
iot based gas monitoring system using arduino

The main aim of this work is to build an IoT based gas monitoring system using arduino which alerts the user through an alarm and email notification as soon as leaked gas is detected in the environment it is installed.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 5,000.00.



A gas detector may be a device that detects the presence of gases in a neighborhood, often as a part of a security system. This factor results in a necessity of a gas detection system to be installed at such accident-prone locations for continuous monitoring of any quite leakage which can’t be detected by the human senses. The proposed system will continuously monitor the environment for any leakage. just in case of any leakage detection, it’ll alert the user via a buzzer and by using the Ethernet shield module and an Android application; it’ll alert the user about the environmental conditions just like the gas level and temperature of that location of installation using SMS or via an email notification.

Key Words: Arduino, Internet of things (IoT), MQ2 sensor, Gas sensor, Gas Detector, Security System, Home Security, Blink app.



1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

1.1                                           BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

LPG is very burnable and should thus behold on-off from sources of a solenoid and during a blowy space so that any run will safely. LPG vapors are more steam than air thus care to be taken all over storage so that any run won’t sink to the bottom and find accumulated in a district that is low untruthful and tough to disperse. LPG gas is an alkane and it’s scentless in its state of nature.

Safety plays a crucial role in today’s world as accidents are susceptible to happen anywhere. Places which make use of flammable and not easily detectable gases (such as LPG) are susceptible to occurrence of accidental fires.  Internet of Things may be a futuristic technology during which interconnection of devices and therefore the Internet is proposed. The automation of the many daily chores are often change by this. Within the proposed gas detection system, we’ll make use of IoT to detect leakage and alert the user alongside preventing any longer leakage of the gas. Toxic gases are one that cause serious health impacts, but also are utilized in industries in large quantities. These gases need to be monitored; such increase within the normal level of them might be known and proper precautionary measures are often taken. Arduino are going to be wont to perform the specified task by interfacing gas sensor, buzzer and LCD to display, Ethernet shield to send alert message to the user via an Android application and servo motor to shut the gas valve. The system will detect the gas leakage by using gas sensor and it’ll inform the Arduino board which can perform the further actions i.e. ringing buzzer, closing gas valve, turning on fan. The people within the neighborhood also can be included just in case of an emergency.MQ2 LPG gas sensor is employed for input. A 12V buzzer is connected along side the circuit to point the user offline [2]. The gas leakage event may involve danger for all times. There are many deaths round the world due to gas leakage. Thus, it’s ensured that one doesn’t need to worry about the gas leakage becoming so intense and out of control that it can causes damage to life or the encompassing environment and also notifying and alerting the workers or residents about the gas leakage. It gives a HIGH output when LPG, i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen and smoke gas is sensed. A potentiometer is additionally used for controlling sensitivity of gas sensing. This module is extremely easy to interface with microcontrollers and arduino and simply available in market by name “LPG Gas Sensor Module”

1.2              PROBLEM STATEMENT

The need of a gas detection system isn’t only to watch the environment continuously but also must prevent the further leakage of gas within the environment to attenuate the probabilities of fireside . Leakage of any sort of gas has become a drag in present times whether it’s with regard to a domestic household, factory, kitchens in restaurants, canteens, etc. A gas leakage detection system makes use of gas sensors (depending on the need of the place). The proposed system makes use of an MQ2 sensor for detection of LPG leakage, and with android application; it’ll alert the user about the environmental conditions just like the gas level and temperature of that location of installation through social media (via an email notification).

1.3                                    AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

The main aim of this work is to build an IoT based gas monitoring system using arduino which alerts the user through an alarm and email notification as soon as leaked gas is detected in the environment it is installed. The objectives are:

  1. To build a prototype model of the system
  2. To supply a completely unique means for safely detecting any malfunction of a pressurized facility so as to stop accumulation of combustible gases in order that damage or explosion tanks to such an accumulation of gases is
  • To increase home security

1.4                                 SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY

The scope of this work covers building an IOT Based hazardous gas leakage detection system which catalogues and categorizes the content of the feedback as positive and negative and consequently indicates whether gas leakage is there or not in the gas stored environment. It can extensively be used to detect fire breakouts in buildings, hotels, hospitals and industries or other public places. MQ-2 Gas sensors are generally used to detect or measure presence of gases like LPG and butane. The proposed system will continuously monitor the environment for any leakage. just in case of any leakage detection, it’ll alert the user via a buzzer and by using the Ethernet shield module and an Android application; it’ll alert the user about the environmental conditions just like the gas level of that location of installation using email notification.

  • This device requires steady power supply for effect operation. That means that it will become inactive if the mains power supply fails or the battery goes low.
  • The Sensor requires quarterly calibration and do not have a long life.
  • For the email alert, the user must have internet facility

1.5                                           SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

This study will serve as a means of providing a technological means of avoiding fire accident which include building a gas leakage detecting hardware to households in the area. This study will also enlighten the reader on how to monitor dangerous chemicals in the air at workplaces and it may also be used in households.

This study will also serve as a means of interfacing arduino module with MQ-2 sensor.

1.7                                        PROJECT WORK ORGANISATION

The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows:

Chapter one of this work is on the introduction to this work.

Chapter two is on literature review of this work. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed.

Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed.

Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed.

Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.


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