
Remove term: design and construction of an automatic water pump controller with water timed flushing mechanism design and construction of an automatic water pump controller with water timed flushing mechanism

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This project presents the concept of a control system into an automatic water pump controller. One of the motivations for this project is the need to bring a solution to the problem of water shortage in various places eliminating the major culprit, waste of water during pumping, dispensing into overhead tank and flushing the water out from the tank. I believe that creating a barrier to wastage will not only provide more financial gains and energy saving, but will also help the environment and water cycle which in turn ensures that we save water for our future. Several circuits are put together to ensure proper working of this design, and the block diagram includes the supply unit, the micro- processor unit, the sensor unit, the display unit and the pump drives unit. The power unit is responsible for turning on the entire circuit. Some components are used to set up power unit and they include; a 12v step down transformer, a bridge rectifier circuit, a smoothening capacitor and a voltage regulator IC. The microprocessors control virtually all the actions carried out in this design. The sensor unit is responsible for sensing the level of water and transfer the current position of water to the microprocessor. The display unit in the circuit is use to physically show the current position of water in the tank. Experimental performance results indicated that this device is quite suitable for the desired operation, since it maintained the set maximum and minimum levels of respectively, by switching the pump ON/OFF as required. Thus this helps in reducing wastage of water also as electricity. To justify the benefits that can be accrued from this system, cost reduction, less human contact means less cost in terms of labour, maintenance, and utility bills waste.
















3.1            BLOCK DIAGRAM




3.5            WORKING OPERATION

3.6            PROGRAMMING


3.8            Timed CIRCUIT DIAGRAM

3.9            SOFTWARE


3.11       DESIGN NOTE







1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

1.1                                          BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

The total amount of water available on Earth has been estimated at 1.4 billion cubic kilometers, enough to cover the planet with a layer of about 3 km. About 95% of the Earth’s water is in the oceans, which is unfit for human consumption. According to United Nations (UN) report, almost half of the world’s workers work in water-related sectors showing most of the jobs dependent on water [1]. Sustainability of available water resource in many reason of the word is now a dominant issue. This problem is quietly related to poor water allocation, inefficient use, and lack of adequate and integrated water management. Water is commonly used for agriculture, industry, and domestic consumption. Therefore, efficient use and water monitoring are potential constraint for home or office water management system [2]. Last few decades several monitoring system integrated with water level detection have become accepted. Measuring water level is an essential task for government and residence perspective. In this way, it would be possible to track the actual implementation of such initiatives with integration of various controlling activities. Therefore, water controlling system implementation makes potential significance in home applications.

The existing automated method of level detection is described and that can be used to make a device on/off. Moreover, the common method of level control for home appliance is simply to start the feed pump at a low level and allow it to run until a higher water level is reached in the water tank. This is not properly supported for adequate controlling system. Besides this, liquid level control systems are widely used for monitoring of liquid levels, reservoirs, silos, and dams etc. Usually, this kind of systems provides visual multilevel as well as continuous level indication. Audio visual alarms at desired levels and automatic control of pumps based on user’s requirements can be included in this management system [3]. Proper monitoring is needed to ensure water sustainability is actually being reached, with disbursement linked to sensing and automation. Such programmatic approach entails microcontroller based automated water level sensing and controlling [4].

In the drinking water purification and filtration industry, there is little or no use of automated water pump and flushing control systems. These automation were invented to overcome the manual operations such as follows;

  • Many water tanks and valves to be controlled and monitored hence the need for many operators.
  • Pumps are started and stopped manually: This may causes overheating of pumps due to the neglect of not stopping them when the water is
  • water flushing from the tank is done manually.
  • It is time consuming and waste generation is very high. The generated waste water results from tank overflows or spillages, broken pipelines and pump

The technique used in this work involves auto On/Off water pump system with a timed flushing mechanism using microcontroller.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

This device came to mitigate problems such as poor water allocation, inefficient use, lack of adequate water and the rate of intake of contaminated water. An automatic pump control system is designed to monitor liquid level in an overhead tank and at the same time automatically controls the ON/OFF of the water pump. This device helps the user to be aware of the water level in the tank through an LCD. The device flushes out the water that is inside the tank according to the number of days the users wants.  It is very useful because the user need not worry about the water content during the peak hours of the day. It not only helps in the daily chores but also prevents water wastage. It reduces human labour, saves time and also keeps the user updated regarding the water content.


The main aim of this project is to design and construct an automatic water pump controller with water flushing system. The objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. To develop water pump control and timed flushing prototype.
  2. To control water level in the
  • To make the most commercial and reliable water level controller using as less resources as
  1. To incorporate an interactive medium between the end user and the
  2. To prevent over labour of the pumping machine and prevent it from getting bad
  3. To avoid wastage of
  • To reduce the level of intake of contaminated water.


The scope of this project covers developing a user friendly integrated system for automatic water pump and flushing control purpose. It will help the user to pump water from source e.g. borehole into the water tank or flush water from the tank using the automatic pumping system. It has a sensor (ultrasonic sensor) that will be detect the water level, and it will generate a signal to control by the microcontroller. The microcontroller will process the data signal and control the motor pump to allow the amount of water that will be flow into the tank. The processed data from microcontroller will be sent to liquid crystal display this will display the water level on the tank.


Various type of water pumping system that available in market nowadays, but this system alone with the traditional system can’t overcome the intrusion problem. To make this system more efficient and useful, it should be upgraded to be more efficient. This project is designed with the water level monitoring and control system to make the users easy to monitor the level of water on the tank and automatic ON/OFF water pump. The advantage of automatic water pump controller help to ascertain, control the level of water in overhead tanks, prevent wastage, prevents overflow, dry running of your water pump, and thus saves water, electricity and manpower according to Falahati, M. (2018).

1.7                                       APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT

Water level controller is an application which detects the level water then triggers the pump and vice versa. They are useful devices and play an important role in various industries such as automobile, irrigation, and also at homes, or wherever water is pump either underground or overhead.

1.8                                                        METHODOLOGY

To achieve the aim and objectives of this work, the following are the steps involved:

  1. Study of the previous work on the project so as to improve it efficiency.
  2. Draw a block diagram.
  • Test for continuity of components and devices,
  1. Design was carried out.
  2. Studying of various component used in circuit.
  3. Construct the circuit.
  • Finally, the whole device was cased and final test was carried out.

1.9                                   PROJECT ORGANISATION

The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work,   chapter two presents the literature review of the study,  chapter three describes the methods applied,  chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.











2.0                                       LITERATURE REVIEW


There are different types of water sensor that are used as water level measurement sensors included robust ceramic pressure sensors, shaft encoders, acoustical sensor, and the visual reference staff gages. Stevens still offers the low-powered, mechanical chart recorders for a long-term uninterrupted, real-time chart of water level [8].


Pressure sensors are submerged at a fixed level under the water surface. The pressure sensor measures the equivalent hydrostatic pressure of the water above the senor diaphragm. It is like weighing the water.


·         Ground water level monitoring

·         Ground water slug testing

Advantages of Pressure Sensors in water level measurements:

·         Out put can be analog or digital depending on model

·         Smaller diameter stilling well or pipe can be used for installation.

·         A low profile installation site can be achieved using pressure sensors with internal data logging.

·         Easy to install, maintain and calibrate.

Limitations of Pressure sensors in water level measurements:

·         Typically subject to long-term drift and variations with temperatures. However, they are in the water where the temperature is usually fairly stable, so the temperature concern may not be too high. It is good idea to check calibration every 6 months.

·         Fouling or corrosion with direct exposure to the water can affect the readings.

·         Models are available in a broad pressure range that needs to be known at time of purchases.

·         Some models require breather tube in the cable to reference to atmospheric pressure for best accuracy.

·         Some models have a sensor head that can be easily damage to human touch or other objects touch.


Stevens carries a number of encoders, potentiometers, linear variable differential transformers, and synchro that are used in liquid level measurement applications. These devices are float-operated sensors that utilize a float and counter-weight attached to a line placed around the Shaft Encoder’s pulley. As the liquid level changes the float moves up or down, moving the pulley. The shaft encoder turns the angular position of the pulley and shaft into an electronic water level signal that can be logged by an attached data logger.


A shaft encoder is an electro-mechanical device used to convert the angular position of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital electrical signal. These devices are used in many applications including liquid level measurement. Part of the mechanical aspect of this device for level measurement utilizes a float and counter-weight attached to a line or tape placed around a pulley attached to the encoder’s shaft.

As the level changes, the float moves up and down and, thereby, rotating the pulley and the attached shaft – generating an electronic wave form for both rotating direction and amount. By converting shaft rotation into electronic signals, encoders are used to electronically monitor the position of a rotating shaft. There are two main types of encoders for liquid level measurements are absolute and incremental.

Advantages of Float-operated sensors for water level measurements:

·         Since many older sites were designed for mechanical float operated measurement, encoders are easily adapted to existing float gear and gaging system.

·         Float-operated systems are easy to understand and troubleshoot.

·         Most encoders offer good temperature stability.

·         Various electronic technologies can be used including digital incremental and digital absolute (encoders); analog absolute (potentiometers and Linear variable differential transformers); or digital absolute (synchros).

·         Float is protected in a stilling well and sensor is not in direct contact with the water. Therefore the risk of damage is low from debris flow or fouling.

·         Highly accurate with large sized floats.

Limitations of Float-operating sensors in water level measurement:

·         Requires a stilling well to assure stability and reliability of the float-operating system.

·         Rapid changes in water level may result in the cable / tape line becoming disengaged from the float-operating sensor’s pulley.


Both ultrasonic and sonic level instruments operate on the basic principle of using sound waves to determine fluid level. The frequency range for ultrasonic methods is ~20-200 kHz, and sonic types use a frequency of 10 kHz. a transducer directs sound waves downward in bursts onto the surface of the water. Echoes of these waves return to the transducer, which performs calculations to convert the distance of wave travel into a measure of level. For practical applications of this method, you must consider a number of factors.


Ultrasonic Sensors are frequently used in:

·         Water level measurement with the sensor attached to a bridge or structure directly over the water.

·         For flood applications to avoid damage from debris flow

Advantages of ultra sonic sensors for water level measurement:

·         Non-contact sensor allows for easy installation on a bridge or structure over the water.

·         Non-contact sensor reduces the problem of sensor fouling or corrosion. Also potential damage from debris is reduced.

Limitations of ultra sonic sensors for water level measurement:

·         The speed of sound through air varies with the air’s temperature. The transducer may contain a temperature sensor to compensate for changes in operating temperature. However, this only takes into account the temperature at the sensor, which may be different as the sound wave approaches the water

·         Debris, extreme turbulence or wave action of the water can cause fluctuating readings. Use of a damping adjustment in the instrument or a response delay may help overcome this problem.

·         Maximum distance to the water level surface is typically 30 feet or less.

·         Limited usage in shallow streams or in streams with very high velocities with minimum depth requirements.

·         Very high concentrations of fine sediment in suspension can scatter and absorb the sonic pulse, preventing reflection of a detectable echo.

·         Ultrasonic typically require more power than other water level sensors.

·         Build-up on the sensor head, even simple condensation, can cause problems with the sensors operation.


Contact meter is an ideal device for quick, portable measurement of bore holes, wells, reservoirs, and other applications where liquid level depth is needed. The probe is simply feed down and when it reaches liquid the light on the front of the unit illuminates. Depth can then be read from the easy-to-read white tape.


The Staff Gage provides a quick and easy visual indicator of water level. Made with a durable baked-on porcelain enamel finish on a metal plate. Stevens was the company who originally designed and introduced the staff gage measurement styles used by the water resource market.

Stevens is one of the leading designers and providers of custom staff gages. Customer staff gages are for large size, slopes or flow measurements or for other unique mounting angles that a site may require for a easy visual measurement. Contact Stevens with your custom staff gauge requirements.


Bubbler systems are hydrostatic pressure sensors that are ideally suited for accurate liquid and water level measurement, especially in industrial process systems.

2.2                                HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ARDUINO

The Arduino is developed in 2005. The Arduino microcontroller was initially created as an educational platform for a class project at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Milan (Italy) in 2005. It derived from a previous work of the Wiring microcontroller designed by Hernando Barragan in 2004. From the beginning, the Arduino board was developed to attract artists and designers. The Wiring microcontroller was created by Hernando Barragan to be used for parsing data to electronic devices. His aim was that it could be used by nontechnical people who only had basic experience with using computers. He first of all wanted it to be used as a prototyping tool. Since he needed help to create an easy software tool to programmed the board he engaged Casey Reas and Massimo Banzi as his assistants. Reas created the visual programming language for the prototyping tool.

2.3                                           DEVELOPMENT OF ARDUINO

The computer, commonly defined as a tool for processing, storing, and displaying information, arose from a long line of analog devices used for effective counting and calculation, ranging from the simple abacus (first invented in Sumeria around 2300 BC), to Napier’s Bones (conceived in 1617, and the precursor to the slide rule), to BlaisePascal’s gear-based mechanical calculator (1645).The development of the computer accelerated during the 1940’s, spurred on largely by the highly industrialized nature of military production in World War II.The 1960’s marked a significant evolutionary leap for computing, due to the development of solid state computers (such as the IBM 1401), which used transistors for processing operations, and magnetic core memory for storage. The invention of integrated circuits in 1959 by Jack Kilby, which enabled transistors and circuits to be fused onto small chips of semiconducting materials (such as silicon), allowed further miniaturization of computer components. Another important development during this decade was the advent of high-level computer programming languages that were written in symbolic language, making computer code somewhat easier to read and learn than previous machine languages. COBOL and FORTRAN were the main languages introduced during this period. The microprocessor was introduced in 1970. The microprocessor essentially miniaturized all hardware components of a computers central processing unit to fit onto a single, tiny integrated circuit, now more popularly known as a microchip. The microchip also became the main driving component of microcontrollers (such as the Arduino), which generally consist of a microchip, memory storage hardware, and input/ output hardware for sensors.

2.4                                    OVERVIEW OF ULTRASONIC SENSOR

Ultrasonic sensors are great tools to measure distance without actual contact and used at several places like water level measurement, distance measurement etc. This is an efficient way to measure small distances precisely. In this project we have used an Ultrasonic Sensor, and it is reviewed as below:

Ultrasonic sensors are used around the world, indoors and outdoors in the harshest conditions, for a variety of applications. Our ultrasonic sensors, made with piezoelectric crystals, use high frequency sound waves to resonate a desired frequency and convert electric energy into acoustic energy, and vice versa. Sound waves are transmitted to and reflected from the target back to the transducer. Targets can have any reflective form, even round. Certain variables, such as target surface angle, changes in temperature and humidity, and reflective surface roughness, can affect the operation of the sensors.


The Ultrasonic Sensor sends out a high-frequency sound pulse and then times how long it takes for the echo of the sound to reflect back. The sensor has 2 openings on its front. One opening transmits ultrasonic waves, (like a tiny speaker), the other receives them, (like a tiny microphone).

The speed of sound is approximately 341 meters (1100 feet) per second in air. The ultrasonic sensor uses this information along with the time difference between sending and receiving the sound pulse to determine the distance to an object. It uses the following mathematical equation:

Distance = Time x Speed of Sound divided by 2

Time = the time between when an ultrasonic wave is transmitted and when it is received
You divide this number by 2 because the sound wave has to travel to the object and back.


The literature review contains the brief discussion of some recent works of water automation for water pump controller system through android application.

M. M. Raykar (2015) presented a model which can collect water expense from a customer and detect the leakage in the water distribution system. The advantage of this model is that it can reduce the periodic tours of providers to each physical location to read each meter. Another advantage is that the bill of water usage can give based on the near real-time expense from the previous expense. Detecting leak supports to save water resources and energy and also reduce the cost.

S. Gowri (2015) proposes a water monitoring system by using an automatic overflow control circuit unit. The proposal is designed from the perspective of monitoring the flow of water into the tanks automatically and from the perspective of setting as per the user demands using a Mobile Application. The advantages of the system are the conservation of water resource, reduction of the manual attempt, and time to time changes over the situation of water storage with the help of sensors.

A basic model of the android application is proposed by S. Paul (2015) which states that water pumps can be switched ON and OFF with the assistance of radio transmitters and Wi-Fi router. The wastage of water and the wastage of electricity can be avoided by this system. Users can check the water level of the tank  and turn the pump ON and OFF from remotely using the android application.

Observing the water level with the help of the ultrasonic sensor was reviewed by A. Nikam (2017). This system helps to conserve water and keep track of water usage and inform the users in situations of abuse of water. It assists the users to check the water level in the water tank. Moreover, users are capable to observe their water usage using the android application. Also, using the android application can avoid the wastage of water by cutting off the water supply.

A new architecture proposes for remote control of agricultural devices  by S. S. Patil (2012). This paper proposes the automation system with the latest electronic technology using  microcontroller and bluetooth device. The project works automatically and hence reduces the human effort. This system provides the reminder to the user so that their irrigation activity can take place on time. From the advantage of android application, farmers are capable to manage the water pump and irrigation process remotely.

A model of variable rate microcontroller based automated irrigation system has been proposed by Jia Uddin (2012). Solar power has used as the only source of power to control the entire process. Without visiting the agricultural land, farmers can find the information about the moisture level. Farmers can control the water pump based on the moisture level by sending a message from his/her cellular phone. Even when the farmers are away, the automated irrigation system always confirms the exact level of water in the agricultural lands.


Paper was discusses by P. P. Karande (2012) on automated systems based on the Android application which monitors the water pump and checks the water level in the agricultural land. Automated irrigation system leads farmers to apply the right amount of water at the right time and turn the water pump ON and OFF without using labor. It is capable to crop performance by ensuring adequate water when needed. It also helps to save time and reduce human errors by adjusting available soil moisture levels which increases their net profits.


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