of our daily life, almost all the appliances at homes, businesses and industries are running because of electricity [Balashahed et al, 2019]., Over the coming decades, the power generation industry will face a daunting-challenges in meeting global energy needs. The need for reliable power generation has never been greater. One of the biggest barriers to reliable power generation is the ability to maintain complex power plant equipment. Progress towards green and autonomous energy sources includes harnessing living system and biological tissues which are sustainable in nature. [Fabian et al, 2022].

Plant microbial fuel cells and glucose biofuel cells for example use organic matter from living plants and convert it into electricity [Meder et al, 2020].A key challenge internationally is the design of future electricity systems which will bring about emissions reductions and fuel security at least cost. The substitution of conventional energy sources with renewable energy sources offers considerable potential for reducing carbon emissions, not only in terms of a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) but also methane (CH4) which also contributes to global warming. Hence biomass is an appealing source of renewable energy for several reasons [Amy. O. et al 2015].Although there are concerns that the use of biomass for energy production might compete with its utilization for food production, but planting of dedicated energy crops will assist in solving this problem. Trees has been identified as natural energy reservoirs, photosynthesizers of fuels (photosynthate), and collectors of solar radiation [Lu et al, 2020]. Their value has increased with the discovery of its electrical potential as the environmental concerns associated with non-renewable sources grows. The idea of generating electricity from trees may seem unconventional, yet it holds intriguing possibilities. For instance, in a study conducted by Koppán et al. [16], the electric potential difference in a tree is measured and documented through the two-year insertion of a non-polarizing electrode. During the vegetative phase, the amplitude of daily variations showed shifts between 15 and 50 mV.According to another study by Fensom et al., the mobility of ions in plant tissue was shown to boost conduction by providing an electrochemical gradient at each size and rate. In another study, the effective resistance of the apoplast along the leaf’s midrib was observed to be inversely related to the leaf’s breadth [18].As the leaf dry up, resistance increases rapidly, thus indicating that when there is no water present in the plant, resistance is higher.Based on these examples and earlier research, there is increasing evidence that living plants can produce energy.

1.1       Problem statement

The demand for renewable energy has grown significantly over the years because of the deficiency of fossil fuels. The requirement for pollution-free green energy has made a shift towards renewable energy sources such as biomass. Living plants such as trees has become more valuable with the discovery of its electrical potential and their ability in maintaining the surrounding temperature in the face of global energy crisis and environmental concern. Demand for these renewable energy leads to a reduction of pollution and leaning towards green energy environment. Hence, as trees has been discovered to have the potential to generate electricity, it cannot be overlooked as those potential can be used as a power source for low- powered devices. Problems associated with the use of tree biomass could be overcome relatively easy compare to fossil fuels.

  • Aim and objectives

The overall aim of this study to determine the potential of trees to become energy resources and various mechanism of harnessing energy from trees.


  1. Assess the electrical potential of different tree species: This objective aims to evaluate the electrical conductivity and potential of various tree species commonly found in different regions. The goal is to identify tree species that exhibit higher electrical output and are suitable for electricity generation through bio-electrochemical processes.
  2. To determine the various energy harvesting techniques from trees and compare their efficiencies.
  3. Investigate the underlying mechanisms of electricity generation in trees: This objective focuses on studying the physiological and biochemical processes within trees that enable electricity generation.

1.3       Justification of the study

The proposed research on electricity generation from trees carries significant and potential impact due to the following justifications:

  1. Renewable Energy Transition: The study explores the potential of trees as a renewable energy source, contributing to the global transition towards sustainable and clean energy. By harnessing electricity from trees, the research offers an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Understanding and implementing tree-based electricity generation systems can have a positive impact on environmental conservation. Trees are vital for carbon sequestration, and integrating them into electricity generation can enhance carbon offsetting efforts. This research can contribute to the preservation and restoration of forests, promoting biodiversity and supporting ecosystem services.
  3. Sustainable Development: The study aligns with the principles of sustainable development by providing a renewable energy solution that respects ecological balance. Tree-based electricity generation systems can foster sustainable development by providing access to clean energy in remote areas, reducing dependence on centralized power grids, and promoting energy resilience and self-sufficiency.
  4. Technological Advancements: The research encourages technological innovation in the field of bio-electrochemical systems and renewable energy. By optimizing the design and configuration of tree-based electricity generation systems, the study can lead to advancements in electrode materials, system efficiency, and power generation techniques. This can drive progress in related areas, such as bioenergy, bioelectronics, and sustainable energy storage.
  5. Socio-economic Benefits: The study considers socio-economic factors, such as community engagement, local empowerment, and job creation. Implementing tree-based electricity generation systems can provide opportunities for rural development, enhance energy access in undeserved areas, and stimulate local economies. This research can contribute to equitable and inclusive sustainable development.

1.4       Materials and Method 

Generating electricity from trees is an innovative concept that involves harnessing the natural processes of trees, such as photosynthesis and the flow of sap, to produce electrical power. Figure 1 shows the steps that will be followed in achieving the stated aim and objectives of the study.

Fig. 1.Steps for experimentation


  1. Trees: Choose suitable tree species that are fast-growing, have a high sap flow rate, and are hardly enough to withstand the necessary modifications. Examples include willow, eucalyptus, and maple.
  2. Electrodes: Electrodes are necessary for collecting electrical charges generated by the tree. Typically, you’ll need an anode and a cathode made of conductive materials like copper or aluminum.
  3. Conductive wires: Use wires to connect the electrodes to an electrical circuit for harvesting and storing the electricity.
  4. Power storage: To store the electricity generated, you’ll need batteries or supercapacitors.
  5. Monitoring equipment: Install sensors and data collection systems to monitor the electrical output and tree health.


  1. Select the Tree: Choose a healthy and mature tree with a robust growth rate. Ensure it is located in an area with good sunlight exposure.
  2. Prepare Electrodes: Attach the anode and cathode electrodes to the tree. The anode is usually inserted into the tree, while the cathode is placed in the soil near the tree’s roots.
  3. Sap Flow Collection: To generate electricity from sap flow, connect the anode and cathode electrodes to a circuit. The flow of sap contains ions that can be used to generate a small electrical current. This is typically a low voltage and low power source.
  4. Photosynthesis: You can also generate electricity by harnessing the photosynthesis process. Attach solar cells or photovoltaic panels to the leaves or branches of the tree to convert sunlight into electricity. This method yields more electricity compared to sap flow, but it is still limited.
  5. Monitoring and improvement: Continuously monitor the electrical output and the health of the tree. Adjust the system as needed to optimize electricity generation without harming the tree. Avoid overloading the tree with electrical extraction, as this can be detrimental.
  6. Storage and Utilization: Store the generated electricity in batteries or supercapacitors for later use. You can use the stored electricity for low-power applications, such as lighting or charging small electronic devices.

1.5       Budget

Table 1.1: Budget of experimental components

1 Voltmeter 1 #3000
2 Ammeter 1 #3000
3 Electrodes 6 #4000
4 Trees (different species) 3 #4500
5 Nails 4 pieces #300
6 LEDs 50 pieces #2000
7 Connecting wires 1 pack #400

1.6       Timeline

Table 1.2: Study timeline

1 Writing of Proposal of the study  
2 Literature search and review August
3 Materials and Method Design October
4 Experimentation and Data collection October
5 Data Analysis and Result Presentation November
6 Project defense November

1.7       Conclusion

In conclusion, the proposed research on electricity generation from trees hold a great value in addressing the global need for sustainable energy solutions. By exploring the electrical potential of different trees species and understanding the underlying mechanisms of electricity generation from trees, this research aims to contribute to the development of efficient and environmentally friendly energy systems. Optimizing the design and configuration of tree-based electricity generation systems can enhance their efficiency and power output.

The potential impact of this study is multi-fold, it offers an alternative and renewable energy source, reducing reliance on non-renewable and environmentally harmful source, reducing reliance on non-renewable and environmentally harmful sources. The research can also lead to technological advancements in bio-electrochemical systems. Overall, the proposed research has the potential to contribute to sustainable development, advance scientific knowledge, and promote a greener and more resilient energy for future, by harnessing the electricity generation potential of trees, we can foster environmental conservation, enhance energy security and make way for more sustainable system.