
Information Communication Technology And Tis Challenges In Health Information Management System In Out-Jeremi General Hospital

In the course of this research works, the researcher encountered some restriction which militates against the smooth execution of his work among these issues are :
i. out-jeremi general hospital with several subsidiaries under it which had incapacitated the researcher of getting some of their transactional data for the research methodology due to the secretiveness of the sampled population.
ii. The problem of retrieval of research instrument administered, finance, school which makes it always difficult for me to go out always not to do anything personal.
iii. Other limitation include time constraint, cost of carrying out research work and unsupportive nature of respondents.

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Health information systems are composed of subsystems that include information on demography, vital events, health status, environmental health statistics, health resources, health services utilization, health outcomes, and health development financial statistics. Computerized information management systems have enabled timely reporting of maternal and child health indicators and thus improved service delivery to the rural areas in Nigeria. A cross-sectional study in this state included 32 key informants; in-depth interviews were conducted to capture information on how technology helps in improving health in a rural setting, to provide an overview of the existing health information management system, and to identify the challenges in the existing system. The Pregnancy, Child Tracking and Health Services Management System (PCTS) is extremely useful in ensuring better health for women by minimizing maternal mortality and neonatal mortality. In a growing world, technology is playing a vital role in healthcare and has changed the way that healthcare is delivered and monitored. Information communication technology has played vital roles to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare industries worldwide. However, its utilization in developing countries is very limited. This study was aimed to identify challenges of ICTs utilization among health professionals working in out-jeremi general hospital.

Title page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Aim of the study
1.3 objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 limitation of the study
1.8 hypothesis of the study

2.1 review of the study
2.2 The impact of information communication technology
2.3 Review of related studies
2.4 artificial intelligence and soft-and cognitive-computing techniques
2.5 Using Icts In The Health Domain: Issues And Challenges

3.1 Research design
3.2 Sources of data
3.3 Area of the study
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Determination of sample size and techniques
3.6 Reliability of the research instrument
3.7 Validity of research instrument

4.0 Result
4.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants
4.2 ICTs access and utilization among the healthcare professionals
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 References

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been defined as “any product that will process, store, manipulate and communicate information electronically in a digital form” [1,2]. ICTs are crucial to solve data management, poor evidence based decision-making and clinical communication challenges [3-5]. Health information technologies are considered as critical to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare industries [6-8]. Customers’ need, competition, educational needs, communication and innovation of different healthcare softwares contributed more in the adoption of ICTs in healthcare systems worldwide [9-13].
To have informed health professionals, who are the backbone of quality healthcare services, there must be appropriate health information sources [14,15]. Different scholars agreed as ICTs are valuable media to access, retrieve and circulate recent and relevant information among health professionals [12,16,17]. Nowadays, hospitals and health centers become more advantageous from the adoption of ICTs [18-21]. Medical record systems, telemedicine, video conferences, audio- video teaching materials, internet and e-learning are some of the applications of ICTs in healthcare businesses [22-25].
Even though ICTs are very important in healthcare systems, its adoption rate is very limited in the resource-limited countries [21,26-28]. Due to this fact and other contributing factors, healthcare facilities from developing countries have experiences of poor data management, weak evidence- based decision-making practices, encounter of various medical errors and poor planning [11,26,29- 32]. Poor infrastructure, management problems, skill related issues, resource shortage, poor ICTs access were considered as factors for the presence of limited ICTs access and utilization in the health facilities in developing countries [33-36]. The aim of this study was to identify important ICTs utilization challenges among health professionals from the in out-jeremi general hospital. The findings of this study will serve as evidence to Federal ministry of health, hospital administrators and None Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to identify hindering factors to access and use ICTs and plan for appropriate interventions to solve the problem. It will also be important evidence for the coming researchers interested in the issue.
With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, hospital management system now use various types of technologies to aid the services they render. Everyday new technological advances affect the way information is handled in libraries and information centers. The impacts of new technologies are felt by libraries in every aspect. Computing technology, communication technology and mass storage technology are some of the areas of continuous development that reshape the way that libraries access, retrieve, store, manipulate and disseminate information to users. The academic library has been from its inception an integral part of institutions of higher learning, rather than an appendix or adjunct.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is arguably the most rapidly growing segment of the world ecosystem. The development in the sector permeates every human activity; social, economic, cultural, religious, political or health care (Idowu et al., 2008). The huge networking possibilities afforded by ICT has significantly transformed the health care systems in the world (Feliciani, 2003; Myers and Mary, 2003) dispersing health care information with comparative ease, bringing patient closers to care givers, making access to the best health care technology and expertise available to the remotest parts of the world.

In many industrialized countries of the world, there is a huge investment of resources into ICT in health care as a commitment to providing the most efficient and effective health care services to their teeming population. This is yet to be seen in many countries of Nigeria. In Nigeria, knowledge and utilization of ICT is still very poor among the general populace (Bello et al., 2004). Access to the three components of ICT (computers, internet and telephones) is still largely limited to the elites and corporate institutions (Idowu et al., 2008) As observed in previous studies, telephony is the most developed and most accessible component of ICT among the general population in Nigeria. Even then, many public institutions including hospitals still lack effective internal and external telephone interconnectivity within and with the outside community respectively.

This study was aimed to identify challenges of ICTs utilization among health professionals working in out-jeremi general hospital


Sequel to the problems highlighted above, the main objective of this research study is to determine whether information technology improves health information system and also to identify hindering factors to access and use ICTs and plan for appropriate interventions to solve the problem.
i. To ascertain whether or not hospital efficiency contributes grows with the information technology deployed.
ii. Determine whether information technology improves health management effectiveness of out-jeremi general hospital by satisfying information needs or not.
iii. Prove that information technology improves competiveness by affecting hospital operation
iv. To ascertain the level of computerization/automation in hospital management.

v. To determine the usefulness of ICT resources in hospital management.

vi. To determine the efficiency and effectiveness of ICT in hospital management.

vii. To determine how skillful and knowledgeable the staff are in the use of ICT resources.

viii. To determine the challenges associated with the application of ICT in hospital management

In any question to carry out this study towards finding out true position of information technology deployed by out-jeremi general hospital as an input to the hospital success. It is very important to delve into the following research question.
1. Is introduction of information technology in out-jeremi general hospital improving health workers performance?
2. How does information technology in out-jeremi general hospital affect the profitability in financial reporting?
3. Do the hospitals embark on training the health personnel in other to accommodate the change?
4. What are the peculiar problems faced by out-jeremi general hospital in implementing information gathered from its information technology.
5. To what extent has information and communication technology been employed in out-jeremi general hospital management board?
6. What is the usefulness of information and communication technology in out-jeremi general hospital management board?
7. How efficient and effective is the use of ICT resources in out-jeremi general hospital management board?
8. Does the staff of the out-jeremi general hospital management board have the required knowledge and skills in using ICT resources?
9. What are the factors militating against the application of ICT in out-jeremi general hospital management board?


1. Data :these are any non-random set of symbols they are also called raw files o facts, event, transaction, which have been recorded and they are the input raw materials from which information is produced
2. Information: in this research the use of information will signify data have been produced in such a way as to be useful to recipient.
3. Application package: this is a set of programs together with the appropriate system documentation. The package is designed to meet the needs of a number of users and is modular in construction so that a limited amount of modification can be carried out to carter for the needs of individual business.
4. Database: data base is a stored collection of related data needed by organization and individual to meet their information processing and retrieval requirement.
5. Internet: internet is an international computer network made up of numerous networks, internet is also called “networks of networks”
6. Ethernet: Ethernet is a popular network protocol and cabling scheme that uses a bus topology and carrier sense multiple access/collision detection (CSMA/CD) to prevent network failure or collisions, when two devices try to access the network at the same time.
7. Intranet: this is a private network belonging to an organization (which was internet protocol) it is used in out-jeremi general hospital. it is accessible only by member of the organization require authorization to access such network (this is called an Extranet).
8. Extranet: this is an intranet that allows non members of the hospital to access the network.
9. Wireless network: wireless network are wide area network (WAN), that allows user to access information instantly via handheld wireless device.


With respect to the statement of the study, the hypothesis below can be deducted.
H0: there is no relationship between the introduction of information technology and the efficiency of health workers in out-jeremi general hospital.
H1: there is relationship between the introduction of information technology and the efficiency of of health workers in out-jeremi general hospital.
H0: The Impact of Information Technology


The research study is primarily meant for out-jeremi general hospital. Then the continent, will guide the organization manufacturing sector with large scale production of different home use product and how accountants can cope with current development in information technology and the importance in organization. The research study is also significant to manager and the authorized personnel to have the knowledge that the main threats to information technology in hospital are human beings.
Healthcare information technology (HIT) has been hailed as a way to reduce these figures by enhancing the quality and safety of care and, through so doing, improving outcomes. Significant national and local investments have been made on the basis of this assumption – it has, as a result, been predicted that the HIT industry will generate global revenues.

In the course of this research works, the researcher encountered some restriction which militates against the smooth execution of his work among these issues are :
i. out-jeremi general hospital with several subsidiaries under it which had incapacitated the researcher of getting some of their transactional data for the research methodology due to the secretiveness of the sampled population.
ii. The problem of retrieval of research instrument administered, finance, school which makes it always difficult for me to go out always not to do anything personal.
iii. Other limitation include time constraint, cost of carrying out research work and unsupportive nature of respondents.
In this study the impact of information technology and its challenges in health information system, the research is limited by time. Though this research ought to be very broad and all embracing the research is limited by time to go that far and treat this exhaustively. The study was also limited by secrecy of information in the hospital, which requires permission of the hospital higher authority hence most information was regarded as classified information. Despite these limitations, the project work will be useful to any person that wants to know about the challenges of using information communication technology in health information system.


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