
office skill competencie needed by secretaries for effective job performance

The major purpose of this study was to determine the office skills and competencies needed of secretaries for effective Job performance.

  1. To identify the skills competencies needed for effective Job performance from the secretaries in the office.
  2. To identify the office skills possessed by secretaries.
  3. To identify the duties the secretaries performed in the office.
  4. To make recommendations on how efficient secretaries could be trained up based on the finding above.

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This project studied office skills competencies needed by secretaries for effective job performance.  The population of the study consisted of 16 offices secretaries, environmental protection agency.  The sample and sampling techniques.  The study answered 4 questions a four point scale likert type questionnaire designed by the researcher was used for the work.  Frequency distribution tables and the mean were used in analyzing the data collected.  The findings were among others that the demand in information technology, Environmental Protection Agency still needed secretary that will be capable of having general knowledge of office work.  That is competency in computer, sense of judgement, ability of having communication skill, concentration on job, ability to locate documents, ability to be punctual and regular, ability to work under pressure and accuracy.  It was also recommended that secretary desiring to work in environmental protection agency are expected to possess certain skills competencies in their office functions and also expected to use their acquired skills for the efficient productivity in their organization for effective job performance.


Title Page                                                              i

Approval Page                                                        ii

Dedication                                                             iii

Acknowledgement                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                   vi


1.0  Introduction                                                    1

  • Back Ground of the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 6
  • Purposes of the Study 8
  • Research Question 9
  • Significance of the Study 9
  • Delimitation of the Study 10
  • Limitation of the Study 11
  • Definition of Terms 11


2.0  Literature Review                                             13

2.1  Skills Competencies Needed of Secretaries          13

2.2  Expectations of Offices from their Secretaries             17

2.3  General Duties Performed by Secretaries                    19

2.4  Categories of Secretaries and their Qualification   22

2.5  Summary of Literature Review                                  24


3.0  Research Methodology                                      27

3.1  Introduction                                                    27

3.2  Design of the Study                                                27

3.3  Areas of the Study                                           27

3.4  Population of the Study                                    28

3.5  Sample and Sampling Techniques                      28

3.6  Instrument for Data Collection                                 28

3.7  Method of Data Collection                                 29

3.8  Method of Data Analysis                                   30


4.0  Presentation and Analysis of Data                      31

4.1  Introduction                                                   31

4.2  Major Discussion of Findings                             37


  • Summary of Findings, Conclusion and

Recommendation                                             41

5.1  Restatement of the Problem                              41

5.2  Summary of Findings                                       42

5.3  Recommendations                                           43

5.4  Suggestion for Further Studies                          44

5.5  Conclusions                                                    45



1.1  Back Ground of the Study

Many people have tried to define who a secretary is; often someone who is called a secretary merely performs routine office duties such as typing, filing and answering the telephone. These activities do not call for much decision making or an extensive background of training and education.

The word “secretary “is derived from the Latin word “secretaries which means a notary scribe (something known only to one or few and kept secret or hidden from the view of others) an assistant. This title was applied to various confidential officers and embraces the idea of secrecy.

A secretary is that individual who has been professionally prepared through series of educational training, coupled with practice to deal with all administrative matters relating to records, minutes, finance, personal materials relating to the affairs of the organization for which she is employed”. (Omotosho 1978).

The modern secretary can be described as a person who, with a sound general’s education, has passed through a prescribed and programmed training in secretarial work and who possesses both personal and business attributes necessary for the optimum performance of their duties in an organization.

The duties performed by secretaries in various organizations are very important. These duties include, representing the boss when he is not in the office, drafting routine letters, supervising other clerical workers and at times taking decisions that affect most employers therefore place a lot of emphasis on the efficiency of secretaries. It is an indisputable fact that efficient secretaries most times make efficient executives

Also “ Stanwell and Shaw (1975) stated that the skills and competencies needed of secretary include setting up and maintaining appointment schedules and work schedules for the office. Planning work activities for the staff and making decision about properties of work. Performs general office work in relieving executives and other company officials of minor executives and clerical duties, take dictations using shorthand or a stenotype machine. Transcribes dictation or the recorded information reproduced on a transcribing machine. Makes appointments for the executive and reminds him of them. Interviews people coming into the office, directing to other workers those who do not warrant seeing the executive. Makes and answers telephone calls handles personal and important mails, writing routine correspondences on his /her own initiative. Also may keep personal records, making travel arrangements, recording, filing and retrieving information, ordering and controlling office stationery and keeping the boss diary. Operating several office machines and handling the petty-cash and following up on Jobs and sourcing (getting) information and organizing and managing the office.

The secretary needs to have computer competencies and word processing skills and a good general education, proficiency in shorthand, typewriting and secretarial duties.

An executive to any organization cannot function effectively without a secretary, as stated by lwuoha, Ohiri, Njoku and Nwosu (2000) that the beginning of an establishment is the hiring of an experienced secretary who can show the light of success. Also Ahukanna (1997) asserted that the secretary relieves executives of various administrative details, co- ordinate; maintain effective office skills competencies and efficient work – flow. In this case business organizations cannot function effectively without the service of secretaries with the required office skill competencies.

It is also noted that some employers rely so much on secretaries that they no longer employ the services of administrative officers.

In support of the importance of secretaries in the publics’ administration, Chukwunezie and ldih (2000) stated that the secretary takes necessary actions when the executive is not on sit and also uses her initiative and Judgments to ensure that matters that needed attention are handled in a rightful manner. Secretaries most times find their work challenging in this case it could be said that Economic and technological factors have placed much responsibilities on their profession. However, a professional secretary with or without direct supervision is perceived as an efficient secretary by both the fellow employers and the boss as well.

In order words a secretary who cannot discharge her expected duties efficiently, lack human relation skills, lazy about, is perceived by the fellow employers and public at large as inefficient secretary and this might lead to loss of vital clients /customers in an organization.

Challenges’ facing secretarial profession and the emergence of information technologies has affected the way people behave, office functions, equipment used by the workers, skills used in different fields and so on. There is need to emphasize on the changing roles of secretaries, some years back, the secretaries were faced with manual typewriters, the word processor, but to day, they are faced with the use of computer-mail, fax machines and so on. There by adding more roles on secretarial duties. Amour (1998) asserted that in an automated office, the secretary is able to perform her duties with ease and at quicker rate than was the case in the years back. Her efficiency depends on her ability to acquire the needed skills.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

The information technology has created changes in the methodology for office work, which has also increased the responsibilities of secretaries. Information technology has a great impact on the skills and competencies required of secretaries working in organization. Most secretaries’ possess the traditional office skills in shorthand, typing and computer. Thus there is a strong school of thought which feels that high speeds in shorthand are no longer necessary following the emergence of information technology.

The role of secretaries in the economics development of any society cannot be over emphasized neither could it be underrated. Secretaries operate more or less as “business communication? Infact, they provide the major support for information services in any organization.

Unfortunately, feedback from employers about the performance of secretaries has not been very favorable. The reasons for this unfavorable rating of how effectively secretaries utilize their professional skills are not very clear.

So far, numerous guesses and suggestions have been put forward to explain this discrepancy in the skills and competencies of secretaries.

Some have blamed this on the on the belated admission policies and methods of instructions of secretarial administration institutions, while others consider the utilization of and conditions of service for these people as very inadequate.  Perhaps, many other factors than these accounts for the present so – called unsatisfactory status and quality of secretaries.

Therefore, the identification, isolation and treatment of these variables will invariably help in the solution of the problems they have so far generated and many rise in the future.


The major purpose of this study was to determine the office skills and competencies needed of secretaries for effective Job performance.

  1. To identify the skills competencies needed for effective Job performance from the secretaries in the office.
  2. To identify the office skills possessed by secretaries.
  3. To identify the duties the secretaries performed in the office.
  4. To make recommendations on how efficient secretaries could be trained up based on the finding above.

1.4  Research Question

  1. What are the needed skills competencies required from working secretaries?
  2. What are the needed skills competencies required of by secretaries?
  3. What duties do secretaries perform in the office?
  4. What recommendations can be made on how efficient secretaries could be trained up on based on the finding above?

1.5  Significance of the Study        

It is believed that this study will add value and be of benefit to administrative officers, secretaries and aspiring secretaries, trainers of secretaries at large. It will also be of research –point on the office skills and competencies expected of secretaries. such skills includes taking shorthand, dictation, transcribing it with either typewriter or computers, answering phone calls, to mentioned but a few, and thus make provision for orientation of  secretaries by traditional learning.

The study will also make provision for greater height to face the dynamic world of technologies in meeting up the challenging factors.

As a result secretaries should get equipped with the knowledge of computers for effective Job performance. The study will be of immense use to secretarial departments of higher institutions. Thereby given them an insight into the industrial National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) can use the findings of this study to upgrade their curriculum.

1.6  Delimitation of the Study

The study was restricted to the office skills competency required of secretaries engaged or aspiring to work. The study was concentrated mainly on shorthand, typewriting and computer skills.

1.7  Limitation of the Study

Among all set backs, the researcher was confronted with many constraints like.

  • Time Constraints: This research was carried out within a short period of time since other things were involved and the researcher had to meet up.
  • Lack of Attention: The researcher did not get much attention from some of the respondents, and this seems to pose hindrance for proper conduction of the invalidate the proper conduction of the research.

1.8    Definition of Terms

  • Office Skills: This is competencies in shorthand, typewriting and computer for effective job performance.
  • Information Technology: The study or the use of electronic equipment especially computer for storing, analyzing and distributing information of all kinds, including words, numbers and pictures
  • Secretary: A secretary is a person employed to assist the Business Executive in managing time and handling correspondence and people. She aids in proper functioning of office activities, by being in control of clerical and secretarial tasks.
  • Skill: Abilities which should be possessed by a worker in order to be efficient in a given job.
  • Competency: Competency refers to the ability to performance an assigned duty or job satisfactorily and efficiently
  • Office: An office can be defined as a place where the clerical work of an organization is done, and where all sorts of paper work such as letters, record files, correspondence etc, are carried out to out to start, develop and control the various activities of business. It is also a place where information is received, sorted, acted upon, filed and passed on.

Secretarial Studies (Administration):  This is the preparation of person or training under gone by people who would later be employed to perform the duties of a secretary in the office.



5.1 Restatement of the Problem

The information technology has created several changes in office methodology. Secretaries in the present – day- business are required to possess office skills competencies to adapt to changes created by the changing of work environment, introduction of modern technologies and duties performed by secretaries in employed offices. Typewriting skill and shorthand knowledge are no longer enough to determine the position and effectives of office secretaries. Feed back from employers about the performance of secretaries has not been favorable or encouraging. It has been identified that secretaries no longer utilize their office skills efficiently thereby resulting to low productivity. This has been attributed to the unpolished instructions received by secretarial trainees while others relate the inefficiency as a result of unfavorable condition of services for secretaries.  This research work adopted a survey method through which questionnaires were administered to generate concrete data from respondents.

4 Research question were postulated in – line with the purposes of the study.

The population used for the study was 16 office secretaries from lmo State Environmental Protection Agency (ISEPA). Due to the population was fairly small, it was used as the sample size. The method of data analysis used was mean score calculation with frequency tables   4  points  likert scale was used to rate the collected data and a mean score of 2.5 and above was considered significant and accepted while a mean score below 2.5 was considered not significant and therefore rejected.


From the analysis of data, the following findings were made.

  • the skill competencies required of working office secretaries are as follows; sense of judgment, ability of having general knowledge of office work, ability of having communication skill, concentration on the job, ability to locate documents, ability to be punctuality and regularity, ability to work under pressure.
  • It was also discovered that employers are in high demand of secretaries having the following skills competencies. Courtesy, motivational skill. Enthusiasm, ability to learn, ability of having initiative and attractive.
  • It was observed that secretaries performs the following functions in the organization such as: taking dictations and transcribing them on the typewriter, read sort mails, answer the telephone, open new files and do filing, compose letters and reports, act as memory aid to the boss etc

5.3   Conclusions

From the findings the following conclusions were made.

  1. Secretaries are required to possess certain office skills competencies to perform their functions and handles varies of tasks effectively.
  2. Secretaries are required to employ the needed office skills and competencies into their routine functions in order to enhance their level of productivity.
  3. Secretaries need periodic training to improve in their skills for effective job performance.
  4. Office secretaries should be motivated through conducive working environment and good pay packages.

5.4  Recommendations.

The following recommendations were made by the researcher based on the conclusions,

  1. Secretary is expected to possess certain skills competencies in their office functions.
  2. Organizations should always provide their secretaries with adequate and comprehensive training programmers to enhance their level of performance and productivity.
  3. Organizations are expected to motivate their secretaries by creating conducive working environment for them.

5.5  Suggestion for Further Studies

It is suggested that further study should be conducted on;

  1. Computer skills required of secretaries in a computer – aged environment.
  2. Similar topic should be conducted using higher institutions, banking sectors or in other states.
  3. I C T skills required of secretaries in the world of work and business.

It was discovered that secretaries needs to be motivated, exposed to training, participate in seminar programmers, and allows the chance for further education. This will help to make her more efficient in her performance.