
Design Of Water Supply Pipeline Network

Providing sufficient water of appropriate quality and quantity has been one of the most important issues in human history. Most ancient civilizations were initiated near water sources

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Providing sufficient water of appropriate quality and quantity has been one of the most important issues in human history. Most ancient civilizations were initiated near water sources. As populations grew, the challenge to meet user demands also increased. People began to transport water from other locations to their communities. For example, the Romans constructed aqueducts to deliver water from distant sources to their communities. Today, a water supply system consists of infrastructure that collects, treats, stores, and distributes water between water sources and consumers. Water pipelines have been a proposed, but controversial option. These massive pipelines pump water from a large source and transfer it across a great distance to areas in need.


1.0                                                        INTRODUCTION

Urban water supply systems are designed for providing good quality water to the inhabitants of municipalities. Water intended for human consumption requires that the materials used in all the components of the system are of appropriate quality so that public health is protected.

It goes without saying that the major components of a water supply system are the pipelines.

Therefore, the attention of the designer of the system should be focused on the type of pipes to use and in particular on the pipe material.

Several changes and innovations related to the pipe technologies have occurred during the last few decades. Therefore, it is of importance for the designer to be informed on the technologies available and the advantages and disadvantages of each technology [Herrera, Manuel, 2011].

This paper aims at providing information on the various pipe technologies and presenting the key characteristics of each technology. Also, some recommendations and limitations in the use of each technology are provided.

Obviously the aim of the paper is just to highlight some of the properties of the various types of pipes which may be useful for the designer of a water conveyance and distribution system. The decision on the type of pipes to be selected for a project remains at the hands of the designer. The designer is responsible for weighing of the various criteria and reach a final decision [Herrera, Manuel, 2011].

1.1                                         BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT

Water and air are essential elements for human life. Even then, a large population of the world does not have access to a reliable, uncontaminated, piped water supply. Drinking water has been described as a physical, cultural, social, political, and economic resource. The history of transporting water through pipes for human Design of Water Supply Pipe Networks [Herrera, Manuel, 2011].

Consumption begins around 3500 years ago, when for the first time pipes were used on the island of Crete. A historical perspective by James on the development of urban water systems reaches back four millennia when bathrooms and drains were common in the Indus Valley. Zhang, Stephen X, Babovic, Vladan (2012) has provided a brief history of public water systems tracking back to 700 BC when sloped hillside tunnels (antas) were built to transport water to Persia. Walski et al. (Zhang, Stephen X, Babovic, Vladan, 2012) also have published a brief history of water distribution technology beginning in 1500 BC. Escolero (2012) refer to the early pipes made by drilling stones, wood, clay, and lead. Cast iron pipes replaced the early pipes in the 18th century, and significant developments in making pipe joints were witnessed in the 19th century[Escolero, 2012]. Use of different materials for pipe manufacturing increased in the 20th century. Fluid flow through pipelines has a variety of applications. These include transport of water over long distances for urban water supply, water distribution system for a group of rural towns, water distribution network of a city, and so forth. Solids are also transported through pipelines; for example, coal and metallic ores carried in water suspension and pneumatic conveyance of grains and solid wastes. Pipeline transport of solids containerized in capsules is ideally suited for transport of seeds, chemicals that react with a carrier fluid, and toxic or hazardous substances. Compared with slurry transport, the cargo is not wetted or contaminated by the carrier fluid; no mechanism is required to separate the transported material from the fluid; and foremost it requires less power for maintaining the flow. For bulk carriage, pipeline transport can be economic in com- parison with rail and road transport. Pipeline transport is free from traffic holdups and road accidents, is aesthetic because pipelines are usually buried underground, and is also free from chemical, biochemical, thermal, and noise pollution. A safe supply of potable water is the basic necessity of mankind in the industrialized society, therefore water supply systems are the most important public utility. A colossal amount of money is spent every year around the world for providing or upgrading drinking water facilities. The major share of capital investment in a water supply system goes to the water conveyance and water distribution network. Nearly 80% to 85% of the cost of a water supply project is used in the distribution system; therefore, using rational methods for designing a water distribution system will result in consider- able savings. The water supply infrastructure varies in its complexity from a simple, rural town gravity system to a computerized, remote-controlled, multisource system of a large city; however, the aim and objective of all the water systems are to supply safe water for the cheapest cost. These systems are designed based on least-cost and enhanced reliability considerations [Vairavamoorthy, 2018].

1.3                                                 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

In general, water distribution systems can be divided into four main components: (1) water sources and intake works, (2) treatment works and storage, (3) transmission mains, and (4) distribution network. The common sources for the untreated or raw water are surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, springs, and man-made reservoirs and groundwater sources such as bores and wells. The intake structures and pumping stations are constructed to extract water from these sources. The raw water is transported to the treatment plants for processing through transmission mains and is stored in clear water reservoirs after treatment. The degree of treatment depends upon the raw water quality and finished water quality requirements. Sometimes, groundwater quality is so good that only disinfection is required before supplying to consumers. The clear water reservoir provides a buffer for water demand variation as treatment plants are generally designed for average daily demand. Water is carried over long distances through transmission mains. If the flow of water in a transmission main is maintained by creating a pressure head by pumping, it is called a pumping main. On the other hand, if the flow in a transmission main is maintained by gravitational potential available on account of elevation difference, it is called a gravity main. There are no intermediate withdrawals in a water transmission main. Similar to transmission mains, the flow in water distribution networks is maintained either by pumping or by gravitational potential. Generally, in a flat terrain, the water pressure in a large water distribution network is maintained by pumping; however, in steep terrain, gravitational potential maintains a pressure head in the water distribution system. A distribution network delivers water to consumers through service connections [Vairavamoorthy, 2018]. Such a distribution network may have different configurations depending upon the layout of the area. Generally, water distribution networks have a looped and branched configuration of pipelines, but sometimes either looped or branched configurations are also provided depending upon the general layout plan of the city roads and streets. Urban water networks have mostly looped configurations, whereas rural water networks have branched configurations [Vairavamoorthy, 2018]. On account of the high-reliability requirement of water services, looped configurations are preferred over branched configurations. The cost of a water distribution network depends upon proper selection of the geometry of the network. The selection of street layout adopted in the planning of a city is important to provide a minimum-cost water supply system. The two most common water supply configurations of looped water supply systems are the gridiron pattern and the ring and radial pattern; however, it is not possible to find an optimal geometric pattern that minimizes the cost

1.4                                           LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT

Despite the need for water to be diverted through pipelines to different areas, there are several drawbacks that accompany water pipelines. First, the actual construction of a major water pipeline is extremely expensive. With manufacturing, labor, and installation, pipeline projects can cost billions of dollars. In addition, maintenance must be done every day in order to keep the pipeline working effectively. Pipelines need to be monitored continually and water quality must be constantly checked. Because of the great distances that major water pipelines can cover, maintenance fees are extreme [Vairavamoorthy, 2018].

The construction of water pipelines is also very taxing on the land. Thousands of miles of massive pipes can disrupt ecosystems, ruin scenery, and act as an obstruction. Underground pipelines require huge trenches to be dug, also disrupting the land.

The most pressing conflict related to massive water pipelines concerns the source from which the water is being taken. Whether it will be from an aquifer, a reservoir, or a watershed basin, the diverted water is being taken away from an ecosystem in which it is needed. The pumping of water out of these sources can cause severe damage, such as water level draw downs, which can affect coastlines, aquatic life, plant life, and economic activity. The water replenishment rate is not fast enough to rejuvenate water sources that are being reduced through large-scale transfer [van der Steen, 2016].

1.5                                             OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT

The objective of this work is to design a system that delivers water to consumer with appropriate quality, quantity and pressure. Distribution system is used to describe collectively the facilities used to supply water from its source to the point of usage.

1.6                                              PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT

The purpose of water pipelines is to transport surface water or groundwater from one area to another without causing erosion and reducing the chance of evaporation. Water pipelines are large in diameter and can supply water to communities and industries over both short and long distances. Pipelines can be installed underground or above ground. They can be used to bring in freshwater, or to transport and dispose of wastewater.

1.7                                         SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

The distribution pipes are generally laid below the road pavements, and as such their layouts generally follow the layouts of roads. There are, in general, four different types of pipe networks; any one of which either singly or in combinations, can be used for a particular place. They are: Grid, Ring, Radial and Dead End System. In these systems, water is kept in good circulation due to the absence of dead ends. In the cases of a breakdown in some section, water is available from some other direction according to van der Steen (2016).


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