
design and construction of a battery cage (4th editoin)

This work is a complete and well researched project material on “design and construction of a battery cage” which is strictly for academic purposes, which has been approved by different Lecturers/supervisors from different higher institutions. This project topic have complete 5(five) Chapters. The complete Project Material/write-up include: Abstract + Introduction + etc + Literature Review + methodology + result analysis + Conclusion + Recommendation + References/Bibliography. We made chapter one available for all viewers, the complete material attracts a token. Happy viewing!!!

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Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Content


1.0      Introduction

1.1      Background of the project

1.2      Problem statement

1.3      Objective of the project

1.4      Scope of the project

1.5      Purpose of the project

1.6     Significance of the project

1.7      Problem of the project

1.8      Limitation of the project

1.9      Project organisation


2.0     Literature review


3.1     Material and method



4.1      result and discussion


5.0      Conclusion

5.1      Recommendation

5.2      References


1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

1.1                                           BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

The rearing practices for food animals and their products can vary drastically and consequently have very different costs of production and welfare implications. Being able to differentiate premium production standards and premium products from imitations is essential for consumers and producers alike.

Consequently production methods and labeling regulations for eggs are regulated and marketing terms have to a large extent been simplified to help consumers in their choices.

There has been a backlash against intensive ‘battery’ egg production methods and battery egg cages have been banned in some countries. Eggs are still produced from caged birds but where there is more room for the chickens to move around, some have ‘enriched environments’ with more room to roam. Production methods dictate costs yet it is impossible at point of sale for consumers to detect a visual difference.

Much emphasis is placed on egg production standards and assurance schemes, which are regularly inspected. Clear definition for labeling ensures that consumers are aware of how eggs have been produced, be it free range or from caged birds.

1.2                                                  PROBLEM STATEMENT

There are many meaning of keeping a laying hen such as in floor pens, or free range (organic or conventional), and these mentioned methods involves and exposes laid eggs to the risk of damages coming from the environment and other hens (by pecking). Building a battery cage brings a solution to the methods problems. Building or using a battery cage protect the laying hens and laid eggs.

1.3                                                PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

The objectives of the work are:

  1. To build a device that will improve the welfare of laying hens.
  2. To improve the method of egg production.
  • To protect eggs from damages such as pecking from other hens or cracks.

1.4                                             LIMITATION OF THE STUDY

It has also been shown that battery cages frustrate hens in many other ways such as by preventing them from roosting high on a perch at night, by crowding them too close together, and by preventing them from performing some activities and adopting some natural postures. It can be concluded that battery cages lead to frustration in laying hens and this results in a serious reduction of welfare.

1.5                                           SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

This study will serve as a means of providing a current knowledge regarding the direct and indirect effects of battery caging systems on the occurrence and epidemiology in laying hen flocks.

1.6                                                   SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The scope of this work is building a battery cage for laying hens. Laying hens can be kept in cages, in so-called enriched cages. This work will cover all the necessary procedures involved in building a battery cage.


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