
Assessing the roles and responsibility of personnel department in a manufacturing firm (a case study of nigeria bottling company depot ilorin, kwara-state)

This invariable led to the create and distinction of the human resources or otherwise known as the personnel department from the other department in the business establishment or organization general.

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Title page                                                                i

Certification                                                           ii

Dedication                                                              iii

Acknowledgment                                                    iv-v

Table of Contents                                                   vi-viii

Proposal                                                                  ix


  • Introduction                                                         1-2
  • Statement of the Problem 2-3
  • Objectives of the Study 4
  • Scope of the Study 5
  • Significance of the Study 5-6
  • Limitation of the Study 6
  • Definition of the Terms 6-7


2.1 Review of General Texts                                             8-25

2.2 Human Resources Management and Organization    25-27


2.3 Appraisal Review                                                       27

2.4 Hypothesis Formulation                                            28


3.1 Research Methodology                                               29

3.2 Sources of Data                                                         30

3.3 Sample Method                                                         30

3.4 Sample Size                                                               30

3.5 Questionnaire Design                                                        31


4.1 Analyzes of Data and Summary of Findings      32

4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis                         32-47

4.3 Testing of the Hypothesis                                  47-51

4.4 Research Findings                                             51-52


5.1 Summary of Findings                                                53-54

5.2 Conclusion                                                                54-56

5.3 Recommendations                                             56-57

        References                                                      58-59

        Appendix                                                         60

        Questionnaire                                                 61-63


The main objective of this project is to critically examine the roles and responsibilities of personnel department in a manufacturing  firm which the researcher adopts the case study of Nigeria bottling company depot Ilorin.  Personnel department play a vital role in an organization, therefore, their impact cannot be over emphasized.

 The project work look into the roles and responsible of personnel department in a manufacturing form. The chapter one of this project shall contain introduction of the study, objectives of the study, scope of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study, and definition of terms.

This was follow in the next chapter by literature review of relevant project, appraisal of review, hypothesis formulating.

The chapter three will look into research population and sample, research design, data collection, instrument administration of research and method of data collection.

        The chapter four will deal with data presentation and analysis.       

Finally the chapter five is the concluding section of the study i.e summary, conclusion and recommendation references and appendixes.




Personnel management is an effort to develop the entire labour force of an organization. It has been an important aspect of every organization, since organization personnel are often regarded as its critical assets.

Personnel manager can also be seen as a process of managing people at work. It explains the inter-relationship that exists between the owner of the job and the potential workers. It explores the real values of human being in an organization.

Personnel management can be seen as some total of all the inherent ability, acquired knowledge and skill represented by the attitude and talent of an organization work force. The new trend in personnel management study comprises a critical look of how those human resource can be perfectly and effectively mobilized toward maximum productivity.

Acquisition of skill in an organizations human resource management is therefore, very significant to administration in private organization like the Nigerian bottling company plc.


Although, administration differs in their opinions as to the primary importance of personnel management, the consensus among them is that the effectiveness of an organization personnel and human programme will determine its ability to attain its objectives.

Personnel department is, therefore a set of programmes functions and activities designed to bring higher personnel and organizational dividend especially with the use of human resources approach.

All organizations have one form one form of service or another they render to the society. The common concern of these organizations today ever is, survival and growth. The needs to meet the challenges as they emerge and the problem of managing the human and material resources available to the organization.

Human resources management is a major problem to many organization in the sense that must be a reasonable merger of persons and organization for effective management of resource wherever there is an organization, there is usually a conflict.

The study is to examine the basic nature of human resource with organization and resolutions of conflicts for organization goals to be achieved. The Nigeria bottling company depot Ilorin Kwara State has the problem of recruitment, maintaining and developing, evaluating and retaining an active or effective labour force which is mainly the pillar of any organization. That is staff management problem.


Since people are the most critical assets of an organization, there is no substitute for any effective human resource management in making a success of any organization, one would like to see how these assets are managed in order to attain or achieve an organizational goals which is the main growth or aims of the organization or setting it up.

However, attention has been shifted from material resource to human resource among new managers, because of all the resource available in any organization human resources is the most important, most valuable, yet most complicated, least understood and most difficult to predict. This invariable led to the create and distinction of the human resources or otherwise known as the personnel department from the other department in the business establishment or organization general.


This study intends to discuss the personnel department in the light of its distinction from other organizational department and the roles its plays in the effectiveness and growth of the manufacturing firm taking the Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Ilorin as a case study


There is the need to judiciously manage human resources in order to make room for full utilization of potentials, thus, reducing human waste.

In today’s highly competitive business world, where there are always new challenge and vast cut-throat competition for survival and domination and decide work-force. This is because a management of human resources will definitely inhibit productivity and lead naturally to the self destruction of the organization.

To a large extent, the success of any organization depends on the utilization of both its human and material resources. Hence, where the workers are not motivated to perform their duties in order to achieve the organization objectives.


The study will focus only on the duties and the obligation of the personnel department and its function as its relates to the manufacturing firm called Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Ilorin Plant. For reason ranging  from limited time to financial constraints, only this plant shall be studied, for Questionnaire, department like production and engineering department  may also be selected for consideration.


MANAGEMENT: – Can be defined as the act of getting things done through people. It can also be defined as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups, accomplish effectively selected aims.

HUMAN: – This can be defined as a person or group of people rather than animals, machine.

RESOURCES: – Resources could be physical or human resources could be renewable e.g human resources through training and retraining, non renewable resources are such resources as raw-materials that are exhaustible.

DEPARTMENT: – A distinct area, division or branch of an enterprise over which the manager has Authority for the performance of specific activities and results.


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