
Application of the marketing concept in our local market ( a case study of owode market offa , kwara state


Application  of the  marketing  concept in  our local market sparked Offa a deal of concern to the research that will undertake this study aiming  at surveying  the importance of the marketing concepts in relation to retail marketing.

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Application  of the  marketing  concept in  our local market sparked Offa a deal of concern to the research that will undertake this study aiming  at surveying  the importance of the marketing concepts in relation to retail marketing.

We felt that caring on this project in Owode Market, Offa will bring out meaningful result since there are ‘many retailers in that market.

For easy analysis and understanding the study as being put into five chapters.

Chapter one throws light on what has a brie history of the topic and state constraint encountered while carrying out the research, the importance of th-‘i study, scope of the study, statement of the problem. In chapter two, a detailed literature review of some books, journal,


Title page





Table of content

                   CHAPTER ONE

  • Introduction
  • Statement of the problems
  • Objective of the study
  • Importance of the study
  • Scope of the study
  • Limitation of the study


2.1  Literature review

2.2  Nature and scope of marketing

2.2.1 Importance of marketing

2.4   RetailingRetailing mix

2.5  The concept of marketing in retailing

  • The difference between marketing and retailing concepts
  • Hypothesis formulation


  • Research Methodology
  • Method of survey
  • Population
  • Sampling method
  • Sampling and sampling selected
    • Techniques for analysis


4.1    Data presentation

  • Data analysis
  • Historical background of the study
  • Summary Of Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations



Marketing has probably been with us ever since serpent tempted eve to consume a certain apple. But in its more scientific professional firm, marketing is of more recent growth to industry in general from a simple to a more complex form of production and distribution of goods and services.

The initial stage of development was that, of barter. The producer of a commodity supplied the consumer of it directly face-to-face and was paid for it with another commodity which the consumer had produced in his turn.

The most major stage was that of professional production wishing on intermediary as distributor and employing the mechanism of money and not barter that is a retailer emerged paid in cash and probably was the dominant figure in the transaction following the industrial revolution a further stage of evolution occurred with the development of mass production of goods and services new factories produced standardization commodities for new urban communities unable to produce their own requirement. Along with standardization want branding i.e. a standard name. But this stage was probably production oriented or production domination.

There come a time when mass production became common place and more than one brand of a particular type of product emerged become available to .purchase competitive branded product. In this situation, its essential to get more distribution more shop display, better retailer support them the competitor in this phase the company salesman become the key figure, the period was sale dominated.

As a consumer income increased and consumer attitude developed great sovereignty of choose emerged Sheer availability in the store sheer production display was not enough the consumer to be turn over. At a time when the  consumer  becomes  the  dominant  force,  the marketing concept truly emerged. This is the phase we are   in   now,   that   is   to   say   marketing   emerged   in conjunction   with   a   variety   of  force   from   which   it   is inseparable:

  1. The consumer
  2. Free availability of competitive products
  3. Free choice
  4. Consumer discrimination

This governs what marketing is and does.


The complex or general problem this research paper will be investigating is how marketing concept can be applied in our local market. Its primary aim is to throw More   light on the marketing   concept  in  the  traditional market.

The objective of this which is the determination of relationship of marketing concepts in the retailer market.


The first task of the producer is to meet its aims and objectives the responsibility is a two way affair in return for a decent product at a decent price the consumer may be reasonable respected to provide a reasonable returning for their labour so the key task wholesaler is to formed the ‘point of balance between a reasonable profit on one side and reasonable consumer offer on the other with this neither party should have cause to complain.

Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify individual consumer or users to whom marketing efforts are directed marketing mix is tailored to suit the specific target consumers or users of product.


It is imperative at this stage to appreciate fully the vital importance of sound marketing concepts policy in the traditional market.

Therefore, it is an important result of the use of the marketing concept the co-operation in the local market is possible that is the producer effort is well coordinated. Every middleman in working towards a common goal.

The association of market woman has the responsibility of seeing that all sellers ere acting in accordance with the marketing concept one way of doing this is by convincing the producers of the importance of the marketing concept and placing someone with marketing background at head of the association of marketing women is helpful in this regards. In addition this people can also act as consumer spokesman ‘within the market.

The marketing concept is the most important and matching multiple operations in the guest for equitable profit in commerce and industry today.


The study looks only at those factors that are considered before marketing concept is used or determined in the retailing activities. Therefore, the researcher will not over look the marketing concept of the manufacturer of the producers. To do this a different research is required. It should also be noted that the marketing concept setting in the supermarket and should not be compared. This research will not cover anything about the purchasing power and consumer behaviour.


Normally in any research work of this nature problems are bound to be encountered some of the limitation encountered in the course of the study include:


There was no enough time to obtain the necessary data needed. This is due to the fact that the studies were carried out mostly during the week days.


This   is   the   second   serious   contrail   to   the   study because of the composition of the people that are found in e local markets, Yoruba, Hausa, Nupe an    other minor languages in the market place. The ability to internet the questionnaire is problem.


The high cost incurred by visiting owode market at Offa made it very difficult for us to visit as frequent as possible in order to collect all the distributed questionnaires.



This chapter aims at reviewing some selected literature under the following:

Nature and scope of marketing, importance of marketing retailing and retailing mix. The retailing concept, the concepts of retailing in marketing, the difference between marketing and retailing concept and hypothesis formulation.


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