
An online based admission system (a case study of federal polytechnic nekede)

An online based admission system is a designed web page that can contain the information about a person or an organization.

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DEDICATION     –        –        –        –                  –        –        -I

ACKNOLEGEMENT   –        –        —       –        –        –        -II

TABLE OF CONTENT         –        –        –        —       –        –        -III

ABSTRACT        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        -IV


INTRODUCTION                   –        –        –        –        —       –        -1

SCOPE OF THE STUDY     –        –        –        –        –        -1.1

DEFINITION OF TERMS     –        –        —       –        –        -1.2


LITERATURE REVIEW        –        –        —       –        –        -2.0


AIMS AND OBJECTIVES    –        –        –        –        –        -3.0



CONCLUSION   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        -4.0

RECOMMENDATION –        –        –        –        –        –        -4.1



An online based admission system is a designed web page that can contain the information about a person or an organization. It is to this effect that the work of this project is embanked on the designing an online based admission about FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC NEKEDE.

The chapter one of this seminar comprises the introduction, the chapters two contain the literature review, and chapter three carries the objectives of the study while the chapter four talks about the summary, conclusion and recommendation of this seminar.



An online based admission system is a designed web page that can contain the information about a person or an organization. It is to this effect that the work of this project is embanked on the designing an online based admission about FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC NEKEDE.

The internet and WWW (World Wide Web) has become pervasive on the economic social realm of the head today. In which many have moved quickly to take advantage of this rush by setting up shops of the shoulder hereby, having the name E-commerce.

Alternatively higher institution and organization have also required from them in internet and World Wide Web (WWW) page that contain the information of such institution.

Apart from global awareness, organization for instance institutions are now having their operation featured on cooperate internet and intranet. In most institutions they are adopting the system of website based application and this is the focus of this project, which is to design an Online Base Admission System based on Federal Polytechnic Nekede which will contain a brief history about the school, it’s academic organization, for instance admission requirement and the procedures. The course available and qualifications offer by the institution.


The Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri started 1978 as the collage technology Owerri. It was established by the Imo State Government through Edict No 16 of April 1978. It took off at its temporary site at the premises of Government Technical Collage (GTC) Owerri along Egbu Road in the same year with an initial modest intake of 250 students.

In 1981, the institution moves to its present and permanent site located in Nekede about 5km from the metropolitan capital of Imo State. The campus comprises about 138 hectares of land.

By Imo State Government Edict No 6 1987 the name of institution was changed to ‘‘the Polytechnic Nekede Owerri’’. Six (6) years after and precisely on 7th April 1993 the Federal Government took over the institution consequently and it was again renamed the FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC NEKEDE, OWERRI.


For the information technology, It is necessary for every institution to update its standard so as to confirm to the demand for satisfaction   for each client. As an institution federal polytechnic nekede owerri will be good to conduct their information through the use of internet, which will make the institution and its academic activity to be known widely and this problem can be address through an online design.


This is an Online Web Based Admission System which helps to curb stress in communication between institutions and the individual applicants, by helping to reduce risk in travelling including the cost just to make contact. The Online Web Based helps to update its standard in the admission system so as to meet the demand and satisfaction of each client. It is an efficient and easy methods or form to collate dessimate and retrieve information anywhere, when it is required easily. It is an advance and modern method of communication, and best to the old form of communication via postal service system which is obsolete due to the poor services rendered and at times the theft of vital mails or lost in trance are more complains often experienced. But the Online Web System is more adequate and effective. Like delay and snail speed pace of the postal service system coupled with its unpredictable date of delivery and receipt of mails.


  1. To promote communication
  2. Reduce risk in travelling
  3. Enhances more effective use of man power
  4. Enhances speed and accuracy


The scope of this project is to have an online admission system which is designed to cover the admissions system of Federal Polytechnic Nekede as well as its relationship with its clients.


Some limitations were encountered in the process to gather a more detailed and comprehensive research information from the institution and from the internet on the workability of an online based admission system. Hampering the receipt of adequate information about the institution’s online based admission system both from the internet and the people concern. Some of the information was considered secret yet not realized. More so another major limitation is non existence of internet based software application in the institution presently.


AN ONLINE: is a group of web pages created by an individual or organization which contain information about an individual or an organization.

SERVER: computer in network that provides services/ information to other computer (client).

HYPERLINK: It is a world that helps web users to navigate the web pages in the same document or another document in the internet.

WEBPAGE: it contains information to be displayed by the server and interpreted on the browser.

BROWSER: It is software used to navigate through the net or it is a surfing or searching of data/information on the internet.

WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW): a world wide web is an internet server that allows the designing of information contained in the document.

INTERNET: It is a global connection of different computers connected via a huge network link to disseminate information.

INTRANET: It is a private network system in which information is across within an organization.

TAB: To get keys on the keyboard that moves cursor along the lines in a present point.

DOWNLOAD: To get information from the internet into storage media or for printing out the information.

WEB: A network of interlinked stations, services, communications etc. covering a region or country.

KEYBOARD: This is the primary input device for most computers, consisting of keys with letters or alphabetic digits punctuation and also functions as control keys.

HOME PAGE: This is the first page that appears on the internet when visiting an online system.


This work is organized in such a way that depth study of the online based admissions system. This work is also organized on a way that online based admission system carry out a specific takes, in the other hand it is also organized in a way that practical effect can enhance productivity in an online based admissions system through the use of system. The practical effect of computers in an online based admission system are being organized in a way that will enlighten all readers on how admission is being given through an online and internet and determine how secured the computer network is.



The World Wide Web abbreviated www, just like the e-mail is an application that runs on the internet, it allows the dissemination of web page. It began in 1993 when Tim BERNES-LEE and other researcher at the European pour a Recherché Nue Learie also known as CERN, in Switzerland, develop a means of sharing data among their collages using something he called hyper text (E.D.T and Steve J 1995). The web owns it origin to many people dating back in medicinal time with the development of system of cross reference and imagination. The basic document for the web was set things in the page such as the text and graphics and cross reference to other works. These early hypertext links were able to target document to fine level.


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