
design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a tractor mounted irish potato planter

This project work is limited to the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a tractor mounted Irish potato planter with only single row which includes hopper, metering section, frame, three linkage points and wheel.

Original price was: ₦ 3,000.00.Current price is: ₦ 2,999.00.




Irish potato is also known as (solanum tubersum L) among crops Irish potato contribute significantly to economic development in Nigeria. It is now grown extensively throughout the world and it one of the important agricultural crops, world production reached a record of 320 million tones in 2007 and production in the developing countries has almost doubled since 1991, with a corresponding increase in a consumption (Hoftler and Ochieng 2008 and FAO 2008).

Potato requires high altitude about 1000-1800 meters above sea level, and low temperature of 150c or less. In Nigeria the crop is grown in Jos and Manbilla plateau, with altitude of at least 1400 meters above sea level and a temperature about 100 – 200c. Asumugha et al, (2006) reported that potato is produced in several northern states such as in Borno, Kaduna, Kano and Sokoto during the colds and dry periods. However production is concentrated in Jos plateau and accounted for over 750c of the total production in Nigeria. The production was encouraged by the British colonial government during the Second World War as the tubers were needed to feed their armed forces in West Africa. Since then, the importance of potato has been widely realized such that it is now an important commodity in both local and international trade.

Although the potato cultivated worldwide belongs to just one botanical species selenium tubersum, come in thousand of varieties with great difference in size, shape, colour, texture, cooking characteristics and taste, the varieties include, Atahulpa, Nicola, Russet, Burbank, Lapin Pulkula, Yukon Gold, Spunta and Maris Bard, (FAO, 2008).


To underscore the importance of potato in addressing the world food crises, the United Nations officially declared 2008 as the international year of the potato in order to raise its profile in developing nations calling the crop “hidden treasures” (FAO, 2008).

Potatoes are o great importance nutritively and industrially. Nutritively, potatoes is one of the world most nutritive sources of food for both human beings and animals, the crop can be processed into portage with palm oil, chips, flour and use for feeding animals. The ratio of protein to carbohydrates is higher in potato than in many cereal and other root crops. On the other hand industrially, fresh potato tubers are sliced and hardening of textiles, this starch is used in the pharmaceutical industries and in the production of alcohol and wines. Even the so called potato waste could be liquefied and fermented to produce fuel-grade ethanol.

Potato starch is also a completely biodegradable alternative to polystyrene and can be use to create plastic items such as plastic dishes, forks, and spoons potato starch is also being developed as a biodegradable packaging material.


          Despite the rapid breakthrough encountered in Irish potato production in Nigeria, there is still some constraints decrease against its development which includes high cost of production inputs, human drudgery, time consuming, poor storage facilities, inadequate supply of good quality seeds, and lack of adequate implements for proper yield of the seed due to the traditionally manual method. This brings up the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a tractor mounted Irish potato planter.

1.3     AIM

To design, fabricate and carry out performance evaluate of a tractor mounted Irish potato planter.


The following are the objectives to be achieved:

  1. To increase the productivity of Irish potato
  2. To reduce human labour, time consuming in cultivation of Irish potato.
  • To production quality of Irish potato


The design and fabrication of a tractor mounted Irish potato planter would lead to the following merits:

  1. It will reduce human drudgery on the field.
  2. To improve the quality and quantity of Irish potato
  • To enhance the productivity of Irish potato


This project work is limited to the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a tractor mounted Irish potato planter with only single row which includes hopper, metering section, frame, three linkage points and wheel.