
design and implementation of iot based smart energy metering and monitoring system with energy theft detection

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.





Authors in [1] proposed a system provides the communication between the Electricity Board section and the consumer section using Internet of things (IOT) for transmitting the customer’s electricity consumption and bill information that is calculated using ATmega328 microcontroller. The power and billing information is continuously transmitted by the use of Internet of Things and monitored by the Electricity Board section. WIFI performs the IOT operation where and through which the information is sent to the Web server. This data is then transmitted to the server unit at MSEB. The power consumption can be checked by the owner anywhere globally also. The snap of energy meter is sent on email. Also power theft can be detected if any tampering happens it will send the information to the server and alert SMS to the owner as well as it will cut the electricity automatically. The internet is connected to meter and it counts the pulses from it and displays it over the LCD display. The meter reading can be obtained at zero cost. This system not only reduces the labour cost but also increase meter reading accuracy and save hugs amount of time. In this way we can reduce human efforts needed to record the meter readings which are till now recorded by visiting every home individually.

The device consists of four parts: ATmega328 microcontroller, Theft detection, GSM module and WIFI part. Controller part plays a major role in the system. Where all the information can send through this controller to the other part of the system and it also stores the information in it. WIFI part and GSM module performs IOT operation. Meter readings are passed to the server through the GSM module connected to the energy meter. The energy meter connected with theft detection part if any temper happens it will send the information to the company and consumer by sending SMS as well as it will take automatic action by making power off. Daily consumption reports are generated which can be monitored through Android application and/or web portal. The live readings from the energy meters are collected by the microcontroller. This can be viewed through an LCD display which is connected to the micro controller. The LCD display shows the readings of the energy meters and the theft status. Then the relay will operate and this can be used for disconnecting the load.

Authors in [2] proposed an IoT based Smart Energy Meter that consists of a website with a user login wherein user can check his usage and the amount he needs  to pay along with the deadlines, facility of online payment of bills in their login and through the app and e-mail service once the user crosses a critical value of usage which he can   set himself. Therefore, the user will be able to check his usage in real time. It’ll also encourage the user to use less electricity so as to save money since he can see it that his usage is less or more compared to his neighbors. This system will have a switch or a relay which will be controlled through the main server giving companies ease to turn off the electricity transmission autonomously from the main server if the consumer doesn’t pay the bills within the specified time. On the website along with the real time meter readings the user can also view his previous readings or the energy consumed in the past along with the graphical representation of load and energy graph. Using nonlinear auto regressive (NAR) neural network time series we predict the future unit consumption of the user.

In paper published by [3], data is sent by using PIC18F46k22 which is a microcontroller, a PLC modem is also being used to include a feature of theft detection. This entire application required a very complex hardware and software components. In addition to this in 2016, [4] also suggested supplying restricted amount of electricity for more savings.

A paper by [5] used ARM which is a RISC based processor along with Arduino and Wi-Fi Module is used to transfer data and implement IoT successfully. Here the value of energy is first being digitalized and continuously being transmitted to the official department and people.

[6] in 2010 studied the consumer behavior and analyze the effects of receiving feedback in terms of the energy they have consumed. It was evidently observed that the selection of target audience is utmost necessary and the information provided should be both informatory and unique to keep the audience motivated. Thingspeak platform is used in paper by [7] to visualize the energy consumption using Arduino and LCD is also used to see the output but is only limited to a small area. It used ESP8266 to send data over Wi- Fi. MATLAB plotting was also done.

Further [8] suggest that peak and non-peak hours should have different tariff rates and also uses RF modules for connection of various meters to a collector . Further advancements are shown in paper by [9]. The main advantage is using ZigBee module for communication that reduces the complexity and power consumption since it works on low power but is area limited.

In continuation to ZigBee, [10] also use GSM thus encompassing the drawback or range and making it suitable for long distance also. [11], also gives the feature in which billing can be done in two ways pre-paid or post-paid.

In the paper published by [12], Arduino Mega is used to improve the efficiency of Smart Grid of which the energy meter is a part. [13] used an optocoupler is used to shield the device containing GSM-Arduino shield and performing GPRS based communication from any interference like voltages or currents. [14] suggest installing RF transceivers instead of GSM in order to reduce the overall price. Finally in 2015 another module was introduced i.e. XBee by [15] that not only does all the things ZigBee can but also has a better range and throughput.

Authors in [16] proposed a system that observes consumption & request info of customers and alerting the authorities within the event of stealing. The conferred system is capable of detection power stealing because of meter bypass, meter change of state and direct line golf shot. As a further feature, direct management of good meters from distribution authorities is enforced for providing access/denial of power provide for a personal shopper. A image circuit is developed victimization ATmega328P micro-controller with NodeMCU as a LAN module, for substantiating the conferred system.

In [17], the authors proposed an energy meter system for optimized cost using internet of things (IoT) technology. This is to alert customers to take preventive measures that help limit the rise in electricity bills. This system is simulated through the TINKERCAD program; it did through the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as for the system programming. Moreover, the system implementation and testing have been completed, and the required results have been analyzed and successfully reached. The system has performed well and is acceptable. Also, it can be classified as efficient, simple, and easy to use.

A study conducted by [18] illustrates the increasing demand for electricity in the modern era. Furthermore, many sectors need energy, such as industry, agriculture, hospitals, household needs, and many more. The increase in population, hence the increasing demand for electrical appliances, leads to a rise in electricity’s financial expenses. Also, customers’ inability to control energy is a big problem and should be solved to reduce energy depletion and financial losses. Again, this system needs other needs, including reducing energy theft and tampering with the meter, leading to increased economic losses. This study also focuses on designing a device that helps people control power to reduce unnecessary depletion and inappropriately waste money, resulting in significant financial losses.

A study conducted by [19] which explains the role of electricity in people’s daily lives and the importance of preserving it in order to create an economically conscious society in the field of electricity. Moreover, consumers should monitor their consumption of that energy to reduce unnecessary depletion. This study is designed to help customers control their energy consumption. An IoT-based power meter is designed to enable customers to monitor power consumption over the Internet. Therefore, IoT is the basis of communication between devices and the world of the Internet. In addition, the normal power meters installed in homes contain many disadvantages, including the ease of energy theft because there is no control system in the meter. Also, the regular billing system which requires the employee to go to all those houses and take the bills from them is impractical and may take a lot of time.

A study conducted by [20] explained the increasing complaints of customers on energy employees and the loss of confidence among them because of the high prices of electricity bills, which led to many economic problems. Besides, an intelligent power meter should be designed to monitor daily units to help customers see why these bills are rising. When they know why, customers will solve their electricity problems, whether they know their energy depletion or energy theft in their homes. Therefore, solving this problem is necessary to reduce energy depletion and financial losses. In this study, IOT is used to monitor and control the energy consumption by the smart power meter, which in turn monitors and controls the use of energy.

A study conducted by [21] discussed the problems that customers and meter reading staff may face due to the traditional methods they use to obtain electricity bills. The person reading the power meter must go to all those houses to get the electricity bill. This work is useless, as it is hard work and time-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary to have a Smart energy meter, which calculates electricity bills and delivers them to both electricity and customers through the internet. This smart meter will also solve many problems, such as employee readout errors for the meter, which leads to an increase in electricity bill prices. Besides, it will increase consumer awareness of energy conservation and reduce energy depletion.

Authors in [22] proposed an IoT power meter based on ESP32 Module. Their device reduces human participation in energy conservation. Electrical theft increases customer costs. This program is therefore used to detect theft. ESP32 tests the reading of the upper and lower meters. If there is a power difference between a large meter connection and a lower meter connection occurs when theft occurs a message will be displayed on blynkapp. Customer can access blynkapp from anywhere. By using the customer’s email id can be accessed worldwide at any time.

Authors in [23] proposed a system for detecting  power  theft by continuously monitoring the consumer and distribution end smart meters data. Android applications are developed for monitoring consumption & billing information of consumers and alerting the authorities in the event of theft. The presented system is capable of detecting power theft due to meter bypass, meter tampering and direct line hooking. As an additional feature, direct control of smart meters from distribution authorities is implemented for providing access/denial of power supply for an individual consumer. A prototype circuit is developed using ATmega328P micro-controller with NodeMCU as a WiFi module, for validating the presented system.

[24] presented a method to identify power theft using temperature based predictive models which uses meter data and distribution transformer information.

In [25], authors applied state estimation for power theft detection where, a privacy preserving theft detection algorithm has been developed by applying Kalman filtering approach.

[26][27] presents the linear regression method for theft detection. however, it mainly concentrates on mathematical design of theft detection algorithm and less on real-time implementation. Apart from these, [28] presented a power line communication-based approach for theft detection.

In [29] the authors designed an inspection device to detect power theft based on the magnetic oscillations of the distribution line. Various approaches have been presented in the literature for theft detection. However, these methods are more complex, computationally difficult and the utility has to invest in building dedicated infrastructure at consumer premises which is not feasible. Moreover, majority of methods concentrate only on detecting the theft and there is less research explored in building communication technologies to alert the authorities about the theft.

[30] presents an IoT based smart meter which has advanced features like meter tampering alert. But the presented system does not possess theft identification.

The authors in [31], presented a smart meter which has the feature to send all metered data to the server. This device uses two controllers one for communication and other for computation and the presented meter is not cost effective. Hence, it is identified that, there is a need for develop- ing a system which would detect power thefts as well as monitor individual consumer utilization. In this regard this paper presents an IoT based power theft detection and smart meter monitoring system which uses linear regression-based approach for detecting the power theft. The proposed system is made to be low computational and cost effective so that its practical implementation is feasible.

[32] proposed a system that deal with their vitality utilization by knowing their vitality use time to time. The strategy not just gives two path interchanges amongst utility and purchaser yet in addition gives different capacities that are if the customer neglects to pay the power charge the vitality supply would be chopped down from the utility side and once the bill is paid the vitality supply is reconnected

[33] Clarified in the wake of surpassing the greatest request, the meter and subsequently the association will be consequently disengaged by an installed framework embedded in the meter sensor. The LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor placed on energy meter which sense LED blinking pulse. At that time microcontroller sending this reading via GSM module and its send this message to electricity board.

In this framework a keen vitality meter is introduced in each customer unit a server is kept up at the specialist co-op side.

[34] Implemented both the meter a server furnished with GSM module which encourages bidirectional correspondence between the two closures utilizing the current GSM foundation. Shopper can without much of a stretch energize their vitality meter by sending a stick number covered up in a scratch card to the server utilizing SMS.

In order to avoid all these drawbacks we have intended to construct an IOT based energy meter so that proposed energy meter measures the amount of power consumed and uploads it to cloud from which the concerned person can view the reading .The power reading send to cloud using ESP8266, a Wi-Fi module.

[35] Explained the power reading from digital wattmeter is read using the coupler and transmitted digitally to the Arduino. So it automates the process of measuring the power consumption at homes using IOT.

[36] Explained the modelling and working of different units of the system and also discussed the components and their functions such that IOT and its working microcontroller and its architecture.

Reducing energy consumption and monitors the units consumed. To make the electrical apparatuses insightful and give solace to devoured and to lessen control utilization in web applications.

[37] Suggested it in light of ARDUINO UNO controller and IOT innovation. On the off chance that any altering happens the controller will send to information to the server and in addition it is chopped down the vitality supply naturally.

[38] proposed an Internet of Things energy meter reading and tracking device offers an accessible and cost effective way to transmit the energy data used by the user wirelessly and information networks to detect the unauthorized use of electricity. This proposed work aims to measure the electricity consumption of the electrical appliances in the house hold and it automatically generates the bill using smart meters. In addition this system can easily detect and screening the energy theft. The entire smart meters sensors have been equipped and controlled with PLC and monitored by the SCADA.   The observed data will be taken from the digital energy meter and unite the system to a Wireless communication device and then passes the data to the Internet and Server. The detection of power theft will be obtained by using a sensor, it will work when any illegal usage of electricity. There is any chances of theft detection from the customer utility grid, it will automatically disconnected and enables supply again for the customer. The proposed system can handle of constantly tracking and notifying the energy supplier and the customer about the amount of units consumed. Energy usage is directly calculated and the bill is posted on the Internet through the Internet of Things network. The requirements of manual labor can be reduced by this automation.

Author in [39] proposed a system for Minimizing Electricity Theft by Internet of Things. In his work, a smart meter has been utilized to limit the power theft. Basically energy meter is a device that computes the cost of power consumed or used by homes, business, or an electrical device. It diminishes the theft of power by locating the dishonest client by demonstrating the status of energy meter at the back end of power office. Here energy meter communicate with raspberry pi through GPIO pins. GPIO pins get the effective information from energy meter and it send compelling information to the raspberry pi and interface raspberry pi with the web. At the backend, government individual can see the status of energy meter as graph.

[40] proposed an IoT Based Electricity Energy Meter Reading, Theft Detection and Disconnection using PLC modem and Power optimization. PIC18F46k22 Microcontroller based design and execution of energy meter utilizing IoT is used here. The framework configuration disposes of the human contribution in Electricity support. The Buyer needs to pay for the utilization of power on plan, on the off chance that he couldn’t pay, the power transmission can be turned off from the distant server. The buyer can screen the energy utilization in units from a web page by giving device IP address. Theft detection unit which is associated with energy meter will tell organization that when meter tampering happens in energy meter? and it will send theft detection data through PLC modem and theft identified will be shown on the terminal window of the organization side. Wi-Fi unit is used to send energy meter information to web page which can be accessed through IP address.

[41] proposed an ARM-Based Energy Management System using Smart Meter and Web Server. ARM – based energy administration framework is proposed here. It is considered as a feature of a circulated framework that measures the principle control framework amounts and give the likelihood to deal with the entire power plant. An integrated Web Server permit to gather the insights of energy utilizations, control quality and can interface device for stack removal. The device is described by simple access to the data and the blend of an energy meter and information correspondence ability permit nearby and remote access. Along these lines it is conceivable to deal with the power utilization of the power framework prompting a general diminishment in utilization and expenses.

Authors in [42] proposed IOT based Electricity Theft Detection a system one can find the fraudulent user by showing the status of energy meter at the back end of electricity office.

Authors in [43] proposed an energy theft detection system with the boon of predicting consumer’s ungenerous consumption pattern. To bring awareness among the people, we alert the consumers by a notification. IOT operation is performed by Wi-Fi device, which sends the meter data to the web page through the IP address. This is used for Electricity board to continuously monitor the consumption of power and billing information that is calculated using microcontroller.

In [44], a new approach towards Nontechnical loss (NTL) detection in power utilities in order to detect and identify load consumption patterns of fraud customers using artificial intelligence based technique and pattern classification technique. In this system customer committing fraud activities before the two year period will not be detected by the FDM. Although, this method reduce theft but require large man power. Due to dishonesty of staffs this methods fails.

Authors in [45]  developed a paper on real time system in which transmission and receiving of data is done by wireless technique using PLC. This will provide an additional facility of wireless meter reading with the same technique and in same cost. Due to this it will protect distribution network from power theft done by tapping, meter tampering etc. The proposed system is an automated system of theft detection which found to be little bit complex.   A similar work is done in [46] but here zigbee technology is used for theft detection and this system have the advantages that it can also be used to detect the theft of the gas, fuel and oil simply by changing the measurement meter used in this system.

In [47], the real-time monitoring system for residential energy meter is done using IOT technology. In this the collected data is found due to the pattern of consumption as well as faultiness present in the existing system is obtained. The theft occurred due to using the excess amount of power beyond the limit of meter is done in [48]. The project finds the solution for monitoring the power theft happening in and around a particular locality is done in [48]. In this paper, we have proposed an attempt to resolve electricity theft problem. The research detects the pilferage by detecting over loading at the transformer. A relay circuit is employed to shut down the power supply from the respective transformer in case of overloading. Information regarding the load consumption is send wirelessly using IOT technology and the status of meter will be showing on the LCD. Another major advantage of this method is that it will provide security that the whole system is accessible by the authorized person.

Authors in [49] proposed an Arduino based power theft detection and protection system. The system was used to detect and protect an unauthorized tapping on distribution line. In this paper ACS712 series current sensor has been used as the interfacing instrument between the power line current and Arduino. To isolate power line from power theft system relay used as switching gear. Arduino control all operations that all devices do. This system would provide a simple way to detect and prevent an electrical power theft without any human interference, maximize the profit margin of power utility company and Prevent fault due to overload. The theft detection of electricity also became possible by using this system through which server received the message when users by passed the meter. This system provides billing activity in addition to detection and protection power theft.

In [50], authors proposed an electricity theft detection which provides warning messages if motion detected via wireless sensors and providing data for billing and consumption of each component connected. Using microcontroller function, constant readings of energy meter are collected and saved in Arduino UNO, then the data is transferred to Things Speak application which is an android application used for energy monitoring and controlling. Node MCU is used to provide internet to the meter and Thing Speak application is used for receiving virtual messages about bill and consumptions.

In [51], authors proposed a system that composes of current sensors that are used to measure the actual load current and the other is to measure the turning back or neutral current. The microcontroller Arduino will be used to send the power signal to Wi-Fi. If the meter box is open the online message will display that meter tampering occurred. Hence the power vendor can easily identify the customer who is illegally consuming the power for that energy meters. Moreover, when there is an occurrence of theft the relay will disconnect the load from the supply.

Authors in [52] proposed an energy meter design using IoT (Internet of Things) and implementing based on microcontroller. In the system, the buyer has the possibility of pre paying/ post paying the electricity usage on schedule. If not paid, the utility centres can switch off the supply remotely. The monitoring of the electrical energy consumption can be made easy by the customer on their mobile/PC.Power theft is detected by using current sensors. Theft detected will be notified on service provider end. The IoT operation is performed by Wi-Fi unit. The meter data is send to webpage that can be accessed from IP address. IoT has made a virtual network between the human and this physical world and has drastically changed the way business works. This can be accomplished by sending the ideal stage between the gadgets for data transmission. In this paper, IoT technology is utilized in distribution system to detect the power theft.

Authors in [53] Energy Meter Monitoring System (EMMS) comprises of Raspberry Pi board and it mainly focuses on the implementation concept of Internet of Things (IoT) as the underlying framework to achieve real time monitoring of energy meter readings. The main theme is to have a system which can be installed with existing electronic meters, instead of developing a new smart meter. Raspberry pi connected to the meter continuously monitors the data sent by the energy meter, slice and read the data and convert it to equivalent decimal values. These parameters are given their actual value by placing the decimals and providing SI units. Go-daddy’s web server is developed and its database will store the data from the energy meter in front of its serial number. A multipurpose android application is designed to get the information regarding voltage ratings, current ratings, energy consumption and the meter tampering details which further can be useful to take actions against the customers. Upon providing the serial number in the application, the tampering status of the energy meter is traced along with the basic parameter values.

Reference [54] presents plan of smart metering using arduino and GSM strategy for controlling and sensing energy meter data and its bypassing status.

Reference [55] presents an effective remote shrewd system based on IoT with well operated android application. A plan for executing minimum cost sensing system for smart meter and webserver usage to naturally acquire the number of units of energy and transfer of same data to customers is presented in the reference [56] using digital meter, ESP8266 and webserver. Some works even make use of sensors for current and voltage sensing as part of meter design [57].

[58] proposed a measure to make electricity accessible to every consumer, to overcome the problem of overbilling, meter tempering , fault finding and to ensure a cost effective operation, we have introduced the Prepaid Electricity System. The user receives message on their mobile phones about the units they purchased via IoT technology. We live in a world where almost everything runs on electricity. 67% of their sources used to produce electricity are non -renewable sources of energy. Power is the soul of world which is related to the electricity and “electricity” is the word which now rules the world. So, proper utilization of these resources is of immense important to us. Though many technological innovations are taking place in this world, existing electricity consumption billing process seems in India to be very old fashioned and does not meet the latest technology available.

The advantage of this system is that a user can understand the power consumed by the electrical appliances after every 10 days and can take further steps to control them and thus help in energy conservation. From the electricity board section, the information regarding the bill amount, payment and the pre-planned power shut down details are communicated to the consumer. If the customer does not pay the bill in time, the user is informed through a message. If still the customer does not pay the bill, then as per designated consideration, one alert message will be sent then automatically power connection is disconnected from the remote server. In the already existing smart energy meter, it shows the energy consumed by the appliances from the date of installation of the energy meter and its corresponding rupees. In this proposed energy meter, the meter gives the energy consumed on daily basis, its corresponding rupees, fault finding on meter on daily basis, billing details and payment using IOT.

[59] Proposed an IOT based system for Meter readings and rate every month send to the electricity providers through the IOT. Adding with these setup an efficient Internet of Things (IOT) is defined, which portraits the global connection environment to the users and allow them to view the status of meter reading and theft associations globally from anywhere at any time. Theft of electricity has a material impact on customers in terms of cost and safety. We consider that the existing regulatory framework does not adequately encourage suppliers to be proactive in detecting theft.

[60] suggest a development of a GSM based automatic power meter reading (GAPMR) system to solve this traditional meter reading problems. The GAPMR system contains GSM digital power meters installed in every consumer unit and an electricity e-billing system at the electricity provider side. In this study, it is failed to classify the area in which nonexistence of trusted third-party GSM network coverage.

An IoT based system that consists of Power Line Communication (PLC) modem, a theft detection unit and a WI-FI unit was proposed by [61]. Two separate sub systems were employed to build upthe system. One of the systems is to be installed at the consumer’s energy meter point while the other unit is to be installed at the utility supplier company. Generally, three microcontrollers were proposed to be used in the project; two of such will be used in the system installed at the consumers end for IoT and theft detection capabilities. The remaining microcontroller will beused in the system located at the utility office [61]. However, the proposed system is not cost effective as it involves the operation of two separate systems to form a functional system.

[62] suggest Electromechanical Energy meters are being replaced by more accurate prepaid digital energy meters. They also claim that a huge percentage of electricity income was lost due to inappropriate meter reading and monitoring. Considerable amount of revenue losses can be minimized by using Prepaid Energy Meters and prepaid cards. The prepaid card system communicates with the power service provider using mobile communication medium. In this research, the proposed prepaid meter was a good solution for revenue collection from consumer, but it increases the effort of the billing process which is very problematic to consumers. In the meantime the authors put forward about communication between prepaid energy meter and power utility using mobile communication infrastructure but the communication module and infrastructure are not clearly exposed in the proposed work.

[63] proposed a system for measuring the power consumption at homes using IOT with raspberry pi during period time, which can be controlled as well monitored through the raspberry pi across the IOT. We used Python programming language to control raspberry pi. It’s based on raspbian which is operating system for all models of the raspberry Pi that subject to linux system. As we say before raspberry pi has inputs and we use it for connecting the supply, energy meter and load such as a lamp or Drill. The energy meter is connected to the raspberry pi. This allows user to easily check the energy usage along with the cost charged online using a simple web application connecting to Wi-Fi. Thus, the energy meter monitoring system allows consumer to effectively monitor electricity meter readings and bill amount in an easy way. It presents a low cost and flexible energy meter monitoring system using IOT. In addition, we use camera which is called camera pi. Camera pi takes picture from meter reading and communicates to consumer via email. All information on the energy meter screen will be taken by raspberry pi module. Using this data, the raspberry pi will calculate the bill amount then send to the consumer by email.

In 2011, [64] proposed a system, which measures the main power system quantities and gives possibility to manage the whole power plant. Here, an integrated Web Server allows to collect the statistics of power consumptions and power quality. This system allows easy access to the information with the combination of a smart meter and data communication capability and thereby allow local as well as remote access to meter readings. But due to lack of battery backup and excessive memory consumption, this system fails to satisfy the customer level expectations.

In [65] an infrastructure called Smart Grid is proposed, in which the growing demand of energy, the capacity limitations of energy management are discussed. It is based on an energy meter with low-power microcontroller and the Power Line Communication standards.

[66], introduced a system based on Bluetooth technology. At present, wireless digital energy meters are continuously replacing existing technology of electro-mechanical meters especially in China and India.

In [67] the authors described that digital meter had already started replacing electromechanical meters in Singapore, where Bluetooth technology is chosen as a possible wireless solution to connectivity issue.

[68] surveyed four communication protocols available for automatic meter reading (AMR) device and one of them is PLC. Since the data travels through voltage signal, the voltage level carried is also considered. Although PLC provides low maintenance as well as good efficiency, yet it suffers from limited bandwidth and difficulty in supporting large scale networks.

Further, integrating several communication protocols with PLC might overcome its drawbacks such as Wi-Fi, Micro- power Wireless, and Optical Fiber. [68], [70]. Recently in 2015, Iyer and Rao presented apaper on IoT based meter reading and theft detection [71], in which the system design eliminates the human involvement in Electricity maintenance. However, in the above mentioned system if the customer misses to pay the bills on time or trying to tamper the meter then it automatically alerts the management side which can disconnect the power.

Authors in [72], proposed system of IoT based smart energy meter using PLC & SCADA for industrial application has a goal of implementing with optimized usage of power and to reduce the power wastage. The block diagram of the proposed system consists of LCD, RFID card, PLC, SCADA, GSM with IoT concept. The smart energy meter can be replaced with 5volts DC LCD for monitoring live power status which is bi-directionally connected with a load. The block diagram explains that the consumer & distribution center will be connected together through SCADA, which can be automatically control and monitor the entire metering system anywhere at anytime. PLC defined as the small scale computer used in industries which can performs on both hardware and software for monitoring the data.

Their proposed system offers a prepaid energy metering and billing where the customer can use the power in an optimized manner, whereas if it exceeds the limit of power consumption then the sanctioned power connection will be automatically cut off and will be warned before the prepaid amount has decreased inadequately.

Authors in [73] proposed  an IOT based energy meter system basically consists of three major components namely controller, Wi-Fi and Theft detection device. Whenever there is any theft or fault, the theft detector sensor detects the error and responds accordingly. The controller plays a vital role in keeping all the components in working state In this system energy meters are connected to the internet i.e., using IoT concept. This system eliminates the human

intervention in electricity maintenance. Major components used in the system are Arduino micro controller, energy meters (main energy meter and sub energy meter), interfacing circuit (optocoupler), relay and relay driver circuit, LCD display and a Personal Computer. The energy meter is connected to the Arduino microcontroller using an interfacing circuit. The interfacing circuit consists of an optocoupler. The basic design of an optocoupler consists of an LED and LDR. If LED blink for 3 times then LDR will count 1 unit, if again LED blink for 3 times the LDR will count 2units. After the completion of 3 units the bill will be generated. The real time readings from the energy meters are collected by the microcontroller. This can be viewed through an LCD display which is connected to the micro controller. The LCD display shows the readings of the energy meters and the theft status. Once the bill is generated, it is sent to the consumer mobile through the Wi-Fi module. The payment option is done by RFID card. The RFID reader reads the cards ID and sends it to the microcontroller. The microcontroller receives the information and takes an action based on it. For example, if the card is credited for 100units the credit will be decreased when the consumer uses power. When it reaches 30% of the total units, controller will send the message to the costumer that 30% current has been used and so on for 60% and 90% also controller sends the message to the consumer.

[74] developed an IOT based energy monitoring and control device using Arduino microcontroller. The proposed system has the capacity to measure the power consumed by each electrical appliance in the smart home and send the information to the server and even as it continues to remotely control the electrical appliances. The system can compute the amount of power consumed by each electrical appliance generate the bill on a dedicated website. The drawbacks of their method are that the number of electrical appliances that can be monitored is restricted to just two appliances. Moreover, the developed device can only compute the power consumed through current sensing. The implication of this is that measurements of the amount of electricity consumed might not be totally accurate.

[75] proposed smart home system that uses CoZNET method to eliminate the effect of noise created because of the presence of WSN and WIFI networks. The performance of the proposed system was validated for both energy consumption by the devices and the noise created by the presence of WIFI and WSN networks. Simulation results showed that the proposed method is drastically affected by noise. This is a serious drawback of their proposed method. Additionally, the system proved to be less effective in decreasing the amount of energy consumed by appliances used in a smart home.

[76] proposed a smart low-cost home automation system which is designed using IoT. The system has the capacity to control every home appliances and electronic machines and monitor their energy consumption through a website. The technique provides a surveillance system that allows both the consumers and energy merchants to detect the abnormalities of the power distribution system by inspecting the metering system. The shortcomings of the proposed system include: absence online billing system, and performance metric to know how efficient and robust the proposed system is.

[77] developed an Arduino based IoT metering system for on-demand energy monitoring. The performance of the technique was assessed using some case studies and experiments. Experimental results show that the system is effective in monitoring energy consumption with insignificant errors. Limitations of the work are lack of automation and inability to communicate over long distance.

[78] proposed a framework for building energy monitoring and analysis system based on the Internet of things. The framework has some instruction for monitoring building energy consumption further to attain real-time monitoring and control, and reduce the power consumption level of intelligent building. The system was not implemented, so its performance in real life cannot be ascertain.

[79] proposed an IoT Based Digital Energy Meter for Remote Monitoring which consists of voltage and current measuring circuits and it is interface to the Arduino microcontroller that is already programmed for calculating the amount of power utilized by the consumer. However, the system has no ability to monitor the energy consume by individual appliance.

[80] proposed and IoT Based Energy Meter Billing and Monitoring System that uses Internet of things (IoT) for transmitting the customer’s electricity consumption and bill information that is calculated using PIC microcontroller. However, the system does not have storage device that can be used to store data about the energy consumed by individual appliance. Hence, there is a need to design a system which can overcome these aforementioned shortcomings of the proposed systems. The conventional energy monitoring system only provides feedback to the customer on total energy consume in a house hold. The consumer has no way to track their energy usage on a more immediate basis. The consumers are growing exponentially fast and load on power providing divisions is rapidly rising. In the existing system, individual energy monitoring cannot be done and it is one of the major drawbacks for an energy crisis. Therefore, there is need to propose a more efficient system that have the capacity to overcome the shortcoming of the conventional system.

[81] present a concise study on energy management and challenges in smart cities. The authors went ahead to propose a uniting architecture for promoting energy efficiency and scheduling of IoT-based smart cities. Furthermore, they explained how energy is garnered in smart cities so as to prolong the lifespan of run-down power devices and its associated problems. Simulation results showed that their proposed method effectively reduced energy consumption through enhanced scheduling of energy and wireless power transmission in smart cities. The limitations of their technique include: the complexities of the method and the impracticability of such in developing countries.

[82] in their work discussed web service and open database connectivity and front-end communication. Simulation results show that the intelligent city energy management system based on the Internet of things can meet the needs of the “intelligent city” construction. The proposed system incorporates energy information at remote locations and achieves energy consumption management. It provides a basis for the analysis and energy reduction valuation in urban cities. The system was only simulated but not implemented.

[83] made a paper “Smart Energy Meter Billing, Monitoring and Controlling system”. This journal explains about IOT based energy meter billing, controlling and monitoring system proposes and analyse a system which is used for energy meter billing, controlling and monitoring. The system is fully Internet Of Things based and highly desirable in field of energy. In this system consumer can do power management by knowing energy usage time to time. The customer needs to pay the bill on schedule, if couldn’t the electric power connectivity can be turned off autonomously. This system uses energy meter with microcontroller system to monitor energy usage using a meter. The meter is used to monitor units consumed and transmit the units as well as cost charged over the internet. This allows user to easily check the energy usage along with the cost charged.

[84]. made a paper in “A Smart Metering Platform using Big Data and IoT Technologies”. This paper explains autonomous monitoring of electricity consumption requires a metering platform for recording and processing electrical data. In this paper, they shed further more light on the integration of these technologies into a holistic platform for real time sensing, processing, and data visualization. A platform prototype was developed and tested for detailed profiling of energy consumption in buildings. It allows measuring and monitoring the electric power consumption of individual appliances.

[85] Proposed a paper which is mainly describes the smart energy meter, including Arduino UNO as the main controller which utilizes the combination of hardware and software both in order to implement desired functionality of IOT based energy meter. This paper demonstrates the IOT based system in which the consumer as well as the service provider will get the used energy reading with the respective amount at each time interval. His proposed energy meter system replaces the traditional meter reading methods and enables remote access to existing energy meter by the authority. Also, it can monitor the meter readings regularly without the person visiting each premise.

[84]. proposed to system to eliminate the manual work and the human involvement in the meter reading we are using the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). This system which makes it possible for Electricity Boards to collect unit readings without using the manual involvement. The data, the unit consumed by the consumer which is collected at the consumer premises is loaded to the separate TNEB official web server. A database at the server, that stores all the details including the consumer number, units consumed which will be only accessible to the authority. This is achieved by connecting the Arduino microcontroller with energy meter. In this paper we also suggests a method for effective energy management, to bring a awareness to consumer on billing pattern of TNEB and enables them to monitor the daily electricity consumption by using an android application and a website. The android application can monitor the power usage and can warn the users when power usage is getting close to the prescribed threshold energy level and alerts the consumer by notification if it exceeds. If the user fails to pay the electricity bill or if the is consumer is against of the rules and regulation of TNEB, then the server will automatically cut the power supply to the consumer. Electricity theft is a social evil and which is increasing day by day , so a method for power theft detection and disconnection using the Automatic Metering Infrastructure (AMI). If there is any illegal connection it can be detected. The main advantage is that the power theft detected with the consumers number, which will be easy for the TNEB officials to take immediate actions on the consumer. If the power theft is identified in a locality the server automatically disconnect the illegal connection without human involvement.

In [85] authors suggested WIFI technology application for energy meter and develop for Apple and BlackBerry 10 OS, thus providing multiple platform users support.

In [86] describes PIC18F46k22 Microcontroller based design and implementation of energy meter using IoT concept. The proposed system design eliminates the human involvement in Electricity maintenance. The customer must buy the usage of electricity on schedule, just in case that he couldn’t pay, the electricity transmission are often turned off autonomously from the distant server. The user can monitor the energy consumption in units from an internet page by providing device IP address. Theft detection unit connected to energy meter will notify company side when meter tampering occurs in energy meter and it’ll send theft detect information through PLC modem and theft detected are going to be displayed on the terminal window of the corporate .

Therefore the proposed energy meter measures the quantity of power consumed and uploads it to cloud, from which the concerned person can view the reading. The facility reading is shipped to cloud using ESP 8266, a Wi-Fi module. The facility reading from digital wattmeter is read using the Opto-coupler and transmitted digitally to the Arduino. It automates the method of measuring the facility consumption at homes using IoT and thereby enabling remote access and digitalization.

In [87], smart energy meter is meant to urge telemetering, tampering detection and supplier can disconnect service to the buyer within the event of meter tampering or unauthorized use of energy. It makes the relation between utility and user more transparent and reliable. Power saving is feasible which contributes towards the minimization of the matter of energy crisis.

In IoT [88] technology an IoT device was created for measuring the voltage, current, power and energy of a three-phase fourline power cable during a laboratory building. Wi-Fi unit performs the IoT operation by sending energy meter data to website which may be accessed through IP address. The Hardware interface circuit consists of PIC18F46k22 Microcontroller, MAX232, LCD display, theft detection unit, TRIAC switch circuit.

In [89] authors suggested DB18B20 temperature sensor, PIR sensor, PLC modem, and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. Wi-Fi unit performs the IoT operation by sending energy meter data to website which may be accessed through IP address.

In [90] authors presented need for measuring the consumed electricity. It’s accomplished by the wattmeter, but an individual from TNEB has got to visit each house for measuring the facility consumption and for calculating the bill amount. So it requires much of manual work and consumes time. So as to avoid of these drawbacks we’ve intended to construct an IoT based energy meter.


In [91] authors implemented Prepaid Billing which might go a extended way in making consumers aware of the energy they use and be more economical. This device uses ATMEGA 328P Micro Controller for computational purposes and Wi-Fi module for data transfer and updates. The prototype model of this proposed energy meter was developed and was validated with various loads in our laboratory during 19-1-2016 to 25-1- 2016(Scale down period as 2 months). It proves, this device is user friendly, make consumers conscious about the quantity of energy they spend and help to conserve the already depleting resources. The automation of billing system eliminates labour resources involvement, hence is more accurate.

[92] proposed a work on the design and implementation model of electrical energy theft detection. A high percentage of electricity income is lost due to power theft and improper management. However, a bulk of these losses is caused by electricity theft. The illegal usage of electricity must be solved by electronic means, without any human interaction. The purpose of this work is to provide an implementation methodology for electricity theft detection and controlling which allows violators to be detected at a remote location. This design integrates effective solutions for problems faced by electricity distribution system and home such as power theft and transmission line fault. It includes microcontroller based embedded technology and wireless communication method to find out the electric theft and transmission line fault. Moreover, collecting the meter readings for billing processes from all consumers is a difficult and time consuming task which requires a great number of labors. In the proposed method a Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) based technology is used to transmit the meter reading and detection alert automatically to the authorized energy provider via an alert message which eliminates the various issues related to the meter reading and theft detection. And also we monitor the individual load power consumptions.

[93] proposed a paper which was designed to visualize and monitor the power consumption online on a smart phone using mobile application. The Internet of things (IoT) devices not only monitors but also controls the electronic, electrical and various mechanical systems which are used in various types of infrastructures. Also energy management and monitoring has a significant role for the proper utilization and better energy management. A power theft, incorrect meter reading and billing, reluctance of consumers towards paying electricity bills on time results loss of electricity revenue in large amount. The system possesses theft detection and prepaid billing.

[94] have researched electrical energy management studies at the Klungkung Hospital. The parameter that influences energy use in hospitals is the fluctuation in inpatient visits. Based on an Audit conducted at the Klungkung Hospital which refers to the 1990 ASEAN Database Office standard, the energy consumption in the Klungkung Hospital is categorized as a bit wasteful. In addition to the visitor factor, the cause of energy waste is that the building envelope is still not optimal, air conditioners and lamps are still using old technology. The recommended improvement recommendation is the maintenance and operation of the building to consider energy conservation.

[95] who conducted energy management research at Surya Husadha Hospital Denpasar. In that study, an analysis was conducted based on electrical energy usage data, where the energy conservation carried out was focused on AC and lamps because AC energy consumption reached 43% and lamps 13%. The energy management plan prepared refers to the energy management matrix. The results of the energy management matrix show that the hospital’s energy management is still not well-managed because the hospital does not yet have a reference in the preparation of energy management, but the efficiency of AC and lamp consumption can be used as best practice.

[96] conducted a study on the management of electrical energy in the Faculty of Medicine Building Udayana University, located in Denpasar. The intensity of electricity consumption in the building is based on payment accounts per building area of 82.94 kWh/m2/year which is included in the highly efficient category. The recommended program for saving energy is to arrange the usage schedule and lamp replacement.

[97] conducted a study of electrical energy management in the Meat Processing Company named PT. Soejasch Bali. In this study, an electrical energy audit was conducted and the interview was conducted using a questionnaire to determine the intensity of energy consumption in buildings. The results of the study after an energy audit are that energy savings can be made by setting operating hours to produce a 5% savings in energy consumed.

[98] conducted a study of energy conservation at the Sewaka Dharma Building in Denpasar by applying the Green Building concept, which is by taking several actions such as building more windows or ventilation using vertical ventilation systems, green environments and the use of solar cells for lighting lamps. The results of this study are the work environment and employees are not too comfortable and adapt to the Green Building concept because the temperature and humidity are too high so that the installation of air conditioners in each room is carried out.

[99] conducted a study of energy management at Prima Medika Hospital Denpasar. Electricity consumption in the hospital per year is 2,299,077 kWh / year. Electricity load comes from lighting equipment, air conditioning system equipment, medical equipment, office equipment, and utility equipment. Based on the energy audit conducted, it can be categorized as a hospital that uses wasteful energy. The recommendation that must be done is to conserve energy, especially in the air arrangement system equipment that absorbs the largest energy that is equal to 56.12%, draws assumptions about the operating hours of the equipment, and other measures that enable energy efficiency.

Based on some of these studies, managing energy needs to be identified several parameters such as the number of people in the building, the area of the building, electronic devices used in the building, and so on. The results of these studies indicate that the equipment that consumes a lot of energy in a building/room is air conditioning, further review is needed on how to save air conditioning system equipment.

[100] researched IoT-based Smart Energy Monitoring. This research presents digitizing the use of energy through the internet. The design of the system built eliminates human involvement in electricity maintenance. Users can monitor electrical energy consumption through web pages by entering the power line ID. Web pages use a third-party service, ThingSpeak, to analyze and visualize energy usage statistics in more detail. Through this system, consumers can do power management by knowing energy usage from time to time. The resulting unit can be displayed on a web page via the Wi-Fi module. The hardware used in building IoT includes the Allegro ACS712 Current Sensor, Arduino Nano, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module (Node MCU), LCD Display, buzzer, and power supply.