
Construction of reinforced concrete seat

This work is a complete and well researched project material strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers/supervisors from different higher institutions. This project topic have complete 5(five) Chapters. The complete Project Material/write-up include: Abstract + Introduction + etc + Literature Review + methodology + result analysis + Conclusion + Recommendation + References/Bibliography. We made Preliminary pages, Abstract and Chapter one visible for everyone, the complete material attracts a token. Happy viewing!!!

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



This project is dedicated to Almighty God for his protection, kindness, strength over my life throughout the period and also to my — for his financial support and moral care towards me.Also to my mentor — for her academic advice she often gives to me. May Almighty God shield them from the peril of this world and bless their entire endeavour Amen.


The successful completion of this project work could not have been a reality without the encouragement of my — and other people. My immensely appreciation goes to my humble and able supervisor Mr. — for his kindness in supervising this project. My warmest gratitude goes to my parents for their moral, spiritual and financial support throughout my study in this institution.
My appreciation goes to some of my lecturers among whom are Mr. —, and Dr. —. I also recognize the support of some of the staff of — among whom are: The General Manager, Deputy General manager, the internal Auditor Mr. — and the —. Finally, my appreciation goes to my elder sister —, my lovely friends mercy —, —, — and many others who were quite helpful.


The construction of reinforced concrete seat is a project work that deals with the production of reinforced concrete. How reinforced concrete is being produced using the aggregate coarse aggregate cement, water and reinforcement bars. The concrete mixed together in dry state and inter added with water. A form work was prepared in other to create a shape for the seat that will be produced after the concrete is being poured into the form work.

The fresh concrete was later poured into the form work and allowed to dry. It was cured in other to increase the strength of the concrete.



Title page                                                                     i

Approval page                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                    iii

Acknowledgement                                                         iv

Abstract                                                                      v

Table of contents                                                           vi


1.1  Introduction                                                           1

1.2  History background                                                 2

1.3  Statement of the problem                                        3

1.4  Aim and objective                                                   5

1.5  Scope of study                                                              6

1.6  Significance of study                                               6

1.7  Definition of terms                                                  6


2.0  LITERATURE REVIEW                                           8

2.1  Concrete                                                               8

2.2  Advantages and disadvantages of  concrete         10

2.2.1       Advantages of concrete                             12

2.2.2       Disadvantages of concrete                         13

2.3         Fresh concrete                                          13

2.4         Workability                                              13

2.4.1       Factor affecting workability                        14

2.5         Segregation and bleeding                           15

2.6         Component of concrete                             16

2.6.1       Aggregate                                                16

2.6.2       Cement                                                   16

2.6.3       Water                                                      17

2.7         Steel reinforcement                                   18

2.8         Formwork                                                       18

2.9         Curing                                                     19


3.1  Methodology                                                   20

3.2  Procedures                                                      20

3.3  Formwork and its preparation                            21

3.4  Cutting and general arrangement for

reinforcement for sales and stands                     21

3.5  Reinforcement of seat                                      22

3.6  Batching and mixing of aggregate                      25



Presentation of result                                              26



5.1  Conclusion                                                      29

5.2  Recommendation                                             29

References                                                      31




       Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structural material world wide. However, it’s ability to perform as designed is dependent on it being properly constructed.

Reinforced concrete seat is a seat constructed with cement aggregates and other materials such as reinforcement and water. It is essential to the durability of reinforced concrete structures that the specified concrete cover to the reinforcement is achieved.

The placement of concrete seat in a place can create a great focal point for relaxation within the school vicinity.

It is be design for people’s comfort while relaxing on it. It is design in a way that it will be long lasting. The reinforced concrete seat was constructed to carry the weight at different people without failure or deformation i.e the imposed load to avoid sagging or failure thereby causing harm to the people.



       The roman first invented what today is called hydraulic cement – base concrete. They build numerous concrete structures, including the Pantheon in Rome, one of the  finest architecture that survived to the day.

The name concrete comes from Latin word “concretus” which means to grow together.

Chemical hydration process which mainly occur over the time scale of hours and days causes the material to grow together from a viscoelastic moldable liquid into a hard, rigid solid. In our world today, concrete has become ubiquitous and in fact, it is hard to imagine modern life without it about five billion tones at concrete are sued around the world each year. The cement used mostly in today’s concrete is called port land cement. The process to produce port land cement was invented by Joseph Aspdin in the early 1800’s in England. It is important to remember that cement is the powder that reacts with water to form cement past, a hard, solid material that form the matrix for the concrete composite, the addition of said (fine aggregate) that are up to a few millimeter in diameter make mortar, and the addition of rocks (coarse aggregate) at up to a few centimeters in diameter makes concrete and the pouring at concrete into reinforcement make the reinforced concrete. And this can be used for the construction of concrete seat.


       Concrete is an excellent material, but it is not perfect. You don’t have to look very far to identify the real life concrete problem.

However, most of the problem are avoidable or fixable unfortunately most concrete problem are the result of error with the finisher. And builder, to maximize profit, take the lowest bidder. The lowest bidder uses the latest amount of man power to get the job done and was cheaper, lower quality concrete with low compressive strength and inexpensive admixture filler (fly-ash).

Most problem associated with concrete arises from the inability of the finisher to finish the concrete slab correctly, because of production rate and manpower.

These are the most common problem associated with concrete.


Surface scaling is when the surface of hardened concrete breaks at to a depth of 1.5mm of  5mm, generally during the first year of placement. This occurs because at the application of sodium chloride (salt) on concrete with inadequate strength.


Cracking is break that occur in area other than those place. Cracks seldom result in structural problem. Some of the reason why concrete crack include excess water in mix, rapid drying of concrete, improper strength of  concrete for the job, improperly placed tension control joints etc.


Dusting is the presence of a powdery material at the surface of a hardened slab. It is caused by insufficient or no curing of the surface. Omission of concrete often result in a soft concrete surface.


Pop out is a conical shaped fragment that breaks out of the surface of concrete. It is caused by the expansion at porous aggregate particles having a high rate of absorption.



       This project has the purpose of expanding the knowledge and skill involve in construction and also to acquire knowledge at the construction of concrete seat (reinforced).

The aim of this project also focus on creating a place of relaxation in Federal Polytechnic Nekede. This project will also enable the student to be self reliance even when they are out at school.


       The scope of the project is to select a suitable location. Also to select the best material suitable to the location/site of construction. To also draw, design and detail the concrete seat as well as construct the seat.



       Reinforced concrete, both insitu and precast , for any structural project should comply with British standard 8110, (BS8110).


AGGREGATE: Aggregate in building and construction material sued for mixing with cement, bitumen, lime, gypsum, or other adhesive to form concrete or mortar.

MORTAR: A mixture of cement, sand (fine aggregate) and cement and water.

CONCRETE: A mixture of cement, sand, stone (coarse aggregate) and water.

REINFORCING STEEL BAR: They are used for reinforcement of concrete structures, manufacture of anchor bolts etc.

SUPER STRUCTURE: That part of the structure that is above the ground level.

SUB-STRUCTURE/FOUNDATION: Is the lower portion of the structure usually located below the ground level.


Format = Microsoft word

Chapters = 1-5 chapters

Price: N3,000.

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