
seminar on paper battery

The scope of this study covers  the characteristics of paper batteries, advantages, applications, limitations. Highlighting, The construction and various methods of production of Paper Battery and look for alternative means of mass-production.

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This seminar gives a thorough insight on this relatively revolutionizing and satisfying solution of energy storage through Paper Batteries and provides an in-depth analysis of the same. A paper battery is known as a flexible, ultra-thin energy storage and production device formed by combining carbon nanotubes with a conventional sheet of cellulose-based paper. A paper battery can function both as a high-energy battery and super capacitor, combining two discrete components that are separate in traditional electronics. This combination allows the battery to provide both long-term steady power production as well as bursts of energy. Being biodegradable, light-weight and non-toxic, flexible paper batteries have potential adaptability to power the next generation of electronics, medical devices and hybrid vehicles, allowing for radical new designs and medical technologies.


Cover Page

Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Contents


1.0      Introduction

1.1      Background of the study

1.2      Problem statement

1.3      Objective of the study

1.4      Advantages of the study

1.5      Scope of the study

1.6      Necessity of the study


  • Literature Review
  • Review of the study
  • Development of paper battery


  • Paper batteries-basics
  • Properties of paper batteries
  • Additional properties acquired by paper batteries
  • Construction and working
  • Development of paper battery
  • Advantages over existing batteries
  • General applications of paper batteries
  • Limitations and disadvantages of paper batteries
  • Future aspects
  • Conclusion


1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION


The basic problems associated with the present Electro-Chemical batteries are: (1) Limited Life- Time: Primary batteries irreversibly (within limits of practicality) transform chemical energy to electrical energy. Secondary batteries can be recharged; that is, they can have their chemical reactions reversed by supplying electrical energy to the cell, restoring their original composition. But, Rechargeable batteries are still costlier than Primary Batteries in the markets of developing countries like India. (2) Leakage: If leakage occurs, either spontaneously or through accident, the chemicals released may be dangerous. For example, disposable batteries often use zinc “can” as both a reactant and as the container to hold the other reagents. If this kind of battery is run all the way down, or if it is recharged after running down too far, the reagents can emerge through the cardboard and plastic that forms the remainder of the container. The active chemical leakage can then damage the equipment that the batteries were inserted into. (3)Environmental Concerns: The widespread use of batteries has created many environmental concerns, such as toxic metal pollution. Metals such as Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Lithium and Zinc have been identified as highly  toxic metals . Also, batteries may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Small button/disk batteries can be swallowed by young children. While in the digestive tract the battery’s electrical discharge can burn the tissues and can be serious enough to lead to death. The limitations of Fuel cells are: (1). Cost: Hydrogen-based fuel cells are still extremely costly for general consumer use. Their use is still restricted to rocket launch vehicles. Liquid Hydrogen and Hydrogen Peroxide are essential ingredients that make them costly. (2). Portability & Size: Fuel cells are still not portable in size, which makes it very difficult for use in electronic and medical gadgets. The limitations of Solar Cells are : ( 1) Versatility: Solar cells cannot be used under all situations, like Emergency Power-Backup, Emergency Energy Purge.(2) Adaptability: Solar cells cannot be used in all battery-powered equipment.  (3). Portability & Size: They are not at all portable or robust. (4)Need of an Auxiliary back-up battery: The solar cells need an auxiliary back-up battery during failures.  However, this study discusses about paper battery.


After studying the problems associated with the most commonly used batteries, we can conclude that paper batteries along some modifications like Li-ion + CNT paper or some other possible combinations can replace the commonly used batteries. And making them much safer, flexible and light weight. If that happens, we will be able to power a hybrid vehicle with a newspaper sized paper battery or we can have foldable laptops that can fit in our pocket. The possibilities are endless.


The objectives of the study are:

  1. To study the basics and application of paper battery
  2. To study the construction of a paper battery.
  • To study the use and advantages of paper battery


Paper Battery can be either CNT based or Li-ion based, and both of themprovide a better solution for energy storage. The electronic gadgets can get even thinner, smaller and flexible. The Li-ion based paper battery can recharged efficiently and is much safer than conventional Li-ion batteries. The CNT based paper battery is bio degradable, eco-friendly and can be cycled many times. They have a wide range of operating temperature. The overall efficiency of the paper battery is high.


The scope of this study covers  the characteristics of paper batteries, advantages, applications, limitations. Highlighting, The construction and various methods of production of Paper Battery and look for alternative means of mass-production.


There are many reasons to research a battery that is safe, thin, & flexible. Let us study some of the problems of the most commonly used batteries. Ø

 Li-ion (Lithium ion batteries) Li-ion battery is the most commonly used battery for smart phones, laptops, digital cameras and all sorts of home appliances. It is basically a rechargeable battery with lithium as a negative electrode. It is known for its low selfdischarge, high efficiency. But it is expensive, it has safety issues. The electrolyte needs to be kept pressurized. It also requires an electronic monitoring system to avoid over charging, overheating, over voltage etc. So, it needs temperature sensor, voltage regulator etc. which increases cost. The electrolyte is highly inflammable, reactive and hazardous.

In September 2016, Samsung recalled 2.5 million galaxies Note 7 because the battery design caused both the electrodes to touch which caused short circuit and they busted into flames. In January, 2013 Boeing 787 Dreamliner of japan airlines caught fire at Boston airport. The batteries were responsible. Luckily, no one got hurt, but had it caught fire while flying the results would have been worst. Today most of the smartphone users have no idea of how dangerous the Li-ion batteries are. Recent studies have recommended using Li-ion along with CNT to get a better, much safer battery.

NiCad & NiMH (Nickel cadmium Nickel Metal Hydrate)

These are the most commonly used batteries for Hybrid cars, Satellites, novelties and for Backup power. The problem of these batteries include that they contain highly toxic metals like Cd (cadmium) they exhibit negative temperature coefficient, this causes charging problems. NiMH produces hydrogen gas which can rupture the cell. The temperature affects the capacity and performance. They have high self-discharge rate. They have been replaced by Li-ion in recent years. But still due to low cost than Li-ion they are used in toys, remote controls &other portable electronics.

Lead acid batteries

These are oldest rechargeable batteries and widely used for large scale applications like power backup, automobiles, submarines, and also in some hybrid vehicles. The problem associated are Sulfation and Stratification of electrolyte, Corrosion of plates, toxic nature of lead etc.