

Integrated circuits (ICs) are the main component of each and every electronic circuit can be used for wide variety of purposes and functions. But sometime due to faulty ICs the circuit doesn’t work. Indeed it is lot tedious work to debug the circuit and confirm whether the circuiting is creating problem or the IC itself is dead.

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Integrated circuits (ICs) are the main component of each and every electronic circuit can be used for wide variety of purposes and functions. But sometime due to faulty ICs the circuit doesn’t work. Indeed it is lot tedious work to debug the circuit and confirm whether the circuiting is creating problem or the IC itself is dead. So to come up with these sorts of problems we intend to make a project which would confirm whether the IC under consideration is working properly or not. The purpose of testing is for measurement of defects and quality level and each integrated circuit must be thoroughly checked in order to verify it will function as designed. Hence this project titled “555 TIMERS AND 741 OP-AMPS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TESTER” is designed to enable electronic circuit designers, vendors of electronic components, even laboratories and schools to design workable circuits by making sure that the ICs used are functioning properly. This integrated circuit tester will be able to test 555 timers and 741 op-amps.



1.1                                                        INTRODUCTION

In any manufacturing industry, there are continuous efforts to reduce cost, upgrade quality and improve overall efficiencies. In electronic industries, with the dramatic increase in circuit complexity and the need for the higher levels of reliability, a major contributor cost in any product can be in the testing. The purposes of testing is for measurement of defects and quality level and Each integrated circuit that leaves the factory must be thoroughly checked in order to verify it will function as designed However, taking into consideration that, in the real world, no product is perfect, testing will be an essential part of production in the foreseeable future. In industries, research centers and colleges where some common ICs are frequently used; many times have difficulties due to some faults in these integrated circuits. This makes it so essential to test them before using them in hardware implementation. Hence Integrated circuit tester is a good solution for these problems. This tester will be able to test 555 timers and 741 operational amplifier integrated circuits (i.c).

1.1                                   BACKGROUND OF STUDY

The dramatic increase in the use of digital integrated circuit (ICs) has created a need for a fast accurate means of testing such ICs. A test of an IC is a process which enables to determine if an IC is functioning properly. In the context of our country, most ICs bought in the market are considered functional. Thereby not subjected to any test before being used in a project. However, the fact that an IC has never been used doesn’t guarantee its functioning properly and it takes a long time to debug and identify a failure in a circuit in which new components have just been introduced. An IC tester is to be economically implemented for small or medium-scale users of such ICs (for example, in the lab, and electronic workshops)

And provides a quick but thorough check of its functions with minimal operator action. The IC tester can be used to test different ICs. The purpose of the IC tester is to ensure IC components are in good condition for use. To test an IC, different hardware circuits for different ICs are needed.

Hence it is needful to construct an IC tester in order to identify and separate healthy components from faulty ones.

1.2                                     PROBLEM STATEMENT

Integrated Circuits are the main components of each and every electronic circuit and can be used for wide variety and purposes. But sometimes due to faulty IC, the electronic circuit does not work. Since it is tedious work to debug the electronic circuit and to confirm whether it is the circuiting creating the problem or the IC is defective and the degree of the defect. An Integrated Circuit tester is necessary to confirm whether the IC to be used is functioning properly.

1.3                                       AIM / OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

The main aim of this work is to conceive and realize a digital integrated circuit which can test basic ICs such 555 timers and 741 operational amplifier integrated circuits (i.c).

Specific objectives.


  • To test 555 timers and 741 operational amplifier integrated circuits (i.c)
  • To test NE55 timer   and OPAM circuits like   lm741   with or without the use of a
  • To be able to detect the degree of defect found in the logic
  • To increase the efficiency of Practical conducted in our school laboratory
  • To make the realization of circuits in secondary and university institutions easy and

1.4                                             MOTIVATION

The IC testers available in the market today are too costly for individuals to own. Therefore we decided to construct an IC tester which is affordable and user-friendly. The motivation is to build an affordable IC tester which is able to test the functioning of OP Amp integrated circuits – LM741, and ICs NE555. The test sequence provided in the data base facilitates the detection of defective ICs. Furthermore, the tester must be easy to   operate, compact, lightweight,

1.5                                          APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT

This is very useful for testing 555 timers and 741 op-amps used in circuits used by:

  1. Electronics designers
  2. Electronics hobbyist
  • vendors of electronic components
  1. Electronics workshop and also, it can be used in Electronics lab.

1.6                                         SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

If a constructed circuit with 555 timers and 741 op-amp is not giving proper output means we can check every component in the circuit and can change faulty one with this circuit. It saves time and human effort for testing the IC giving out the result instantaneously. The tester is easy to   operate, compact, lightweight.

1.7                                 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY.

This project is limited to designing and implementing an integrated circuit tester for 555 timers and 741 op-amp.

1.8                                                  SCOPE OF THE PROECT

In this circuit we can test two most common ICs that is Timer IC555 and operational amplifier IC741, use 8 pin IC base for both timer and op-amp IC.

To check IC555 place the testing IC in base and watch the output LEDs. If the two output LEDs connected with pin number 3 glows alternately means the tested IC is good otherwise this can be a fault IC. By the same way if you testing IC741 means the output LED connected with IC741 should glow otherwise it can be a fault IC.

1.9                                             PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT

The purpose of this device is to provide a simple, fast and accurate means of testing 555 timers and 741 op-amp ICs.

1.10                                                     METHODOLOGY

To achieve the aim and objectives of this work, the following are the steps involved:

  1. Study of the previous work on the project so as to improve it efficiency.
  2. Draw a block diagram.
  • Test for continuity of components and devices,
  1. Design and calculation for the device was carried out.
  2. Studying of various component used in circuit.
  3. Construction of the circuit was carried out.
  • Finally, the whole device was cased and final test was carried out.

1.11                                      PROJECT WORK ORGANISATION

The work is organized as follows: chapter one discuses the introductory part of the work, chapter two presents the literature review of the study, chapter three describes the methods applied, chapter four discusses the results of the work, chapter five summarizes the research outcomes and the recommendations.


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