
Comparative Evaluation Of Drilling Fluid-Enhancing Additives From Eggshell And Coconut Shell

The project aims at producing drilling mud additives using eggshell and coconut shell and then evaluatively comparing both additives to know which gives a better result.

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Higher demand for fossil fuel energy has motivated the oil and gas industries to drill in deeper zones having higher Pressure and Temperature. Due to high temoerature and pressure, drilling activity is related to problems caused by complex condition in the formation. One of the method of overcoming this problem is to create a drilling fluid that has the ability to minimize drilling problems in the field caused by improper use of drilling fliud in a formation.(Agwu and Akpabio 2018).

The quality of a drilling mud can improve the performance of the drilling mud. Various additives are used to improve the performance of drilling mud and overcome problems that arise(Fitrianti, 2012; Novriantiand Umar2015 Novrianti, Khalid, and Melysa 2018). One of the problems that are often encountered is a decrease in quality when drilling in a formation with high pressure and high temperature(UdohandBassey2014;Minaev et al.,2016;Ekeinde, Okoro, Dosunmu and Iyuke 2019). This decrease in quality causes the drilling mud to lose its normal function(Ewy and Morton, 2008; Ghazali, Alias, Mohd Adeib andNoorshuana 2015; Inemugha Chukwuma, Akaranta and Ajienk 2019) and this malfunctioning drilling mud is economically detrimental to the Nigeria economy because drilling mud must be added in quantities greater than it should be given when inserted into the well(Amanullash, 2007;Al-Hameedi et al.,2019;Hamad, Xu, & Liu, 2019). However, the problem of malfunctioning drilling mud when in the well can be minimized by the addition of additives to the drilling mud (Zhanget al.,2013; Ganesh,Sivasankar,PandianandSircar,2009; Samaviti,Abdullah,Tahmasbi,Hussain andAwang2014Akbar, Hamid, Sitaresmi, 2019).

According to the word web dictionary,  Addititives can be defined as anything added to enhance food, gasoline, paint and medicine. Therefore, drilling additives are subtances added in small quantities to enhance the performance of the drilling fluid. The additives to be examined on tho study to overcome the problem is carbom powder derived from coconut shell and eggshell.

The microstructure of the egg shell powder reveals that the powder gotten from eggshell consists of porous irregular shaped powder. The Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of egg shell particles reveals that the particles contain Calcium Silicon Oxygenand Carbon(Ca, Si, O and C respectively). These elements confirm that, the egg shell powder consists of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite (CaCO3) and tilleyite (Ca5Si2O7 (CO3)2) (Algbodian, Edokpa, Asuke and Eke, 2018). The composition of hen eggshell has been reported to be 94 to 96 kg calcium carbonate, 1 kg magnesium carbonate, and 1 kg calcium phosphate per 100 kg eggshell with a minor amount of organic matter.( Garnjanagoochom, Changpuak, 2007). According to the American oil institute(1990), The composition chemical of coconut shell usually consist of cellulose 26.60%, Pentosan 27.7% and Lignin 29.40%.

1.2 Aim of The Study.

The project aims at producing drilling mud additives using eggshell and coconut shell and then evaluatively comparing both additives to know which gives a better result.

The project also aim at reducing the importation of additives which affects the Nigeria economy.

It also aim at solving the problem of waste disposal not properly done, as the additives are derived from food waste (eggshell and coconut shell).

1.3Objectives of The Study.

Production of drilling fluid additives from the egg shell and coconut shell. Determination of the physical properties of drilling fluid additives produced. Comparism of results gotten with standard.

1.4 Significance ofThe Study.

TheNigeriagovernmentspendbillionsofmoneyintheimportationoftheseadditivesandthisinturnaffectstheeconomynegativelysincedrillingmudisveryessentialinoilandgasindustries.Hencethisstudywillreduceimportationrateofadditivesastheseadditivescanbelocallymadeandstillgetthesamedesirableresultsasthoseimported.Thisstudywillalsoinformthepublicoftheusefulnessofeggshellandcoconutshellseenaswasteand also reduce the level of waste on the earth surface.

1.5 Scope of The Study

The project work will cover the production of drilling mud additives from eggshell and coconut shell and the comparative evaluation of the drilling mud additives produced from the eggshells and coconut shells. It will also check for the properties such as pH value, Rheology, Density and Filtration of the drilling fluid.

1.6 Material and Methodds

1.6.1 Materials andReagent:

Eggshells, Coconutshells, Sieve, Grindingmachine, Drilling mud Furnace.

1.6.2 Methods: Production of Drilling Fluid Additives From Egg Shell.

The eggshells obtained will be washed(to remove dirt) and sun dried for about three (3) days to remove all moisture. The dried shells will be splitted in two equal parts, one will be burnt using a furnace before grinding while the other will be grinded without burning. Both powdered forms will be sieved( to get the actual size used), packaged and stored seperately prior to use. Production of Drilling Fluid Additives From Coconut Shell.

The coconut coconut shells collected will be sun dried for about a week or 2 weeks to remove moisture. The dried coconut shell will be splitted into two equal parts , one part will be burnt using a furnace afterwards it will be grinded into fine powder while tge other part will be grinded into fine powder without burning. Both resulting powder will be sieved, packaged and stored seperately prior to use. Formatuon of Drilling Fluid.

The drilling fluid will be made based on the America Petroleum Institute Standard (API, 2000).


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