
computerized vehicle maintenance information management system

The scope of the project is mainly on the activities of the maintenance management of vehicle in the workshop. The package software will be able to create a data base for all vehicle involved, schedule the routine maintenance required by the vehicle, send alert and notification to the owners of the vehicle reminding them on the current events on works to be carried out on their vehicle enable the owner of the vehicle to access the software from anywhere in the world because it is internet based.

Data security will also be provided unlike the existing manual system which is not reliable and dependable, experience shows that enemy of progress manipulate data to suit their selfish interest.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.





The modern technological trends across the globe have undoubtedly called for the computerization of nearly all human endeavors. This will of course make the problem solving easier within the shortest period of time.

Prior to the computer age, paper record were maintained the track, the work, report were simply but costly to prepare. With the advent of the computer age, it was recognized that the computer software could be used to record work requirement, track the status of the work and analyze the recorded data for managing the work, report and help to control cost. [, data accessed]

Computers are powerful, relatively inexpensive and easy to use and tools to support improved maintenance practice. Tools are available for facility professionals that can manage the planning and a day to day operation and maintenance activities required for a simple facility or a large complex, providing all of the information required to manage the work, the work force and the costs necessary to generate report and hysterical data.

The goal of a maintenance manager is to employ a management system that optimizes the use of scarce resources [man power, equipment, material and fund] to maintain the facility and equipment that are the responsibility of the maintenance organization. The system should provide for integrated process giving the manager control over the maintenance of all facilities and maintenance equipment from acquisition to disposal.

The following identifies what the system is expected to do,

  1. Address all the resources involved
  2. Maintain vehicle maintenance inventory
  3. Record and maintain work history
  4. Include work task and frequencies
  5. Accommodate all method of work accomplishment
  6. Effectively interfere and communicate with related supporting system ranging from work generation through work performance and evaluation.
  7. Support each customer’s mission.
  8. Ensure communication with each customer.
  9. Provide feedback information for analysis.
  10. Reduce cost through effective maintenance planning.

Work shop manager may employ this system for proper documentation of the work done in the work shop, because a situation may arise where customers try to use the maintenance record of the organization for unnecessary claims and demand for compensation. With this system, the workshop manager can depend on the organization by providing the work details offered to the customers.

Therefore, this project ”computerized vehicle maintenance information management system” is aimed at designing a computerized system for keeping track of the vast work load of vehicle maintenance operation carried out at different maintenance workshops


The scope of the project is mainly on the activities of the maintenance management of vehicle in the workshop. The package software will be able to create a data base for all vehicle involved, schedule the routine maintenance required by the vehicle, send alert and notification to the owners of the vehicle reminding them on the current events on works to be carried out on their vehicle enable the owner of the vehicle to access the software from anywhere in the world because it is internet based.

Data security will also be provided unlike the existing manual system which is not reliable and dependable, experience shows that enemy of progress manipulate data to suit their selfish interest.


The need for the project is to phase out the old system of maintenance documentation and management by making the advanced technology. This old system is so characterized by all sorts of errors and managements.

This project when completed will correct all the errors of the old methods which have been used.

Therefore the computerize vehicle maintenance information management system, will bring change in automobile workshop and service station all around the county, by enabling easy management of their day- to- day  activities.

  • It is not in doubt that any organization, society, country or institution that is not in the computer race will soon force itself out of the lane. This project is developed to meet up with the present technological trend across the globe.
  • An automobile or maintenance workshop may have up to two hundred [200] vehicle under its management this will inevitably make the maintenance management activities on enormous task CVMIMS will help to reduce the work load especially in information section for quick decision making .
  • A lot of time, is often used to document and manage the maintenance activities using the manual method. This system will be designed in such a way that the proper management will be done via the computer, thereby saving time in accuracy of result and record keeping will also be addressed by the new system, having designed a correct system, the problem of wrong documentation will surely be solved. This is because computer is what is represented as garbage in and garbage-out [GIGO].
  • Furthermore, our main objective is to monitor the odometer of a vehicle through installation of tracker in vehicle that will enable us keep track of the vehicle mileage which will help us trigger maintenance actions that are kilometer based as well as time based.
  • CVMIMS is also intended to notify vehicle owners on their handsets, all scheduled maintenance.

Maintenance is often associated with servicing equipment, replacing broken and worn-out components, carrying out emergency repair and upkeep of building and service facilities.

All the combination of actions carried out to keep or restore any asset [machine materials-equipment, building etc] to a satisfactory operating condition can be considered as maintenances activities.

Maintenance is the act of keeping a device or the machine to its expected life span. Any equipment or machine which is not properly maintained will not perform efficiently as it is expected to do. The maintenance of that machine by replacing damaged part or general overhauling, thereby enables it to serve up to expectation [French C.S L981].

By adopting unsystematic maintenance, it is possible to achieve substantial breakdown which could create problem such as loss in production, time rescheduling of production, material loss due to sudden breakdown of a process, failure to recover overhead etc. (French C.S 1981).


The important functions of maintenance are:

  1. Inspection and check-up
  2. Lubrication
  3. Planning and scheduling
  4. Record and Analysis
  5. Storage of spare parts
  6. Training of maintenance staff

Maintenance staff kept for the purpose should be well trained. The staff carried out both internal and external inspection. Internal parts such as gear, bushes bearing tolerance in parts etc. when machine is under pre-planned shutdown, external inspection means detecting abnormal sound, vibration, heat smoke etc. when machine is in operation. Frequency of inspection should be decided carefully considering the past history of the machine and scheduled program for inspection (French C.S 1981).


This function of maintenance means the application of right type of lubrication at the right time, at the right place and in the right quantity, for this purpose, lubrication schedule should be prepared to follow strictly (French C.S 1981)


Every maintenance work should be pre-planned on the basis analysis of past record. Thus schedule program must specify the attention to be given daily, weekly, monthly, annually and biannually. (French C.S 1981).


Effective records keeping are essential for good maintenance. For this purpose, record generally maintained are operation maintenance institution manual, history cards and history register, space, procurement register, inspection register, log book, defects register etc. With the help of this record, possible cause of major repetitive failures can be examined and rectified so as to avoid repetition. These records help the Plant Engineers to prevent defects rather than rectification after breakdown, know the reliability of machine for effective production planning, decide life for the machine, forecast defects and plan to rectify them, frequency of inspection and check-ups, decide for purchase of a new machine. In spite of best inspection and other preventive measure, failure are bound to occur but can be reduced to a large extent (French C.S 1981).


It is essential to keep the spare parts in adequate quantity to avoid loss of production. The level of spare parts must be determined by considering factors as source of supply, delivery period and availability. Standardization will help reduce the spare parts inventory and will also help in specialization of maintenance of particular type of machine. A very important factor in caring inventory is trend in the technology on the operating system. Technology obsolescence can cause huge inventory loss (Bamidele, J.O 2015)


An appropriate training is essential for the maintenance personnel to carry out maintenance, inspection and repairs in a systematic manner. (French C.S 1981).


The objective of the maintenance system is to ensure performance of the operation system at minimum total maintenance cost. The reliability of an operation system is measured in term of probability of its satisfactory operation for a period under specified condition. The maintenance area system is needed to protect the operation system from deviation, in accepted standards, in the quality of output or in the cost and time to provide the same. The various types of maintenance and their relationship are:


Maintenance work is organized and carried out with forethought, control and record. This can be classified into two main activities, as preventive and corrective. (French C.S 1981).


This type of maintenance is used in those cases where deterioration and failure pattern of an item can be described with a probability distribution. The routine inspections and serving are design to detect potential failure condition and suggest action which may range from monitoring or major repairs to replacing parts or even entre assemblies either immediately or at later time. Preventive maintenance can be carried out on machine either when running or shutdown, called running maintenance and shutdown maintenance respectively (French C.S 1981).

1.7.4               RUNNING MAINTENANCE

It is a maintenance which can be done when the item or maintenance is in service.

1.7.5               SHUTDOWN MAINTENANCE

Maintenance which is carried out when item is machined and it’s out of service.

Generally, preventive maintenance can be time-based or condition-based.


This maintenance is effective when the failure of any item of equipment is time-dependent and the item is expected to wear-out within the life of the equipment. In addition to this, the total cost of replacement of the item should be substantially less than that of failure replacement repair [French C.S. 1981].


It is corrective maintenance based on condition monitoring, where continuous check are made to expose incipient fault. Here one can also make use of predictive maintenance by using a technique called ‘signature analysis which is intended. Continually monitor the health of the equipment by systematically recording signals information derive from the form of mechanical vibrations, noise signals, acoustic and thermal emissions, small pressure, changes in chemical composition etc although this techniques is very sophisticated and useful, it is not always used because it involves high man-power and monitoring costs and is also not appropriate to monitor some parameters [French C.S 1981].


This is carried out to restore an item to the acceptable standard where replacement is not scheduled. The time of replacement of the item is indicated by it priority rating. [French C.S1981].

  1. Break down maintenance: Maintenance work implemented only when facilities or equipment fail to operate and are then repaired at a considerable cost.
  2. Energy maintenance: An up planned maintenance where maintenance work is caused by an unforeseen breakdown or damage.

This type of maintenance should be expected rather than the rule. To ensure this planned maintenance system should be followed.


Maintenance mode selected for this system [CVMIMS] is preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance. The CVMIMS will be capable of notifying the vehicle owners on some preventive and predictive maintenance such as daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly checkups which are suppose to be done on the vehicle will be taken care of by CVMIMS. This maintenance will be schedule based on the history of the vehicle created on the data base of the CVMIMS.


Data management systems have been developed to be a fundamental part of larger computer application and system which involves the management of information. Database system are used in software system that handles massive amount of data, such as libraries and commerce system such data base. [ data accessed].

Data systems are also used as an integrated part of smaller application, i.e. application embedded data base system, such as word processor, e-mail clients, and personal organizers. Finally, device embedded data base system which are normally simply referred to as embedded data base, are data base embedded in hardware products such as mobile phones, toys and vehicle ……..


Most functionality in modern vehicles such as cars is in one way or another controlled by computers. Mechanical systems are increasingly replaced by software residing in the vehicle control system. As these control system grows larger and larger, they become increasingly more complex to develop and maintain [, data accessed.

The current data management approach is becoming increasingly inadequate as system become more complex and a need for data management on a high level of abstraction has emerged, the solution to data management approach through the use of data base maintenance system so as to provide a powerful means of access to data in a controlled fashion. [].


The classification of data management system is determined by the database model. A data base model is the manner in which the data collected and stored, manage and administered. The various database management systems base on these data models are:


Relational database management systems today, they are relatively easy to use.

Relational data base management systems are named so because of the characteristics of normalizing the data which is usually stored in tables. The relational model relies on normalizing data within rows and columns in tables which has to be correctly managed by joining one or more table. Data in this type of model is stored in fixed predefined structured query language [SQL]. Relational data base systems include oracle, Ms SQL server, IBM DB2, MYSQL, SQlite and poster SQL among many others [, data accessed).


Flat file base data management system are probably the simplest of them all, these are sometimes called model. These come in human readable text formats as well as in binary formats these are idea for standalone application, holding software configuration and native format storage models. Flat files in a formatted row and column model rely on assumption that every item in a particular model consist of the same data. One common example of this type of data base is the CSV [comma separated values] and another is a spread sheet such as ms excel (, data accessed]


These operate on the parent child tree like model. These normally have a 1.N relationship

and are good for storing data with items describing attributes, features and so on; these could store books with information on chapters and verses. They can also be used to store a data base of songs, recipes, models of phones and anything that can be stored in a nested format. Hierarchical data base management systems are useful for the CVMIMS in building the equipment list [, data accessed).


This uses a data model similar to hierarchical data base management systems. The major different here is that the tree structure in the network model can have many parents to many children relational model. The network model structure is based on records and sets and most of this data base management system tend to be very flexible but are rarely used and were very quite common in the 1960’s and 1970’s searching for  an item in this model require the program to traverse the entire data set which is quite cumbersome. These have mainly been replaced by relational data base management system in today’s modern computing [ data accessed).


In this data base model ‘the object and its data are seen as one and accessed through Pointers rather than stored in relational table model objects oriented database model consists of diverse structure and is quite extensible. The database model was designed to work closely with programs built with object oriented programming language there by almost making the data and the program operation as one. Examples of object oriented database include: IBM, DB40, DTS/S1 from obsidian dynamics (, data accessed).

1.8.8               LIMITATION

Due to the cumbersome nature of the project work, every aspect of this project which could not be dealt with in details, some areas such as shutdown, maintenance and running maintenance.

The device installed in the vehicle cannot diagnose the problem on the vehicle; it can only monitor the mileage which is in kilometer base. Hence, this project work is limited over the scope as explained above.




This project is to help in maintenance management of a vehicle in a computerized means without any stress and it help to avoid and litigation, accident, and risk taking in using vehicle and its economical in design.

This project should be develop upon to reach the goal of full maintenance and repair of the vehicle.


This project [computerized vehicle maintenance information management system], is recommended to take a long time before completion in order to achieve a better conclusion compare to trying to achieve it in within few months. It is recommended that, to have a good maintenance proper development of the software must be encouraged because there suppose to be assign of car park, equipments to be used and also maintenance personnel.

Then it is advisable to have a good security protection on this software to protect it from hackers.

It is also advisable that, everyone who wants ease running of his/her vehicle should make use of computerized maintenance information management system within minding the cost. The students should also be allowed to have a sound knowledge on computer programming and software design as this will earn them a living after their tertiary education.