
effect of bollywood movies on the dressing of lagos state polytechnic student (ladies)

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The research examined the effect of Bollywood movies on the dressing pattern of Lagos State Polytechnic Student (Ladies), to know the extent at which Bollywood movie stars have influenced the dressing pattern of ladies in our schools. A survey research method was adopted coupled with copies of questionnaires that were administered to the selected respondents who were 120 while 100 copies were returned and analyzed. Respondents were picked using a simple random sampling method (probability). The data collected were analyzed and interpreted using the frequency and percentage method. Promotion of our rich cultural heritage and social-cultural value of Nigeria is a core objective of regulating these movies in order to resist Western influx but today the opposite is the case as semi-porn scenes now become common things in Bollywood. It is of note that the imitation of the Bollywood pattern of the dress has led to indecent dressing and a decline in Nigeria cultural values and norms. It is recommended that the foreign films censors commission should place serious efforts in scrutinizing films before they are approved for viewing by the larger audience.


Cover page

Title page

Approval page






1.1      Background of the project

  • Problem statement
  • Objective of the project
  • Research question
  • Hypothesis
  • Significance of the study
  • Scope and limitation
  • Definition of terms



  • Introduction
  • Film as a Medium of Communication
  • Dressing/Costumes in Film
  • The Effect/Influence of Films on an Audience
  • Empirical Studies of Film Costume on Audience
  • Lagos State Polytechnic and her students
  • Theoretical Framework of the Study
  • Application of Theoretical Framework to the Study
  • Summary of Literature/Gap in Literature



  • Introduction
  • Research Design
  • Population of the Study
  • Sample of the Study
  • Sampling Technique
  • Method of Data Collection
  • Instrument for Data Collection
  • Validations of Instrument
  • Methods of Data Presentation/Analysis
  • Instrument(S) of Data Analysis



  • Introduction
  • Demographic data
    • The extent to which Lagos state polytechnic students watch Bollywood films
    • The extent to which Bollywood films influence the form of dressing of Lagos state polytechnic ladies
    • The extent to which Lagos state polytechnic students adopt the dressing pattern and mode depicted in Bollywood films
  • Discussion of findings


  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation




1.1 Background of the Study

The media has a very powerful position in today’s world. It has tremendous influence on people as it encourages them to make choices and take different decisions on several issues one of which is their dressing habit. Not only does it influence the way people interpret different aspects of their lives but it has also served as a guide on several issues including the nature and pattern of dress that they use. This is most obvious when viewed from the perspective of the foreign films which people view for their leisure and entertainment.

Films also known as motion pictures encompass the projection of a series of images into the screen to create an illusion of motion. It is one of the widely known forms of entertainment, allowing people to be in an imaginary world for a short period of time (Olaleye, 2007).

Film as a medium of mass communication is assuming a highly important place in the society that is globalised. Since there are subtitles that translate different languages, the appeal of films has increased among people generally, especially those from foreign cultures. Subtitles afford the audience the chance to watch films that were not produced in their original language. This development creates room for rapid flow of films from their country of origin to other countries Nigeria inclusive.

In Nigeria today, films produced in USA, France, India, China, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, among others are commonly available.

Because of the explosion of films into the society, students now tend to talk, walk, behave, eat, and dress exactly like the characters they have watched in films.

Furthermore, foreign films (especially fashion films like Bollywood) are primarily directed at students based on the fact that it will open up market for foreign dresses to be easily sold locally and adopted by students – mostly ladies.

Because of this idea, Western films have found a place in the heart of students to the extent that our local dresses are rarely seen on campus.

Additionally, Vasudev  (1986) in his study on Foreign Films and their influence on cultural values – the Indian experience, opines that the invention of cinema in the West has led to a long Western domination over the means of production and most importantly, of distribution. For this reason, the impact of such films as a social force was as important as the birth of a new art. The captive markets of the rest of the world were flooded with images that reflected the culture of the countries of Europe and America from where they originated. With no challenge to the cultural imperialism these countries enjoyed, allowing no opportunities for any kind of equal cultural exchange, their cinemas filled our minds and imagination to the exclusion of our own visions, hopes, and ideals. We also borrowed their ideologies and norms thereby aligning ourselves to their cultures.

In the same vein Semiu (2011) cited by Oketumbi, E.O.O (2014) in his PhD Pre-Field Presentation entitled, “Influence of Bollywood Movies on Cultural Practices among Undergraduates in Selected polytechnics in Nigeria” opines that, “Western movies enable teenagers to experience other parts of the world (and) film…is one of the major contributors to blind acceptance and practice of Western cultures by the young ones in Nigeria and Africa. In Nigerian society, the situation is quite alarming in (the sense) that, teenagers’ attitudes, thoughts and general behaviours are considerably influenced by Western films and worse still, Bollywood films which are mostly anchored on Western models consolidate Western Films thereby promoting Western values in Nigeria.”

It is based on the tremendous influence of foreign films on Nigerian students in general and their dressing habit in particular that has informed the idea of this  research project which is geared towards taking a close and panoramic view at how far the influence is within the purview of dressing habit of Lagos state polytechnic ladies

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Social scientists and policy makers have for long been concerned about the effects of films and television especially on the youths and students in particular. The point is that such exposure is leading young people to risk-taking behaviours, including unsafe sex, alcohol use, transposition and adaptation of foreign values and norms, violence among others.

Vasan, A. (2010) posits that a considerable body of research from developed countries, particularly the US, suggests that the visual media influence a broad range of attitudes and behaviours among young people and may exacerbate risky practices. Furthermore, it is obvious that students are exposed to foreign films such as bollywood. This exposure is premised on the fact that students want to learn about other cultures. As a result, film being a powerful medium of mass communication has influenced several aspects of people’s attitude and behavior including choice and taste of dress.

Daine (2006) cited by Oketumbi, E.O.O (2014) in his PhD Pre-Field Presentation entitled, “Influence of Foreign Movies on Cultural Practices among Undergraduates in Selected Universities in Nigeria”, asserts that, “Student’s exposure or lack of exposure to foreign films influences their beliefs about other cultures”. This culture includes the dress mode depicted in foreign movies. As the clothes we wear is equally part of culture.

In agreement with the above, Wok, S. and Mohd, S. (2007) remarked that, “The influence of TV and magazine on teenagers, adolescents and youth are widespread. The influence is mainly on their dressing and their attires…” more so, importation of foreign dress code and its adoption by students of tertiary institutions has been a perpetual source of concern.

From the above scholarly points, it is obvious that foreign films (such as Bollywood) have been implicated and indicted in several instances which breed enculturation of the passive viewers with foreign dresses at the detriment of their original pattern of dressing. Their claim stems from the fact that foreign films often tend to cause people to accept an alien culture thereby relegating their own to the background. A very important part of that culture is the attire they wear.

It is against this backdrop that this work seeks to investigate the effect of Bollywood Films on the Dressing Habit of Lagos State Polytechnic Ladies. The study seeks to validate or invalidate the several opinions proposed and to determine whether the effect is positive or negative among the Lagos state polytechnic ladies

1.3 Objective of the Study

  1. To find out whether Lagos State Polytechnic ladies students watch Bollywood films
  2. To find out if Bollywood films impact the dressing habit of Lagos State Polytechnic ladies
  • To find out the dressing pattern and mode which Lagos State Polytechnic students adopt and use as depicted in Bollywood films.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. To what extent do students of Lagos State Polytechnic ladies watch Bollywood Films?
  2. To what extent are Lagos State Polytechnic ladies influenced by Bollywood films in their form of dressing?
  • To what extent does the dressing pattern and mode depicted in Bollywood Films become adopted by Lagos State Polytechnic ladies.

1.5 Hypothesis

Ho1: Bollywood movies dressing code do not influence the dressing habit Lagos State Polytechnic Ladies.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study has significance both socially and theoretically. The social significance of this study lies in the fact that it will expose the society to the knowledge of how indigenous culture is gradually being wiped away because of excessive consumption of western contents.  This will serve as a guide in making concerted effort in promoting the usage of local and locally made dresses. So that students of tertiary institutions of learning will be at the forefront of championing the cause of wearing local dresses, thereby help in the area of doing something to revive the decaying culture.

In the same vein, it will serve as motivation to policy makers and movie makers to make serious effort that will lead to the upholding of salient areas in indigenous culture through the locally made movies. This is based on the reason that, obviously Nollywood and Kannywood- the Nigerian movie industries are not helping matters as they serve as proxy to foreign films especially from Bollywood through the way they package and produce movies.

Furthermore, it will equally open up way to the knowledge of the fact that foreign films (such as Bollywood) are also the motivating factor of certain behaviors that are found in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

At the end, it will theoretically serve as a contribution to knowledge on the effect of the mass media by building on the already existing body of literature as research in this area is still not conducted by many especially in Nigeria. This will inspire subsequent researchers to replicate or embark on similar work.

1.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study covers the effect of Bollywood films on dressing of Lagos state polytechnic ladies. This therefore implies that any other area that Bollywood films have influenced on students such as: moral values, language preference, conduct towards elders and manners of speaking among others will not be focused on this study.

The study will be limited to the regular students of Lagos State Polytechnic Ladies. More so, time will be a great limiting factor to the expanding of the work seeing that the research would be combined with other academic activities. Apparently, there is still a lot to be done because there is limited literature on this work as well as financial constraint.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

The key concepts guiding this study that need to be operationally defined in a view to align them with the work’s context are:

Foreign Films: These are series of images that are projected into the screen to create an illusion of reality which depicts alien cultures. Such series of images could either come from the Americas, Philippines, China and India among others. They are called foreign films because they are not films that are made here with our cultural predispositions in mind rather, they serve to depict or project culture (dressing style) that does not originate from us.

Enculturation: This is the gradual acquisition of the norms, dressing pattern, and ideologies of a culture or group.

Transposition and Adaptation: Similar to enculturation, transposition and adaptation entails the transfer of something done elsewhere and fitting it to the context of your environment. This goes to tell how dress patterns of other cultures become transposed and adapted by students of tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Influence The ability of Bollywood to affect or alter the moral behavior of students of Lagos State Polytechnic Student especially on their dressing pattern.

Home Video A film on video tape for viewing at home.

Films Are moving pictures usually shown in a cinema on television and they often tell stories.

Moral Behaviour Is an action that produces good outcome for the individual and members of a society.

Students: A person formally engaged in learning especially one enrolled in a tertiary institution like Lagos State Polytechnic.


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