
Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Bitter Leaf (Compatibility Model)

Chemical flooding methods are now getting importance in enhanced oil recovery to recover the trapped oil after conventional recovery. In the present study, a comprehensive study has been carried out on alkali flooding using a local material called BITER LEAF.

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Chemical flooding methods are now getting importance in enhanced oil recovery to recover the trapped oil after conventional recovery. In the present study, a comprehensive study has been carried out on alkali flooding using a local material called BITER LEAF. The chemicals with different compositions and combinations were used to recover the oil after conventional water flooding. It has been observed that increase in concentration of alkali increases the additional recovery, but beyond a certain limit, the increase in recovery is only marginal. A series of flooding experiments using the combination of the above methods have been performed with additional recoveries more than 25 %. An analysis has been made on the relative cost of the different chemical slugs injected and the corresponding additional oil recovery. Based on the analysis, an optimum composition of the alkali system has been recommended.


1.0                                          INTRODUCTION

1.1                          BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT

As the demand for energy keeps increasing, it becomes imperative to scoop the reservoir, thereby producing trapped and mobile oil to meet the increasing demand for energy. Chemical flooding is an aspect of enhanced oil recovery whereby chemicals (Alkaline, Surfactant and Polymer) are introduced into the reservoir to release and produce trapped and mobile oil that remained after primary or secondary recovery due to viscous, gravity and capillary forces. The success of this process has contributed immensely to additional recovery. One of the demerits of this type of enhanced oil recovery method is the high cost of the chemicals which makes the process worthwhile only when there is hike on oil price. As the Niger Delta prepares for tertiary recovery stage, it becomes important to introduce local contents as substitutes for the high cost chemicals for sustainability of the process. Research has shown that some local materials in Nigeria contain chemical compounds that can serve as Alkaline, Surfactant and Polymer when modified or refined. Since these local materials are renewable and cheap, interest in their potential abilities will make their sustenance more achievable. The aim of this work is to use bitter leaf as the local material to enhance oil recovery in Nigeria.


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