
design and implementation of an online bus ticket reservation system

An online Bus Ticket Reservation is a broad study, however, all the areas cannot be covered at once, this work is therefore limited in the automation of the process of passengers checking the availability of tickets and having information of Bus fares.

This study is limited to AkwaIbom Transport Company located in AkwaIbom State. Online Bus Ticket Reservation System

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.



The study examines the design and implementation of an Online Bus Ticket Reservation System. The system solves the problem of inconveniencing passengers who may not be physically present at the bus terminal to buy a bus ticket at a particular time. The system was achieved using the PHP and MYSQL technologies. Bus Ticket Reservation System enables the bus company’s customer to buy bus ticket online this is an easy method which saves a lot of time; it will enable customers in their comfort zone, to search for available tickets and get their data easily without any prior experience with queuing at the counter  



Bus Ticket Reservation System enables the bus company’s customer to buy bus ticket online; this is an easy method which saves a lot of time, it will enable customers in their comfort zone, to search for available tickets and get their data easily without any prior experience with queuing at the counter. Online Bus Ticket Reservation System is the easier and quickest way to take bus. The online system is a new system because it hasn’t exists in Bus Company and even in AKTC. Currently, staffs at the bus ticket counter are using an internal system to sell ticket at the counter. Customers are unable to buy bus ticket online at this moment and have to go to the counter to buy bus ticket. Sometimes, customer needs to queue up a long queue to buy bus ticket and ask for information. This brings a lot of inconvenience to the customers. Online Bus Ticket Reservation System with the Internet now routinely being used as a resource for Bus

Ticket Reservation, customer can buy bus ticket, make payment, and ask for information online easily. Furthermore, staff can sell bus ticket using Bus Ticket Reservation System after checking bus ticket availability for the customer and print the bus ticket to the customer that queue up in the counter.


AkwaIbom State Transport Company currently operates a manual way of issuing out bus tickets. This system is usually cumbersome for a prestigious company with a large customer base. Customers sometimes queue in lines to buy tickets, thereby wasting precious and productive time for both the transport company and the passengers.


The objective of this study is to develop an Online Bus Ticket Reservation for AKTC. To;

  1. Provide a website where information about Bus can be stored and viewed by passengers.
  2. Enable customers check the time departure and arrival for every bus through the system.
  3. Retrieve and update Bus records
  4. To ease the bus ticket payment by online. Customer has to pay the bus ticket by debit Card.


An online Bus Ticket Reservation is a broad study, however, all the areas cannot be covered at once, this work is therefore limited in the automation of the process of passengers checking the availability of tickets and having information of Bus fares.

This study is limited to AkwaIbom Transport Company located in AkwaIbom State. Online Bus Ticket Reservation System


An online Bus Ticket Reservation is a significant tool, it will enable people from any point, to search for available tickets and get their data easily without any prior experience queuing at the counter. Below is some of the significance of this research work: Customers can check availability of the bus ticket, buy bus ticket, and pay the bus ticket online to ease off stress of queuing at the counter.


Many factors have limited this study, some of these factors are:

  • TIME – The time allocated to research work for this study was greatly constrained due to intense academic activities involving the researcher.
  • FINANCE – The major constraints for this study occurred in the form of inadequate funds. The present high cost of material, access to a personal computer unit for running and debugging of the application program, transportation expenses to and fro the site of computer etc. militated against the smooth and easy advancement of the work.


During the course of writing this project work, some words that need explanation are as follows:

  • Bus Number – This uniquely identifies a Bus.
  • Administrator – Refers to an authorized official of the airline who has the authority to change and update the databases.
  • Reservation – The written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance. (WordWeb 5.1,WordNet Database).
  • System – This is any collection of component elements that work together to perform a task. Online Bus Ticket Reservation System
  • Module – One of a set of separate parts which, when combined, form a complete whole.



5.0   Introduction

        This chapter showcases the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study.

5.1   Summary

Based on the study, E-ticketing could be extended to major entertainment and touristic sites and thus facilitate access to major points of interest within cities, making e-ticketing also interesting for travelers. Urban tourism is the fastest growing tourism sector in the world. In public transport, e-ticketing systems are not only means of payment but process huge amount of information which offer a large range of possibilities to make public transport easier to use, to manage and to control. They offer as well opportunities to introduce integrated pricing structure that are not easy to implement with traditional payment tools. Electronic ticketing technologies are classified according to the way they are used for payment.

5.2   Conclusion

It can be observed that computer applications are very important in every field of human endeavor. Here all the information about customer that made reservation can be gotten just by clicking a button with this new system, some of the difficulties encountered with the manual system are overcome. It will also reduce the workload of the staff, reduce the time used for making reservation at the bus terminal and also increase efficiency. The application also has the ability to update records in various files automatically thereby relieving the company’s staff the stress of working from file security of data.

This project, as a whole, will give a new way in bus reservations and ticketing processes. The automation and management of seats and reservations will be done online. However, this project does not limit the walk-in-passengers that are passengers who visit the company’s counter because it also caters for them. This also lessens the use of papers like in the traditional way of ticketing.      

5.3   Recommendations

Research and development are continuous processes; this is the same in computer and software development. However, this work is recommended for Imo Transport Company Limited, Owerri, since their operation are still carried out manually and it can also be useful to other Bus Transportation industries whose processes are still manually done. The system can contribute more on those bus representatives handling the account if it can generate reports by trip so that they will no longer go to a certain module to check the reservation and its details. Also, it will be more beneficial to both clients and bus representatives if clients can create an account just like in airlines websites. With that, the system can record the modifications made. Other functionalities such as E-Mail facility for sending Ticket to passenger, Online Payment with Credit Card / Debit Card etc. could also be integrated into the system in order to enhance user friendliness and interactions.