

Increasing number of road accidents coupled with increasing vehicle population means an increase in the number of aggressive road users resulting in incidence of road rage.

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Increasing number of road accidents coupled with increasing vehicle population means an increase in the number of aggressive road users resulting in incidence of road rage. Inexperienced drivers often experience anxiety due to their underdeveloped and declining skills, which influence their behaviour. To highlight the effectiveness of correct training on the drivers’ performance, this research work was initiated at Traffic Psychological Laboratory. In this study, a purposive sample of two groups of 102 drivers was selected and they were administered the road sign test. Findings: The analysis of the data highlights that maximum level of awareness about road sign of driving on hill roads (89%), seat belts usage while driving (89%) the safe way of stopping during emergency (40%), safe place of parking the vehicle (39%) and road markings (27%). Overall, drivers have shown average and above average level of awareness 52% to 77%.



1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

The magnitude of road accidents and fatalities in Nigeria is alarming. This is evident from the fact that every hour there are about 56 accidents (about one accident every minute). Similarly, every hour more than 14 deaths occur due to road accidents i.e. one death in every 4 minutes [Source:]. This is also highlighted by the scarce health research output [Dandona & Mishra, 2004]. It is relatively easy for people to get a license without proper driving skills in Nigeria. Hence, emphasis on proper training of drivers through a proper driving licence system should be viewed as an effective way to increase traffic safety attitude The World report on road traffic injury prevention calls for governments to make road safety a political priority, and highlights recommendations with regard to policy, legislation and enforcement, and development of institutional capacity to improve road safety [Peden et al., 2004]. According to Kostyniuk et al., (2002) analyzed 34,244 Car-Car Crashes and 10,732 fatal Car-Truck crashes in which they analyzed main causes behind these accidents. The study concluded that apart from other causes following human factors were responsible for accidents:

  1. Failing to keep lane
  2. Failing to yield right of way
  • Driving in excess of speed
  1. Inattentiveness
  2. Car following too close was more likely found among male drivers
  3. Young drivers were found having drugs and alcohol more in comparison to older age groups which was one of the causes leading to accidents
  • Ignorance of traffic control devices or law



Road transportation is by far the commonest means of transportation in Nigeria when compared to other means like air, rail and water. The technology has made life easy compared to previous means of transportation such as the use of animals during the pre colonial era. Nigerian economy despite its flaws, has afforded a large number of its populace the means to own cars making road traffic a major problem with grave disadvantages.

In Nigeria, road accidents have been a disturbing phenomenon that has constituted a menace. It is generally believed but not statistically proven that the rate of road accidents in Nigeria has geometrically increased. Road accidents are caused by various reasons, ranging from carelessness on the part of the drivers to the deplorable nature of our roads. Put differently, Nigerian roads have become killing fields without protection for their users. Travellers heave a sigh of relief if they make their destinations. The worrisome trend has tremendous negative impact on the nation’s health system as well as its social and economic aspirations. It was estimated that the total number of registered vehicles in Nigeria rose between 1990 – 2006 from 700,000 to 6,000,000 (Umar 2010). Despite the happiness this brought and change of quality of family lives associated with owning a vehicle, its possession has made so many families bereaved of their breadwinners or lovely ones due to unprecedented rate of road traffic accidents in Nigeria. According to the Federal Road Safety Commission, not less than 88,520 road users lost their lives between 1991 and 2000 alone, most victims being between 20-40 years.  There is need to view road accident as a very major issue requiring urgent attention aimed at preventing premature deaths, reducing the health, social and economic impacts it portends to the average Nigerian. This disturbing assertion will be the bedrock of our statistical study on road accidents in Nigeria.

1.2                                                     AIM OF THE STUDY

Road traffic injuries have persisted as a serious public health problem and much of the health burden is in developing countries. Over-speeding, poor enforcement of traffic regulations and commuter buses have been highly implicated in road traffic injuries in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine drivers’ knowledge of selected road safety measures, i.e. the pre-requisites for driver’s license, road signs and speed limits.

1.3                                              OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

  1. To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of road safety Education, Training and Publicity projects.
  2. To increase and improve the measures of effectiveness of road users.
  3. To improve the efficient ways of preventing road accidents.
  4. To reduce the percentage of road accident.
  5. To educate drivers on how to use road signs as a means of preventing accident.

1.4                                  PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

Road safety education is the program of educational activities around road safety that is provided to road users such as commercial drivers as a means of preventing accidents on the road. However the purpose of this study to draft means of preventing accident on our roads by ensuring that receive the knowledge on how to use road signs.

1.5                                           SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

Road safety education is the program of educational activities around road safety that is provided to road users such as commercial drivers.

This study also encourages and supports the role that parents and careers play in helping their children to be safe road users and to learn about road safety. It seeks to develop the behaviours and attitudes for safe road use relevant to the development of children and young people as passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and as novice drivers.

To be effective, this study must be evidence-based and match the child/young person’s stage of development and level of independence as a road user.

1.6                                         SCOPE OF STUDY

The scope of this study is to create awareness and at the same time acknowledge the assessment of commercial drivers in Nigeria – knowledge on the use of road signs as a means of preventing accidents.

Furthermore the reason embarked on this topic is to find out how both government and individual are contributing in prevention of accident.

1.7                                    RESEARCH QUESTION

  • What roles do road signs play in preventing accident?
  • What impact does road signs have on drivers and other road users?
  • How far do road signs serve the educational need of the target?
  • Is there any other means of reducing accident in Nigeria apart from using road signs?
  • Do a road sign have negative impact on road users?

1.8                             LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY

It is necessary to mention some of the limitation of this research work. One of the major limitations is in the getting relevant educational materials used in the research work. Another  limitation of this research work is the difficulty in obtaining relevant information in that a few of our values were missing but these missing values were not  statistical significant enough to be noticed. It is hoped that despite this limitations, the study would still be useful to Nigerians road users.

1.9                                   DEFINITION OF TERMS

Accident: an unpleasant event especially in a vehicle that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage

Road accident: a traffic accident involving vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists.

Air bags: safety devices installed in vehicles that inflate to protect the driver or passengers in case of a collision.

Road traffic accident: a collision involving at least one vehicle in motion on a public or private road that results in at least one person being injured or killed.

Road traffic crash: a collision or incident that may or may not lead to injury, occurring on a public road and involving at least one moving vehicle.

Road traffic fatality: a death occurring within 30 days of the road traffic crash.

Road traffic injuries: fatal or non-fatal injuries incurred as a result of a road traffic crash. Road user: a person using any part of the road system as a non-motorized or motorized transport user.

Seat-belt: vehicle occupant restraint, worn to protect an occupant from injury, ejection or forward movement in the event of a crash or sudden deceleration.


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