
Design And Construction Of Gsm Based Intruder Detector System

The GSM-based home intrusion detection device is a security device that sends a text message to the owner’s mobile number in case of home intrusion.

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The GSM-based home intrusion detection device is a security device that sends a text message to the owner’s mobile number in case of home intrusion. This is to warn and notify the owner of an impending attack. It is used when the owner is outside the house, or even when asleep. The device uses a GSM modem which requires a subscriber identification module (SIM) card to send short message service (SMS). The device is activated once the door or window is opened and it automatically sends a text message to the security administrator. The device improves the effectiveness to which possible incidents of intrusion and robbery are reported to security administrators when he is away from home through long distance communication using GSM technology. It bridges the gap between the security device and its administrator when the latter is away.



1.1     Background of the Study

The efficacy of our security system has been in question over the last few years owing to the wide spread of global crime that has rendered many establishment, business place and home crippling. Despite all effort security operative and their counterpart had put in place to moderate burglary and intrusion, yet crime rate and intrusion are still high. It had been observed that as the population increases and employment rate decreases, it leads to a corresponding increase in crime rate (Aayush,2012). Therefore there is need to employ a more effective, efficient, reliable, cost effective and less time respond technology or measure to tackle and reduce the crime wave to a bearable minimum to achieve a peaceful society.

An Intruder Detecting System (IDS) or device is a techniques used for detecting intruder actions(Abhishek and Amol, 2015).  Intrusion detector is a device or software application that monitors network or an area or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces alert, or reports to a management station. Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and attempting to stop detected possible incidents (Abhishek el al, 2015)

Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) are primarily focused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators. In addition, organizations use IDPSs for other purposes, such as identifying problems with security policies, documenting existing threats, and deterring individuals from violating security policies (Sadeque, 2012). IDPSs have become a necessary addition to the security infrastructure of nearly every organization.

Security is the degree of protection against danger, damage, loss or any criminal activity. Security can also be seen as a condition in which one can develop and progress freely (Asogwa, 2013). An important aspect of security includes home security. Intruder detection system is very important because crime rate is increasing day by day. The advancement of technology has increased the safety and security of people along with their belongings. One of the reasons for the rise of the smart home device is the increasing risk of burglary and robbery and the busy time of the day.

The busy lifestyle of people during working hours or travel period is leading to the neccessity of controlling home remotely and increasing the neccessity of keeping surveillance over their homes (Nwalozie, Aniedu, Nwokoye and Abazuonu, 2015). Mobile phones today are not just used to make calls. The use of mobile phones is changing with the development of technology and they can be used for different purposes. They can be used as clocks, calendars or controllers instead of being used just as phones (Nwalozie  et al, 2015) . Today smart phones are available in the market with different applications and hardware which can be implemented without any further development or enhancement.

With the help of the global system mobile for communication (GSM) network, a mobile can be used to implement a smart home by controlling devices and getting alerts on intrusion, burglary and robbery (Abhishek and Amol, 2012).Traditional household security systems often require installation and detect based on opening of doors and windows. The increasing number of the stealing and house breaking cases especially when the people are not at home need a system that can call or  tell owner if anyone has attempted or trying to break into their home. Therefore the idea of a smart home system was proposed, to overcome the limitations of the systems already available in the market.  Hence the GSM-Based Home Intrusion Detection Device is a security device that sends a text message to the owner’s mobile number in case of home intrusion. This is to warn and notify the owner of an impending attack. It is useful when the owner is outside the house, or even when asleep. It is pre-programmed to store the owner’s mobile number in which the device would send a text message notifying the receiver of an intrusion. The device uses a GSM modem which requires a subscriber identification module (SIM) card to send text messages. The device is to be placed adjacent to possible entries of intrusion, such as doors and windows. The device is activated once the door or window is opened and it automatically sends a text message which is also pre-programmed. The user can choose the number of sensors, types of sensors, the area of coverage of the systems along with the number space. The goal of the project is to implement a smart home system by controlling the electronic devices at home remotely with the help of a mobile device and getting alerts on intrusion or movement around the restricted premises. The SIM900-GPRS module and the microcontroller are used to communicate between the mobile phone and the devices and sensors installed at home. The mobile phone can be used as controller from anywhere in the world if the GSM network is available. In addition, three sensors are used as a heat detector, motion detector and intrusion detector which trigger the alarm upon reaching the critical limit. The GSM alert system is limited to the area with the GSM network available. The alert system works without the GSM network.

1.2     Statement of the Research

In offices, residential building and industries, the potential for intrusion and thieve is always there. This could be carried out by close associate or stranger. However intrusion, burglary and thief has been a big challenge prompting engineers to develop a system called “intruder detecting system” helping to reduce intrusion thieve. In modern technology advanced system had been developed to improve the standard of intruder detection / protection system called (IDPS). The system will not only detect intruder by sensing their motion or presence, but also alert the occupant of the building and immediate neighborhood of intrusion through SMS and alarm system.

1.3     Objectives of the study

The main objective of this work is to design and construct a GSM-based intruder loop detector system

1.4     Significance  of the study

The following are theSpecific objectives of the study:

  1. Create a device that triggers whenever the home security is bridged
  2. Use GSM technology in sending notifications to the security administrator’s mobile number notifying him of a possible intruder to home.

1.5     Scope and Limitations of the Study

This project will focus on providing intruder detection and alarm system for individuals and industries.

However, there would be possibility for expansion to cover other areas like laboratories, offices, bank vault and restricted areas like high tension voltage areas as well as radioactive areas.

1.6     Definition of Key Concepts

The key concepts associated with intruder loop detection system are:

  1.   Intrusion: is an illegal act of entering, seizing, or taking possession of another’s property.
  2. Intrusion detection system: is a device or software application that monitors network and/or system activities for malicious activities or policy violations and produces reports to a management station.

iii.  Alert or Alarm: is a signal suggesting that a system has been or is being compromised.

  1. Attacker or Intruder:


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