
Taking Off Processes And Preparation Of An Un-Priced Bill Of Quantities (A Case Study Of The Proposed Four (4) Bedroom Fully Detached Duplex At Plot 3003a And 3003b Sabonlugbe East Extention Layout, Cadastral 07-07, Abuja Nigeria

Class work alone on measurement of building work is not enough to equipped the student with the required knowledge and skill required on the measurement of building work, it is against this background that the introduction of project work was introduce to expose the student to practical and theoretical method of taking off of building work apart from class work so as to increase their skill and knowledge in addition to class work.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 5,000.00.



Class work alone on measurement of building work is not enough to equipped the student with the required knowledge and skill required on the measurement of building work, it is against this background that the introduction of project work was introduce to expose the student to practical and theoretical method of taking off of building work apart from class work so as to increase their skill and knowledge in addition to class work.

The chapter one of this project demonstrate the aims and objectives of this research, the scope and limitation while the chapter two and three represent a literature review on measurement of building work in order to have a better understanding of taking off, abstracting and billing processes prepared in chapter for the proposed four (4) bedroom fully detached duplex.


Title Page






  • Introduction
  • Description of Work
  • Aims and Objective
  • Scope and Limitation


2.0   Literature Review (Introduction)

2.1   Site Report

2.2   Preliminaries

2.3   Process Involved in preparing an un-priced bill of quantities

2.4   Format of bill of quantities


3.0   Process Of Preparing A Bill Of Quantities

3.1   Taking off processes

3.1.1                Studying the Drawing

3.1.2                Querry Sheet

3.1.3                Taking Off list

3.1.4                Read and Scale Dimension

3.1.5                Taking Off sheet

3.1.6                Recording of scaled or read dimension

3.1.7                Waste Calculation

3.1.8                Signposting

3.2   Squaring

3.2.1                Linear Meter (m)

3.2.2                Square Meter (m2)

3.2.3                Cubic Meter (m3)

3.2.4                General Item (nr5)

3.2.5                PCs/PS

3.3   Abstracting

3.4   Billing

3.4.1                Groundwork

3.4.2                Superstructural work.


4.0   Introduction

4.1   Taking Off For The Complete Four (4) Bedroom Fully Detached Duplex.

4.2   Abstracts and Bill of Qualities for the Substructure (Groundwork) only.

4.3   Taking Off the Superstructure


5.0   Summary

5.1   Conclusion

5.2   Recommendation



In partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of National Diploma (ND) in Quantity Surveying, student will have to demonstrate what have been taught in class.

Thus, this project which is a group work is aimed at taking off and preparing a Un-Priced Bill of Quantities for the proposed Four (4) Bedroom Fully Detached Duplex at plot 3003A and 3003B Sanbowlugbe East Extension Layout Cadastral Zone 07-07 Abuja Nigeria.

This project is also aimed at exposing us to practical aspect of that which is not taught in class and also enable us know more better about what has already been taught in the class.


        The project as it is fully shown on the building drawing or plan is the construction of a proposed four (4) Bedroom fully detached, duplex at 3003A and 3003B Sambowlugbe East Extention layout cadastral Zone 07-07 Abuja, Nigeria.

For: Rainbow workstation service Ltd.

This project work includes the process of taking off for the building, abstracting and the process of preparing an un-priced bill of quantities for substructural work only.


1.2.1        AIMS

The aim of this project work is to prepared a taking off for quantities completely for four (4) bedroom fully detached duplex and to prepare an abstract and un-priced bill of quantities for the sub structural work.

 1.2.2        OBJECTIVES

        In order to achieve the aforementioned aims, the following objectives are carried out.

  • To prepare literature review of some terms for better understanding of the little of the project.
  • To prepare a taking off and squaring quantities for four (4) bedrooms fully detached duplex.
  • To prepare an abstract for substructure work only.
  • To prepare an un-priced bill of quantities for substructure work only.


The scope of this work is limited to the processes that are involved in taking off and preparing an un-priced bill of quantities for building work but excluding the abstracting, un-priced bill of quantities and service for super structural work.


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