

The scope of this work covers building a smart  meter capable of regulating power consumption via a priority-based load   control   system. Supply   voltage   and   load   current   at   the constituent    units    of    the    smart    meter    are    measured    with  power monitor sensor (PZEM 004T)  interfaced  to  an ATmega32  micro controller  on-board  an Arduino Nano development board. Software is developed with the Arduino integrated     development     environment     (IDE) and programmed  into  the micro controller to  consistently  compare  the instantaneous power being consumed by the  connected loads to a user   defined   threshold.   The   software   also   facilitates   power consumption  level  regulation  by  controlling  the  loads  in  order  of priority  via  relays  while  performing  other standard smart  meter functions.

Original price was: ₦ 5,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 4,999.00.



1.0                                                       INTRODUCTION

1.1                                          BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

Electricity consumption has become a central issue in managing global energy demand growth (Payne, 2010). In Nigeria, residential sector represents as one of major contributors of total high electricity demand. Many residential users use electric energy inefficiently because they are not aware about ways to use energy efficiently in their daily lives. Some performing fewer activities that use electricity to save energy. Others choose the right appliances which use less energy for the same tasks. Both groups are important for saving energy (Shao, 2017), however, monitoring theenergy consumption by user also plays an important role towards global energy efficiency.

The last decade have seen increasingly rapid deployment of smart meters in many countries, such as US, UK and China (Wang et al., 2018). Smart meter has been used for definite accuracy, usage efficiency, advanced features, user privacy, and energy usage visualization (Alahakoon et al., 2016). The main operational benefit of smart meter for residential sector is the ability to automatically collect energy consumption data that help to simplify the billing process without sending workers to residential to manually capture the energy consumption on the meter (Wilson, 2017).

Smart meter is an electronic device that record consumption of energy data and communicate the record to the electricity supplier for billing and monitoring. The smart meter record electricity consumption in intervals of an hour or less and report the electricity consumption at least daily. The smart meter is equipped with two-way communication between the meter and the supplier station(Misra et al., 2018).

Inthis work we are considering a smart meter that helps or display consumers energy consumption in real-time. The smart meters allow residential users to read their energy consumption that measured in kilo watt hour (kWh) on the LCD display of the meter (Yusoffetal., 2015). The residential users are required to submit the kWh reading to TNB(an electricity supplier) for calculating the total electricity usage. However, thepilot project not able to support real time monitoring of electricity consumption by users.

In this study, we develop a real time system called smart metering system for residential energy monitoring to provide residential users the ability to monitor theirown electricity consumption. This device provides a dash board visualization of electricity consumption through charts, graphs and detailed overview of user electricity costs. The device allows users to understand their daily electricity consumption and helpthem to keep track of real time energy usage per daily basis. The system also enables users to control the switching on or off for the electrical appliances in the residential remotely.


1.2                                               PROBLEM STATEMENT

The recent explosion in urbanization over the past few years has necessitated the need for sustainable, efficient, and smart solutions for monitoring energy consumption and management.

Energy efficiency play an important role in addressing the issue of inadequacy of electrical consumption. Energy monitoring is especially important for organizations that use a lot of energy, such as manufacturing facilities, data centers, and large office buildings. By implementing energy monitoring strategies, these organizations can significantly reduce energy costs and improve their overall sustainability (Sankar et al., 2015).

In Nigeria, residential users have been identified as one of major contributor towards high electricity consumption (Sankar et al., 2015).Due to this issue, device was invented that allow users to view the total of electricity consumption on the LCD display.


The aim of this study is to build a smart energy consuming monitoring system for residential energy monitoring. The objectives of this study are:

  1. To build the system prototype
  2. To optimize energy usage and reduce waste by developing a real time monitoring system of electricity consumption
  3. To proposed a system that will reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as increase the overall efficiency of electrical equipment.

1.4                                          SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY

By implementing energy monitoring strategies, users can significantly reduce energy costs and improve their overall sustainability. The use of energy sensors to collect data on energy consumption in real-time. This data is then analyzed using energy management software to identify patterns and trends in energy usage.

This device will allow users to keep track and optimize energy consumption to save cost. With the use of this device, users can estimate their daily, weekly and monthly energy consumption and identify abnormal patterns of energy use.

The device allows users to understand their daily electricity consumption and help them to keep track of real time energy usage per daily basis. The device also enables users to control the switching on or off for the electrical appliances in the residential remotely

1.5                                                  SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The scope of this work covers building a smart  meter capable of regulating power consumption via a priority-based load   control   system. Supply   voltage   and   load   current   at   the constituent    units    of    the    smart    meter    are    measured    with  power monitor sensor (PZEM 004T)  interfaced  to  an ATmega32  micro controller  on-board  an Arduino Nano development board. Software is developed with the Arduino integrated     development     environment     (IDE) and programmed  into  the micro controller to  consistently  compare  the instantaneous power being consumed by the  connected loads to a user   defined   threshold.   The   software   also   facilitates   power consumption  level  regulation  by  controlling  the  loads  in  order  of priority  via  relays  while  performing  other standard smart  meter functions.


The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows:

Chapter one of this work introduces the study.

Chapter two is on literature review of the study. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed.

Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed.

Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed.

Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.