
ABSTRACT The filling of water tanks have been done through electrical pumps in the recent. However, untimely turning off the motor pumps lead to less filled tanks or over flown water from the tanks causing wastage. In order to avoid such situations we can have an electronic water level controller which can monitor the water level and switch the motor pump accordingly. This device has two level indicators which work in harmony of a power switching relay. This relay is the one which connects the water pump to the mains power supply. If the system indicates that water level in the tank is Low, then the system turns on the power supply for the water pump. The pump remains till the system indicates the water level is low. Once the system indicates the water level as high and not low, the power to the water pump is switched off. It remains switched off till the water level is not again to the low level in the tank. Conductivity of water is what makes the level sensing work. With a reference level at the bottom we attach the rest two of the high and low level sensing wire terminals at their respective positions. At the time when water isn’t the high level the circuit triggers the low level LED and also the relay to turn ON the water pump. Once the water level catches up the high level, the high level indicator is turned ON and the relay is switched to turn OFF the water pump till the next low level trigger. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.6 APPLICATION OF THE STUDY 1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 1.8 PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 2.2 REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES 2.3 REVIEW OF DIFFERENT TYPE OF WATER REGULATOR 2.4 THE CONCEPT OF WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER SYSTEM CHAPTER THREE 3.0 CONSTRUCTIONS METHODOLOGY 3.1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.2 DESCRITION OF SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 3.4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3.5 CIRCUIT OPERATION OF THE WATER INDICATOR 3.6 COMPONENTS USED 3.7 THE WORKING PRINCIPLE 3.8 POWER SUPPLY UNIT 3.9 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENT CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULT ANALYSIS 4.1 INSTALLATION OF THE COMPLETE DESIGN 4.2 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE AND TESTING 4.3 CASING AND PACKAGING 4.4 ASSEMBLING OF SECTION 4.4 TESTING OF SYSTEM OPERATION 4.5 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 4.6 COST ANALYSIS 4.7 DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS USED CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 CONCLUSION 5.2 RECOMMENDATION 5.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The water tank level controller switch is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump -set motor will control the operation of the pump- set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. It Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level in Overhead Tank, Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full ,Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in tank , and Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the tank. Automatic water level regulator circuit is an engineering project. It can automatically switch ON and OFF the domestic water pump set depending on the tank water level. You can implement this motor driver circuit at your home or college using less costly components. The main advantage of this water level regulator circuit is that it automatically controls the water pump without any user interaction. The automatic pump regulator eliminates the need for any manual switching of pumps installed for the purpose of pumping water from a reservoir to an overhead tank. It automatically switches on the pump when the water level in the tank falls below a certain low level, provided the water level in the reservoir is above a certain level. Subsequently, as the water level in the tank rises to an upper level (M), the pump switched off automatically. The pump is turned on again only when the water level again falls below level in the tank, provided the level in the reservoir is above R. This automated action continues. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Automatic water level controller switch came into existence because of human error and inconsistence that is associated with manually operated water pumping machine. This is because it takes time for individual who is manually operating the water pump to turn off the pumping machine and this may cause water spillage and at times the individual might not know that the water level has drop so low until the tank is completely empty. This was the problem that leads to the development of the ideal of an automatic water level control and automatic pump short down. 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT The main aim this work is to build a device that will control the flow and pumping of water in the overhead tank or underground tank. The objectives are: i. To notify the user the amount of water that is present in the overhead water tank. ii. To build the device iii. The reduce the wastage of water during pumping iv. Save roofs v. Save water vi. Save electricity 1.4 ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT Advantages of this study are as follows: • Suitability: These water level controllers are ideally suited for normal water as well as for ultra low conductivity water with less than 1 micro/moh. • Easy to Operate: these systems come fitted with sensitivity setting which can be provided externally on a dial or with internal settings. • Settings: It is equipped with technology which works on low or high sensitivity settings on the same machine and thereby saves costs of buying and using two different machines. • Materials of Construction: this water control system is protected the against corrosion. • Safety : This system is highly insulated, leakage proof and works without creating any noise. 1.5 APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT Water level regulator detects the level water then triggers the pump and blows alarm and vice versa. They are useful devices and play an important role in various industries such as: i. automobile, ii. irrigation iii. and also at homes, or wherever water is pump either underground or overhead. 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT 1) Automatic Water Level regulator (AWLR) will automatically START the pump set as soon as the water level falls below the predetermined level (usually kept half or 2/3rd tank) and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set as soon as tank is full or water level in the lower tank is at below minimum level. 2) This system provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the water levels for operations of pump set in upper/lower tanks. 3) Built in Indications for showing Full, Empty Levels in Upper Tank and Lower Tank Empty Indication. 4) Manual operation switch for special operations like watering the plants from pump set. 5) The system ensures no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves electricity and water. 6) Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation. 1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT This Automatic water level controller switch will give you a heads-up the instant over-head tank and underground tank is full or goes below the required level, hopefully giving you time to close windows and bring in possessions. The circuit draws virtually no current when the sensors are dry and the current consumption is low. 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT Sensors used are built with conductive material, which means that they are subject to rusting or corrosion. When rusting occurred the sensors will stop conducting thereby causing this device will stop working. 1.7 PROJECT WORK ORGANISATION The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows: Chapter one of this works is on the introduction to Water level regulator. In this chapter, the background, significance, objective limitation and problem of Water level regulator were discussed. Chapter two is on literature review of Water level regulator. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed. Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed. Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed. Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.

The filling of water tanks have been done through electrical pumps in the recent. However, untimely turning off the motor pumps lead to less filled tanks or over flown water from the tanks causing wastage.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



The filling of water tanks have been done through electrical pumps in the recent. However, untimely turning off the motor pumps lead to less filled tanks or over flown water from the tanks causing wastage. In order to avoid such situations we can have an electronic water level controller which can monitor the water level and switch the motor pump accordingly. This device has two level indicators which work in harmony of a power switching relay. This relay is the one which connects the water pump to the mains power supply. If the system indicates that water level in the tank is Low, then the system turns on the power supply for the water pump. The pump remains till the system indicates the water level is low. Once the system indicates the water level as high and not low, the power to the water pump is switched off. It remains switched off till the water level is not again to the low level in the tank. Conductivity of water is what makes the level sensing work. With a reference level at the bottom we attach the rest two of the high and low level sensing wire terminals at their respective positions. At the time when water isn’t the high level the circuit triggers the low level LED and also the relay to turn ON the water pump. Once the water level catches up the high level, the high level indicator is turned ON and the relay is switched to turn OFF the water pump till the next low level trigger.


















































1.0                                                  INTRODUCTION

The water tank level controller switch is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump -set motor will control the operation of the pump- set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. It Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level in Overhead Tank, Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full ,Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in tank , and Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the tank.

Automatic water level regulator circuit is an engineering project. It can automatically switch ON and OFF the domestic water pump set depending on the tank water level. You can implement this motor driver circuit at your home or college using less costly components. The main advantage of this water level regulator circuit is that it automatically controls the water pump without any user interaction.

The automatic pump regulator eliminates the need for any manual switching of pumps installed for the purpose of pumping water from a reservoir to an overhead tank. It automatically switches on the pump when the water level in the tank falls below a certain low level, provided the water level in the reservoir is above a certain level. Subsequently, as the water level in the tank rises to an upper level (M), the pump switched off automatically. The pump is turned on again only when the water level again falls below level in the tank, provided the level in the reservoir is above R. This automated action continues.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

Automatic water level controller switch came into existence because of human error and inconsistence that is associated with manually operated water pumping machine. This is because it takes time for individual who is manually operating the water pump to turn off the pumping machine and this may cause water spillage and at times the individual might not know that the water level has drop so low until the tank is completely empty. This was the problem that leads to the development of the ideal of an automatic water level control and automatic pump short down.

1.3                                   AIM AND OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

The main aim this work is to build a device that will control the flow and pumping of water in the overhead tank or underground tank. The objectives are:

  1. To notify the user the amount of water that is present in the overhead water tank.
  2. To build the device
  • The reduce the wastage of water during pumping
  1. Save roofs
  2. Save water
  3. Save electricity

1.4                                          ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT

Advantages of this study are as follows:

  • Suitability: These water level controllers are ideally suited for normal water as well as for ultra low conductivity water with less than 1 micro/moh.
  • Easy to Operate: these systems come fitted with sensitivity setting which can be provided externally on a dial or with internal settings.
  • Settings: It is equipped with technology which works on low or high sensitivity settings on the same machine and thereby saves costs of buying and using two different machines.
  • Materials of Construction: this water control system is protected the against corrosion.
  • Safety : This system is highly insulated, leakage proof and works without creating any noise.

1.5                                       APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT

Water level regulator detects the level water then triggers the pump and blows alarm and vice versa. They are useful devices and play an important role in various industries such as:

  1. automobile,
  2. irrigation
  • and also at homes, or wherever water is pump either underground or overhead.

1.6                                       LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT

1)   Automatic Water Level regulator (AWLR) will automatically START the pump set as soon as the water level falls below the predetermined level (usually kept half or 2/3rd tank) and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set as soon as tank is full or water level in the lower tank is at below minimum level.
2)   This system provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the water levels for operations of pump set in upper/lower tanks.
3)   Built in Indications for showing Full, Empty Levels in Upper Tank and Lower Tank Empty Indication.
4)   Manual operation switch for special operations like watering the plants from pump set.
5)   The system ensures no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves electricity and water.
6)   Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation.

1.5                                              SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

This Automatic water level controller switch will give you a heads-up the instant over-head tank and underground tank is full or goes below the required level, hopefully giving you time to close windows and bring in possessions. The circuit draws virtually no current when the sensors are dry and the current consumption is low.

1.6                                           LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT

Sensors used are built with conductive material, which means that they are subject to rusting or corrosion. When rusting occurred the sensors will stop conducting thereby causing this device will stop working.

1.7                                        PROJECT WORK ORGANISATION

The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows:

Chapter one of this works is on the introduction to Water level regulator. In this chapter, the background, significance, objective limitation and problem of Water level regulator were discussed.

Chapter two is on literature review of Water level regulator. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed.

Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed.

Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed.

Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.



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Be the first to review “ABSTRACT The filling of water tanks have been done through electrical pumps in the recent. However, untimely turning off the motor pumps lead to less filled tanks or over flown water from the tanks causing wastage. In order to avoid such situations we can have an electronic water level controller which can monitor the water level and switch the motor pump accordingly. This device has two level indicators which work in harmony of a power switching relay. This relay is the one which connects the water pump to the mains power supply. If the system indicates that water level in the tank is Low, then the system turns on the power supply for the water pump. The pump remains till the system indicates the water level is low. Once the system indicates the water level as high and not low, the power to the water pump is switched off. It remains switched off till the water level is not again to the low level in the tank. Conductivity of water is what makes the level sensing work. With a reference level at the bottom we attach the rest two of the high and low level sensing wire terminals at their respective positions. At the time when water isn’t the high level the circuit triggers the low level LED and also the relay to turn ON the water pump. Once the water level catches up the high level, the high level indicator is turned ON and the relay is switched to turn OFF the water pump till the next low level trigger. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.6 APPLICATION OF THE STUDY 1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 1.8 PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 2.2 REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES 2.3 REVIEW OF DIFFERENT TYPE OF WATER REGULATOR 2.4 THE CONCEPT OF WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER SYSTEM CHAPTER THREE 3.0 CONSTRUCTIONS METHODOLOGY 3.1 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.2 DESCRITION OF SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 3.3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 3.4 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 3.5 CIRCUIT OPERATION OF THE WATER INDICATOR 3.6 COMPONENTS USED 3.7 THE WORKING PRINCIPLE 3.8 POWER SUPPLY UNIT 3.9 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENT CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULT ANALYSIS 4.1 INSTALLATION OF THE COMPLETE DESIGN 4.2 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE AND TESTING 4.3 CASING AND PACKAGING 4.4 ASSEMBLING OF SECTION 4.4 TESTING OF SYSTEM OPERATION 4.5 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED 4.6 COST ANALYSIS 4.7 DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS USED CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 CONCLUSION 5.2 RECOMMENDATION 5.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The water tank level controller switch is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given pump -set motor will control the operation of the pump- set depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. It Switches ON the Pump-set when Water level drops below pre-set level in Overhead Tank, Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full ,Switches OFF the Pump-set when Water level is low in tank , and Switches ON the Pump-set when there is sufficient water in the tank. Automatic water level regulator circuit is an engineering project. It can automatically switch ON and OFF the domestic water pump set depending on the tank water level. You can implement this motor driver circuit at your home or college using less costly components. The main advantage of this water level regulator circuit is that it automatically controls the water pump without any user interaction. The automatic pump regulator eliminates the need for any manual switching of pumps installed for the purpose of pumping water from a reservoir to an overhead tank. It automatically switches on the pump when the water level in the tank falls below a certain low level, provided the water level in the reservoir is above a certain level. Subsequently, as the water level in the tank rises to an upper level (M), the pump switched off automatically. The pump is turned on again only when the water level again falls below level in the tank, provided the level in the reservoir is above R. This automated action continues. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Automatic water level controller switch came into existence because of human error and inconsistence that is associated with manually operated water pumping machine. This is because it takes time for individual who is manually operating the water pump to turn off the pumping machine and this may cause water spillage and at times the individual might not know that the water level has drop so low until the tank is completely empty. This was the problem that leads to the development of the ideal of an automatic water level control and automatic pump short down. 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT The main aim this work is to build a device that will control the flow and pumping of water in the overhead tank or underground tank. The objectives are: i. To notify the user the amount of water that is present in the overhead water tank. ii. To build the device iii. The reduce the wastage of water during pumping iv. Save roofs v. Save water vi. Save electricity 1.4 ADVANTAGES OF THE PROJECT Advantages of this study are as follows: • Suitability: These water level controllers are ideally suited for normal water as well as for ultra low conductivity water with less than 1 micro/moh. • Easy to Operate: these systems come fitted with sensitivity setting which can be provided externally on a dial or with internal settings. • Settings: It is equipped with technology which works on low or high sensitivity settings on the same machine and thereby saves costs of buying and using two different machines. • Materials of Construction: this water control system is protected the against corrosion. • Safety : This system is highly insulated, leakage proof and works without creating any noise. 1.5 APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT Water level regulator detects the level water then triggers the pump and blows alarm and vice versa. They are useful devices and play an important role in various industries such as: i. automobile, ii. irrigation iii. and also at homes, or wherever water is pump either underground or overhead. 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT 1) Automatic Water Level regulator (AWLR) will automatically START the pump set as soon as the water level falls below the predetermined level (usually kept half or 2/3rd tank) and shall SWITCH OFF the pump set as soon as tank is full or water level in the lower tank is at below minimum level. 2) This system provides you the flexibility to decide for yourself the water levels for operations of pump set in upper/lower tanks. 3) Built in Indications for showing Full, Empty Levels in Upper Tank and Lower Tank Empty Indication. 4) Manual operation switch for special operations like watering the plants from pump set. 5) The system ensures no overflows or dry running of pump there by saves electricity and water. 6) Consume very little energy, ideal for continuous operation. 1.5 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT This Automatic water level controller switch will give you a heads-up the instant over-head tank and underground tank is full or goes below the required level, hopefully giving you time to close windows and bring in possessions. The circuit draws virtually no current when the sensors are dry and the current consumption is low. 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT Sensors used are built with conductive material, which means that they are subject to rusting or corrosion. When rusting occurred the sensors will stop conducting thereby causing this device will stop working. 1.7 PROJECT WORK ORGANISATION The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows: Chapter one of this works is on the introduction to Water level regulator. In this chapter, the background, significance, objective limitation and problem of Water level regulator were discussed. Chapter two is on literature review of Water level regulator. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed. Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed. Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed. Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.”

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